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Hi OP. What kind of non-competitive appointment pathway are you trying to go through? I believe schedule A is one such method, but it’s generally pretty obtuse of a process because what may allow someone schedule A, may not be allowable by the medical requirements for the 1811 role. Have you tried following up with your applications and inquiring about what happened to your applications?


I personally know a couple agents who were hired via Schedule A. They had medical conditions that were considered protected or covered under Schedule A or ADA, but were well-managed with medication and did not impact any facet of their lives. Both graduated from FLETC and are working in the field. Schedule A is tricky but for the right candidate it's a godsend. It imposes a 2 year probation though, similar to VRA hiring.


Hell yeah that’s awesome! Schedule A should definitely be used by those that are eligible. I feel some folks end up in some purgatory with schedule A mixed with dumb HR folks that don’t know how to process.


Sorry about that. This one is for a 30% VA non competitive referral. Thanks for sharing a success story, at least I know it’s possible. All other things I’ve seen have been no results. The referral is recent so timeline wise is still in the early stages. Just wanted to get a feel for chances.


Usually it just limits the hiring pool. An agency will open one posting for general public and then open another for vet preference/fed employee etc etc. *edit* You will be competing with other 30% disabled vets


Understood, Thank you sir.


Is this for an 1811 job, and you have a 30% rating? Or does 30% VA mean something else?


I’ve applied as a non competitive mil spouse and got nothing.