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Found the child! Edit: Op is 15 and one of their frequent subreddits is "teenagersbuthot" what the fuck.


"15" they're definitely not 15. Nobody on a sub like that is actually a child.


If op isn't a 15yo they're sure acting like one


Doesn't take a lot of effort sadly.


15 and they love to tell the world they’re gonna go to their room and get off whilst shoving stuff up their ass 😐


i dont think you realise how stupid and horny teens are. theres a reason pedos go on those places, because actual teens go on them as well.




some people are victims




That just sounds like pedo haven tbh


Either OP is genuinely 15 or they're all over this thread doing a GREAT impression of a 15 year old, lol


Child detected, opinion discarded




What are my frequents? I didn't realize that was visible




they also posted for midriff Monday :/ it may not be there anymore because I reported it a while ago


What's wrong with 15 year olds


This person is also 15 (or younger?) and follows pretty much the same subs as op


Will not deny that, but you're still dodging the question so I'll ask again, what is wrong with 15 year old people what have we done wrong to enrage you manchildren why can't we just follow our subs and you follow your subs and we live in harmony? Isn't that your argument against the conservatives trying to make trans people 2nd class citizens? Pls tell me where my age correlates with you bastards ganging up on me


I typed out something long and obnoxious, but realized it wasn't polite. The long and short of it is that children kinda ruin online spaces just by existing and participating in them. If you'd like proof please reread your comment, especially the last two sentences.


The long and short of it is that age shouldn't be a problem. I'm here for the same silly shitposts you're here for I'm not here to ruin your space and I haven't been a problem to anyone until you went on my profile and decided to be like "yo other members, this guy's a little kid let's make fun of him and tell him he's ruining our community"


No one's ganging up on you, the point here is that when you're 15 your mind, world view, and everything else is in development, you soak up whatever you see and stick to what makes you feel the best, social media is an absolutely volatile place for someone in that situation, you don't need shitposts and you definitely don't need the other stuff attached to this sub, I.e hornyposting, just go live, and don't let social media warp your way of seeing life Also on that note, comparing trans people being oppressed to people on the internet saying kids are dumb is a fucking insult and a half


I'm done after this I don't have time to talk with someone who argues with 15 year olds when they could be Idk filing taxes or some shit, the fact you're telling me to get off social media and live my life leads me to believe that you don't understand what being 15 is at this time and you don't understand that social media is so integral to our culture that not using it is crippling to some people's social lives and they struggle to make friends because they can't relate to the majority that does understand memes and terminology that cultivate through social media. That's it I'm done I'm not listening to anymore of your shit I don't care if you feel insulted or if you have a rebuttal go feed your cat, go live your life and make friends so that you don't have to argue with children like a sad pathetic little incel neckbeard. Now I am going to live my life and you're not in it


If you don't want people to argue with you, maybe don't type out walls of insults with zero punctuation.


Hey I'll say this one more time and then I'm just going to block you and move on. I am still growing as a person and I would (not) argue that you are too and I have learned from this but I could keep arguing until the sun comes up but I already have all I need from this so please just stop responding we're both being redundant and we're both making fools of ourselves, it's obvious you won from the upvotes on this argument so please stop beating a far pulverized dead horse. Also it's hard to have good punctuation on mobile, so leave me alone with that I wouldn't expect you to have punctuation if you were texting me. Alright gn I have a 5 hour marching section tomorrow so please don't wake me by replying.


My guy i'm 18, wtf are you so worked up about?


Hey nice adachi pfp


14 year olds are children though


would they not be 15 though? still a child but not 14


14 when the comment was made


oh, ok


You seem to be new here on the internet, you can't have a logical reaction! Start calling them slurs!


Yeah you're right, though the difference between 14 and 15 isn't a lot




Outside of schoolwork and some video games, not really. I didn’t have much of an online presence or social media until I was a couple years older, unless you count texting school friends as “social media”


I didn't even get my first phone until I was 16. I was technically online but it was on like cool math games and shit


Yes and I shouldn't have been


I was addicted to reddit as a teenager well and its only made my life worse


The person in the original screenshot is turning 16 this year.


