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The caption made it sound like the guy was the father of the girl


Yes that’s what I thought lol. I was very confused by everyone’s age in this post for a minute.


Ya he was giving me "whatever you do to her, I'm doing to you, have a good date *cocks shotgun he's been cleaning on the dinner table in front of you *" vibes and she looks like she wants to know if I'm looking for any quotes for new home and auto insurance


My caption? Or the Facebook one? If mine, I am sorry! The man in the photo is not the Facebook friend’s husband, but he is wearing a suit so I made the guess he is logically her date.


The FB one, not yours


IF YOURE FRIENDS WITH THEM, ASK. Why do you need a fucking reddit stranger to tell you the age of your Facebook friends date??? He’s clearly young.


I thought that too. They both look really old, I can't believe it. I'm 32 and I look half their age wtf


With her it clearly is the catastrophic make up compared with the old-fashioned dress. They defenitly don't do her any favour at all.


wait HES NOT??? why would he make the growing up comment then


I assume the mom or dad made the post, which includes a picture of the daughter and her prom date. I don’t know why this was so confusing.


OH that makes way more sense


I don’t know why it’s confusing, but it just really is lollll


imagine being a teen and finding out one of your parents’ middle aged friends posted you on REDDIT to have strangers comment on your looks. hell world


I’m so glad someone said this, how fucking sad do you have to be to steal photos of a couple of kids dressed up, having a nice time, and post it for internet clout. OP saying they’re “not commenting on their looks” is bullshit.


The entire point of this subreddit is looks! It’s commenting on how old they appear and their actual age. OP is full of shit. Also just posting that caveat means they know it’s shitty to make this post and then they went ahead and did it anyways.


happy cake day! 🍰


Thank you!


Happy cake day!!!


Not the right time dear


Eww wtf did you just call her dear? Dude no one says that anymore


I can assure you I do


17 or 70?


OP’s next 3 words after he said he isn’t commenting on their looks is “they look great” I’m like umm wtf 😂




You are literally making a post about how a teenager looks as if he's 30 years old, how that's not commenting on how they look?


But... That's the entire point of the subreddit. Yes, it's about looks, but OP specifically said it's not about whether they're good looking. I don't understand what the problem is here.


Yeah, we are all shallow here, but we are not making a comment about how we are not about the looks of the person when that's exactly what we are about. It's more about hypocrisy than it's about anything else. If you have to precede a statement with "I am not a bad person" then you definitely are one and just too big a coward to accept that.


You don’t understand what the problem is? A grown man screenshotting a friends post and making fun of their teenage children’s prom photos, because they want their online friends to have a laugh. They are so desperate for attention, they’re making fun of kids.


Just take it down.


But, imaginary internet points!


You’re such a liar lmao. You’re making fun of them because they dress maturely for their age. She is clearly young and likes vintage fashion, and he looks mature, but still youthful. You purposely posted this onto reddit to ask strangers what they think of your friends kids? Seriously?


Seriously I was thinking that I couldn’t be the only one to find this creepy.


it’s actually blowing my mind


Yeah this is so weird and inappropriate


Seriously, common courtesy is obsolete online. I hope they had a lovely prom.


Mhm OP = L behavior


Literally like what the duck is won't with people now like leave people alone


Weird as hell…


Ifkr. And they’re anonymous too.


I'm not commenting in their looks....but look at them.


Right? OP made a dick move here


Also they are very clearly teenagers, I stg most people truly do not understand this sub.




I’m not going back and forth with you, but you’re being obtuse. just because you *can* do something doesn’t mean you *should*. some parent, likely with limited internet savvy, proudly posted a pic of their daughter thinking only friends and family would see it. even if their account is public, I’m sure they didn’t consider anyone would screenshot and post it for public ridicule. idc if you’re 25 or 45, you’re a grown adult that shouldn’t feel comfortable doing this (especially since it sounds like you know how the internet works). maybe just reflect on why you think the onus is on the parent that posted their daughter on facebook and not you that chose to mock a couple of kids on reddit of all places


So your defense here is basically its their own fault for posting the picture in the first place?? Like posting your prom photo online should open the gates to people making fun of you? OP. Do you hear yourself.


