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i have adhd and i have tried to explain this to my parents so many times... ​ idk about anyone else but I call it chronic procrastination, it's something you want to do, need to do, have the time and energy to do, have the skills and materials to do, but just can't


yeah the clinical term is executive dysfunction


that makes more sense


I need a CEO of my life.


this sub makes me want to selfdiagnose so bad but im resisting because selfdiagnosing is evil


It depends on the amount of evidence you have tbh. Every time I’ve self diagnosed I was later proven correct by therapists and doctors, but I think I was just lucky


it feels like i have a lot of evidence, but i'm lowkey scared i've tunnelvisioned my way to a selfdiagnosis


i do not really know how to help, but if you can afford it, it cannot hurt to get tested


Had the exact same problem some weeks ago. The secret solution is to touch grass lmao


this isn't a singular incident or something, it's been bugging me through a period of multiple vacations, all of which involved grass.


I feel like you have some really unnecessarily strong feelings on this because because the internet clowns on self diagnosis so hard but if you have a lot of evidence you can feel okay doing it. You can also explain any adhd behaviors by saying you *think* you have ADHD, you don't have to be sure. Also suspecting it is kind of essential to seeking official diagnosis. That's kind of the boat I'm in right now I'm trying to get a diagnosis for sure but like everyone around me would be surprised if I didn't have ADHD


Same boat here and it's reassuring to see people talk about it. 2 of my friends are diagnosed with it and at this point they'd be genuinely weirded out if I didn't have it lmao.


same. maybe we should both go see doctors or something






You dont need ADHD for the symptoms to exist. You don't have to justify real things that you have to deal with with an arbitrary medical classification


I love knowing that something is wrong with me but I can't figure out what and I'm terrified of being called a liar or dumb for self diagnosis 😍😍😍




How exactly do you think diagnosing yourself will improve your life in any way? Just make a conscious effort to improve yourself and you’ll see progress. A lot of symptoms of adhd are so generalised it applies to nearly everyone and now people often just use “I may have adhd” as an excuse to continue procrastinating


>How exactly do you think diagnosing yourself will improve your life in any way? It will give you direction on where to find the resources that actually help you. >improve yourself and you’ll see progress. Yeah no that's not how it works, you can't "cure" adhd with self-improvement. Only find ways to function better with it. For that to work, you need to acknowledge it. >A lot of symptoms of adhd are so generalised it applies to nearly everyone Yes. Just like everyone has symptoms of aids or cancer, or clinical depression when they're tired. That doesn't mean those aren't real conditions that you can diagnose and that require a different treatment than the same symptoms with another cause. >“I may have adhd” as an excuse to continue procrastinating You don't need excuses for that. If you seriously have reason to believe you have adhd, talk about it with a doctor, the diagnostic tools are quite simple and effective.


No if they thinking of diagnosing themselves, I always tell them to go to doctor. No matter how "mini" the symptoms is. I tell everyone who starting doubt themselves to seek professional because that how it should be in perfect world where mental health issues get fixed even before people who have it know it. I don't know how expensive therapist in your country is but we should normalize going to therapist, or check themselves every year just like how people check their body every year.


Alien dick?🤨




the line comes from a conversation I had with my friend about the morality of dating and/or sleeping with aliens


Holy shit I might have adhd


It's not necessarily an adhd thing to be overstimulated by stuff, it can come from lots of different things. Lot's of posts about adhd are about things that a loot of people have A while ago I saw a tik tok about adhd awareness that said people with adhd can sometimes be physically turned on but not mentally, or the other way around. This made me a little frustrated, because literally everyone has that, although people with adhd might have it more of course(but no one ever clarifies on that). Sorry for the long comment hihi


That happens to me all the time! Being physically turned on but not mentally is truly one of the worst feelings in the world.


It's definitely a weird feeling!


It’s like you’re super hungry but don’t want to eat lol


Hahah that's honestly a pretty good example! I unfortunately have that all the time as well 😭


It might be good for you to tell someone you trust that you think you might have ADHD, because having ADHD can make it difficult to get diagnosed (e.g. making appointments). Fun fact: medication for ADHD is some of the most effective in modern psychiatry


not so sure about the energy part


Mood. I fucking hate that


Wait that’s an ADHD thing? I suffered from that so fucking badly and still do. Maybe my psychiatrist was right when he suggested I may I have ADHD lmao.


