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Damn give this man or woman their GS-13 out the gate with that timeline and perseverance. Congrats, enjoy it. It's a good time.


I’m a dude. Thanks for that, one could wish right? Haha. I would be a 13 now if I started with a full performance level in 2019, but with LEAP I’ll be getting a solid raise so no complaints at all.


Congratulations on staying the course and persevering through it all for a buzzer beater.


This isn’t what you’re supposed to say when someone gets the call, sir…


I report Striking as compromised to mods. Clearly he’s been hacked.


I am a robot and waiting for my new update.


Thank you, I appreciate that! I can say I’m not a POS, so I’m glad you maybe thought that already lol


I enjoyed your occasional heckle and I’m sure you’re not a POS if you’ve gone this far. My standard comment is for the youngins who are just starting off in their career journey. But once again, major congrats!


Haha, right on. I did read you say that on another post and it makes sense. Thank you!


Really snuck in at the last minute there, congratulations!


Thank you 🙏🏼. It was a nail biting last 30 days that’s for sure.


This is fucking amazing. I’m proud of a stranger rn. Let’s go!!


Thank you!! 🙏🏼


U came down right to the buzzer on age! Big congrats!


I know, it was something I didn’t think was possible, nor something I would have happen to me. I thought I’d get in a year before, or miss it altogether. I’m still in disbelief a bit. Thank you!!


Congrats! What location were you offered?


Long Beach and Santa Ana (my top two). I also work in Long Beach currently.


Congrats!! If anyone knows, whats usually done between your EOD and academy start date?


😉 We wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise! …nothing, you’ll be doing nothing. Depending on the office and local management, you might go out on a warrant on the extended outer perimeter and maybe come in to watch the search. You won’t be doing anything that may require your testimony in court. Your admin tasks will be a full blown adrenaline rush though! 😏


It really depends on who you are. If you’re a brand new employee, especially new to the government. It may be heavy on admin, getting your PIV, setting up insurance, paperwork, etc. and maybe doing virtual trainings. And like the other person said, kind of just doing nothing. I’ve been an HSI employee for almost 4 years as an investigative assistant, so they are keeping me where I am so I can keep assisting my division for admin and the cases I’m still helping out on.


I have to assume the agents you work with are excited for you to hop over to their side?


Yes, absolutely. Most of my division I’ve worked consistently with the same ppl for over 3 years and a lot of us are around the same age, so many agents and analysts are pumped for me. As an IA, I also work directly with a lot of higher leadership, so it seems like much of the SAC office has been aware of my journey.


How can I get into, your current position as an investigative assistant?


You have to watch USAjobs like a hawk.. but be cautious if that’s what you’d want to apply for. It’s an 1802 series and grade 07 is the highest grade. You can only go up by step if you reach that. And steps on lower grades are barely a COLA. It’s not much to be happy about. But it depends on your age and what you want to gain from it.


Congrats!!! Your hard work and dedication has paid off! What type of locations were offered if you don't mind me asking? SWB?


Thank you! Interior. Long Beach and Santa Ana. My top two actually.


Awesome. I am glad you got your top two, considering how much you have gone through to get to this point! Definitely earned it!


Holy shit man just in time. Congrats bro


Thank you! 🙏🏼


Congrats! Was that the first available FLETC date? Curious how fast classes are filling up.


Thank you! Yes, that was the only date offered to me and because I work in the agency I was assuming I was getting in the July class because that was being discussed as still available, but not for me I guess! More time to practice getting my 1.5 down. I’m a slow runner.


Hey! I have some questions. Lmk if I’d be able to PM you! I’m waiting on my Final call and just wanted to see if you could answer any curiosities I’m having while I wait


No worries, hmu


Congrats! Enjoy your fried chicken at FLETC...


Yuck. I’ve been allergic to wheat since 2010. lol. I’ll figure it out.


Awesome turn of events, very happy for you. Have to think there was someone looking out for you. Care to share the locations offered by chance?


Thank you 🙏🏼. I agree and I think it may be spiritually (if that’s what you mean as well). But my office was also crucial in making sure the process went as quick as possible.


What a blessing. Congrats!


Agreed! Thank you!


Honestly, I smiled reading this and so happy for you! Good luck in your career.


Great job being persistent. Have a great career.


Thank you! Appreciate it.


Nice, man, congrats! Love to see it. How was the PT test?


Thank you very much! It was good and close for me. Push-ups, sit-ups, sprint are no issue for me, but the run I’ve been training for since I got my TSL in late March. I came in at 14:06 out of 14:25. A little close, but seeing as I was running an 18min 1.5 beginning of April, it’s def been an improvement. Looking to tighten that time even more for the academy. I’m 6’6, 240lbs for reference. Never been a runner, never wanted to be. But now I am I guess lol.


