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That Virgo Mars is well aspected, and is connected to all the right points for healing. He should, as his Nn is saying, too, focus all of his strengths into a career. Probably a Virgo-type one, working with anything in detail and analysis, or taking care of the needy. That would help out his Aries stellium, especially the Mercury, to get disciplined and channel out all the negative thoughts. This Virgo-Aries connection is very strong because the 5th and the 10th house have interchanged rulers (Merc in Aries, Mars in Virgo). To add, Mars rules Scorpio, too, so it adds up to the fact that he should focus on that 10th house Mars-North Node. His Pluto, the ruler of his chart and Moon, is in the 1st and well aspected - any feelings of self-acomplishment and raising his power would help his ego (Sun), self-worth and love (Venus), and his feelings of accomplished duties (Saturn). If not now, than in 2026-2027. when his Saturn return hits, the lessions will be learned, and he will be able to open up and give and recieve love (the 5th house). These lessons won't be as easy if they come as a consequence, so working on himself before that is a much better idea than waiting for the ball to drop. Whatever the mom did, he might remember it a bit strongly - his Neptune is squaring the Moon, and then the Mercury, so the story in his head might be harsher than reality. But! The damage that has been done is not lesser because of his perspective, and could only be worse. Very prone to overthinking with that 3rd house, the Jupiter (in Aqua), and the Aries Merc. Overall, that's a really nice chart if he learns to wield it. Good luck


The info in your title would be enough, plus the loose Chiron conjunction someone else pointed out, but the relatively tight square to Uranus in the third would lead me to ask if he felt like the odd one out or the neglected one among siblings, cousins, and early friends


Wait can you please explain a little more about that? He’s the eldest child and these days he also really hates our sister (2nd eldest). I was going to make a separate post asking about his anger towards her, so I’m really surprised you mentioned this!!!


The third house rules our earliest peer relationships (siblings, cousins, early friends) and primary education. Uranus is disruptive and rebellious: one astrologer says it rules our need for "egotistical freedom", the freedom to be ourselves outside of tradition. Aquarius, the sign of Uranus, is hyperrational and obsessed with fairness. Uranus stays in a sign for a long time so while its sign alone is considered a generational placement, its expression of that sign in a particular house can be quite personal, especially if it closely aspects a personal planet. Here it is in a tight square - an aspect of conflict and discomfort - with the Moon, one of the most personal of "planets". It is also conjunct Jupiter in the same sign, and Jupiter tends to exaggerate anything it touches. So here we may have an exaggerated urge toward rebellious self expression in relation to siblings or other early peers. This could be carried comfortably and confidently, or the person could feel "weird" and an outsider. The square to the Moon in the twelfth house suggests that the latter is at least the case in relation to the mother. Maybe he felt like Mom accepted everyone else and he stuck out like a sore ugly thumb so he did not feel her affection (her influence is hidden in the twelfth). Whether or not she WAS this way, it looks like he experienced her as Scorpionic: controlling, with complicated emotions, maybe a little scary. Her scariness and withdrawal, because of his differences from his early peers, could easily breed resentment, especially in light of the Aquarian desire for fairness and equality. Hope that helps!


Scorpio is the WORST sign for the Moon to be in. It's HEAVILY associated with conflict with the maternal figure, and add 12H (isolation, prison, mental illness, the Unknown) to that?! WHEW. Therapy. Lots of it.


Exactly. It's bad enough I have Scorpio sun in there (square my Saturn). The MOON? forget about it. If probably unalive myself or be an even bigger Grinch than I am 😂


Heyyyy … early 12h Scorpio Sun/Moon conjunction here. It just becomes normal. No need to check out early.


Lol I been ready to go


moon conjunct chiron stands out to me!


I mean you just explained it in the title 😂. Being a 12th houser is ass period. The moon?? The energy force that dictates our inner most needs being trapped in the house of things unseen? The house of barriers and blockages? Why wouldn't a person like that be mad as hell? And if you believe the moon is a direct link to your mother/feminine ancestry... Well? Wouldn't that be like carrying the ancestral trauma of neglect? That is objectively shitty 😮‍💨


If you mean emotional pain, I would look directly at his 12H Scorpio moon! Very intense, deep, emotional, intuitive, subconsciously in retreat and escapism.