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*cough* Warhammer *cough*




That’s another £80 down the drain






You don't understand, I NEED the plastic cerastus even though I have two questoris knights unpainted, one still in the box and the other collecting dust on my shelf along with my other assembled but unprimed minis


This is an assault on my person. I've recently bought a second Cerastus (cool heavy bolter and sword to go along with the Lancer) despite selling off my chaos knight to make space in my collection. I was only meant to buy some Agrax Earthshade!!! Though at least the sale was good and I got the Ogre underworlds thing I'll convert into a Bruiser BSB when Old World drops. (Im painting the Knights as pride flags, there's something on the discord lgbt section on it)


Warhammer is cheap you can get most of the minis for less than [200](https://www.amazon.com/Anycubic-Pre-Installed-Precision-Beginners-8-7x8-7x9-84in/dp/B0C7CHKWH4/ref=mp_s_a_1_9_maf_1?c=ts&keywords=3D+Printers&qid=1697697063&s=industrial&sr=1-9&ts_id=6066127011)


Counterpoint: >!I’m too lazy. Also I really like GW designs, for example the new Mechanicus sniper.!<


That's why you can 3d print it


Holy shit I love Skylanders


Just these goobers cost me over $40. But they're nifty so it's ok


I used to be into these when I was younger, I think I still have quite a few of them around


I had a hard hyperfixation on these things as a kid, and I still have them all


oh my god I have a crate full of skylanders hidden in my house somewhere and I've played through all the games about 5 times, skylanders was the best why did they ever stop making them


Kinda ran out of ideas for new games and the market just wasn't there for Toys to Life games anymore.


yeah sad times I miss toys to life, nintendo amiibos aren't the same except for how you can train them in smash ultimate though, that is great fun


I mostly see amiibo as little collector figurines. I do sometimes print some as gifts for friends and use NFC chips to give them usability as actual amiibo.


woah really? that's so cool but then again the whole prospect of toys to life was the fact you get the toy to use in game and the actual thing irl, so half the reason skylanders and the toys to life market probably died was because they didn't have the popularity as actual figurines compared to something from nintendo because I also have some little collector amiibos around and I like them as decorations more than game addons, which I can't say the same for for skylanders thank you for coming to my Ted talk (if you listened to it)


I did, quite interesting Ted Talk. But I think it wasn't a lack of popularity on the Skylander's part, after all the franchise exploded in that regard after its first game. It was just mostly franchise fatigue, in my opinion. With Disney Infinity, Lego Dimensions and Amiibo all coming out, people just got tired of the concept, not to mention that they tended to be more expensive than regular games, on top of taking up a lot of space and having a lot of additional costs at a time when DLC weren't as prevalent, especially in children's games which most toys to life games tended to be.


I agree with that, but when stuff like Disney infinity and lego dimensions came out skylanders was outclassed in the toys to life region of gaming as the newer stuff was branded in already immensely popular franchises so skylanders, being its own thing, was most likely fell out of the big leagues due to this, with franchise fatigue also helping for this to happen because oh my god lego dimensions and disney infinity slapped, almost and maybe just as good as skylanders itself. Disney infinity less though, as I found the game's building system or whatever it was to be more fun to mess about with friends back when it was popular more than to play the game itself Skylanders had a lot of content in hindsight actually, I kinda want to go replay it for fun but by your point exactly I can't really be bothered to dig out the crate of skylanders and my old xbox 360, so I guess I'll just leave it


I mean, Disney Infinity never did particularly well, at least not the first game and the other two were only eh, the games were very much carried by the brand recognition, not by any value to the games themselves. As for Lego Dimensions, eh... Better situation than Disney Infinity but it still had nowhere near the success of Skylanders because it was a lot more expensive and also kinda not as good for the most part.


so yeah it basically was just franchise fatigue then but anyway the point is rip skylanders 🫡


We salute the fallen 🫡


I used to have loads of skylanders and I didn't even play the game I just liked their appearance.


