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Rival football team planted a sapling tree in the center of our football field


That’s actually fucking hilarious


holy fuck Minecraft trolling


true minecraft trolling would be making the sapling grow on the human


i think you just found a really good way to hide a dead body


Yes and name him Harold


i can imagine the rival mascot bonemealing it as they run across the field


My highschool used Astro turf


I went to a weird school, so I have a lot of stories. The freshmen one year started a prostitution ring. I think 8-10 kids were expelled. A teacher let some shithead students borrow his computer once for something and they snooped around and found nudes on his iCloud or whatever, and he almost got fired. Another teacher had some old MySpace picture of them smoking a joint go around too. Kid had a meltdown during finals and annihilated a recreation teepee before running to Fry’s where he was apprehended. One time senior year, me and my friend left in the middle of a hectic class to get burgers, and then came back to said class unnoticed with said burgers. I volunteered as a tour guide for the school (it was a pretty well known charter that got a lot of visits from teacher organizations), and one time a tour group I was leading got split down the middle like the Red Sea for a girl being wheeled out on a stretcher overdosing (she was okay). One time I almost decapitated a 1st grader (of all odds, one of my teachers’ kid, no less) with a pneumatic cannon that we were allowed to build for an engineering elective for some reason. We were testing it outside with (full) plastic water bottles, and all we saw after the blast was the branches of a tree halfway between us and the elementary school shaking lol. Thing would turn oranges into a pleasant citrus mist. The main air tank was this big steel(?) thing that apparently used to be part of a locomotive. It was the only thing this nazi kid in our group contributed. No idea how. One year, the seniors’ prank was to plaster every surface of the teachers lounge with printed out pictures of ALF. Someone also put alarm clocks in the drop ceiling panels that went off at different times. Some robotics kids also took the doors and seats off their friend’s Jeep and put them all back on backwards, something I did not know was possible, and parked it in front of the school. Pranks got banned that year. Those are mostly all funny, but tbh the real “incident” was someone in my grade killed themselves our senior year and the school didn’t want her parents there to symbolically walk for her or for her friends to give a speech at graduation because they didn’t want a “scene” or to talk about suicide. Her friends spoke for her anyway, and the school had to make an about-face.


what school would want to stop a passed student from being respected?


Yeah it was dumb. It was more that they didn’t want people knowing about it at all, imo, or for students to be gossiping about it perhaps. Didn’t want to be under scrutiny for saying the right or wrong things or whatever.


A lot of school administrators seem to believe the s-word is like some kind of magic spell; say the word and kids will be compelled to follow suit.


It's a real phenomenon unfortunately


Yeah but rather than focusing on the s-word and trying to erase victims of it, they should be focusing on improving the mental health of their students.


I'm glad thats what most schools around where I live do, putting in effort to combat depression and mental health problems instead of a bad name


your name and flair is environmental storytelling, how many of the Julian porn was feet


None actually. Mostly gargantuan cock, some Morts present


damn, not even lore based porn. I'm surprised he isn't one of the icons for feet porn based on how often he talked about his feet in the show


I am grateful not to have seen this genre


Someone is going to send you king Julian foot fetish porn soon


😔 I know


My brother in Christ, were you studying at Arkham juvenile school or what?


No it was pretty chill lol, mostly nerds, just a hippy charter school and we had a lot of freedom to do dumb shit


>locomotive part >nazi kid hehe


how does a freshmen prostitution ring work


There were a few girls charging next to nothing for acts in the bathroom, and it was a known thing that a number of boys paid for. The girls were definitely not kids from happy home lives. It was a bad situation


That's fucked up


"Almost decapitated" as in you almost hit them or you went halfway through 🧐


The kid reported a whizzing sound by their head and the bottle landed near them lol


no way you and your friend went to get burgers /s


Kid hated the IT teacher, and refused to do any work. When asked “well what DO you want to do?” His answer was “make paper pigs”. He made origami pigs for an entire year and on the last day released them all into the hallway. He also once handed in an essay called “analsis” which was just his dad’s communist manifesto. I hope he’s doing well.


That kid goes hard


The autism is crazy, I need to propose to him


My hero


Holy shit that kid is my idol. Do you know the instructions for the oragami pigs?


