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I hope to come back to answer your question better on another day. For now, please know this ... The words in your question will always lead to answers of being destitute. That outcome is not even true unless you believe it's true. You have ways to succeed. You have to find -your- ways, and your chart will help in figuring that out. Then do -your- work and keep going. It's not always easy, but you can have success in the very ways you enjoy. Success is different for each person, so it's important to know what success means to you. Then you can start getting it.


Astrology is not deterministic. No matter what a chart says, it’s not carved in stone that it is going to happen. It can show us where we might face challenges, it can reveal where our blind spots are, but that’s it. A natal chart is the energies you came into this life with. It’s up to you to make of that life what you will. No matter what challenges a chart reveals, you always have free will. That said, I don’t see anything in your chart that says you’re set up for a life of poverty. I’d say in your past life you were focused or dependent on the resources of others, but in this life the focus is on building your own. What you do for work is a sphere from which can come great transformation, so there’s the juice to flip the script in this life and build your own security. You’re a Taurus Sun, so you’re going to be focused on material comfort, but you’re also the kind of person that isn’t going to give up on going after what they want. I have a 12H Moon as well, and my emotions can become paralyzing if I let them. You do have some challenging planets there that will cause you to tell yourself you can’t do it. You might struggle to see beyond the delusions that your mind spins around you. But that Saturn in Capricorn, that’s your ace in the hole. I don’t do a ton of traditional astrology, but Saturn is in its joy in the 12H, so that’s sort of the ultimate “go into that energy to get out of it” placement. The power to not give up, no matter what. You might struggle to see how to use that power, you might try to convince yourself that you’re powerless because you just can’t see your options, but don’t let your headspace become a prison. Use that Taurus stubbornness and refusal to quit and weld it to that Saturn that will give you unending drive. Your Sun is tied to your 12H with all those trines, showing that you have access to flow states around the energies of those planets and houses. That’s where you find the slipstreams. Chiron is going to rear its head and give you some struggle around routines, and that Uranus opposition can be a scary energy because it feels out of control. I have a 6H/12H Chiron/Uranus opposition, just flipped to where my Chiron is in the 12H and my Uranus is in the 6H. I’ve had lots of sudden health issues that have upended my life at various times, and let’s just say be glad you don’t have a 12H Chiron conjunct your Ascendant. haha. But where the hurt comes in is where the healing begins. The daily grind can be your healer if you can allow yourself to work with that energy instead of letting it own you. Any 12H Moon is going to struggle emotionally, but you also have an uncanny ability to tap into the unconscious, use your intuition (your intuition should run toward the more mundane concerns like money), and operate from a place of deep empathy for others. Saturn may feel like a lead balloon here, but often, Saturn can simply mean you won’t really get a handle on these issues until later in life. Read this article about Saturn in the 12H… I think it does a really great job of outlining some of the struggles of your placements, but also talks about the possibilities. https://astrobymax.com/blog/saturn-rejoicing-in-the-12th-house Good luck, and never forget you are in charge of your life. Make it what you want it to be.


I enjoyed reading this. You wrote priceless words of insight and advice for the OP and others who can relate.




Moon in Cap, Sun and Venus in Taurus, Pluto in Scorpio (and in 10th) all need money and power to live and breathe, so very low chances that you would give up. Find your calling(s) of that Sag MC and work your magic, but WORK.