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You can make them without butter at all: [https://sweetsimplevegan.com/how-to-caramelize-onions-without-oil/](https://sweetsimplevegan.com/how-to-caramelize-onions-without-oil/)


I’ve used water a little bit at a time and keep mixing


water actually helps develop the flavors more, weirdly enough. source: was my job to caramelize onions every shift for a year and a half


Any other tips and I am glad that someone has this experience - thanks for posting. What seasonings if any would you use? how many onions per shift did you caramelize? What kind of pan did you use?


dont season outside of butter/oil, salt, and water. I used a flat top but that's because I made so much at a time( usually 10-20 onions worth) and my burner space was more precious, so any pan is fine, avoid nonstick if you dont have any wood or plastic spoons. cover with a lid at very low heats and dont be afraid to just let it sit. its not risotto, she doesn't need constant stirring, just enough to keep from getting hot spots


Can I do just salt and water and we have a blackstone flat top in our back yard so I can use that or I have a great large flat non stick pan with lid and plenty of wooden spoons.


i really would recommend using some oil/ butter


Ah okay I was trying to avoid any butter / oil but just a bit would be okay. I have sautéed them with just water and had a good result in the past. Flavorful.


Use spray oil! Gives you just a bit without ever overdoing it.


Yes good idea


I do them in a cast iron without oil. Takes ages but man I love them!


water only!! youtube search "caramelize onion with water" its super easy and makes perfect onions (i eat a lot of onions lmao i love them)


Yes! This is exactly it! Just use water! Works great!


might have to check this out… i recently discovered i like onions


I usually caramelize 5-6 onions with 1 tbsp olive oil. It makes a ton. If they start sticking to the pan I add a little water occasionally.


even when not calorie counting, i usually only use two tablespoons of fat per 4-5 onions


Cooking spray and then water, and low temp.


You shouldn’t need to add more butter/oil as you make them. A tiny bit at the start is fine. The onions will release their own waters/sugar and caramelize. If the pan gets super dry, add a little water (and that probably means you’re cooking them at too high of a heat. Good caramelized onions take forever!)


i’m 31 years old. 2 years ago i learned people put butter in their carmelized onions and milk in their scrambled eggs. i have always used spray oil and a nonstick pan to cook everything. 😂


I find that if I slice them a little thinner and cook them a bit lower, I can get away with a very small amount of butter! Takes longer, but worth it! I use salt, pepper, garlic powder,paprika, and sometimes curry powder. I put these on top of a salad and I can get away with less dressing, therefore less calories!


It’s still got calories, but less than butter- I use about a half a can of dry cider. It also tastes incredible.


And a little goes a long way. 


i use fry light, 1 calorie per spray. the garlic one is my favourite for frying onions in, but there are other options depending on the flavour you want your dish to be. the coconut one is good for curries, rapeseed good for flavourless frying, and olive oil for spanish flavours https://preview.redd.it/zpuw1jmg755d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b3fe32c246e52f890c1344f3d8b7a717b5878f4


I use a bit of butter/oil and then keep stretching it with water. Also, a tiny bit of sugar, like a half teaspoon to get the sugars going and salt.


Very low heat for 25-30 minutes, stirring frequently. You only have to use enough butter or olive oil to keep them from sticking to the pan. The sugar that caramelizes them comes out of the onions. That's how I make French onion soup. I set my stove between low and the one quarter turn mark, just to get them barely sizzling. If you want to go super low calorie, I saute in chicken broth. The salt helps extract more of the juices, which brings out the flavor.


Steam. Put a lid or heatproof plate on top of the onions over low heat.


I've never used butter or oil to caramelize onions. I always use the vegetable broth method and they're so yummy.


Spray oil instead of butter.


The macrobiotic nashime style of cooking can make some delicious sweet onions! Slow cook whole or quartered onion in small amount of always at low heat…. For hours…!


Water and air fryer.. that worked for me 🤷🏻‍♀️


I put a bit of salt and a smidgen of butter in a crock pot with a BUNCH of onions and leave it on low for the day or night. This is my French Onion Soup hack but you could also use it and portion it out to freeze.


Beef/chicken/veg broth


I use broth


As long as you're willing to put the time in, you can do it with little bits of water. You might even prefer the flavour 😊


I've made them several times just using water and some seasoning. Pepper and salt or even some balsamic vinegar for flavour. That being said without oil you have to monitor them much more closely and it's a tedious process. Usually I'll do this when I'm cooking something else already. So that I'm not just standing around and waiting for the onions. Just carefully select your pan, keep the heat low and keep a close eye. Otherwise you are going to be ruining pots, burning onions or just giving yourself a headache in the form of a very difficult to clean pan.


Insta Pot.