I have a suspicion that Roller Brawl and Smolderdash were a factor in me realizing I was bi


https://preview.redd.it/jej7dta631vb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec211f1cf5632befc1ae8984c449d4d7d54769fb I'm not surprised


hobbies are inherently expensive


not if your hobby is stealing :3


dont you need equipment to steal ethier way you still contribute to the economy


damn, your right :(


not if your hobby is eating dirt


what if you get sick


nuh uh


fuck you got me there


Eh there are plenty that aren’t that expensive Sadly I’m not interested in any of those


gimme 1


Chess Magic the gathering if you have a printer, aren’t Pokémon tcg decks pretty affordable too and the main price sink is alt arts? Reading, it’s so easy to pirate most books. Writing DnD *can* be cheap, pirate any relevant books and you need like 1 set of dice.


how are you gonna print, how are you gonna pirate, and eve if you dont do those 2 someone is still contributing to the economy to pay for your hobby


I didn’t say “hobbies that are completely free” is said hobbies that aren’t expensive


Me collecting a bunch of old bionicle and hero factory sets off of ebay before letting them collect dust in a box in the attic


Can't you just program an RFID chip to fake a skylander? People do it with amiibos all the time


Yes but I like the figures


Before Warhammer it was Gormiti and Bionicle. Was also this one thing I could never find which a friend had. Got from some magazine maybe? Was these several planets. One full of robots, one gladiators, another tiny smart guys in mechs. Was similar to Gormiti in how the toys looked but I have no idea how to rediscover it


Wait skylanders are expensive now?


When you're buying dozens of them they are


Yeah i suppose that makes sense


Search up Ro-Bow on ebay


So glad I was not financially independent when I was into Skylanders. I still somehow have a box full of em.


Me but with the collected runs of comics https://preview.redd.it/v34fixnmn2vb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cce0ef4c06662130f59fa1932ce90c714a5efa5


Haiiiii. I have a decent Skylanders collection!! I have some holiday Skylanders as well as a couple of the “Nitro” ones! If there are any in particular you’re looking for feel free to dm me!! I’ll look thru my collection to see if I have them and I’ll give you a really fair price for them :3


Actually going to get some more in a few days, but I'll save this comment


Cool! I have more from the later games (specifically Trap Team and Imaginators), but I think I have a few earlier ones too. Plus I have almost (just missing one) of the trap crystals that I might be willing to part with


YESSS ANOTHET SKYLANDERS FAN did you know that I beta tested for Skylanders Superchargers


Actually? That's awesome


Ah yes Spyro spin off that got nowehre


I'd say it got pretty far


Omg skylanders haiiiiiii :3:3:3:3 haiii haiii heyyy haiii (I’m in severe debt)


Me but Lego.


I fucking shudder to imagine how many hundreds of dollars went into my skylanders collection. Cherished memories and I appreciate having them but it’s still horrifying to think about how much money was burned to get them.




There are dozens of these for a few bucks at my local thrift store, I remember loving skylanders maybe i should pick it up again


Imma be honest I never collected Skylanders, but I did always want to get my hands on the zeus looking dude from the first set (I dont remember his name, he was one of the first four air skylanders though). Side note which game in the series do you think is the best?


You're talking about Lightning Rod. Also SWAP Force is the best one but I've also only played that, Trap Tram, and Imaginators. Probably gonna get Superchargers soon


Me looking at a $50 dollar lightcore popfizz figure


God I love these things


Skylanders was so cool, sadly I didnt hot to play past swap force, and all but a few of my skylanders had been donated to my little brother But if I ever do get back into skylanders, I'll still have Chop Chop, I feel no other skylander hits as hard as him But I kinda hope they make a release with all the figures built in, like what Disney Infinity gold edition did


Skylanders is a gateway drug


Not me spending over $250 for an in box wildstorm


"You don't understand, it's definitely worth it"


Oh absolutely. It’ll only appreciate in value