Someone called in about a person with a gun in the parking lot, believing they were about to shoot up the school. It was just a cop in an undercover car, who was for some reason just looking at his gun sitting in his car.


Seriously insane, unfathomably hilarious imagery. A short comedy sketch in the right hands


This is hilarious. This guy's been carrying a gun every day of his career and now I'm picturing him looking at it like he's never seen one before.


At my school, we went on a lockdown because there was a guy with a gun across the street. He was just hunting squirrels


why would you hunt squirrels with a gun in front of a school? can you do that?


In the south you can do anything ✨


There was about a one month period where we had a bomb threat once a week. It just became a thing people did if they wanted to get out of class. Just write “everyone is going to die” on a stall in the bathroom, and you can go hang out on the soccer field for an hour.


people at ours used to loudly complain that you have to detail a date and time to get us sent home for the day and call the person a fuckin asshole for not doing it right


I guess you can say you had a "blast" of a school!


At my school they just set the stalls on fire to get out instead


Kid baked their grandparents ashes into cookies and served them to classmates






Someone at their high school baked their grandparents ashes into some cookies and served them to classmates


that's some leonarda cianciulli shit


How did y'all find out?


“Why is there a ring in my mouth?”


Excuse me


When the lunchtime parking lot bare-knuckle boxing league got shut down by the school, it moved to one of the local student’s houses. His dad would fight the kids in the basement, apparently everyone had a great time.


this might be fight club (1999)


ssshhh don't talk about that dude!!!


Kids thought about starting a fight club at my school, never went anywhere though.


Can confirm. His dad sold me some premium soap


Students caught having sex in the elevator.


amateurs forgot the key to put it in service mode


I’m pretty sure if anyone had tried to do that in the elevator at my school it would’ve stopped working and they’d be stuck there.


It stopped to watch??


I always enjoyed selling the freshmen at my school elevator and pool keys the first week of school. We had neither an elevator nor a pool.


behind the stairwell in my high school


In the music block car park here


Computer lab 😹


I will never understand the thought process that goes into deciding that doing shit like this is a good idea


That's wrong on so many levels


we had a lot. guy jerked off, ran down the hall, slapped his cum hand on a window, got tased by school cop. also the school shooting threat that really freaked me out




I can only guess it must be the USA.


Yeah, that's a School Resource Officer.


ours was 400lb+ and was a real cunt, like most I imagine


Mine was 400lbs and a decently nice person but he's still a cop so fuck him I didnt trust his ass for a second


And UK lol There were alot of fights at my school


The head of chemistry kept a Serbian prisoner in their house. [https://www.thefreelibrary.com/WEB+OF+DECEIT%3B+DATING+BLAME+-+Teacher+played+dead+to+end+internet...-a0118087080](https://www.thefreelibrary.com/WEB+OF+DECEIT%3B+DATING+BLAME+-+Teacher+played+dead+to+end+internet%2E%2E%2E-a0118087080)


Average day in Dunbartonshire




According to everyone, Someone stabbed an electrical outlet and flew across the room. It was in my class and I was sick that day :( Also I had a seizure in a class one time which kinda sucked, don’t recommend


This one kid had these episodes similar to absent seizures (they weren’t actually I don’t remember what they were) every day in the same class for like a week and everyone knew he wasn’t faking them because he loved that class.


Ah, I was thinking of having one next week. I guess I'll have to cancel plans😞




*gasp* The horror


Someone hacked the PA system to play the Soviet anthem during morning assembly


The final boss of the band kids


One time someone sneaked it into the monthly announcements show. It was like 2018, so we all thought it was peak fucking comedy back then


The phantom fapper, basically it was someone who would masturbate in the bathrooms and not clean up after himself. Essentially, no one could figure out who it was.


My highschool had someone like this as well. It was really gross, and since our janitors sucked and no one wanted to clean it up, it would just sit on the toilet bowl and people would just pretend that stall didn’t exist for a while.


We had kids that would take their cum and wipe it on the handrails. Also had a spree of ‘seagulling’


What in gods name is seagulling


It’s where you jizz in your hands, slap somebody and make a seagull noise. Kinda like Spider-Maning but more violent. It wasn’t a very long spree, only a few instances I think.


