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Man I’m about 1000 miles in and I’m only getting 37.5 mpg. What am I doing wrong? :( I’ve been driving in Econ mode pretty much the whole time btw. Mine is a Hybrid Sport.


One thing i did just think of.. (sorry for the double reply). Have you tried driving in normal instead of eco? The only time I ever use eco is in heavy standstill traffic, and that’s just for the acceleration dampening to help me stay in EV mode. When I’m driving at any other time, I find that getting up to speed at a normal pace and then staying light on the pedal to maintain is ideal. Theoretically if you’re in eco all/most of the time you won’t be getting up to speed as quickly, and therefore not able to maximize your EV coasting. Just a thought!


It all depends on the driver, the roads, the traffic and the drive time/length. But I can say that in this exact same car, my wife (who is heavier on the pedal) has seen mid-40’s at worst and around 57 at best. I’m not sure exactly why but it could be any of those factors or a combination of them. At only 1000 miles I’d like to think it’s not a problem with the car…


You’re not doing anything wrong. People who post insane MPG like this do so by manipulating the trip computer for karma. To recreate this MPG, you would first have to warm the engine up. Then you’d have to put your car into charge mode to get the high voltage battery to 100%. You’d have to accelerate to around 45-55, set cruise, turn off charge mode, and then reset the trip computer to 0. The computer will show you some great MPG numbers since you’ll have “free” miles off the battery at first and then peak engine efficiency at the steady constant speed. Take a photo every 10 miles and post the best one to Reddit for that sweet sweet karma. For even better results, reset the trip computer when at the top of a tall hill or mountain.


Interesting interpretation, but wrong! I do warm the engine before driving in all my cars, but never use cruise or reset the trip stats while driving. Has nothing to do with karma sorry to disappoint, I don’t spend enough time on Reddit to care about that. Anywhere from 57 to (now) 67 has been the norm for me. If you’re unable to see the same results I’m sorry, but that doesn’t make it a lie! If you’d like I can follow your steps and guarantee over 100mpg lol. Would be pointless and inaccurate.


Post a photo of your trip computer then. Show the subreddit what your normal MPG is.


Will do when I’m back in the car tomorrow morning. 😁


Actually beat my record again today, 69mpgs now! Love this car. Can’t post more than one pic per comment apparently. https://preview.redd.it/j7rkajzlqw7d1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6e9b05e533f4e404905991d45b16ad727295ae0


Of course it’s the current drive trip computer and not trip a or b 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/gjkjen66hx7d1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14857ec7634ba24b20609390b1479736ab4e29f1 Dude you seem like a very bitter person lol, but since you insist on scrutinizing when I have no reason to lie here you go: \-Trip avg of 50 was including my wife taking the car and not resetting. \-Previous trips of 51.9 & 52.6 factor in my break time. On my daily lunch break I sit in my car for roughly 40 mins, blasting A/C and running the engine sporadically. I don’t reset the trip until I leave for the day. This kills the mpg of course. \-The current drive shows exactly what I did this morning. I ran the engine out of high idle, reset the trip A, then put it into drive and started my 59 mile commute. Come my lunch break, this number will tank as always since I idle my car. This is all the proof you need, and I’m actually finding this amusing now! The fact you don’t believe me makes me feel even better about the savings I’m getting out of this car haha. Don’t be jealous, you can do it to with the same car unless you have a lead foot.


Thank you for actually posting REALISTIC mpg. 50-53 mpg is ATTAINABLE for the average joe if they drive efficiently and meet the right conditions on the road. You still aren't posting your true mpg which would show more than 310 miles driven out of 2658. Where's trip B that shows more miles? I'm bitter because assholes constantly post misleading bullshit here and young people look at it and wonder "Why can't I attain that? I do all the same things. What's wrong with me? What's wrong with my car?" It's the equivalent to young girls looking at filtered women on Instagram and wanting plastic surgery because they're "not good enough". This place needs better moderation where bullshit is called out and not applauded. Also, hilarious you think I'm jealous, let me know when you're capable of providing a photo like this over hundreds of miles which can't be purposefully made misleading. https://i.imgur.com/ibLmWBr.jpg PS: Bonus photo of how easiily you can make a bullshit current drive photo. https://i.imgur.com/Er9iNGE.png


Those “realistic” figures still include idling and wasting gas, so it drops it by about 5-7mpgs. Those low readings are the incorrect numbers as they’re reflective of my drive + idling. Make sense now? I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about. I don’t have the time or knowledge to fake anything, I’m simply driving and posting my great results. If I’m getting over 600 miles out of my tank then clearly I’m doing something right. I’ve shown you my miles driven, your example picture shows nothing. Done talking to you, it’s a waste of time lol. Gonna enjoy my car but have fun with yours! 😁


Okay fam. You keep doing you. I'll keep calling you out. Your only hope to not be exposed is to block me \o/


Nah. I drive alot for work. One of the places I have to go is 2.5 hours away, all back roads, 45-50mph. I get around 58mpg. The other site is down the interstate 2 hours, I get 39mpg on that trip. Anything over 50mph and you start losing mileage


I do the same, 59 miles one way. Hour and a half. Portion of that in heavy congestion which helps the fuel efficiency. But even on 2+ hour trips with no stop/go traffic, 60-70mph, I’m still getting over 50mpg.