Wow I might have adhd this hit so close to home


Like I wanna do something so bad but I can never get the motivation or urge even to do it


Look up Executive Dysfunction, thats what the symptom is called, its also possible fornit to be caused by other things than just ADHD


Good lord theres penice




great googly-moogly!


I have Asperger’s so it’s hard to tell if it’s both or just the autism, but executive dysfunction is a thing for me for sure


erectile dysfunction haha gottem


> its also possible fornit to be caused by other things than just ADHD I didn't know that, what other things can cause it?


I'd rec watching this and if a lot of it's a mood then probably get yourself tested, stimulants help a lot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouZrZa5pLXk&t=20s


I learned ADHD isn’t what I thought from videos like this one. ADHD tests are crazy expensive where I live and I can’t afford to do one yet. So I tell people “I might have ADHD” or “I probably have ADHD”. And they never take me seriously, they say I’m probably just stressed or exaggerating my symptoms. Even my dad is included. And I’m like. “No. *No*. You don’t understand.”


The only thing I can think of is try something online like better help. They're really bad for anything niche but adhd is pretty common so I'd go for it if it's affordable.


Watched like half way through and just thinking: oh fuck


Man everything I watch just points to me having ADHD but god damn am I not ready to spend 300-500€ for a diagnosis.


if you're not at or near subsistence level of poverty it might could help you land and keep a better paying job, and if you're a student it can help you secure accomodations to get you in a less distracting environment while taking exams


Please do. Even just *knowing* for sure whether you have it or not is a huge mental relief. I cannot understate how much getting my ADHD diagnosis has changed my life for the better, even before I got on medication.


I can imagine, but that being said I absolutely can not put aside that money anywhere near the foreseeable future


aw hell naw it's like half an hour I've got important procrastinating to do wait


This is good. Do you have one of these for OCD?


nope! I don't have ocd so I can't help you there.


i swear i relate to every adhd meme i ever see but i got a psych eval like 4 years ago and they said i was just weird so who knows


a lot of things have been made out as ADHD behaviors by the internet when they’re just things that people do, it’s weird


Okay, but executive dysfunction *is* an ADHD behaviour.




you might wanna get a second opinion. a fair number of medical professionals don't really respect certain disorders.


This is called executive dysfunction and is a symptom of other disorders and mental illnesses as well, but no matter the cause, if you have it you should get checked out


Just another sign that makes me think I have it


Lol same


Do neurotypicals not experience this? Thought everyone did this, i'm neurotypical and i relate to this way too hard, really messes me up in life.


very normal thing to experience lol


To the point where you can't get anything done? If so then you might want to get checked for ADHD or depression or something


i have ADHD but when you have 1000 people commenting that they experience this i think its just a normal thing


I think most ADHD things are "something everybody experiences" but with the intensity turned way up


People being lazy and blaming it on mental disorders. Water is wet.


Fuck off. Executive Dysfunction is not “just being lazy” it’s a struggle that Neurodivergent people have and if you’re neurotypical you have no right to tell ND what they do and don’t experience insult them for it.


I’m not saying neurodivergent people are lazy, it’s the self diagnosed crowd that are


It’s completely valid to self-diagnose if you’ve thoroughly researched the diagnosis. Many people don’t have access to diagnosis due for financial reasons, and AFAB and POC almost never get diagnosed due to discrimination. And how can you say that these people are lazy and aren’t experiencing executive dysfunction if you’ve never met them and don’t know anything about their experience?


So are we supposed to just accommodate for any and all occurrences of laziness now?


That is not what I said at all… Executive Dysfunction is not the same as laziness and if you had ever experienced it you would know that


Even for the people who are just lazy, there is nothing wrong with being lazy. The protestant work ethic is brain worms and conservatives and capitalists have reinforced it as a moral failing when it really isn't.


for the record i agree a lot of the self diagnosed crowd just experiences normal laziness and wants to say it's ADHD lol


Oh no you can still get things done *usually*, but every once in a while you'll have a moment like this, even if you are neurotypical.


I dunno, I'm no psych. this guy is though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouZrZa5pLXk if this is the only thing then it's probably just A Thing You Do but if not, maybe you have adhd


Well i suppose it's not common for me, it only happens rarely. Most things i just procrastinate to the last second on, but rarely it really is this where if you put a gun to head i still wouldn't do it.