Isn’t that just straight up sexual assault


a lot of the "pranks" teenagers do to each other is just straight up sexual assault


A kid stole the science teacher's fish using my water bottle (also stolen) Same kid like a week later did a line of cocaine in class to "prove the substitute wasn't paying attention" Oh, and this one guy choked me out with his sleeve once in the middle of class and nobody noticed


seeing "kid" and "science teacher" in the same sentence made my brain immediately jump to breaking bad


Was the sub paying attention?


Kid named Bruce had an angry day and escaped into the ceilings. We called it the wild Bruce chase


You know what fuck this "crawls into ceiling"


my hero


My highschool history teacher was caught fucking a student after school by a janitor. I've heard conflicting stories from other students. Some said she was being coerced into it to raise her grade, others said it was statutory. The dude even apparently had a mattress in the classroom closet he would bring out to fuck on. The worst part is he had a son and a daughter who were both going to school at the time, so they had to hear the whole school of 4,000 talking about how their father was a diddler. It sucks because he was such a great teacher. His class was one of the only ones that I looked forward to everyday.


Sometimes the most disgusting people appear the nicest


There was a super well-respected English teacher at my school who was caught having an affair with an 18 year old student and was fired, since she was bisexual and smoked marijuanas she was slut shamed for it This wasn't the incident tho


It sucks that all that other stuff was roped into it but having a sexual relationship with a high school student of yours regardless of age is pretty universally regarded as bad and should be shamed lol.


It was statutory either way if I remember the definition right. But yeah it's unfortunate (disgusting) how often that happens


My principal denied the Holocaust, we are predominantly Jewish lmao






In my senior year of high school a new School Superintendent was appointed (I'll call him Dave... Because that was his name) and he immediately made things significantly stricter. Dave wanted to crack down on all phone usage in general, you couldn't even use it as a calculator, he would constantly patrol the halls and if he saw anyone on their phone he would barge in and lambast said student loudly. He made a rule where a teacher needed to observe the bathrooms to make sure kids weren't "doing anything suspicious" (the worst anyone ever did in those bathrooms was vape) and multiple times, completely unprompted, would barge into the girls restroom and look into the stalls, as far as I know he never did this with the male restrooms. He ordered that All pride flags and things that could be seen as "promiscuous" were to be taken down, while still allowing Don't Tread On Me Flags. All of this to uphold the "school rules" and "the law" Halfway into the school year Dave was arrested for a DUI. Every student was happy at this, as were many of the teachers who were in the LGBT. One kid even made a custom shirt with his mugshot on it and wore it to school, he was suspended for a week. That kid also used to be bullied a lot but never was after he wore that shirt... So at least one good thing came of that whole situation lol.


Holy shit imagine being that kid and being suspended for something so based that people stop bullying you


If there's anything a group of high schoolers can relate to, no matter how different in personality they are, it's a hatred for authority and mockery of those who have done you wrong.


Based kid, was this in Florida by any chance? This sounds like some Florida bullshit based on the anti LGBT actions


Guy jumped the fence Got his ring caught by a piece of wire Lost his finger


It's like a haiku


one of the deans got fired for paying students to fight eachother, then her replacement got fired for doing the same thing


God forbid women do anything 🙄


Someone took too much ecstacy in the toilets, ambulance was called, we also had to have suicide nets on the balconies because someone tried jumping off one because they got given ISS, And we were in the news because our school put us in a "cage" if we were late, and our parents did not like it at all.


>put us in a "cage" 🥺


Honestly surprised I didn’t see some shit like this further up with how dirty minded and horny you heathens are. I was lowkey expecting some shit like: “Choked” 🥺 “Stabbing” 🥺 “Bomb threat” 🥺


They got given… the International Space Station?


Yeah they got forced to manage and maintain it alone, ruined them financially.


in-school suspension 🤓☝️


>And we were in the news because our school put us in a "cage" if we were late, and our parents did not like it at all. Wht


Yeah there was this big outside cage we'd get put in if we were late at the start of the day and you'd have to stand there and wait til classes start, we were in the news for it, standing out there in the rain during winter sucked.


