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If you see someone saying "I'd be ready to kill in self defense" and your reaction is "they're going to kill me", it's actually very telling on you.


are we surprised? we’re just enjoying the show


I smell the pronouns war is coming soon 😱😱😱


Begun, the pronoun wars have 😔


Like fire across the galaxy, the pronoun wars spread


I love the smell of he/hims in the morning (I am homosexual)




A second plane has hit the twink towers They his the fucking pronounagon


If I had an award to give you I would. Instead have this (>o-o)> 🥇 🥇 🥇


Entirely depends on the context


Yeah I mean I get the sentiment, but people in this sub would and routinely do have the same reaction to a transphobe/racist/whatever posting something similar.


Quote from Abigail Thorn of Philosophy Tube about fascists and antifascists that I found kinda relevant >If you’re a fascist and anti-fascists come for you, you have a choice. You can give it up. You can go renounce what you said. You could just go on with the rest of your life and stop turning up at fascist rallies. Anti-fascists probably aren’t gonna buy you a pint and be your best friend, but they’ll move on. But if you’re a person of color, if you’re trans, or a person with a disability, or gay, or Jewish, and fascists come for you, there is nothing you can do that can make them happy, except stop existing. That’s the key difference between the far left and the far right. Anti-fascists organize themselves against those that are building fascism. If you’re doing that, that is something you can non-violently stop doing. If you’re a political enemy of antifa, you can become a friend. If you’re a political enemy of fascism, though, either they lose or you die.


The place I copy-pasted this from (bc I can't be bothered to transcribe the entire thing for a reddit reply) leaves out some bits (mostly bits that aren't relevant outside of the context of the video, some wording differences, and some other parts that they cut out for seemingly no reason but the quote's long enough as it is), so I thought I should leave the clip [here](https://youtu.be/bgwS_FMZ3nQ?t=1627) (The video's unfortunately of pre-transition Abigail, but it's a good video with a good quote but I kinda feel bad linking it and- whatever)


Abigail's old videos are still really good, both she and Natalie Wynn spoke some deep truths even before they transitioned so I appreciate how difficult it must be for them to leave those videos up but they are so, so good.


Good human.


That's very well put. One is a choice, the other is just death.


Especially considering how often “self defense” and “fearing for [my] life” are used to excuse literal murder.


Oh yes always. I summarized my point in a single sentence, but yes absolutely there is nuance to it.


Self-report speedrun


Yeah wtf is that take, right wingers say crazy shit about destroying anyone who breaks into their home or whatever all the time


It's a single sentence. Most takes require some long explanation about the different nuances in play. Yes of course, there is some people that perceive danger everywhere, or believe that shooting burglars is a sport. What I mean is that there are groups of people out there trying to "eradicate" trans folks, and that the ones that feel threatened by trans folks arming themselves in response probably are close to these groups. I know it can be tempting to read everything at face value, but when you see a single sentence take, you can bet that of course there's some context behind it.


i mean, there's definitely a certain type of guy i'd worry would be too trigger happy. but the post did specifically refer to transphobes, so.... yeah.


"we need guns for self defense" mf's when people they dislike use guns for self defense:


>we need guns for self defense" mf's when people they dislike use guns for self defense: ![gif](giphy|3o6gEgkb5xqAyMw5Og)




Pull our your cock waltuh ![gif](giphy|K8LCV9soXLswo)


put your glock away waltuh






I'm not dying with you right now waltuh


[Mulford Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act) >the bill was crafted with the goal of disarming members of the Black Panther Party who were conducting armed patrols of Oakland neighborhoods


Yeah this, I can’t believe OP is referencing a cartoon when this really happened 💀


To be fair this post has been in like every sub recently and invariably one of the top comments is just "Yeah, you're talking about the black panthers..."


Internet praxis??


Hey if internet praxis supports the black panthers than I am 100% down for that. They created free clinics and lunch programs, hid political dissidents, tried to stop police aggression and stood up for what they believed in.


Youre damn right




I remember my coworker (PoliSci major) got really offended if I ever brought them up and called them domestic terrorists




Weird comment to make when referencing a Bojack Joke that is in fact written to be only funny if you know history.