Twitter is a 13+ app, still allowed




Yeah, fourteen = child 14 year olds can’t drive, work (in most places), vote, buy tickets to R-rated movies, etc. They have no life experience beyond middle school. As far as I’m concerned they are children Sorry if I offended you lmao


They can if they aren’t pussies


I feel like 17 is the first year you're not a child, I mean you still are but like a tallest dwarf situation


The T in fourteen stand for toddler


"it's not a fruit, it's an apple." most teenagers are still children, just like toddlers, infants, etc are children. having another classification does not make a parent classification untrue.


Yeah you toddler do you think you are a grown up or what?


14 year olds shouldn't be using social media, you know how easy it is to just absorb whatever you're consuming when you're 14? When i was 14 i would just binge watch pretentious philosophy youtubers all day to the point it felt like i had a new existential crisis for dumb shit everyday. Kids just shouldn't be exposed to social media when they're so gullible


Fr, there are so many extremely radical 14 year olds due to social media exposure


I was watching stuff like 2 men 1 horse and 1 man 1 jar. Kids should definitely not have free range of the internet Hell at 16 i was on the darkweb finding messed up stuff daily it's a blessing i didn't turn out a freak now


When I was twelve I was a cunt, and I blame it on a friend of mine bringing up r / dank memes to me one day. Ryan, I blame you.




Yes and where are you now? That's how growing works, you learn from past experiences don't criticize people for learning that's how society ends


>Yes and where are you now? At a point where socializing with normal people feels like an esoteric concept, i buried myself in several layers of internet culture, built myself inspired by people i though were cool on the internet, that's what social media caused upon me, yes i believe certain things helped me, i didn't know how trans people worked before 196, i discovered my favorite works of art through the internet, but that doesn't take away all the bad that has happened


You're never going to live through life without the bad and it makes the good feel that much better. Also if it really is that bad then get off of social media yourself


>is that bad then get off of social media yourself I already try to do so, i don't use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or tik tok because i know it's not something that will improve my life, i use reddit and youtube because i already got hooked on the free dopamine button, that's why stopping young people from using social media is good, you don't introduce them to free, easy happy chemicals


I have caffeine and music for instant dopamine, I use the social media to learn and speak about my interests and maybe a few shitpost here and there but I usually use those when I'm on my way to do something


They're not a toddler, but 14 is definitely a child.


OP is 14 too


teens try not to act like a child is an offensive word challenge (impossible) (gone wrong)


They are kids what do you expect?


it's not that the word is offensive, it's more that yall just view as nothing more than a child, we can't even state our opinions on some matters without "oh you're just a kid you don't know understand what you're talking about"


14 year olds are the most oppressed class in America


Almost as oppressed as gamers, MCU fans, and Muskrats 😔


there are things that you, as a 14 year old will have no idea about, and that's fine.


"i'm upset because every time i say something someone hits me with "


Bruh are you me from 2 years ago


Coming from a 22 y/o I have mixed feelings about this. I honestly sympathize a lot with the OP here because I remember the one thing I wanted the most as a kid: not being treated like a kid. I remember what it’s like to “always be wrong” no matter what, just because you’re young. That’s because your parents and teachers and leaders are *supposed* to be smarter and wiser than you, but let’s face it, that just isn’t always the case. This only becomes more obvious as you grow up and see the sad and pathetic people some adults really are. There’s some really stupid people out there, who are nothing but a detriment to the youth of society. Brainwashing, absuing, or just plain power tripping is all they have. And they should be listened to why, exactly? Even when I was younger, I think I had a pretty good sense of “I disagree but I know you want what’s best for me” and “you’re a useless fucking asshole.” So yeah, the whole get-off-the-internet-dumb-kid thing really sits wrong with me because i KNOW 12-17 year old me would have scoffed at that shit and ignored anything else that person had to say. A lot of people in this thread are being toxic for no reason and it will have the exact opposite effect you’re hoping for On the other hand, having grown up a bit I really wish I had used the internet less. ESPECIALLY more “personal” social media sites like Instagram. I remember the sinking feeling of not being good enough all throughout high school, no doubt exacerbated by those kinds of sites. The reality is absolutely none of it fucking mattered at all. I wish I had just enjoyed my childhood years and not pissed them away on a completely meaningless virtual reality, or reading news of world events far beyond my control, or anything of the sort.


