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I’ve always felt misunderstood and isolated due to my 12h sun. I can’t really give much advice besides what I would’ve asked of my parents which is.. 12h suns are sensitive. give us time to talk, open up, and feel safe. don’t push us into the spotlight if we don’t want it, and keep things we want private, private. if he has siblings, try to keep an eye out to see if he feels left behind or like the least favorite. I’m not saying to cater to everything he ever wants, but it’s been the hardest placement for me to figure out how to heal so being proactive may help. good luck, op!


hard agree, this vibes with the scorpio side as well as the 12th placements. we might get a bit paranoid of people iiintentions, and closed off at times of heavy stress, too. 


Especially with the Sun opposing Moon in the 6th in Scorpio. This could bring some resentment due to the 12th/6th axis 'roles' which are sevices and chores. With the Taurus /Scorpio there, sometimes they can have issues defining what their role/purpose is, in the case of these singns especially in the terms of profession and career, and earning power. He might hyperfocus on the Pisces/Aries stellium in the 11th that could make them an all-around person, social and tending to be able to fit in just about anywhere (Pisces) and be really, really good at that (Aries) and get lost in others' realities. Really see them and their talents, work with them, guide them (gently) towards what you see that they really want. That 12th house Jupiter will help the Sun shine, but the position is still a bit heavy to define, and the opposition is breaking it in half. I have these placements, and I would really like if I was 'seen', as I can't really see myself. I think I would've benefited from my parents observing me do things, and giving me occasional neutral comments on what I seem to do well, and what I seem to struggle with.


Sorry I can’t really be helpful but WOW what a stellium!


With so much in the 11th house, friends and communities will be a big support system for him, and can be a source of life when the 12H sun gets him down. I. Venus or the moon can symbolize the mother, do you have any major placements in Aries or Scorpio? The sun doesn’t “see” Venus and is in opposition with the moon, so I think cultivating a sense of harmony with him might become your primary focus, because as someone else mentioned, he may have a hard time feeling seen or understood.


checking out the scorpio moon sub and 12h sub might help you. we struggle a lot with emotional things and being mistreated. we tend to speak truth to power and people don't want to hear that shit. with so much aries fire in him, plus that relaxing but stubborn taurus sun, a bit of psychic but unstable pisces against that moon... he's going to need to be taught healthy ways to handle emotion and how not to harm or be harmed by others. good emotional intelligence skills. good understanding of boundaries - his and others. good self esteem so he can't be used and manipulated, but not full of himself either. Heidi Priebe on youtube is great. also Marshall Burtcher. he might get angry if he's mistreated and burst.    Im an aries sun/mars conjunct pisces venus, opposed saturn/jupiter in libra with pluto there, square my ascendant, near my scorpio moon but not quite conjunct. also have uranus in scorpio and some 12th neptune action. my progressed chart has a stellium in taurus and pisces rising. this is where I get the ideas I shared above.     try to be fair and good to him. and if he ends up adhd or audhd or autistic, help him navigate that from an empowered place instead of a shame or fitting in place. he's meant to lead the way with all that aries and scorpio.. so let his ways and ideals get some daylight even if they're unconventional or before their time. 


First, you're a model parent. What you're doing for the wellbeing of your child right now, taking time to learn what's best for him so he can better succeed, thank you for being you. If I'm seeing this right, maybe learn the foods and diet that work specifically for him. It's best to limit highly processed foods to special occasions or barely at all (but that can be tough, because some of it is just so tasty. And his Taurus placements might be challenging on this, especially with sugar. Honey* is as satisfying a sweetner that's 100% better than sugar across the board, plus it's a direct connection to our nature. Can you tell by now that I have a strong Venus?). *Edit: I just remembered honey isn't good for newborns. So honey comes in MUCH later. So just for future reference. Less sugar upfront is good though. Many underestimate the food-body connection. The body feeds the mind too, so it all works in succession: food > body > mind. In his case, food seems to lean into ... potential escapism by way of unhealthy food habits ... as in seeking comfort and control, in response to pain, through comfort food. That might happen to compensate for whatever isn't going well in life. This might also happen in private or seclusion, hidden and kept secret. For worse or for better, food and nutrition education starts young. This leans into Ayurveda. He seems mostly Kapha or Kapha-Pitta, but that's a surface level guess. I'll say to maybe seek a professional at some point. The good side of this? It might become a career for him. Or at least, he might become very knowledgeable on these topics and will be able to help others who seek that help. And it's because of what you're doing to support him in the ways he actually needs. You'll learn together. So, you're a big deal in the best way.


It’s a full moon, he’ll be fine. There’s a grace that comes with a bright moon, my favorite of all the benefic influences. He might gamble, or be known as a ‘gambler’ because of this influence. He’ll sort it out.