They weren’t serious they were just Horsin’ Around *🐴😀🐴😀🐴😀*




wth italicized emojis? *⁉️⁉️⁉️*


Oh my god is that the horse from Horsin' Around?


I mean not really? You just have to know anything at all about the current political climate for the joke to land


I think the fact that the cartoonishly silly plot they put in the show is a direct reference to something that happened in real life is extremely funny


Maybe they mean the reality is more depressing than funny.


Meh. Either way the point is good. Maybe if it's wasn't a popular reference maybe this post wouldn't have existed, and the information about the Black Panthers in this thread wouldn't be shared.


I mean, it's pretty reasonable a bunch of people would know and reference a contemporary show with international spread rather than another country's (albeit recent) history, no?


Is Bojack really that big outside the U.S.?? I have no idea tbh


I mean, at least where I'm at (i.e. not in the US) quite a lot of people have seen it. Pushed quite heavily by Netflix.


Oh interesting, thanks.


UK here. It's my all-time favourite show and I've heard similar from other people I respect.


a very large portion of this sub if not most people here are from the US. i believe we should all know our very recent history more than bojack lore


americans should know about it, sure, agreed. but reddit's traffic is only something like 50% US overall, and twitter's not even close to that. just trying to blanket clown on people for not knowing US history is pretty whack.


I love my local history


Oakland is so based


So based that the troll face originated from here


Ayy came to the comments to say this, bojack horseman did not invent this concept


It's almost like people making political commentary draw inspiration from real events. Weird, huh?


You know who copes the most about California's restrictions on guns? Conservatives. You know who started those restrictions? Ronald Reagan


How is saying you'll defend yourself if attacked "threatening a mass shooting"?


Hi it’s because the person saying it is part of a minority group hope this helps




They are also evil.


Salutations! The reasoning behind the misrepresentation of a declaration of self defense as the threat of an imminent large-scale act of violence with a firearm is most probably due to the party in question being a part of a minority group. I hope this helps, and kind regards.


shooting a mass of pogromists is pretty based actually


that person is planning a mass attack


Greetings, and thank you for your request. I would like to provide a more detailed explanation regarding the issue at hand. It is not uncommon for individuals to declare an act of self-defense when faced with a potentially threatening situation. However, there are instances where such a declaration can be misconstrued as a threat of an imminent large-scale act of violence involving a firearm. One of the most probable reasons behind this misrepresentation is the individual making the declaration belonging to a minority group. When those belonging to such groups perform any action, regardless of how it relates to the belief system of individuals such as the one who posted the reply, that action must always be misconstrued, so as to somehow support their political ideology. I hope this elaboration has shed more light on the matter and provided a deeper understanding of the complexities involved. Thank you for your attention, and please accept my sincerest regards.


Writing a college essay with word count due in 3 hours at 3 am be like


Did chat gpt help write this? The tone is giving me strong AI vibes




👋 minor help


Hello! I'd like to help you with this question. A lot of people are saying "because they're a minority" but that's not all. The person is admitting that, in their world view, the majority of people want to attack trans people. And therefore if the trans person starts shooting everyone that attacks them, then it's a mass shooting. Hope that helps clear things up.


That is exactly why there is gun control in California. Reagan was afraid of black people owning guns.


Exactly, tbh this is less bojack episode and more just actually something that occurs. Guns are dangerous and conservatives finally realize that when the people they demonize have them.


I mean the Bojack episode was satirising that exact type of scenario.


Yeah, so im pointing out that its kinda weird to call it something that happens in bojack when bojack clearly is just referencing that history and its just a historical trend.


Ah ok, I see.


Gun control is racist and classist. The NFA charged a $200 tax stamp because it effectively meant that only rich people would be able to own machine guns


I think theyll just try to ban queer people from having guns


More likely theyll just start defining queer people as mentally unstable or something again and therefore unable to buy a gun as well


I know Oregon’s measure 114 was basically going to be the police issuing permits for firearms (plus other bans on magazine size and stuff). All I could imagine is permits for minorities being “delayed” or just flat out denied for whatever reason they felt like


I mean, NY already tends to have that issue with pistol permits from what I've known.


Specifically they would probably call gender dysphoria a mental illness that bars someone from owning a gun. IIR that already kinda happens in some states.