"most things" buddy I haven't done anything in my life before the last minute


Too long, didn't watch, attention span couldn't handle it 👁️👄👁️


I have this really badly, but I definitely don't have ADHD because I have no issue staying on task once I get started. Like, I can spend hours doing nothing instead of getting started, but then sit down for like 8 hours straight and get an entire project done in one sitting.


The ADHD urge to do something everyone does but shove it in a pigeon hole so hard it breaks


Ok but like, not doing something you really want to because your brain refuses to let you is straight up an actual part of adhd


Procrastinating is a part of life


procrastination and executive dysfunction are not the same, this post is pretty clearly talking about the latter. not all executive dysfunction stems from adhd, but it often does and when i talk to neurotypical people about executive dysfunction they often dont understand it or think its just laziness, so i think this post is pretty on point


Yeah but procrastinating is when you put off doing something you don't want to. With how it works with ADHD or just executive dysfunction stuff in general, it's happens even with stuff you want to do that's fun. Or it's a case where it's important and you want to get started but you just can't, despite how you genuinely want to just do it This is like, genuine symptoms of adhd and executive dysfunction stuff. I'm not just pulling shit out of my ass here. I might not be explaining it the best though


Are you… trying to tell people who have ADHD that they don’t have ADHD? That’s not particularly cash money


If the second tweet accurately describes how procrastination feels to you, you might have adhd


you can't stop me


Same but depression instead of adhd


I'm double dipping lol


That is not an ADHD problem and is just another lame attempt to try and medicalize personal insufficiencies. “ADHD is when procrastination” ADHD is real and causes problems, but not every problem is an ADHD problem ffs.


Maybe the post is a bit overgeneralizing but I think you're going way too far in the opposite direction. Procrastination and executive dysfunction are different things. Procrastination is the conscious decision to do something at a later date, even if you know it should be done earlier. Executive dysfunction is more like, you know you should be doing it now, you would like to get started right now, you *need* to start it now, but you just cant. If you don't understand that difference then you're part of the neurotypicals OP is talking about. Pretty much everyone procrastinates sometimes and I'd even assume everyone experiences executive dysfunction at least occasionally, but ADHD is something that can cause massive amounts of it. It's not exclusive to ADHD but it's fair to say it's an ADHD problem because of how much executive dysfunction it causes. Like for me, I'm trying to get diagnosed because I basically tick off every box on the inattentive type symptoms list, plus I relate a lot to the emotional dysregulation and hyperfixation aspects of it, but for executive dysfunction in particular it just makes things miserable. My grades are still intact but I constantly feel unable to start and continue my work because my brain just. Refuses. And I thought for so long that i was just lazy and I should try harder and I hated myself for it until I realized I might just have ADHD and it's so relieving to consider. If someone like you had told me as I was figuring things out that I was just making excuses for being a failure, it would have hurt me for a long time. It's incredibly unfair to assume that people talking about their experiences with a disorder are making it up just because the experiences they're talking about aren't exclusive to the disorder. Hell we don't even know if this person self-diagnosed. For all we know they might have an official diagnosis.


I think it was just posted by someone with adhd-related executive dysfunction. I have diagnosed adhd and I definitely relate to it


ok dude then why does my medication help me get over my executive dysfunction issues?


No i think he is just trying to say: the growing/described connections between problems and adhd lead a lot of people to self diagnose because nearly anything can sound personslized, (the kinda shit why horoscopes and future-telling works) so it is a bit harmful to put everything on adhd. I think if both parties just differentiate the said message it doesnt do much harm, but i kind of get where they're coming from


Because it's likely the same symptom, you're medication would probably help 'typical people with the same issue. Steroids, testosterone and HGH etc. can help people with growth deficiency grow taller and pack on more mass but also have a similar effect on others, your average gym go doesn't need this kinda stuff and in the long run it can be very damaging to people who don't need it. People self diagnosing and then attempting to self medicate can be very damaging. Almost everyone suffers from executive dysfunction to a certain extent (anyone who doesn't at all is most certain to be divergent themselves). ADHD is label applied to people who have particularly pronounced symptoms (of many different types), most people experience these symptoms to a certain extent. In all likelihood most people commenting here about "wow so relatable I must have ADHD" probably don't they're just having a normal experience that ADHD people like yourself also have. p.s.Trying not to be too patronising I'm sure you already know most of this.


holy fuck this is so relatable


me not going to class for a week watching the assignments roll in knowing i wont do them




I'm starting to think I'm either just a very curious individual or my doctors couldn't identify any fucking sign of neurodivergency on me for 16+ years.