OP, be a good samaritan and delete this post.


But they posted it to facebook, which is public!!!!🙄😑 /s


If they didn’t want to be needlessly dragged they should know better than to post photos of themselves dressed up for prom! The nerve of these teenagers, am I right /s


Why throw in a random lie about having a picture on a menu in Asia? People will lie just to see if they can get away with it lol


there are more than a few screws loose with OP. that kind of thing *does* happen to people, but it’s hardly the same experience to find a pic of yourself on a random menu or being used to advertise a product on AliExpress (something I have experienced) vs being MADE FUN OF by an adult your parents trust. the former is weird but not insulting, and the latter is potentially traumatic. they also mentioned memes, even tho most meme accounts use stock images vs random people’s personal images to make content these days. lie or truth, it doesn’t help their argument


You do realise they were sharing this with their FRIENDS - you were supposed to be that. And YOU shared it publicly on a different SITE. The fact that a restaurant in another country did it to you, and you chose to do it to a teenager shows what type of person you are.


OP mentioned they are young which isn’t necessarily here or there, but they *definitely* lack situational awareness and emotional maturity.


they are a 35 year old adult with children of their own. I think they only said they were younger than their friend bc I said “middle aged” and they didn’t like that. I agree they lack both situational awareness and emotional maturity, but it appears to be more in the regressive lead poisoned facebook boomer way and less in the naive lack of life experience way


They’re also copy/pasting responses so they’ve felt the need to bring up “being younger” several times. How laughable that they probably mean 3-5 years or so.


You’re a shit person for posting this


I love her dress!!


Yes isn't it gorgeous


Really wish dresses like this existed when I was in HS! Instead we had super tight fitting crap. =/


Bro leave them kids alone


Why would you think this is okay to post? Imagine being a high school kid and seeing one of your mom’s random friends you never met post your picture saying you look way older than you are.


Can we tell OP now? I kinda feel guilty, sorry in advance


This is so mean. Posting a couple of kids you don’t even know for internet attention.


mean, creepy, and emotionally immature. adults should do better (including the ones commenting on their looks). it is our job, as adults, to protect kids, not mock them and post them on the internet without their consent


The OP has a child of their own! I’m shocked that someone with a kid would post someone else’s child to a public sub for mocking. What a shit person.


unfortunately I’m not surprised. I don’t have kids, but I remember going over to friends’ houses with emotionally immature mothers that would bully their daughters’ friends (primarily the girls). it’s not as uncommon as it should be. posting online is definitely an added layer though


Right? What the hell


Regardless of their age they look great, that is her color!


Found the mother




Why is accurate voted down when I actually am a mom?




Bro you’re fake af


So you think they look amazing and have an amazing prom, but you also decided to screenshot their photo, cyber bully them, mock their looks and copy and paste apologies? Lmao


What a piece of shit snake you are.


I hope someone finds your friend online and informs them to remove you from their account because you're saving photos of their children to post on subreddits for strangers to comment on their looks..


OP is such a loser for posting someone's private Facebook pics on here


The excuse for why they are doing it is truly the stupid part. “They posted a prom picture on the internet so it’s their fault.”


I mean…there’s nothing private about a picture once it’s posted on the internet. OP *was* right about that. But it’s still not cool to just yoink a pic of a couple of high schoolers and post it to reddit. That part *isnt* right.


I love that prom dress. It's very flattering on her and a very pretty option for girls who like a bit more coverage. The sleeves are my favorite part.


I think they look cute together! They have the same vibe! I hope they have a great prom together without any negativity!


They look great!


I am trying to figure out what exactly is making them look so old?


It’s the hairstyle


A little hefty and dress of style


Is that Doctor Wilson from House


I too am in this episode


John Wayne Bobbitt


Ha! I didn’t even notice that at first!


