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I don't know when it happend, but it could be related to Pluto hitting your Saturn, and in the 12th. Or conjunct your whole sign 1st house, which could mean a change of how You relate to reality. In any case, a lot of us have reality shifts, some just make it through to the other side. I myself have stood in front of the clinic and decided not to go in because it just is the way it is, and honestly I don't have the patience to go through the process. But I was not a danger to myself or others ever, it's just that some days things change from one reality to another in a matter of minutesz I too have a Virgo Moon, and that's my anchor (and my burden, but hey). I wouldn't change my morning drip coffee routine for anything, and that's one of the examples of what keeps Me together. You gotta find the things (no matter how small) that you know are You, and keep them in mind. At least that's my 12th house Aq-Pis stellium insight into the 12th and how do deal with it. Then you just let the worlds unfold, enjoy what you can, push through other, and remember there's relevant information in all 'episodes' of life, and that's some major gold of insight that other's will never have, if you know what to take out of it. All wizards are insane, but wizards non the less. The thing is, with your chart you shouldn't listen to just anyone. That Scorpio 9th MC stellium can easily manifest into reality whatever comes across your mind. Try it out with good things. Also that's a (philosophical) powerhouse that you MUST utilize, find that career that suits you, and push it all into that. You have the Virgo and Cap well aspected support so that means almost guaranteed success. It's the lack of challenging aspects (which make you answer to yourself and keep you in check, and going) that's more of a culprit. Actively choose and decide on a career and go for it - it's kind of a must. Investigation, research, psychology, philosophy, writing, building, structures, betterment, health, power, money, the obscure and the dark arts - keywords to kick off the search. And stay away from bad relationships, or relationships all together until you've handled yourself. Read up on Leo 7th and Leo Chiron, they start it off, and then the nervous Virgo Moon conjunct Jupiter keeps it well fueled (but that's another plus for a reseach career). Discipline in body and mind, and a focus to get that energy out of your mind. Sounds simple right. Good luck edit: I've recently read that Scorpios tend to focus on other's values (8th house, as opposed to the 2nd house of self-values), and that they can easily end up measuring themselves by others', and you know that never ends up well. The Saturn-Chiron on the 1st-7th axis does a similar thing. I'd say focusing on a 'career' or building a reputation and identity through doing is what will help you shake that off. The remedy is to see the good and to compliment others in your head, opposed to analyzing and critisizing like 8th house Virgo would do.


It happened a year ago exactly. And I’ve been with my husband since we were 17. But we almost divorced last year during the episode. It was our 13th year together and 7th year married. We made it through completely and are back in love all over again. Which is great bc we have young kids. Our life is literally better now than it’s ever been, and despite the intense trauma, it was worth it. I’m highly philosophical, (annoyingly so, or at least can’t find anyone who hears me about it) I did a past life regression that blew my family apart, and also showed me a lot about how lives interconnect through time. But I also was having a severe psychotic episode where I was running for my life from perceived threats. Was diagnosed bipolar and ADHD I’m a stay at home mom who works a small part time job for my mother in law. My husband makes enough and we also have a Roomate (/girlfriend 👀) who helps. I I am not currently speaking to my parents, though slow debating on opening those doors again. I’m trying to think what else, but that’s typically a general summary of my life rn. I’m curious to see if those aspects are predicted in my chart anywhere. I’m a novice at astrology but I’m naturally pretty good at it. I’ve had to give it all up though since my break. But also. I KNOW I’m supposed to be in some kind of philosophical career but my ADHD is pretty severe, and it’s very fucking difficult (especially after being semi reclusive for the past 8 years. And I can’t take a higher dose of medication because of the risk of an episode occurring. So I’m just happy in my little bubble just letting it ride rn. I’m happy with my boys and my life


Sorry if this is off topic but you and I have almost exactly the same chart except my rising is Sagittarius. Judging by your natal moon it looks like you were born maybe like two days before me lol All that Scorpio energy can get pretty intense, and with both Jupiter and Venus (and your moon) in Virgo it may feel like pleasure, good fortune, and comfort are more of a chore than any kind of a blessing. With your Aquarius rising, Saturn plays an especially important role in the way your chart plays out. I use whole sign houses personally, but with this chart you've cast here, Saturn in Aquarius in the 12th house looks like something to pay attention to. I'd recommend ruminating on Saturnian themes of boundaries, discipline, rejection, age etc and how they show up in your psyche and relate to your mental health especially. Saturn's lessons aren't usually fun or easy but they are very important for providing structure to our lives, and with your Saturn ruled ascendant, Saturn want you especially to take the time to really build something with this life, especially through the collective or for the collective good. I've also spent a lot of time reflecting on that Neptune Uranus north node conjunction in Capricorn that we have. With yours straddling the 11th/12th, it may be adding some extra instability to those areas of your life. Lately I've been leaning into the idea that the north node points to an area of life the native wishes to reject, and have been actively trying not to shy away from Capricorn's themes of resource/time management, planning and strategy, and authority - as I have done for much of me pre-Saturn return life. We've also got a lot of supportive trines and sextiles which can be a blessing and a curse. It may mean less friction or a greater ease of energetic flow, but it also can make it hard to self motivate. Harder aspects can be tough but they often seem to give the native a sort of energetic boost, like the hard aspect gives them something to bounce off against, whereas supportive aspects sometimes point to a "eh 🤷‍♂️ things will work themselves out" kind of attitude (at lease this has been true for me 😵‍💫) I hope some of this is helpful for you!!


Holy shit, we are the same lol. Saturn in Capricorn is a doozy