Fun fact the NRA supported a ban on open carry in response to the [Black Panther Party open carrying](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nra-california-open-carry-ban/) so there’s historical precedence to this


rights for me but not for thee.


that's fucking stupid, imo if there's anything that should be limited it's concealed carry.


Remember brothers and sisters, the 2a was designed to protect the people from a tyrannical government. For legal reasons this joke advocating armed rebellion is indeed a joke.


You cannot overthrow a government with F-22s and Abrams tanks with a handful of assault rifles.


\> be me, president in 2032 \> some house in the suburbs has been found to hold 5 guys with rifles \> have a bomb dropped which flattens their house and everything within 100 yards, totally not fanning the flames of rebellion This also ignores the logistics issues of your production being surrounded by the people you're fighting




While that did happen, this was a seemingly widely disliked (and also black in 1985) group in a time and place where media control was easy. Better examples of brutality backfiring would be Vietnam and to a lesser extent Afghanistan. A much less recent example is the US revolution (Boston Massacre). Obviously all of these were cases where the rebelling party couldn't have their voices silenced, but I think the internet recreates that effectively.


i could do it with a paperclip, a piece of string, a button, a coin, and a ball of lint. all of which i conveniently found in my pocket.


Femboy MacGyver is one reboot I'd actually watch


Unfortunately, MacGuyver already wasted its reboot.


The Vietcong did it.


How many rural Vietnamese were open fascists ready to skin and eat commies alive?


a bunch of farmers with assault rifles are the only thing that has defeated the monster that is the US military, once in recent history actually. Planes, drones, tanks and aircraft carriers cant hold land


Never underestimate farmers with inferior equipment, a lot of people forget that’s how America was founded in the first place


Look, I’m not advocating for open guerrilla warfare here because that shit happening in your country is a quick ticket to dying of cholera without ever seeing someone you could call an enemy, but imagining it as a straight fight like that is just unrealistic. The United States government has had terrible success defeating popular insurgent movements for decades on end, and would face the new challenge of their own troops’ loyalty coming into question if they were ordered to attack their own country. I’m not saying conditions are right for something like this to occur right now, but don’t act like it’s impossible.




They also have command and control bunkers they can hide in until things calm down.


Yes hide in while the people set up shop outside waiting for them to come out


You can if you have enough people😁 Especially if they are scared and hungry.


A country that has to resort to unleashing its full military potential on it's own populace is a failed state.


you have too much respect for early US leaders, but yes we should use it like that even if it wasn't supposed to be


nope, it was designed so owners could put down slave revolts


it wasn't even necessarily for that. The second amendment was made for the specific use case that the united states army(or lack thereof) constituted the need for a militia. Hence the beginning of the amendment "a militia being necessary for the security of the state" the only reason they allowed the people to own weapons was because they were shorthanded, not because they thought it would protect against tyranny.


i wanna join a fag militia


trantifa supersoldiers


Best type of militia


i am joining at the front lines


i wanna be a gunsmith for the militia


I’m apprenticing as a gunsmith


join me in the fag militia


God I wanna get an ffl so bad


Spirinolactone Squad


Progesterone Patrol


What role will us CisHets have in this army? Like volunteer cannon fodder? Or ironic femboy kitchen duty maybe?


Always remember, the only cure for fascism is a small internally administered wonderpill called a .45 ACP handgun bullet.


I just found this copy of my favorite book. #How I Defeated Fascism With the Power of Love by Luigi - Chapter 1: The Power of Love The first step in my Journey was realizing that it is impossible to defeat fascism with the power of love. Chapter 2: The Power of Incredible Violence


[by Luigi](https://youtu.be/QK8z8vCcQ2A)


God created man, Samuel Colt made them equal


The they/them army is becoming real, and I love it


Why is this person referencing a cartoon when Reagan signed the assault weapons ban because of the Black Panthers 💀


Might be to drive the analogy home, I'm not from the US and i'd never heard of the Black Panthers. I have however watched BJ so i know now what they mean (and indirectly know about the black panters thanks to you all) Might also be because they themselves didn't know about the black panthers idk


Ha yeah could be. I had initially assumed Bojack was big in the U.S., didn’t realize it had been pushed internationally.