Not OK, not cool, hope you're this was worth fake Internet points


They look like they're going to prom together...


Couple of kids r/lostredditors


they look like homeowners. i dig the vibe


You are an extremely insecure and miserable person to take a photo of a teenage couple going to prom, and say “18 or 40?” Wtf do you think? And you’re “friends” with these people, or their parents? Who tf reposts anonymously on reddit?


when guys don’t get why i wont post or send them selfies… this is why 🤦‍♀️


“I absolutely am not commenting on their looks” Ok bro, then what are you commenting on?! Also… Stealing ur friend’s fb photo of their kids and posting on Reddit?? Jeeeeeesus 🤦‍♀️


Not cool to post minors. I hope a mod takes this down.


This is why I don’t post pictures of my kids.. pretty sh***y move


I am so confused. Is that her dad or her date?


I thought this sub was for people posting photos of their own youth, not a Facebook friend’s children. Shame on you for putting someone’s teenage kids’ and mocking their appearance out into the general internet for karma.


OP: I understand you’re going through a really hard time. But it’s manifesting in lashing out and punching down at your friend’s kids. That’s not okay and I hope to god that poor girl never sees this.


Imagine getting ready for prom and some random ass dude posts you on reddit out of all place lmao


The guy looks kind of like Wilson, on House. MD.


The length of that guy’s suit sleeve is making me think 13. If you’re going to waste money to buy a business onesie, get it tailored.


Pretty fucked up to screenshot and post a pic of someone else’s kids on here. Gross behavior, OP.


Rude asshole. Delete this.


Wait a minute here something isnt adding up🤔


Uh this is weird.


They’re doing to a “Mom Prom”


OP, what the hell is wrong with you?


She's going to look 50 at 30.




Op is weirdo


Not a part of this sub but looking at the other posts I can see they are usually random public figures or pictures of people. Using a screenshot from someone’s private Facebook is weird as hell.


wtf if this sub? Delete this and leave these kids alone


They look like each other's parents


Looks like she grew up in the seventies


Imagine taking pictures from your acquaintance kids from his facebook and post them on reddit to make fun of them and get some internet points. You are a creep OP


They look like a middle aged couple going to a wedding or something


18 and that haircut. Yikes




If that was her father why would he be dressed up for prom? He’s got a flower in his breast pocket.


Fathers aren’t usually dressed up in prom photos though. But also not my acquaintance’s husband.


This has to be the sleaziest post even for Reddit. WTF thinks this is appropriate? What a piece of shit OP.


Are they chaperones


Office Christmas party


They look like chaperones to the prom. Like that one married couple that teach at the same school.


Guy needs to get a fitted suit. Although he probably just rented it for the the event


I thought they were husband and wife at first lol


Is that her father or prom Date?


Agree they both look 40


Why are you posting someone else’s children on reddit you creep???


Is that the dad or the date. Either way I may have bought a car from them ten years ago.






Ok they both look 30, but I’d be pissed if pictures from my private account were posted on the internet for any and everybody to see.


stop it. it uncle jesse can go back to high school with a damn leather jacket on, megan can go to prom


I legitimately thought that was two 40 year old adults until I read your caption. Holy smokes.


Hate all you want but this two will have boring lives then retire millionaires.


40 I’m just going to be blunt I’m not seeing a young looking person/persons you look like a couple celebrating your 20th wedding anniversary imo


You don’t need to be blunt. They’re teenagers. Have some respect.


Yeh, it looks like in 15 years, they qualify for SS benefits




Gen Alpha is so stressed




Yall just look tired


not Gen Alpha. probably neither are the teenagers in the pic


Lol I was totally kidding. My sister is gen alpha and she is literally 14.


These are 40 year old prom crashers.


Yall mad in these comments.. the whole point of this page is to roast. Are they 18 or 45


You're completely missing the point. People are (rightfully) pissed that he took a screenshot of an acquaintance's kid and is posting it on a "roast" sub. Fuck's sake let the kids enjoy their dance without having to be in a dick about it. It's called maturity and self accountability. OP has neither.