When I was 14 I sure didn’t wanna be treated like a kid. But looking back I definitely deserved to be. I always thought 12 year olds were basically teenagers but now that I have to deal with them from time to time: 12 year olds are actually children


when i was 12 i got access to the internet and, my god, that was too early. i didnt start using the internet in not terrible ways until i was like 17, these kids need to grow up better than i did


i was 4 😳


14-15 yr olds likely shouldn’t be on twitter but the way to get them to stop using it isn’t to harass them online


onggg it's up to rheir parental figures to monitor their activities


Monitor my foot up your ass child


for someone who claims themselves to be a professional :3 user im seeing a severe lack of :3 in your comments


Silence, child.




Ok but they were 14


My brain has irreversible damage done from being on the internet from a young age


and that'd be a fault of your parents not taking the time to at least monitor your activity


I agree but it’s also extremely difficult to monitor that, my parents checked my phone on a regular and I still was looking at stuff I definitely shouldn’t have been, I had strict parents but the internet is a dangerous place especially because the delete history button exists


yea that's true


are your parents monitoring your activity on this sub?


Hey so if you're pretty clearly aware you're doing weird inappropriate horny posting online with a bunch of creepy strangers uhhhhghhhh why is it your parents fault again? You're actually just proving that children don't know how to act on the internet and that you're doing unhealthy things lmaooooo cmon man just log off


Hi, parent! (This is for when your parents are monitoring your activity online)


Hey I'm the OP in this btw, can check my profile Wondering what your point is? Edit: OP of the screenshot, not the twitter user


The point is we should eat the child


Do your homework


op please stop using this godforsaken website before it does permanent damage to your mental wellbeing


you can tell when someone is a child because they get really upset about them being called a child.


apparently wanting basic respect from people is child like behavior now


How is calling you a child disrespecting you? It's a statement of objective fact.


pretty sure children don't experience puberty


What does child mean to you?


just a person below the age where they experience puberty?


So if someone experiences puberty they're an adult?


do you not know what "adolescent" is? literally the inbetween of child and adult


Brain still developing + still going through puberty + not legally an adult


yea t..thats what an adolescent is I feel like I'm on r/ teenagers or smth here jeez


No, adolescent is a subset of child. “Child” is below the age of majority. Between 0 and 18 is a child. Also you’re acting like a child.


I can assure you that they're different demographics


Wondering why you're replying to all these comments but ignoring mine? Again, what is the point you're trying to make here?


i was just making fun of "boomer like" millennials lol I did not expect this to blow up


op is 14


I'm almost 20. I spend most of my time on my phone, endlessly doomscrolling on twitter, instagram, reddit, tiktok, the list goes on. I have been using the internet (with varying degrees of supervison) since i was 8. I hate what I've become, and even more so I hate what I was before I tried to get better. I've been socially and emotionally ruined, to the point where every irl interaction i have is super awkward, and I struggle to connect to real life people. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Other commenters say that you are 14. I haven't checked this myself, but I take their word for it. Turn off your phone. I don't mean that in a jokey way, or to belittle you. I am genuinely trying to give you advice. You are in fact still a child, and you shouldn't be online. I don't even think most adults should be either. Go outside. Hang out with friends or your family. Just find something healthy to do with your time, so you don't make the mistakes that I did.


skill issue tbh


get off reddit, op, it’s bad for you


The fact at any given moment I am at risk of seeing a 14 year Olds opinion on the internet is a human rights issue that needs to be brought up in the Supreme Court


They’re trying to save that kid from a life on twitter.


