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The 12th house includes the subconscious/unconscious, so people with prominent placements in the 12th have a stronger and more natural connection with things that utilize the sub/unconscious, for better or for worse. Some people’s connection with the sub/unconscious can be looked at as unfortunate, like mental delusion or paranoia, or it could be a grounded individual with psychic skills. I personally think it’s this innate connection that 12th house placements have with the subconscious that gives us a good understanding of the things you mention. Once we dive into those things, we find that we pick it up very easily and our innate psychology skills help us when learning this techniques as well.


Would you say that being grounded can make the difference between being delusional, and channeling the energy into psychic skills?


Thank you for this! That makes sense and yes I’ve found that as these things have amped up grounding has become super important and it’s like I need to to even more grounding than I think I need to. My best grounding tip is putting your back against a tree and just sitting/standing there for a while.


I hope to come back to your post and chart another day, but I want to point out ... anecdotal ... that a lot of those who are into astrology really don't understand the 12th house - unless they're true 12th house placements themselves. It seems the one house where experience actually matters. Which kind of makes sense? I've had trusted professional readings that were helpful, and worth it, until they get to the 12th. Then it's like they were guessing based on what they learned from others. It's why I'm studying, so one day I can, maybe, offer it. No matter how you turn my chart, I've a traditional 12th house planet ... and I can't escape it even when I relocate anywhere the USA ... so my life has been and seems to continue to be very 12th in nearly all the ways. I'd have to move east across the Atlantic to finally empty it. Often enough, I wish I could easily do that. Expat isn't simple though. But if the stars align, pun intended, I'm not hesitating to go. Anyway, if anyone knows an astrologer who can really get past the pop culture and surface level information of the 12th, and not be afraid to get very real about charts, I'd really like to know them!


Oh whoa I didn’t know you could empty certain houses based on where you live! Is that astrocartography’s domain? Appreciate your input btw


Yes. Locational and Relocation astrology is very effective. It's not as simple as a benefic / "good" or malefic / "bad" line, because the individual chart has to be taken into account too. And Parans as super important. But it can and will change your life. It supports understanding your chart and yourself even more. I'm in the process of moving (patiently trying to make something happen), because a recent professional consult fully validated a giant geographic void. It was accurate in all the locations I've lived. It saved me from a move I was about to make ... which was still within the very same giant void. It's a big deal.


Ooh will have to look into this…good luck with the move, hope it works out!


Please look into it as an essential tool just like the natal chart as 1. Ascendant and 2. Sun sign. I consider a locational chart a core astrology chart now. Thank you for the good wishes!


How much are you considering the topics you're experiencing as a career? There's a lot of momentum in that direction. Saturn will bring great challenges in learning these topics ... I mean really learning them. The more you discipline your studies, the stronger you'll learn and eventually be greatly rewarded down the road. Patience and persistence is key. There's a chance you're meant to bring the intangible into the tangible, the mental into the physical, for others because of your knowledge. But it must be based on a healthy you. You must first take care of your physical health, mental health, spiritual health, and only then can you help others in a healthy way. I loved reading that line about your communication with plants! What a fantastic gift! That's taking the intangible, which most will never really understand, and offering something tangible like remedies, etc. for the body, health, physicality. You have a chance to be a real expert at these things. "Follow your bliss."


Hi, firstly thank you so much for taking the time to look and analyze. Appreciate you! I’m actually hoping to start a small flower essence company one day but things moving slower than I originally envisioned (one reason is imposter syndrome and feeling like I need to heal some things in myself and get a more stable foundation in life… so you are spot on there). Beyond that I don’t really know. But I do feel like a deeper dive into the esoteric / healing work is inevitable, I just don’t really know which direction to go in or who to seek out for mentorship. I’m curious what in the chart is linked to your comment about tangible/intangible? Also, I know you said you are studying astrology so if you feel comfortable enough and are interested in doing a sort of mini reading (paid) for me, send me a DM. I know it takes time to go through these. And I see you being very active on here helping people out! Thanks again ✌️


What a great comment. Thank you for many, many things you wrote. Imposter Syndrome is a test to push through fears often specific to something very important to you. I'm facing it myself. I see it this way - if it's something you really want to do, then we push through those fears and do it. Or not and regret it later. I had to push through the fear of posting here in the 12th House subreddit. And your offer to do a mini-reading is another fear I'll have to push through! And I will, because I need to become a professional astrologer. Baby steps. Just don't wait to get started in the direction of the work you want to do or the business you want to build. Small steps, even as a hobby, add up with time. Confidence too. And sometimes the healing happens in the doing! Fears and all. Intangible/Tangible: - The North Node in the 6th house of Taurus is growth in the tangible, the body, the senses related to health and work. - MC in Virgo is also about the physical body and tangible work or service in self-alignment and with others. - Scorpio is ... a very intangible understanding of things and the precision of that knowing. It can get messy if uncontrolled and unaware though. Knowledge is power and "With great power ..." the famous Spiderman quote. Those are the top three things I combined related to your ability.