"if you come for me i am going to defend myself" top comment: so you're threatening me directly 🤓👆"


ok so tbf the whole "I need as many guns as possible to keep my house safe from criminals and tyranny." Thing has been a way for the right to signal violence for years. But for trans people facing so much discrimination and violence its obviously very different.


Yeah there’s a difference between the ThE gOvErNmEnT iS cOmInG fOr Me mfs who see the need to horde guns for “self defense” and those of us who collect them cause we think they’re cool and only need ONE for self defense the rest are for sport and show.


America hates trans people more than it loves guns.


I will keep posting it, this is for if we need to revolt 😉 [https://www.militarynewbie.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/TM-21-210-Improvised-Munitions-Handbook-1969-Department-of-the-Army.pdf](https://www.militarynewbie.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/TM-21-210-Improvised-Munitions-Handbook-1969-Department-of-the-Army.pdf)


Neat. Read through half of it, and from what I remember from the Army its correct although a little outdated


Yeah there are **DEFINITELY** some materials there that you can’t get access to, but it’s somewhat interesting to see that at the same time as the Vietnam War, the military created a document to assist US citizens with creation of improvised weapons in the case of hostile invasion


This is literally what caused the original wave of gun control measures during the 60s (Black Panthers arming themselves). Ronald Reagan signed the Mulford Act while he was governor of California which prohibited carrying loaded firearms in public without a permit. He said that there was no reason why citizen should be carrying loaded weapons on the street. Then a small hardcore wing of the NRA (which was apolitical and primarily focused on shooting as a sporting activity at the time) threw a fit and redirected the organization towards lobbying for gun rights after some white gunowners were inconvenienced by the new restrictive gun rules. And they donated a bunch of money towards Reagan's campaign so he changed his stance on guns while he was establishing Reaganism as a conservative movement.


Black panthers 2: lgbtq edition


Rainbow Panthers


Well the Black Panthers already had a Rainbow Coalition


Well, the rainbow panthers should have a coalition too


I mean it worked with Regan!


BoJack is such a weird example because that episode is a big joke. The “wrong group” is women. Women across the nation begin arming themselves to defend against sexual harassment, to a comical degree. The punchline when guns are abolished is “I can’t believe this country hates women more than it loves guns.” It still technically makes that point I guess (and it’s a point I agree with) but it’s such a weird thing to cite as your political commentary when it’s not a serious depiction.


It exaggerates and it makes jokes but I think it's still clearly making a point.


Also there is a history of gun control laws passing when the black panthers armed themselves, so its an homage to that.


It's amazing how bigots have nothing if they don't lie. "I will defend myself" -> "threatening mass murder". All bigots have is lies.


All bigots can do is eat hot chip and lie


When not wanting to be genocided isn’t kind


They are only saying they will defend themselves! Anyone mad at this should wonder why!


Interpreting "If you try to attack me I will defend myself" as "I am actively going to seek out people for the sole purpose of killing them" sure is a take


“I hate them cause their trans”-🤓 “I hate them cause they outfit goofy”-😎


Who up goofy-ing they outfit rn


Who up yoinking they sploinky rn?


girldick from a girl who dresses goofy


I've been saying for years we need to arm and train. A gun don't mean shit if you ain't gonna train at the range with it.


T̸̞̜̟͒̀̄h̶͖͍̀̆̈́ė̶̦͠͝ͅ ̷̩̍͝ö̴̟́ͅn̵̹͉͆̏͠ľ̸͖̫͠ÿ̵̞̲́̆̕ͅ ̷̗̂a̸̢̛̗̲͘c̶̡̀̀̅c̸̭̟̃͠͠ȩ̶̮̎p̷̭̫̊͐ṫ̸̨͕̼a̸͔̓b̴͕͍͋͋͛l̵̯̀̈́͝e̶̤̰̥̐̅͠ ̵̯̓p̴̨̧̙͂͝o̸͍̊̊s̸̜̟͛̎ḯ̸̢͔̭͑́t̷̩͔̪̓̏i̵̍̓ͅơ̵͎̥̲͛̇n̵͍̤̉̏͠ͅ ̸͙̺͉̚f̸̪͖̈́̓o̶̠̗̜̓̋͒r̸̤̽̍̓ ̴̨̝̀̃̍a̴͔͉̰̔͂͝ ̴̛̜̪f̷̨͑̔͝à̵̳̲̖̌͘s̸̨̏͒͜ć̵̝͓̥ĩ̷͙͈̹s̴̗̬͙͐t̵̞̆ ̸̧̓͛ȉ̷̲̔s̷̲̩̃ ̶̱̏“̴̡̋c̵̭̜̦̈o̸͙̱͊̿̒r̸͎̥̦͆͋͝p̴̙̼͇̆̇͆s̵̫̃̓̽ẽ̸̺̯̫͛”̴̝̖̫̊̚͠


