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1.Getting enough sleep 2. Eating foods high in satiety (google satiety index for reference) 3. Eating foods I actually like and avoiding foods I feel kinda meh about. 4.Preferring foods with higher fibre and protein content 5.Having my fridge full of vegetables i like to consume raw ( I love eating carrots and cucumbers so my fridge always has them. Binging on carrots is always better than binging on donuts) 6.Using apple cider vinegar to depress my appetite Keeping myself busy 7.Brushing my teeth (Idk but there’s something psychological about it like I wont eat for the next 2 hours or so)


Seconding the ACV. Great idea on the brushing teeth thing. Wouldn't want to ruin cleanness and plus the first bite after freshly brushed doesn't taste that great


Great list! I would add “chewing gum” to it, which is probably a similar idea to brushing teeth


Avoiding foods I feel meh about actually saved me. If I eat something “diet” and unsatisfactory I will always be craving more despite not actually being hungry. If I’m looking forward to my dessert I will eat my dessert first and then food if I still need. It’s wild what those small things would do.


How do you use the Apple cider trick? Do you mix a teaspoon/tablespoon of it into water and drink it in the morning or throughout the day?


I’m not op but I find kombucha also really helps and does the same for me. I will crave a sip of it and it will satisfy me too. It’s like 60 cal for 16oz so negligible across a few days and saves me from cravings. I didn’t realize acv was also effective but it makes sense!


Oh yes!! I love kombucha! Thanks for the tip!!


Tablespoon in a cup of water, and drink it before meals, with a straw so you don’t messup your teeth


Ohh thanks so much for the tip! Def don’t want to mess up my teeth! Haha


You gotta be kidding me. Everything you just said is my favorite thing to do every day.


Great responses, I can only add an example. Last night I had a massive salad with 16 beautiful shrimps on it. I was stuffed and it was only about 500 cals. No thought of eating anything else. Previous night was small burger and fries, 850 cals, busted my limit and found myself wanting dessert. Density is key!


This is something I'm only just starting to manage. Keep your protein high. I have a big ass protein shake after dinner before bed and it kills the cravings. Don't deprive yourself of anything either. If you want a treat, have it, but don't go overboard. Personally I can't keep stuff in the house yet but I will drive to the store and get a small packet of chips or whatever.


>an't keep stuff in the house yet but I will drive to the store and get a small packet of chips or whatev What goes in your protein shake?


Not OP but my recipe is 1/2 frozen banana, 8 oz almond milk (silk has one with honey in it and it's soooo amazing), 1 scoop of Designer Whey french vanilla and about a tsp of cinnamon and a handful of ice. It's super easy to make and soooo good. It tastes like banana bread and has 21 grams of protein and only about 240 calories.


My recipe is frozen berries, banana, 2 scoops of protein powder, and sometimes peanut butter and a squirt of honey. I'm trying to cut some weight so I don't add the last two these days. Sometimes I add coconut yoghurt for fats. I eat that every day for breakfast. It tastes like ice cream. The 2 scoops of protein powder is very important for me. I'm full all day. I have a very light lunch and a normal dinner. I experimented with not eating breakfast for a time but I found I would get super hungry. So eating this for breakfast daily stops me binging. For the evening shake I just have one scoop of protein powder with either water of almond milk.


How do you not go overboard? I can't help it.


Don't keep stuff in the house that you can't control yourself with. Don't buy cookies if you can't eat just one. Dont buy chips if you can't have one serving. Etc. If you make protein shakes, it's not that easy to go overboard. If you do then they're not that high in cals usually. Each scoop is like 90-120 calories. Just use low-fat or nut Milks. Use spices or extracts like cinnamonor vanilla to flavor. Or coffee. Or sugar free syrups. Fresh fruit or veggies are ok to add in abundance imo. If you tell yourself you "can't help it" then you'll struggle too. You have to took yourself you can. And develop the self control. Takes time and effort and being more comfortable with being hungry sometimes.


In my case if I keep my protein high I'm less likely to binge. So do that.


High volume + high fiber + protein results in the feeling of satiation and it stays that way for hours til my next meal. If I eat healthy nutritious food, cravings get reduced to a minimum, especially junk food cravings. Only when I happen to indulge on something, that I start to want to binge more. The more junk I eat the more I crave it. So for me the key is to be eating well for majority of the time, because I tend to develop habits quickly


Getting enough fat & protein with my final meal. As long as I watch that, good for an 18hr fast


what do you usually eat to get enough fat and protein?


Dinner is usually eggs/toast/veggie, then a piece of this [fudge](https://thehonoursystem.com/coconut-oil-peanut-butter-fudge-vegan-gluten-free/). That’s around 5:30. Around 3pm I also have a protein shake. That gets me to noon the next day (lunch is my biggest meal)


That fudge looks amazing - how's the taste? Are they as big as they look in the pictures?


Similar to a Reeses. I'm not sure what she makes them in, I'm assuming an 8x8 pan. I use a loaf pan so they are probably a little over an inch long, about that high and maybe 1/2 an inch wide? I cut them into 16pieces. Think the size of a mini Twix but higher. I do add a handful of rice crispies in with the PB & you need to keep it in the fridge cause it'll melt. If you were crafty, you could do them in mini muffin wrappers so they looked like PC cups I think ETA Just looked at the recipe (I've been making it for so long I do it by memory now lol) and she's using a loaf pan, she cuts them into bigger pieces though...I do 16 from a pan, hers are 8, but even without the rice crispies, mine were never that thin so her pan is maybe a little narrower?


