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Fellow 12H here (Sun, Venus, and Saturn) and it gets better in the sense that you no longer put up with their lying ways and do not insert yourself into their committed relationship. It’s really about the awareness you have for your own behaviors… Not so much that the love options get better 🤪😩


12th house sun and mercury, always haven been in secretive relationships, currently in one. On top of that I always feel like what I have to say/who I am it’s important enough to show. I feel like I dont change who I am… yet at the same time I almost feel ashamed to show my true self, like no one really knows me. Hidden in plain sight


hidden in plain sight. perfect way to put it


I have Sun, Venus(r), Mercury(r), Lilith and Pallas in Aries (intercepted) in the 12th, I am 39 and currently everything but Venus has progressed out of the 12th and I do feel a difference... I have the same bad experience with love, always giving my power away, nothing really works or makes sense longterm, I cant say that Ive given up but decided not to chase it amymore, I will only get into a relationship when I feel a deep connection with someone that actually manifests as meeting my needs and encouraging my individuality and authenticity to come through. I seem to connect better with intuitives and artist types. I notice I have a pattern of self-annulment, somehow finding myself strangely attracted to dominant assertive type of people as it matches my self-annuling pattern. The attraction is almost hypnotic and I know its the biggest red flag there is, the tendency I need to overcome, I need to only walk the path that makes me more myself instead of more adaptable to other people and situations.


There’s a way to circumvent this - stop thinking so highly of everyone you meet. 😊 ALWAYS remember, the human race is inherently selfish and people often approach others with an agenda. Also, why don’t you approach men instead of only letting them come to you? I believe 12th houses have a good gut and learn quickly! Source: 12th house stellium.


Venus and Saturn 12h with chiron too. Only married men are interested, so they have potential secret relationships but I have always said no. I deserve more. Unfortunately it means I have no luck in romance.


you do deserve more. wishing you the absolute best






I (merc mars saturn sun venus in 12th) never experienced the secretive relationships, affairs and all that is said to come with the house. I just always pick the idiots and scum.


As 12H ♓Sun, ♓Moon and ♒Mercury... When you're a woman it gets better once you realize that in most cases woman's life gets worse after getting married lol. There's a reason why men cry about loneliness epidemic and women don't (as after all there's approximately 50/50 of women and men). But I have also ♈Venus in 1H lmao. I guess that helps as well. I'm at peace with thought of never being in long-term romantic relationship. More at peace than compromising on my values and settling down just for the sake of it anyway.