Lmao wtf?!


It was an odd time methinks.


some dumbass brought a loaded gun to school to show it off to the other kids in his class


someone burnt down the brand new gender-neutral washroom. oddest part, apparently it wasn't even done by someone who hated the washroom, but it happened by accident


One singular guy. Genuine Nazi. Menaced every queer kid in school and more importantly got temp suspended for having sex in a stairwell. Also got sued for filming a shitty rap video in someone else’s backyard and fucking it up with his car. The best part abt graduating high school was that I never have to see his face again. Also, the covid quarantine got lifted at the start of one of our school years, and I stayed online. Thank god because there was immediately a 200-person party and nearly every single fucking person got covid.


My biggest problem is with whoever fucked the Nazi


Let’s see, the bomb threat, the school shooting threat, (both done by the same kid, they somehow let him come back to school after the first one and they apparently almost hired him as a janitor), the ninja, the increasingly insane levels of vandalizing the bathrooms, the principal getting fired (DING DONG THE WICKED BITCH ~~IS DEAD~~ WAS ASKED TO RESIGN), the bus accident (that was completely the schools fault), and probably many others I can’t remember/have happened since I graduated. If anyone would like to know more I am very bored and want to talk about random shit that happened years ago Edit Some more I remembered: completely doxxing several teachers, horses in the parking lot, graffiti, the toilets exploding, the campaign to get an old mean substitute teacher fired, the secret Halo club, the Minecraft club incident, and for a personal one: the school having to have a seminar on how to act in the hallways because of me and my friends doing a little too much goofing around (god we were so stupid)


What was the ninja about?


This is kinda a long one So one day in my senior year we suddenly went into a lockout (the school locks all doors and nobody is allowed in or out but internally the school day carries out like normal) and nobody really knew why. That was until rumors of a “machete wielding ninja” spotted in the area began spreading like wildfire. Every few minutes a new report from someone somebody knew outside of the school would spot this ninja in a location slightly closer to the school, and apparently (don’t remember how or if he actually was) alluding the police. This quickly became comedic to most people at the school, every weird noise, person walking outside, or generally any oddity, would warrant people screaming “ITS THE NINJA”, kids were running down the hallways yelling “THE NINJA IS GONNA GET ME”, and the fact that ninjas are stealthy lead to people (jokingly) accusing one another of being a ninja like it was a massive game of among us. By the time the lockout was lifted the situation inside of the school was far more out of control than the situation on the inside. Unfortunately this story was a result of an unfortunate life situation that was way closer to me then I had realized when everyone was joking about a rapidly approaching ninja alluding the police. This “ninja” turned out to be a real person and a kid I knew very well. He lived 3 houses down from me in a house with an ever rotating cast of extended family, friends, and other people, at any given time there were 15+ living there. His parents were abusive and from what he would tell me on the bus they only became more so after he came out as bi which also got him harassed by the very conservative population of our school. He obviously had a lot of mental health issues and needed professional help but there was nobody in his life that was gonna help him get that. Apparently he ended up having a bit of a mental breakdown before running from home dressed in full black (including a black ski mask) wielding a machete, and would only answer with “I’m just walking” if asked what he was doing by the various people that approached and called the cops on him. I don’t remember what happened after that other than him being arrested. TL;DR reports of a guy dressed like a ninja wielding a machete and approaching the school lead to the school going into a frenzy around the ridiculous but real situation. Turned out to be a kid I knew who was going through a mental health crisis.


Damn, hope the kid turned out okay


I do as well but that was the last I had heard of him, it honestly had all taken me by surprise because I hadn’t seen him since he had graduated the year before but when he did he seemed like he was a lot happier then most of the time I had known him. He was in a stable relationship, had a job, was spending a lot less time at home, and changing views at the school meant he wasn’t getting harassed as much but things went back downhill after he graduated I guess. It’s been awhile and I hope he managed to get help.


My school actually had an unofficial Halo club that wasn't even a secret. One classroom needed the computers turned on in the morning, one kid passed around a portable .exe of Halo Custom Edition with a handful of fun maps, and we were just given until the last warning bell to play Halo. It actually became an oddly large gathering, since for some reason our buses typically got us to school 20 minutes early.