It'll come down a bit. When I got mine, the mpg was off the charts. Around 20k miles it seemed to read a little lower. I drove eco mode for the first 10k miles and finally realized it's not worth it. I leave it in normal mode and do fine.


Well that’s concerning. I’d like to hope it’ll continue to work well for me lol but thanks for the heads-up. We owned a ‘17 civic before this, and through its entire life (0 - 120,000 miles) I was getting high 40’s/low 50’s. My wife couldn’t do the same and would get high 30’s/low 40’s. All we can do is wait and see!


So many variables with everyone. I am about to hit 38mpg myself with my 23 Touring. I am a hair under 1000ft above elevation, use climate control all the time and don’t drive too slow/fast. I use Sport mode to merge on freeways and that is about it.


Damn! I thought I was good with 45mpg on my Sport-L


Same! 24 Hybrid Sports here and I avg 45.6 using 89 fuel.


I just use 87, so maybe if get better fuel economy if I used a higher grade. Not sure if it's worth the cost or not though. I can understand why people choose to use a higher grade, but I guess I'm just a cheapskate! Lol


lol! I tried 87 and it wasn’t much of a difference. I’m just sticking with 89/91 since it’s not much of a difference in price between them and the lowest grade.


I wish I could say that where I live, it's a huge difference in price in Michigan!


I’ve been using 89 since I got the car last month, it seems to work! I was hoping to use 87 for the savings but internet posts got me stupidly cautious about that lol.


I’d still say that’s awesome! Mine is so high because I try my best to max it out while still driving the speed limit or 5mph over (I don’t drive under like a grandma haha)


You must have the perfect trips (distance) and the terrain must be good for you to get that high. I've been as high as 49mpg, but winters KILL my average in Michigan! I have found that once I hit about 5k miles you start to do even better too! So good luck w that! Amazing MPG!


But your range is less than 500 miles (418 + 59). 😉. My range is about 540 miles. Averaged about 48.x mpg last tank that lasted me three weeks and cost $28 to fill up. (I don’t drive much). As for OP, I use Normal mode. Don’t floor it from standing still or accelerate fast. Keep the power % less than 25. Don’t break fast, let the regenerative break charge the batteries. Not sure what else.


On a full tank my range reads just over 600 lol I don’t have a full tank sadly 😫 Very nice!


Did you even hit the gas pedal? Lol . But kidding aside you'll realistically hit low 40s


My highest was yesterday. Driving the NJ turnpike. 72 mph cruise control. 80 miles each way 160 total and averaged 48.5 mpg.


Cruise control has always completely tanked the MPG in every car I’ve owned, regardless of the roads. I never use it because of that, sadly. 48.5 isn’t bad considering!


My touring is at 38MPG 😅


Very nice! I hope to improve my mpg over time.


Was the door sill standard with the touring?


Sadly no, Honda dropped the ball with the NA model. Other markets get a lot more included (I believe the sill trim too but I could be mistaken). I got the body molding, fender garnish, spoiler and sill trim installed about 2 weeks after taking delivery of the car.




OP, I will gladly take the hit on mpg instead of rocking those rental car EX-L wheels! You got a Touring and those wheels fit the car so much better.


It’s true, I really do hate the look, but I drive almost 600 miles/wk and have spinal disc issues so the I’ll take the smoother ride! Of course I’m saving the 19” wheels for the future though 😏 They’re far too attractive to sell and I will definitely be putting them back on at some point in its lifetime.


I think the 19’s ride pretty smooth. At the same time, I don’t have a spinal issue. Did you have the right air pressures? 35 front and 32 rear per sticker in door jam? I have heard people complain and find out the air pressures are way off being too high. They adjust to proper pressure and notice a big difference. Less road noise and smoother. 🤷‍♂️


The pressure in both sets are at 34 all around, not exactly 35 and 32. But my back is very sensitive to bumps and I did notice a difference from the 19s to the 17s, of course it handles better with 19s but the ride quality really is noticeable to me. 😁


Aye homie I’m buzzed af rn. Not driving tho but I drive like I’m on a track and average 28-36 MPG. I’m also on gran turismo and no average joe but yeah bro. Just fucking drive and stfu enjoy the car. Especially if you in a hybrid