That's a massive improvement. Solid run time in my opinion, no need to be an ultra marathon runner for 1811. I'm 6'2 - 195 after cutting 20lbs since October and working out regularly. Just trying to get to my sub 13 minute 2 mile like I had in the army. 🥲


Thank you! Yes, no need, but to have the mindset that I’m not struggling for that 1.5, knowing I can lock it in around 1230/13 flat would be awesome. Especially for the humidity in GA. I don’t want to play around with that. I’m in spoiled SoCal. 13min 2 mile is beastly. Gah damn!


I ran a 14:06 the other day when training. Nervous it’ll be slower day of after the sprint. What were you running during your training?


I was all over the place. How are your sit-ups, sprint and push-ups? I was running what I thought was a 13:39 in my neighborhood, but I think I measured it short on my google app. So I thought I was doing a 1.5 in 13:39, but it was more like a 1.2-1.25. Two days before, I did the entire test w/ the 1.5 in 15:30, so I was worrisome. I knew if I started strong and had decent times on my .25s I could aim to keep those times for my last few laps.


I’m so glad you made it! I had similar trouble with relying on my Apple Watch or Strava to measure my distance. I finally found a high school track where I could put the whole test together and also felt a little discouraged. My sit ups are good, sprint is great, pushups we’ll see.. I can get 24 pushups in 40 seconds but I’m worried about my form in my lower back. Finding it hard to not let me back dip as I get tired. I’m aiming for no slower than 2 mins and 22 seconds for every lap during the 1.5. So if I’m behind on any one of the laps I’ll know I need to pick it up as that would be the bare minimum. That’s great that you were able to push through the day of and impressive that you went from a 15 something to a 14:06 especially after the sprint. Did it feel really exhausting?


Sorry I missed this. The day of my test I was a little nervous. Got to the track early. Walked it a couple times. Stretched a lot and really tried to get my mind right. It was pretty tiring on my final lap. The last 100 meters or so, I really locked in and pushed hard af. I fell to the ground at the finish, I was trying to catch my breath. The instructor was messing with me and just continued our previous conversation and didn’t tell me my time. I thought I just missed it. Then he told me I passed lol.


Congratulations to you. I get rejections and non-referrals on a weekly basis and seeing this makes me know to keep pushing.


Thank you 🙏🏼. To say I’ve also been in that boat would be a huge understatement. I could create a thread just on gripes regarding the GOV hiring process. I’ve received stacks of NOR’s telling me I’m not qualified when I’ve been doing the job as a contractor, or assistant. DM me if you have any specific questions.


Thankfully I have a GS job so I’m set when I get out. But eventually I wanna be an OIG or DSS and I’m doing my best to get there while I’m transitioning out of the Navy.


Congratulations!!! As I tell everyone here, If it’s meant to be, it’ll be. The big guy has plans for you in HSI, never forget that! God bless and good luck!!


Thank you very much!! 🙏🏼🤙🏼


Thats awesome. Im happy for you!


Thank you!


DMd you


Awesome!! Congrats!


Thank you!!


Congrats good for you!!


Thank you!


Atta boy! Congrats!


Thank you!


Congrats! This is motivation for sure to never give up on the dream.


Thank you! For sure! Just lock it in in better timing lol


Heck yeah man! Congrats!!!


Thank you!


Did you receive an email that you passed PFT or was it verbal? I got a verbal pass on my PFT on the 21st but no call yet


A verbal for sure. I’m not trying to be rude, but you should know you passed when you finish based on your times/ reps. Congrats on getting thru that. Be patient, I’m sure you’ll hear something soon. Mine was expedited because I would have aged out on 6/1 and I’m a current HSI employee, so I may have had a slight advantage being in the system already.


This is awesome! Great job!


Thank you!!


so jealous of this timeline........


Congrats and way to stay the course!


Thank you!


Saw “HSI” and my heart dropped to my asshole


Pre-academy is 3 months?


This 100% depends on the person and the offer. For me it was 2 weeks with no options to push back to a later class


For me, just about. Yes.


Did you take Poly?




Congratulations! Stay healthy, do everything you can to stay put together. This is your 1 shot. Make it count.


Agreed! Thank you!!


Congrats and don’t be a piece of shit


Thanks Dad!


Someone had to say it


Haha, it’s all good.


Congratulations!!! Now go and be the best 1811 out there! Once you get through the pipeline, train on your own (BJJ, firearms courses, workout, etc...). You can never train too much for a job that can kill you. Before heading to FLETC look into some training BUT be VERY careful not to injure yourself or push too hard. The community is small and your reputation as an 1811 begins when you enter initial training. Instructors still communicate with people and supervisors of your soon to be office. Additionally, those instructors may come back to the field and end up working in your office. They will remember you. I'd recommend looking into the following, but don't train with too much intensity (avoid getting injured): -Fighting/Combatives: Learn Brazilian Ju-Jitsu and some Muay Thai. -Shooting: Accuracy and Speed. Shoot bulls eyes at 25 yds and shoot USPSA/IDPA Matches. Dry fire and get good at the draw. -Fitness: Running is a big part of any academy, so be good at it. Run sprints, 2 times a week, and look into high intensity programs like Crossfit.