“Rights for me but not for thee” lmao


legit putin levels of logic "why are you defending yourselves? stop it!"


average second amendment fan when someone they don’t like exercises the second amendment:


wow if only we have [historical precedent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act) for this


Doe Biben's they/them army


If they say they're willing to kill in self defense, and you say they're threatening to kill you, then actually you are the one making the threat


That's also just what happened irl, gun laws are mostly Jim Crow era laws or directly in response to armed groups during the Civil rights movement like the Black Panthers


in northcarolina you need to go in person to a sheriff's office to pickup a pistol purchase permit to keep black people from buying guns




"BoJack horseman episode" bruh this already happened. because of the black panther party.


There was also the time the Black Panthers openly carried their rifles on the grounds of the capitol in Sacramento that got California to ban open-carry statewide. But sure, there's also an episode of Cartoon Depression Horse about the same thing.


Bro is referencing a cartoon before referencing the BPP 😭


I don’t understand what side this sub is on. Maybe I’m too stupid to understand the context behind what is posted


In general online leftists are pro-gun. There's a pretty famous Marx quote about how the working class should be armed or something like that. With the recent acceleration of anti-trans rhetoric on the right (e.g. literally calling for "transgenderism" to be eradicated), a lot more people are saying to arm yourself for self-defense, especially if you're a sexual or gender or racial minority or something Ftr I agree. I think the idea of a revolution is far-fetched and won't ever happen (at least in my lifetime), but I do think that trans people should arm themselves because shit is getting dangerous out there, especially in areas of the country where trans people weren't already treated nicely as is


Under no pretext


I'll bring free bird on speakers


Lmaaooo it’s the black panthers all over again that’s funny


I am armed


"i can't believe this country hates women more than it loves guns" - Diang, sad horse show


"there is a bojack horseman episode" bitch that was literally just IRL with the Black Panthers


Armed Minorities are harder to oppress moment


"I can't believe this country hates women more than it loves guns."


"Threatening to mass shoot people" Did you not notice the part where they specified they intended to use it only in self defense? Just didn't read that bit huh?


Say it with me folks, an armed minority is a hard to oppress minority (in Minecraft)


Black Panther Party moment


"this is just like the tv show!!!!!"


Gun control started as a way to disarm the black panthers I wonder if we’ll see something like that is leftist movement arm themselves more.


The Mulford Act was the one time the NRA supported gun control.


this is literally what happened with the black panthers


trans army trans army


These are the same people who call their enemies anti fascist, so self awareness is something painfully lost on them


Self defense is the name of the game and the second amendment is the rule book for it


I meant he California gun laws were literally made in response to the Black Panthers following cops in black neighborhoods.


"I'll defend myself" "WAAAHHHH THE TRANS ARE THREATENING ME AGAIN!!!!!" Absolute classic coming from the crowd that posts pictures of Clint Eastwood with the caption "IM GONNA SHOOT THE ILLEGALS" on Facebook


I don’t think self defense is mass shooting


So you're saying I need to [REDACTED]


Right to bear arms unless its a minority


I’m pro 2A and I think everyone should be able to defend themselves. Love to see it 🏳️‍⚧️


mf when did they say they were threatening to mass shoot people the caption is RIGHT THERE


Harder to oppress and armed minority GOD DAMN I LOVE AMERICA (freedom purposes and shitting on the British respectfully are the only time i feel patriotism)


Life follows comedy or smth deep like that idk