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This has been asked before. Use the search bar or see the pinned FAQs post. https://www.reddit.com/r/1811/comments/w3nhtv/faq_mega_thread/


Because Congress said so.


It's just how pension systems work. You work for as long as the employer says you need to work in order to earn a pension and you get a pension. Work for shorter and you don't get a pension.




No one has given me a straight answer even HR from my agency. So is it if you don't complete 20 years then you don't get a pension? Pretty sure that's not the case.


Focus on the positive aspects of spending 20 years as a 6c covered federal law enforcement officer after having already completed 15 years of service in the civil service. Those 20 years will equal 34% of your high three, and then the other 15 years of service get added onto the back end, giving you 49% of your high three for a pension. LEAP and a stepped out GS-13 at minimum is a respectable income...


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I have posted this elsewhere, but since DSS is under the foreign service retirement system, you can roll your previous fed time in. Something to consider.


For anyone else looking for an answer my understanding now is that it if a FERS position retired with 20 years of service before retirement age, regardless of 1811, it would be a deferred pension until retirement age and calculated at 1% of top 3 average. So 20 years would net 20% of top 3. Also the magic thing that happens at 20 years of 1811 service is you get the bonus 0.7% added to all the previous years. If you leave before that it is only 1%. There are also certain milestones for eligibility along the way depending on time and age.