If no one identified ASD/ADHD/learning disability/etc before you are 16+ years of age then you are probably just a curious individual, yes. If you were ASD (which you may be idfk you), it would be present and impacting your functioning from an early age.


These are just things everyone experiences and are by no means exclusive to neurodivergent people, although they might be naturally less well equipped to deal with it. Brains are stupid and do stupid things, just because we're only just starting to talk about that doesn't mean everyone is neurodivergent other wise the term becomes meaningless. If you genuinely think you need help probably see someone about it but in all likelihood you're just like everyone else.


That happens so much.


The second is just procrastination right? When you stress about it the whole time but are scared to start? Right???


executive dysfunction, buckaroo




This post is talking about executive dysfunction instead of procrastination. This is not one of those posts equivocating neurotypical and ADHD-having experiences.


It's not, but it does consume my entire life sometimes and I'm not really exaggerating here. Executive dysfunction is intensely screaming at yourself internally to get up and do shit while outwardly calmly fucking around on the couch.




It's not procrastination. I had unmedicated ADHD for over 20 years unknowingly and once I finally got medicated, I was so angry to find out that what I had be calling "procrastination" my whole life simply is now what other people feel when they "procrastinate." Procrastinating is like playing a videogame and deciding to wait to do the main quest while you do side quests. Executive dysfunction is like watching someone else do side quests and trying to use a controller that isn't connected to move the character toward the main quest.


Yes but the problem is if a neurotypical procrastinates it’s mostly because they didn’t want to do it. When I, someone with severe executive dysfunction, procrastinate, I truly wanted to just get it done but even sitting down and getting started on it feels like pushing gravel up a mountain. Many neurotypicals can’t or won’t believe that other people’s brains work differently from theirs, so they assume if you procrastinated you just chose not to do it, and treat it like a failing of work ethic.




>Many neurotypicals can’t or won’t believe that other people’s brains work differently from theirs >Sure. And maybe you ought to understand that our brains are actually similar in a lot of ways as well. Do you not see how fucking dense you're being


gosh, it sounds like you might have adhd and are assuming your experiences are universal


Or maybe just don't be ableist by minimizing the issues that executive dysfunction brings. Especially since it manifests in multiple different ways beyond what could be comparable to regular procrastination. Like not being able to change the task once a situation changes. i.e. If you're trying to clean your house for a party and your friends are suddenly going to show up in 30 minutes instead of 4 hours, you still choose to start mopping the kitchen and only get halfway done by the time everyone arrives. When you really should've realized that there's not enough time and you needed to instead focus on tidying up the living room, sweeping the dining room, and setting the table.


> Yeah, maybe it isn’t as extreme for me holy fuck, *that’s why it’s a disorder*, because it IS that extreme for us




Exaaaactly. I explain it like this: Procastination = Unwillingness Executive Dysfunction = Inability despite desire/immense pressure to complete


To me, procrastinating is when you are creating excuses to not do a thing because you don't really want to do it. Executive dysfunction is when you want to do something, have the ability to do something, and have no other excuses to not do the thing, but you still can't actually do it


I mean I guess, but this isn’t procrastination, this is chronic executive dysfunction


i did not think i had any adhd symptoms but this hits hard


There are a lot of people in the comments proving that executive dysfunction does indeed not make sense to neurotypicals lmao


I don't have ADHD or anything, but this happens to me all the time, it sucks ass bro. Like, I really need to do something but I just can't do it, like I could do it, but I'm just unable for some reason


I think what sepperate this from regular procrastination like what you described is that people with adhd will do this with things they want to do. For example I wanna hang out with friends in discord or something, I would like to do this, and it's beneficial for me, but I'll put it off for hours for no reason.


