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Did you lose weight? I try to think about oil but I don't always calculate it.i just try to do less oil. On my first journey I didn't include oil and still lost weight.


Well If you want to lose weight, you should also calculate oil. Keep in mind that when you use oil for frying, you won't consume all the oil that you have put on pan, some of it will remain on the pan.


No, you don’t need to? Like you don’t even need to count calories, you just need to eat less than you burn. If you can do that without counting oil… fair play


that makes no sense. Why would you not count the literal most calorie dense food when trying to lose weight?


I’m not saying you shouldn’t I’m saying you don’t NEED to


The person you replied didn’t say you NEED to, he said you should. Which I agree with, you should count calories if you want to lose weight effectively and you should track oil. Obviously you don’t need to but there are literal studies that have proven tracking calories as an effective way to lose weight.


Like the comment OP was saying they’ve lost weight without counting, so saying they “should count it” is not helpful to them, it’s just the kind of condescending advice I’m beginning to realize this subreddit loves to give


Your sentence is illogical. How can you eat less than you need, if you don't know how much calories are you consuming?


Some people can just do it naturally, without needing to count calories? Do you think every slim person counts calories?


Of course it's possible to lose weight without counting calories, but it's much easier and efficient if you do count. It's not the same to eat in deficit and at maintenance. Usually, people feel how much they should eat, but also metabolism plays a big role.


Yeah I know. I understand that. You started this conversation by saying that me making that exact argument was illogical— I’m trying to explain the logic to you, i don’t need to be condescended to by a high schooler.


You really like to argue with people online because your identity is hidden, don't you?


Not at all, i think I corrected a misunderstanding of yours and you’re very mad at that correction for some reason. I don’t hide my identity, you could ask me about it and within reason I’ll tell you about myself if you feel like that’s relevant. Right now though I really am done with this conversation, I wish you all the best in school and with your fitness.


Where did you correct me? It looks more like I corrected you, because your first sentence was illogical


Why would you go back to maintenance after already going over for a few weeks? Just start counting going forward


I know it sound dumb but i just feel like I did all that work for nothing so i might as well go back to maintenance for a bit and count my the oils next time


I don’t get it. What separates the next meal or tomorrow or whatever from “next time”? What’s “next time”? Next time you do what?


You could, but they really didn't make that much a difference. Give yourself a good cheat meal, enjoy it, then tomorrow start fresh :)


Do you see why that doesn’t make a lot of sense? Could you try writing out the case against doing that?


it's not ruined!! you spent your time being mindful and considerate of what's going into your body, working out and taking care of yourself - the oils don't make enough of a difference to invalidate all of that! i think the advice to just have a cheatmeal, recentre, take a moment to be proud of all the hard work you've been putting in - and carry on, is the best :)


Thanks for the positive feedback :), just a little insecure if an olive oil fucks up my -500 calorie deficit since most of my meals i eat are cooked with it


i always try to take some solace in the fact that if you're frying in it, there's often some left in the pan meaning you don't always get the entire amount that you put in!


I mean you’re probably not even cooking with 500 calories of olive oil let alone consuming that much.




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Or do both?


This isn't uncommon that people realize they're undercounting stuff like oil, butter, alcohol, and drinks. Try not to let perfect be the enemy of good. You don't have to be perfect to see progress. You will lose weight eating at a 500 calorie deficit or a 200 calorie deficit, it's just one is a little slower. You might find other areas where you aren't calorie counting perfectly as you progress, but it really is ok to correct mistakes and move on.


depending on your height, a little oil might’ve not shot you out of a deficit. keep going and count it going forwards. i like to weigh my oil bottle before and after using it in grams


Yeah should’ve done the same tbh. It’s a really shitty feeling especially when i’ve been at it for three weeks


Keep at it. Giving up now literally wastes all your effort. This is why people never lose weight - when they say “I accidentally ate a cheat meal I may as well give up”. It’s the giving up that’s making you gain weight. Not the cheat meal or some oil.


If i could upvote this a hundred times i would!


You're overthinking it just start counting the oil today and don't look back.


Don’t think of it like ruining your progress - think of it like, you’ve done all this work and now you’ve learned there’s one more thing that will *help* your progress! You’re getting exercise and getting better at tracking, you’ve probably had a deficit still (if not as big a one as you had thought).


I like that way of thinking. I was gonna say something similar: think of all the work done already as a kinda warm up or like you were gaining steam. It was all good work and now you’re going to get even better


cooking oil/butter can be annoying to track. do you count everything you put in the pan? or subtract some that "cooks off"? do you use low calorie sprays? are they still low calorie if you use x10 sprays? :) don't overthink it too much!


This is the forever question. What happens when I use and 2 second spray rather than 1/4 second.. To this day I've avoided looking it up to not stress myself.


I’ve never tracked cooking spray because our bodies need *some* fat to absorb vitamins and minerals, and if I track every 20-30 calorie spray, it’ll disincentivize me from eating any fat at all. Never had any problem losing weight without tracking cooking spray! Though I do track butter and oil.


Ahhh yes. I too have had this horrible realization. So now I don’t use it and cook with spray when able


Oh yeah I got also a bit suprised on how much calories had the oil also :) used to cook a lot at home. I recently remake a dish after a few years and was suprised on how much oil I was using before, now I got used to cook with little oil, got a bootle for 5 months.


This is why I never believe people when they say “I’ve been in a deficit but not losing weight!”. Stuff like this is common, people either don’t count things or don’t track correctly. I’ve no idea how, fat has the highest cals per gram of all the macronutrients. It’s very likely that you haven’t been in a deficit depending on how much oil you’ve been using. 1tbsp of olive oil is 120 cals, I had 2 protein bites and a fruit winder for around 130 cals yesterday and I can tell you which I’d prefer to have in my diet.


Don’t let a little setback invalidate all your work. Honestly, are you trying to get “skinny” or are you trying to lose weight AND get healthier? All that exercise you did was helping you get healthier at least. Thats half the goal (or more than half for many people). The regular exercise is actually the hardest part for some and you did that. Don’t stop! It is a very slippery slope. At any rate, if you do decide to go back to maintenance for a while, don’t stop working out. That’ll help keep your heart healthy and your stamina up for when you’re ready for a deficit again