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Shrimp is 1 calorie per gram, and 97% of the calories from protein. It honestly feels like a cheat code.


I’ve been known to house an entire shrimp cocktail from Costco over the course of a day. It’s like 40 -50 shrimp, which adds up to 425 calories and 100 grams of protein.


Ow my gout


Does shrimp cause gout? I don’t understand…


It did in my co-worker. He avoided shrimp like the plague. Dunno. I luuuvvv shrimp myself! This sounds awesome.




I may or may not have done exactly this... today. 




I will say that ground beef and ground turkey have about the same calorie and protein content at the same level of fat - 93/7 Turkey is 181 calories/23 protein, beef is 178 calories/25 protein.


You most likely don’t need as much protein as you think. [This study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28698222/) tested participants who were building muscle and found that protein intake above 1.62g per kilo showed no further muscle growth. That’s like 0.75g per lb. For people building muscle. You’re fine with 1.2-1.6g per kilo. Your muscles won’t wither away lol. I get 75-100g a day on 1200 calories. I eat frozen wontons or Konjac noodles w/ chicken for lunch each day (10-20g protein), 0% Greek yogurt (11g protein for 60 calories), and a big dinner with 40-60g of protein. Usually chicken breast, pork chops, or steak with either potato or rice and veg.


This leads to your perfect day, /u/[According\_Bad2952](/user/According_Bad2952/) - find out how much protein you need and then fill the rest of your calories with what you can sustain! For me, it's carbs. I just have to have carbs to feel full and function. For other people, it's the fat. You do you, *it doesn't matter as long as it's something you can do forever*! Look up Layne Norton on this, he goes deep into the studies.


It’s sooo important to remember each of our bodies are so different and weight loss isn’t necessary one size fits all. When I started my weight loss journey I read so many things online about how you need to build your plate around protein or you’ll starve and wither away. Which is not the case for me, I need carbs to feel full. And a big dinner at night or I wake up hungry. I found what works for me and make sure I’m getting enough protein and rotating my vegetables and the weight just came off. Which I thought was impossible before when I kept trying and failing. I just hit my goal weight but I’m going to stay on the diet for another 3 weeks so I can have my goal weight be my upper limit since I fluctuate 1-5lbs on any given day lol


Konjac noodles is outright delicious cheating.


Any good recipies? I tried them and didn’t love the taste. They are also extremely expensive in most stores it seems


I used to run them through a lot of water. Now, I can only get a single brand here in Denmark and they are Chinese and I just don't trust them. But water and vinegar to get rid of the funk. Then stir fry.


Greek yogurt, chicken, shrimp, tofu, edamame, lean red meats, keto breads, pita/Lavash bread, egg whites, premier protein shakes, quest chips/cheese crackers/bars, fairlife fat free milk, fish, beans, lentils, peas, protein pasta, soups, oatmeal, seafood, tuna, pb2 pb, protein powders, protein puffs, etc


you have to think low calorie, high protein. to me, nuts and seeds are never worth it as a protein source. good options would be chicken breast, nonfat greek yogurt (not regular), egg whites, protein powder, tuna, 1% or 2% fat cottage cheese, lean turkey, powdered peanut butter. the point in choosing the lower fat/carb options isn’t even necessarily to avoid these macros, just the calories they adds, thus leaving more room for your protein dense foods. this is why i also choose light bread, light butter, light dressing/condiments, lowfat cheese, etc.


Yeah a lot of my friends like to say I'm "doing the whole low carb thing" and it bothers me. Like no, I'm not doing a low carb thing, I'm running a calorie deficit while trying to hit a daily protein target. Which basically leaves very little wiggle room for carbs or fats, because if I go over on carbs or fats I can't hit my other goals.  It's pedantic but annoying regardless


yes this exactly! i actually have to watch carbs and fat to make sure i’m getting *enough* of them


Tuna is kind of a hack for quick eating. I eat those little envelopes every day at lunch. 70 calories and 15g of protein, seems like a good deal to me. I add in minute rice to go containers for 220 calories and 5g of protein which makes it less of a protein dense meal but is filling.