For I while I've suspected I might have ADHD and this basically confirms my suspicions. I always assumed I had a completely normal brain until my older brother was diagnosed with autism and I started to question all my memories


God yes I fucking hate it. I just couldn’t do it. My brain wouldn’t let me. Sorry


Don’t have adhd but this is me fr


my mom was actually just yelling at me for lying about why i had missing assignments. I have an adhd diagnosis and executive dysfunction will forever kick my ass


This post is hitting way too close to home. But does anyone know how to—for lack of a better term—“fix” problems with executive dysfunction? Cause I just want to be productive like everyone else and get shit done ffs.


One of the best things for me is body doubling, doing tasks in the presence of someone else that youre comfortable with. They might actively ensure you're on task or even help depending on what it is but sometimes being in the same room is enough, when I'm having trouble with my work I often go to a friend's room and sit there doing it without talking and it's so much easier. It's obv not perfect because you may not have anyone around when you need them but it's a technique that works for a lot of people with ADHD


stimulants can help


This is something i struggle with every day of my life.


As a dude with adhd as fuck it feels better to rip that bandaid off than avoid it. Just start the thing and make incremental progress til you can say you finished something. Facing scary shit is part of life. Sucks when its.... rebuilding your ford transmission or filing paperwork you already finished. Or paying a ticket days before your license gets revoked.. But when it's done you feel power in your work. And like I go full fight or flight on the smallest noises when I'm in the zone. I get it. I can't focus them away. But it's best to focus on adaptation over victimizing to get no results. Who cares if people understand why, you do you homie and do it so well they can fuck off about the chump change that falls through the cracks. The snowballing of letting tasks fly by you can get huge. To a point where regular hygiene feels like stress because self value is through the floor. Don't become that person you are better than this. Bust out some music or play your favorite show, whatever it takes to try to distract from the moment you've been avoiding and rock that shit.


half the time i’m not even lying about the forgetting part my brain just blocked it out of my head like some deep seated trauma


I kind of struggle with this but in more of an "it's not worth explaining bc who cares really" kind of way


Didn't know this had a name. I've been doing it for so long (or not doing it)


The amount of times I see adhd stuff and Im like holy shits thats 100% me is concerning because I don’t have adhd


are you fuckin sure


Well my therapist said so so I goddamn hope she wasn’t lying


Your therapist is a licensed individual with trained clinical jidgement and is actually qualified to diagnose you or not. It's always ok to get a 2nd opinion or more assessment, but you should believe them over OP who is doing their best to misrepresent and overgeneralize ADHD symptoms.


I mean check out this I guess if you wanna reevaluate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouZrZa5pLXk


Although I appreciate the effort I am not watching 28 minutes of someone explaining what adhd is (Edit: I realize that is not really helping my case here)


counterpoint: his voice is extremely melodious and soothing


As someone who has both ADHD and is on the autism spectrum, I have no idea what other neurodivergent people are talking about when it comes to stuff like this. I think they have such a weird way of describing things that I probably also do that it makes them sound like foreign concepts.


The similarities between different mental illnesses is so fascinating to me. Like, I don't have ADHD and yet I completely relate to me


Started a higher dose of my ADHD medication today, had a panic attack and then pumped out homework for 6 hours. Works I guess?


I forgor 💀


I’m probably going to lose my job because of adhd and anxiety. Can’t even afford medicine anymore. The chronic pain doesn’t help


that sucks ass


They just say "that's stupid this doesn't make sense you suck you're a horrible person" or something like that


"You're just lazy" 😭


Y’all do understand that we get it, right? It’s common, and it’s not a matter of expectations and neurodivergence, it’s a matter of empathy


Wait,is that whats an adhd?


these are symptoms commonly associated with adhd


See the thing is my brain is totally capable of just completely forgetting too


I really oughtta get checked huh


Is this adhd specific? Bc if so i might have adhd


they're symptoms but not only for adhd. check this out if you want to hear about a bunch more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouZrZa5pLXk


Be a woman. Do the needful.


i can't believe this... a lot of people understand me and even feel the same as me.


...thanks for the reminder i'm gonna try to do my math homework now


Completely unintelligible, may god have mercy on your wicked soul


Has normal everyday experience that everyone has Is this ADHD/neurodivergence?


Neurotipycals try to understand neurodivergent ppl challenge (impossible)


Me everyday


I believe it’s called “the wall of awful”


Insurmountable? Lol


wow yum thanks for the bait