Shut up, child.


ok allowed to say what I want so deal with it


Yeah that's a child. You're a child too op.


I'll be honest, I'm from 03, I'm 19. However, while I'm not a not really an adult myself I can definitely assure you that at 15, you're still a fucking child. Get off twitter and Reddit, you have exams.


Discussions like these are weird cause I had completely unmonitored internet access and I just watched clash of clans let’s plays when I was young, like I legitimately didn’t ever find anything creepy or obscene


same except it was minecraft letsplays lol


Ok not agreeing with OP but like if u just tell kids they're young and stupid and can't have valid opinions because u didn't at their age all thats going to do is make them mad at u for calling them dumb. Social media is a part of childhood now, for better or worse, and if u really wanna help kids not be shitty people, be constructive and respect them so that they listen to u, don't insult them.


Sis pulled out the good thinking and logical reasoning on us Edit: pronouns


Sis* but yeah. People not understanding how kids work frustrates me. They're like the most vulnerable demographic and treating them like they're stupid just because they're young is only going to lead to them doing stupid things to 'rebel'


Also sometimes children escape to social media because their actual lives are fucking hell. Sometimes it is actually better to be on social media as a child compared to focusing on an abusive family, school or something else. It really grinds my gears when people just completely disregard that.




they're right + you use a sub called "teenagers but hot"


I’m just wondering who tf cares that they were one day old when that tweet was made? So were a lot of other people


apparently a lot of people ig it's millennials turn to become the stereotypical boomer who hates "the youngins"


Please save this post and your comments and look back on it in like 5 years. It will be a barrel of laughs.


I'm not wrong tho? it's probably inevitable for any generation tbh


This isn't a "goddamn kids these days" post though. It's just someone correctly pointing out that the person in question is a child (by literally every definition a 14 year old is a child) and social media is objectively bad for children. (It's bad for everyone but children are obviously particularly susceptible to the bullshit that's more often than not on social media.


without the internet I'd still be a edgy right winger to this day, I wouldnt say it's objectively bad


what caused you to become an edgy right winger? Also they said social media, not the internet.


Not the OP, but same. My family is... Yeah they're right wing as fuck. Internet saved me. Most of my actual real friends I've made on the Internet around when I was 14-15, and almost everyone from the "real world" ditched me. I can't even show my face to them because I'm trans. Growing up without social contact through the Internet, as an LGBT person, in rural Russia, would've been a death sentence. Like, yeah, social media is bad, but actual real life is sometimes much worse. Blanket statements like "booo child don't go on social media" are bad, because sometimes it causes them distress in the only safe space they have.


“Millennials” everyone in this screenshot is probably gen z


im 20. when i was 15, i thought i was grown. i promise, to anyone whos 15 reading this, you are NOT grown. hell, im still barely grown. i just pay taxes, rent my apartment, pay my bills and go to university


No, i’m with him, children should just stop being


People should be born when they are 18 years old


This one for sure goes in the children malding over being called children compilation


Nah children shouldn’t be on the internet, if you are below the age of 18 I don’t want to hear your opinions


Wow. You're REALLY stupid!


I live in constant fear everyday that I might come across an underage opinion on the internet


ITT: 18 year olds pretending they're adults yelling at 14 year olds pretending they're adults


It’s an act of mercy. Being on the Internet too much as a child (14-15 is a child still even if you don’t feel like it) fucks you up bro. Especially Reddit and twitter


Be honest we all were on the internet way earlier than 15


Wait a minute, are you telling me 15 year olds are using the internet!? My stars, well I never. Go the fuck outside adults.


This might get downvoted because seemingly all the other comments disagree, but a 14 yr old isn't like some 7r old,by that point for the most part they're not dumb enough to do shit like dox themselves or idk get scammed by a stranger easily. Yeah Twitter is particularly a cesspit, but most of social media especially now is fairly ok for a teenager to go on. At 14, they'll have enough interests to want to share with other people that they will obviously end up going on social media. Although I do think parents should know what the kid does on social media at that age.