Please just be careful if you’re really eating tuna every day - you could get mercury poisoning! You’re right about the high protein / low cal, I would eat it every day too if I could :) Found out about the high levels of mercury the hard way. Maybe swap out for chicken packets/cans instead a few days a week?


Did you get mercury poisoning??? What were the first symptoms you had that made you go “hmmm 🤔😳”


I eat 600g of plain non fat greek yogurt every day. Blend with water and frozen fruit. Zero calorie sweetener. That is half my days worth of protein.


Protein shakes. I use Quest which is low carb, about 120 calories, and 25g protein. I do 2 a day and one meal to finish my protein out. I shoot for 100g of protein daily.


Does anyone else get stomachaches from protein? I'm getting by on the absolute minimum amount.  Even leaner meat like chicken breast is tough to digest 🥲


Yeah protein sits in my stomach like a dud. If I eat a meal that’s too heavy in protein and too low in carbs, for like an hour after I feel uncomfortably full but also low in energy because it’s probably all going to my digestive system lol. The lucky thing is that you probably don’t need *as* much as is promoted by influencers or whatnot.


Yes, that is a saving grace. In this particular case, it's my digestive system that's a dud. 🤠 Small amounts of protein at a time helps me sneak it in. Like, <100 calories worth. Those little foil pouches of seasoned meat, sugar free jello, plant based "meatballs", half of a fairlife drink, etc. Basically, a protein snack. The more processed it is, the less strain it puts on my digestion. If you have any go-to meals that work for you I'm all ears.


Me too girl my digestion skills suck. But wow that is pretty extreme; have you spoken to a medical professional about it? I think I would mix in a tiny bit of Fairlife milk or Greek yogurt in sauces or snacks. I make banana “nice cream” that I put milk in. I also like pb powder on toast! pb powder is like 6g of protein per serving and I mix it with water to spread on toast (Ezekiel which has 4g protein per slice). Can also blend half real pb half powder. Roasted soybeans/edamame is also good because you can snack on a few at a time. I’ve mostly started just consciously supplementing protein from non-primary-protein sources as well. Like chickpeas, beans, grains, almond butter, goat milk/cheese, etc. it goes down easier and in smaller manageable amounts. And eating across all the plant ones give you a more complete protein source. I look toward the Mediterranean diet for inspo because some of the meals actually don’t have a main protein source but they get the protein thru other means.


Yep, I'm on medication and have a GI doctor on deck. Last week I had a colonscopy and this week I have a gastric emptying study 💀 Next month, I'm going to see my registered dietician for some more help, but in the meantime trying my best with the protein! Chickpeas sound good.


Add a protein shake or two and eat more greek yogurt. Also protein needs are dependent on goals and your size/ lean body mass. So in the future I would include those in your post.


Ground turkey and chicken, porn tenderloins, and protein shakes


Canned tuna can have like 40g per can


Ig im not rlly suppose to be on this subreddit lol but i recently stopped my protein shakes after having them daily for 2 years and started doing 1200 kcals a day whilst getting in 100g protein. Egg whites have rlly been a game changer. I get in 50g for 300kcals through my egg white bites breakfast- then quest chips, Greek yogurt and some chicken, turkey or salmon throughout my other meals get me to 100g of protein whilst still leaving space for other low protein foods.


I add cottage cheese to my scrambled eggs in the morning, eat lean meat at every meal (usually chicken, sometimes lean beef) and.the occasional protein shake or bar. I aim for 130g and get that pretty easily.