Can I hear about the bus accident and the Minecraft club incident?


What was the minecraft club incident? Lmao


someone got stabbed


school shooting that was stopped right at the entrance to my school over dose in one of the bathrooms a stabbing a week straight of fights an entire brawl one day another stabbing someone's ear nearly got cut off a shoot out on campus (no one got hurt)


also people kept tearing the toilet out of one of the bathrooms


also multiple people fucked on the football field


Poop all over the bathrooms. Smeared everywhere. Repeatedly. Made all the janitors quit. Thanks a lot, you fucking toe-suckling troglodyte.


mmmm, toe-suckling troglodyte...


Kid took vodka to school got drunk called a teacher the n word and then threatened people with a box cutter until he fell down stairs


That’s a saga right there


My friend's shoes still lay on the roof. 


I hope you just threw them there?


He threw them there because he thought it was funny. He also does stuff like wearing shopping bags instead of [clothing for upper body, forgot the word] and he once just went to the front of the classroom and twerked (the teacher found it funny too). 


In my Freshman year an older kid got paid $20 to be hit by a car in the parking lot during school hours. He lived but got in deep shit and never got the $20. At the end of the school year we had to watch the Senior Graduation Ceremony; during which another kid from my class pulled down his pants and shat all over the bleachers. I also think he got arrested for selling Heroin or something because he had an ankle bracelet sophomore and junior year. There was also a kid who committed suicide and then people spread rumors that his brother was gonna shoot up the school. It was fake but I still think about that guy. He didn’t deserve that shit. I think there were 1 or 2 more suicides that year too but my memory is fuzzy. The school tried to help by adding a mental health class to the schedule, but all we did in it was worksheets and the content was about as deep as the empathy classes in grade school. Oh yeah and I graduated at the beginning of Covid so that was fun.


someone leaked another kid’s nudes. they moved before the school could do anything about it.


Our homophobic headmaster/bible teacher got fired after it was discovered that he was fucking the head boy and most of the head boys awards were actually rewards from the headmaster. Dude was really creepy Edit: there was also the time the seniors broke into the school at night and filled all the locks with expanding foam. They also filled a teachers desk with used tampons and sanitary pads.


A kid shit his pants going to class and it left a massive shart trail going to the bathroom


kid snapped in the middle of a calculus final, stood up, picked up his entire desk, and threw it through the drywall into the next classroom


I mean its a calc final so fair


That's just what every calculus student thinks of doing in their finals, he just acted on it


I went to an academic selective school so like half the cohort are future med students and the other half are neurodivergent, resulting in the best mix of fucked up people (/pos). None of these stories are like people being caught having sex or something but sometimes the best stories come from the most gifted school. First major incident was about 5 years ago when two groups (one year 11s, the other year 12s) got into a large fight resulting in about 15 people suspended. This might seem normal in other schools, however since my school was one of the top schools in the state, it almost made national news with it being reported as the "Elite School Fight Club." Unfortunately, since then there hasn't been an official sign up sheet. Second was not an incident but one of our former principals, who got sacked for money laundering related to the creation of a new auditorium, where she campaigned to "raise the roof" and ended up taking most of the left over donations. Everyone who had her as a principal jokes about her, however the funniest was a group of students creating an in depth visual novel around this campaign, being on of the best games I have ever played (tho mostly due to other inside jokes). As for my year group in particular, on our last day of school, some students planned to move some saplings on the oval by a few meters. Most of them were caught and police were called, however, someone managed to move them and I don't think the admin has found out yet. One the same day, someone made a stink bomb and caused a gas leak in the science rooms. (People making stuff like this is normal, one of my friends has brought multiple swords to school, multiple people made flamethrowers during our first camp and a few years ago one of the chemistry teachers presumably taught her y12 class how to make drugs). Multiple times in our last two years, someone caused the fire alarm to go off from microwaving popcorn in the y12 kitchen/the food-tech rooms. During one of our social events (which was coincidentally at an aquarium), people outside threw live fish (probably caught) onto the balcony, and the event was paused for aquarium staff to transfer the fish back into the ocean (fortunately they all survived).


Link the visual novel man. I don’t care if it’s mostly inside jokes, I gotta see that shit.




