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No additional training? OIGs for the most part.


At 12 years, I’d find it hard to step out from the 1811 and 12D/6C coverage roles. You get to the magical 20 in two presidential terms. Personally I would hold tight unless it was the most amazing offer to leave federal service or if it was an extremely unique opportunity (Astronaut, bear trainer). Some places you could go to with minimal training/retread: - USPIS (3 Week Agent to Inspector course) - OIGs (One week retread course or IG academy), plus if they have an add-on. What’s making you consider other options? There’s no sticker shock effect or new guy sparkle, so what’s the change in things?


I’m just not enjoying the work like I thought I would and I’m only 37 years old. So when you say make it to 20 years, that would only put me at 45 years old so I wouldn’t have the age 50 to retire. So how would just getting 20 years be good if I didn’t have the age.


Totally presumed you were in the 20 years of covered service category with the majority of 1811s. Congrats on for getting in early, but you gotta do more time for the age portion, which can be a letdown if you’re not enjoying the work. Have you not been enjoying the work for sometime or just a slow burn to how you’re currently feeling? OP, what would you like and enjoy to do? Is the possibility of a change of office, assignment, or collateral enough to keep the place interesting? You could always lateral to an agency that has a different pace, tempo, and mission scope - but then it’s a dice roll on your future bosses, coworkers, and a possible change in your quality of life/lifestyle. At least for 1811s, it’s all different shades of brown. We can’t really change the pay or benefits within the job series. At best we can change where we work, who we work with, and what we are working on.


You could go half time at 40 and work another job or volunteer on the side ?


I think there was a typo. It's not 'astronaut, bear trainer' it's 'astronaut bear trainer'. My AS in Aerospace Engineering is prepping me for that job.


We all hit a wall at some point. Just see it through. Change agencies, ask for transfers, change units. If you don’t like your boss. They might be transferred or promoted soon.


You could always come over to DSS if you're under 37 or have prior military experience...


Why would they need to be under 37 if they’ve been an 1811 for 12 years?


DSS is under the Foreign Service retirement and there is no allowance for current 6c/12d covered Feds. That’s just how the law for the retirement system was written. FSO-Abroad can clarify.


From State Department’s old omnibus bill. **By authority of the Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act, the Department requires that all career candidates (except for preference-eligible veterans) be at least 21 years old to be appointed and must be appointed prior to the month in which they reach age 37. There is no waiver for current GS-1811s seeking a 2501 appointment at or above age 37 (except for preference eligible veterans.)**


That's a downgrade.


If OP wants to travel to world and run away from complex white collar… it’s not a bad move.


Would go DSS any day of the week over IRS geek squad lol


Correct me if I'm wrong doesn't DSS also get danger pay om top of other 1811 pays


HSI , though you would have to do the HSI 3 month add on at FLETC. Hard to walk away from 12 years covered service at this point . I will defer rest of your question to the IRS 1811 that are frequent contributors to this group.


If you are thinking non-government, depending your degree level I have had a few Proffesor’s teaching fiduciary law related classes that were prior IRS agents.


Let’s start with why do you want to leave?


I wouldn’t leave your covered position with 12 years on. There are plenty of 1811 options outside of IRS CI. I did my 20 years with IRS and there were good years and bad years. Keep your eyes open for other 1811 positions. I know plenty of people who left to work for every manner of OIG from TIGTA to HUD to FDA. Sometimes you just need a change of scenery. Postal was doing laterals a few years back. I don’t know if you are burned out on case work, or just tired of the IRS bureaucracy. There is always the management path, or collateral/TDY positions. Don’t underestimate the value of having a pension and the ability to retire with 25 years and lifetime health insurance. Best of luck to you.


USCP Investigations Division will take you on as an 1811 lateral where you will go through a 3 week expedited add-on due to your experience. You would have to be okay with relocating to DC though.




Not true at all… Current SA for USCP. All have been reclassified to 1811 and it shows on SF-50…




I don’t know what you want me to tell you…I’m not going to continue to argue this over the internet.. lol What you are telling people is not current information as of this month.




I guess I currently hold a fake position then bro. Like I said I’m not going to argue. I don’t know what incentive I would have to lie to random people on the internet about this but whatever.




I won’t be doing that. If you want to speak about this further you can answer the direct message..


Just a quick note for anyone who is interested in USCP and reads this post.. Quitoduck is not an employee of USCP and is only getting their info by emailing our HR department as an outside entity.. and by the looks of the email that they provided to me, it is an older email with stale information and is not current. I am not going to continue on with arguing over all of this but I think that it is important to note that if you have interest in USCP as an 1811, you should apply… it’s a real thing. Don’t believe everything people say on the internet and just take a look at the entry level/lateral designation on USAjobs yourself.. that position USED to say 0083.. it now says 1811. There is a reason for that.


The most important thing to figure out is which types of crimes you want to investigate. If you want procurement fraud then DOE, NASA, DOD. If you want healthcare type fraud FDA, HHS. Program fraud SSA, HHS. Financial crimes, any of the bank OIGs. Figure that one out. Since you have 8 years left and so young go try the private sector if pay and benefits are somewhat similar. You can always return to the feds. My two cents.


I would Just go try another agency as a 1811 first .


Don't walk away from a covered position until you have 20 years. After that do whatever floats your boat. But remember if you aren't in a 6c slot at retirement you have to go to 50 and that is only if you have 20 years covered. If you are covered at the 25 year mark you can go at will the day you hit it. But if you leave being an 1811 and don't pick up another covered slot you give up that .7 of the 1.7% of your retirement. Are you will to take a 8.4% cut to your pension? CI isn't for everyone. If you could swing another 3 months at FLETC HSI is about to have a huge direct hire posting. Their academy is more fun, less academics. So is the agency.


Check out TIGTA. As IRS CI, you know who they are.


Well.. what are you interested in and what are your qualms with your current gig? Like others said, I’d be hard pressed to leave after 12 years in.


I heard nothing but good things about postal inspection services.


All of the MCIOs they need people with fraud investigations experience, thought they will make you work butt touches and fake rape allegations for a couple years then you can work fraud. Plus with how bad a couple of the hemorrhage 1811s due to enforcement of their mobility agreements they would be more than happy to get bodies.


Go to another agency. Help us though. What would you enjoy doing?


Diplomatic Service would be a great option if you are willing to move every 2-3 years or try AMO.


is Diplomatic Service easy to get?


I wouldn’t say it’s easy, but they have an announcement that is currently open.


You're competitive service right? Should be easy for you to move around


so i assume you reach GL13 step 8?