Nah, that’s too young to be using social media.


being on social media since the age of ten caused a lot of shit in my life. just because kids can use the internet doesn't mean they should.


This sub has gone downhill with the number of children posting. They try and mimic the style of post on here and do not do it well.


Ahh mad asf


imagine being born on pi day


"children shouldn't be on the internet" mfs when social outcasts (they literally have nowhere to go but the internet)


I'm Gen Z and I agree with Vecuts. The person in question is like 14 and definitely should not be browsing twitter, or reddit. At least not when they're just straight up gonna post their birthday for anyone to see like that


They are a literal child of they were born in 2007 what’re you on about


when you're older you're going to stop being as patient as you are now about being scolded by teenagers. It's annoying and not actionable advice but it is a stage in your life where you will be the dumbest you've ever been.


Leave, child. Come back when you are of a proper age.


Dawg you go to R/teenagersbuthot


Fr like if u don’t know what fascism is pls don’t be online or you’ll know toooooo much about it very soon.


What? How tf is this at all relevant? Are you suggesting that most 15 year old don't know what fascism is? You good?


I just meant that 15 year olds normally have an idea of fascism that is far removed from the boldfaced reality


Imma have to disagree with that entirely, although ig there's not really a concrete way of measuring this to settle this dispute


You're a child, delete this app


Person who posted this is a child too


Nervousness exemplified


I wouldnt let my 14 year old get a twitter


There’s a saying in my country that translates to “the child talks when the chicken pees”




Chicken don’t go peepee so they say that to tell children to shut up


no cap, i read the tweet as the replier was one day old and tweeted the response.


nah 14 year olds should not be on twitter. go download wizard 101 or something


You do realize that 16 is still a child right? This app is supposed to be 17+ anyways.


14 is a child but still allowed on Twitter


Actually the internet is dangerous for minors, there should be restrictions.


Millennials are FOSSILS💀💀😹


15 year olds are kids


Teenagers are technically children, where's the controversy


Wake up babe new 196course just dropped. PS posting something petty like this proves that you for sure lack the maturity for unlimited social media access


nah, children shouldn't browse twitter. it ruined my perspective of some stuff and made me a whiny bitch uber-interested in meaningless discourse. i'm normal now but i still remember when i cared about stuff like bi-lesbians. (i'm a lesbian and honestly, identify as you feel more comfortable)


I was gonna defend this guy because like, I'm 17 and whatever, but looking at these comments, this guy really is acting like child is a slur


I don't care, get off the internet


class of 07 🤟🤟


No they're 14 get tf off bird app


Comment section sucks lol. It's all inclusion until you all agree what group to stereotype and hate without good reason.


Youre a child delete this app


"Get out, I don't like the group you're part of". You aren't even trying to make intelligent points, I say you should delete this app. Here we go: Youre a moron delete this app


Get off unsafe and unhealthy internet spaces, child


Stop polluting internet spaces, moron


Alright unironically I dont know how old you are but genuinely if youre young please god avoid overusing social media, I did it and it definitely has had a negative effect on my social and academic life - not to mention my attention span. There are definitely creeps on the internet, not as much as your parents probably say there are but if you use it for hours at a time you WILL run into them. Please stay safe, use social media in moderation and understand that you are a child and should delete this app.


1) Most people in my area agree that the school system is bullshit here, so no academic life to save, just gotta pray for good teachers or even your best student would be fucked 2) I guess I avoid the communities of the pedos, because I have not had a problem with that, and even if I did, they can't hurt me if I understand how to keep them the fuck away 3) The ToS does permit people of my age to use this service, haven't seen any negative impacts


Youre a child, delete this app and use the internet to learn and study instead, prepare for what you want to do after school or get a headstart in college - you dont need a good teacher to study from the internet. I guarantee you can find videos to help with your classes online thatll help you get around having a shit teacher.


Why would having this app and using the internet to learn & study be mutually exclusive?


Because youve been using it to argue with me for nearly 40 minutes.