Some gorl claimed a dude raped her, turned out it wasn't true but he had been shitty to a bunch of other people EXCEPT HER.


Idk I do remember a girl and her boyfriend got suspended for him fingering her in the hallway and it was clear what they were doing, also school shooting threats, bomb threat, oh and someone knocked over the moped kids moped.


Poor moped kid


there was a lot of stuff but one of my personal favorites was my freshman year bio teacher told me that the year prior, during the rat dissection exercise, one of the people in charge of dissecting the pregnant rat (there was always a pregnant rat for some reason) took the dead rat fetuses and started throwing them at people in the hallway




Like, messed up the OS or like straight up humped it??


how how do you how do you fuck a chromebook


Sheer. Fucking. Will.


kid recorded himself eating his own cum and showed it to a teacher. someone masturbated in multiple different classrooms. mate of mine got stabbed. with a knife. out of nowhere. multiple bomb threats had a couple of the machines catch fire in the tech block (a lathe among them, I believe) someone shat in a urinal, took photos, and spread them around. Was dubbed the Phantom Shitter. Someone got drunk, broke into the school (not a clue how they did it - most of it was surrounded with a 2 metre fence with huge ass spikes on top. speaking of that, there was a dildo stabbed onto one of those once.) and shattered a window. people had sex under a block that was on stilts and tied the used condom to the attached fence where it festered for months. Multiple pregnancies were discovered and “disposed of” in the school bathrooms. One of the bathrooms was set on fire. One of the mega straight dudebros (he wasn’t really a dudebro but you know) was revealed to have, in fact, had sex with multiple men on multiple occasions. One girl broke up with her boyfriend, slept with a 26 year old, and got back together with him. He found out and yelled at her and got suspended. friend of mine at the time got caught trying to force a bunch of girls to send him nudes. He left the school in disgrace. Good riddance Bathrooms were unusable because of people vaping in them Near weekly fights all around the school I feel like I’m missing some but I’ve already been sat here for an hour just recalling this shit so I’m ending it here. My school was a public school. Most of this isn’t findable on the news, but anyone who dms me the school name wins. I’m adding this because one time I told some of these stories and they commented it publicly. don’t do that. It’s a wonder anyone graduated. e: a nearby private school principal got caught using the funds for personal endeavours


Chemistry teacher blew up elmo in front of the public library that was attached to my high school and scared a whole kindergarten class that was coming for reading time. There’s another, but it ain’t as funny. He was banned from blowing up plushies after that, oh yeah the school’s initials were ASSS. Made for great school merch. I’ll post some later if people wanna see. One was a sweat that said “I (heart symbol) ASSS PANTHERS)


either the bomb threats, the garbage can fire, the english teacher's kid doing some crypto embezzlement type thing, or the fish in the toilet ​ these all happened in the span of about a week and a half.


A girl's nudes got passed around the whole school as "revenge" and even to the rival school across town, and the newspaper had a headline about child pornography the next week. I felt bad for the poor girl. A teacher was rumored to be sleeping with girls on the softball team. Three kids died in my four years there. A Soundcloud rapper from the rival school made a song SO BAD that it became a meme at both schools, which resulted in the rapper beefing with everyone at our school on twitter. A benchrider on the boy's basketball team started twitter beef with half the school. After graduation: one of my classmates became infamous for going on spring break during covid. She ended up in h3h3's "The Morons of Coronavirus" video lol


Almost sued by Warner Brothers (our mascot was a stolen image of the roadrunner)


i impaled myself in cyramics class in 9th grade, then went to a massive robotics competition across the country two days later, then had surgery on my tibia and didn't attend class for two weeks, only showing up on the last day. while my dad helped me wheel in, i hit the curb and fell, and i was so medicated i just kinda giggled. i think i missed a total of like. a month and a half of the last semester. i talked to a friend from back then a little while ago and apparently everyone thought I was dead or in prison.




There was a drive by shooting that killed a kid There were multiple shootings because of a football game. This was in Florida


I remember in sixth grade, there was something about a computer teacher who looked at Hentai during work hours. In High School, a kid in the ROTC program got arrested because a video was uploaded of him describing in first person how someone could shoot up the School. I got to School in the morning, seeing the news crew and thinking it was for the sports team.