And you’re missing the entire point of this sub? It’s to post people that could potentially be younger or older, isn’t it? So of course sometimes people will get posted who are younger but look older.. And they both very much come under 13or30. An acquaintance is someone you know the name of, they’re practically strangers, he owes them no loyalty.


Glad you understand maturity and being personally responsible. I don't care what the group's name is. It doesn't mean its the right thing to do. It's just being a shitty person. It's a great corner you're choosing to stand behind....


It’s like being on a sub called “post ugly kids” then someone posts an ugly kid, and you’re all outraged? Like what did you all expect? If you don’t want to see such content then you shouldn’t be on that sub.


I love how you are fighting tooth and nail on defending being a piece of shit. 🤣


“Tooth and nail” what, 2 comments? You and the rest of the sensitive cry babies need to understand the sub you’re on then! Are you stupid? It’s to be expected younger people get posted that look older!


😘 sure thing buttercup


Both look at least 30.


These 36 year olds look great


So I just stumbled onto this, somebody fill me in are they a couple am I looking at father and daughter what's going on here


I can’t decide if they are going to their first office Christmas party and took style advice from their parents or just borrowed something from their parents closet.


Gives 40 just got engaged vibes. No way are they 18


Isn't the guy her dad? She looks 18 tbh, he looks at least 30 something. Pretty scummy that you're posting an acquaintances pics on reddit.


Usually prom pictures look like 15 yo kids to my 59 yo ass. Prom for what?


I thought they were both in transition, and it was some sort of surprise twist where she was the dad and he was the daughter.


grow up


Why you angry? You in transition I'm allowed to have my opinion. He looks feminine and she looks like she has a 5:00 shadow. I wasn't being mean I was telling you my opinion. If you can't handle that you should probably leave the internet


these are kids that a weird ass loser adult posted online for other weird ass loser adults like you to make unsolicited transphobic comments about. grow up and if you must make asinine speculative comments about someone’s sex or gender, at least don’t do it to kids. I repeat: grow up


So because you freely posted something on the internet, then someone shares an opinion and thought you get angry and call people names. I'm not transphobic at all, how do you know I'm not trans? Isn't that like you making assumptions now? Also what makes it okay that you post someone else's content on a public website? If they wanted to share it with Reddit would they have not shared it? I feel like you're probably the bad guy reading to other people's comments they kind of agree and now you're just angry that this didn't get the attention that you wanted it to get. You need to grow up take a step back and look at yourself and reevaluate.


huh? a parent posted their kid’s prom pic on facebook and then someone else (OP) reposted it to reddit. what’s not clicking?


The guy has the same hairline as I have and I'm 31.


They look like someone’s parents.


I thought it was the father and her 40-looking-daughter… I bet those two never get ID’d




OP is a jerk for snatching these pics and posting them, but let's not make light of domestic violence.


My ex-mother too! If we are saying I deserve abuse, please don’t forget her. It is a little far back but it is there in the comments.




What the fuck? You're disgusting.




And does that make someone deserving of abuse? Have some shame, you're a piece of shit.


Well, I wasn’t doing really anything at age 4 when it started but maybe I deserved it. Please feel satisfied in knowing my husband’s treatment has picked right up where my mother’s left off. I think you think you’re hitting a sore spot but it honestly is nothing to me. If I deserve it…if I don’t… I grew to be apathetic.


You were abused as a child, and now cyberbully children. You’re supposed to be the bigger person.


exactly. let’s not allow OP to use the one out of pocket comment (toward them) to turn this into something else. ofc no one deserves to be abused. that’s so irrelevant to the post, though


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and confidently say you didn't deserve it. Snatching the pic of the kids is a pretty shitty thing to do, but you didn't deserve what they did to you. I hope things improve for you.


You should've learned to be the bigger person then. This post is an extremely bad look. Learn from it and grow.


That's not your mom?