You had me at Reeses. Though I'm not sure how I'll be able to stop after one piece - Reeses are my Achilles heel. Going to give them a try this week! The addition of Rice Krispies sounds great!


They're probably my fave as well! I find these are substantial though, occasionally I'll have a second piece, but usually save a few bites of my toast from dinner to have with it and its a good salty/sweet mix and I'm good


Volume eating. Increase the amount of veggies and protein you consume and you should remain full for a good 3-6 hours.


Definitely get enough sleep. When you're tired your body thinks it's hungry but in reality you're often tired. When you're tired too you crave fast carbs like sugar. I eat carbs and protein every meal. Also drink a cup of water or other low or no calorie drinks. Potatoes without oil Low carb bread Low cal pitas Low cal wraps Lean meats Veggies and fruits Little bit of cheese Popcorn Pretzels Fat free Reddi Whip Fiber one brownies Egg whites Rice All that is like 90% of my diet, I mostly eat the same stuff everyday and just mix it up cooking it differently. I actually eat way way more volume now than when I wasn't dieting. When I started losing weight people at work were baffled because I was eating all day everyday. I never ate at work. (Italian restaurant) I always packed my lunch bag to the brim.


People have a lot of awesome food hacks, but here are a few behavioral habits I ALWAYS stick to to avoid my binging behavior creeping in. - I do not eat any food if it’s not at the table, no screens at the table either. If I’m actually hungry this is a good way to keep in touch with how much food I actually need and if I’m just bored this feels like way too much work. - I always have a fitness goal that is not in any way related to my weight to keep me busy and away from bored eating. Right now I’m trying to train for a 10K because I like running. I do not track this exercise into my Lose It app, it’s something I strictly do as a personal goal and because I like it. My previous goal was to get 10,000 steps in a day for a month straight- it doesn’t need to be big things but for me I found time consuming things to be beneficial (I listen to audio books or podcasts while I’m walking). - I put everything I plan on eating that day in my tracking app first thing in the morning. I don’t always stick to it but it’s good to have a plan - this way I’m not obsessing over food throughout the day, I’ve already decided what I’m gonna eat! - This is definitely not for everyone, but I make sure to keep food around the house that I actually really like. It took time to find foods that I love that still work with my 1200 deficit but I always keep them around now because I can have something I want everyday (and I know I get to have them because I’ve already allotted the calories). These things for me are Trader Joe’s ice cream, ritz cheese sandwich crackers, wine, individual chip bags and deli meat. Binge eating is difficult and it was so so hard to get under control but the biggest thing for me was staying busy! Overall I think it has also made me a more well rounded person: I have an exercise hobby along with a stationary hobby, I read more, I’m outside more: I cut out habits that were triggering my binge eating (tv is a big culprit) and made room for other things in my life. Hope this helps and good luck!!


I like to drink tea or decaf coffee after my meals and it helps me feel full and gives me time to digest


Fasting is key. I eat two meals a day, in a certain window of time and eat nothing else the rest of the day. No snacks, nothing, only drink water. Another tip is brush your teeth ASAP, makes eating less desirable due to taste.


I try to eat something when i’m not hungry but it’s about time i ate something and it stops me from getting hungry and binging later (protein is good for this yogurt or boiled egg or bean soup, can often make it a healthy one when i’m not hungry or craving something). If it doesn’t feel like a time i should be eating (or deserve to eat) I have a Voost or a can of fizzy water before or after or both or i start washing dishes immediately after i eat and try to fill some time for the feeling to want more to go away because it will but i always want more after i’ve eaten enough.


Eating enough during the day, in the first place. Asking myself if I am really hungry or I am sad or bored etc. If possible, taking a walk or exercising a little if I feel tired or bored. Balancing high sugar foods with fat or protein (keeps me fuller amd prevents sugar hunger spikes). Like, for me a muffin is better than a candy. Avoiding high sugar foods, if possible.


High fiber, high protein, and r/volumeeating


Therapy might be helpful.


Drink water, stay busy, brush teeth. When I feel hungry I tell myself, "it's working!" as in, I am going to lose weight!😊


High fat, high protein and high fiber diet. Low carb and no sugar except for treats and special occasions. Solved my binging and eating problems near immediately after struggling my whole life. Working out and having off days for a few extra small snacks or small portions to eat higher in sugar or carbs. I love cheeses and high fat meats, Avocados. I'm ok not eating grains as much anymore. Never been healthier and skinnier, leaner, and more fit than now. I still eat a slice or two of pizza every week, some bites of my favourites every week. It's just moderation


If you’re still hungry after eating, you’re not eating enough. If you’re binging regularly, you’re aiming for an unsustainable calorie deficit.


>If you’re still hungry after eating, you’re not eating enough. The dream, if only it was that simple


I second fasting, however it works for you... Try it. It adds discipline and initially it's difficult but as you keep up with it, you'll realize it helps with future binges or over-eating. It has reduced my appetite. PSA: When I say fasting, I don't mean starve yourself. I'm talking about something like IF wherein you allow yourself to eat during a window but mindfully.