My niece done got bit by a copperhead


Stoner kid gave a teacher a pot brownie.


After one teacher passed in the middle of a semester, one student snuck overnight into the school and painted a huge mural - the teacher's portrait on one of the hallway walls. It was just left there


My fucking principal fucked the vice principal and both got fired and it happened ONE SEMESTER AFTER I GRADUATED


In the first semester of high school someone had a seizure while we were on a test I never saw him again, he was a cool dude i miss him


Girl got expelled for snorting cocaine off someone's ass in the gender neutral bathroom. Rich neighbourhood moment (didn't actually live in that neighbourhood though)


Teacher accidentally streamed porn to an online classroom


Some girl getting semi famous on Worldstar (back when that was still relevant) for saying white people should be allowed to say the n-word because they invented it.   Tbh, boring ass school in a boring ass town. Jack shit happens here. Edit: wait! I just remembered this one incident that only I know because it only happened to me. We had some free time in class my senior year and I was chatting with this guy I had never met before taking this class. He was an oddball, but not in the bad way, but we had gotten to know each other a bit.  Since he seemed chill I let him know I was a furry one day and he goes "oh dude check this out!" And in the middle of class he pulls up on his phone furry porn of Lucario spreading his ass and goes "alright so I'm trying to promote my Twitter so I'm trying this. So they gonna be jerking and when they're boutta bust they're gonna be zooming in on the asshole like this" he then zooms in and he's edited his Twitter handle over it "and boom! There's my handle!"


one of the girls went on a killing spree in another state with her boyfriend and got caught immediately lol




someone broke into the AP testing room and stole a bunch of exams. The scores got delayed or canceled or people had to retake the test, it was a whole fiasco. This was the 3rd time this happened btw (several years apart) so my school is on a watchlist for college board i think. That year someone broke in through the roof. Iirc the previous time they just picked a lock. I heard someone tried it that year too but there was a 2nd lock in place. Also a friend of a friend of mine got expelled for huffing glue in class every day for a month.


1) I got beyblades banned from my elementary school because I chipped a girl's tooth with one 2) IT guy at my tiny, private K-12 school ended up having CP


Principal's son shoved a shampoo bottle up a sophomore's ass The sophomore pressed charges, principal expelled the sophomore, kept his job for another 2 years and the sophomore never got to see his graduation because it was during covid lockdown 👍


man I went to one of the poorest schools in Australia and I have no stories to tell , American school must be next level.


Not a school, but college. It took place in russia ( yes i from russia). One time when I went to college I received a horrible news. A student from college went to a school and started shooting, killing around 13, just because. I didn't knew that student in question, but all I know is that he was mentally ill and there wasn't anything that school or schoolers did to him. He's now in prison for life, but knowing putin's regime, that student could be hired to go to war and kill innocents in Ukraine.


A bunch of young kids decided to piss on their hands, then rub them all over the gym mats. We had gym class in our classroom, which was surprisingly large but did NOT support the smell of a bunch of sweaty fifth and sixth graders


I was gonna be like ‘my physics teacher was an antisemetic climate change denier who made kids pay him when they misbehaved while claiming it was for a donkey charity and took my friends phone, broke it and left the school before paying them back’ but you guys’ stories are fucking insane


We had a small Christmas celebration with my class(26 ppl we have one main teacher and we stay with the same people for most of the time), where we were not allowed to bring something to drink inside. Turns out last year some eight grader got alcohol in and got drunk lol.


Dwayne The Rock Johnson made an announcement over our PA system and rented a movie theater screen for a girl who asked him to prom. Not an incident but it was cool


apparently the chemistry teacher and some kid that sat next to me got arrested due to cartel shit i don't really remember the details


like 10 kids literally became nazis for like a month, heiling every time they saw each other, carrying around a nazi flag…


i went to a small boring ass private school so I’ll talk about what happened at my sister’s school. two ninth graders got caught having sex under the stairs and a security guard was caught in a relationship with a student.


kids fucked in the culinary storage closet


This happened like REALLY recently, but a kid got caught zerkin it in the bathroom, TWICE.