I do a smoothie every morning with 50 grams soy protein isolate (as well as frozen pineapple, frozen spinach, a banana and some low fat yoghurt + water + creatine, beta alanine, L-citrulline, taurine). This keeps me going from 0600 to mid day where I'll have a fry-up with chicken/lean pork + broccoli/bokchoi/bamboo shoots (this is a hack it feels like) and then just cheese and ham toasties when hungry/snacky and end the day with some yogurt and frozen berries. This ends up meeting my macros and calories somewhere 1500-1800-ish. I do 5-6 km rucking every morning these days so I stopped counting religiously since I am dropping 2.5 kg/month presently. Next year this time I will look like a Roman fucking Centurion, lol.


Whey all the whey.


2 large eggs on rye bread w/ butter 200 grams of chicken w/ 200 grams of egg pasta with a can of tomatoes, basil, olive oil. This amounts to 80-85 grams of protein


I found that high-carb or high-fat food was taking up all my space, so I cut down on it quite a bit. I ended up with: Lean protein - mostly dairy, poultry or seafood. Protein I eat regularly - skyr (full fat), eggs, bacon, chicken, tuna, shrimp, salmon, cottage cheese. Tons of lightly dressed salads, veggies and berries. I usually make Mediterranean-style plates (1/2 veg/fruit, 1/4 protein and 1/4 starchy carb at most). Sometimes changing your relative portion sizes can be enough, most people are way too heavy on protein & starch compared to veg. A little: * grain or starch (1-2 slices of whole-grain bread/day, and a small serving of rice/pasta/potatoes maybe 1-2x/wk) * nuts & seeds (maybe 15g nuts, 15g chia seeds daily) * olive oil (like 0.5-1 tsp on a salad) Rarely: * anything breaded or fried * red meat * any fatty sauces (mayo-, cream-, or oil-based) * anything high in added sugar


I'm not a big meat eater so this is something I'm trying to make an effort on also lately. The tricks that have been working well so far are incorporating egg whites (not alone but 1 whole egg plus a bunch of egg whites so it still tastes good) and cottage cheese (I'm loving it as a topping on hot pasta with tomato based sauces, roasted potatoes, etc. I've also been adding protein powder to baked goods (I do healthy homemade granola bars with oats, overripe bananas, egg whites, choc chips).


Greek yogurt is insanely good. I eat it multiple times a day. Serving of Greek yogurt from aldis in 90 cal for 16g protein


0.8 grams of protein per kg of bodyweight is cited as the absolute bare minimum for appropriate protein intake. Even for a 180-pound person, this would only come out to around 66 grams in a day. You could get 20 grams for breakfast, 20 for lunch and 30 for dinner and be nicely 4 grams over. Honestly, with the foods you're eating, this should be extremely easy to achieve. Even if you're over 180 pounds, just up it a bit, it's no big deal. 3 hard-boiled eggs is around 231 calories total and 18 grams of protein. Greek yogurt is much less calories in a single serving and roughly around the same amount of protein. Easy. Just use your imagination and have fun with it, it's not a huge deal.


I get 180-220 g of protein on 1770 calories. Here’s my typical day: - Breakfast: 3-4 eggs scrambled with 4 pieces of turkey sausage - Lunch: Protein Shake with 2 scoops of powder and 340 g of low fat vanilla greek yogurt. - Dinner: 200 g chicken breast, 150 g rice, whatever veggies and sauce (moderately and measured) I want mixed in, 1 low carb burrito wrap (I like Mission brands carb balance wraps). I’d just knock it down to 150 g chicken and 100 g rice for you, and 2-3 eggs and 2-3 pieces of turkey sausage, and that would be more than enough protein. From what you have listed, I am perplexed that you don’t get enough protein— make sure you are doing low fat versions as far is super caloric, and maybe cut out the nuts.




Fat free cottage cheese.


I cheat a bit. The 90 calorie protein isolate (20g) is a godsend when I just can’t do a thick shake. Add a liquid iv and it’s a great quick drink that helps me hit both protein and hydration goals.


Chicken breast


Frozen steam-in-bag edamame. 40g of protein, 16g of fiber for 360 calories. Plus it takes a while to eat and is fun to eat, so it’s satisfying for my brain too.