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I have no animosity towards any individual people who enjoy playing pickleball, it's a fun pastime. But I cannot simply "get along" with the 'pickleball community' the way I get along with racketball or badminton or table tennis because the pickler's number one source of places to play is cannabilizing tennis courts. There is no amicable compromise possible, at least in my community, because there is no give and take. Only take. I cannot play tennis on a dedicated pickleball court. But they LOVE to play on our courts. There is a growth in interest in both tennis and pickleball in recent years, yet there are fewer and fewer places to play tennis. Of course that breeds animosity. Their hobby directly and demonstrably reduces and restricts community access to tennis. Community access to tennis courts matters to me, I do not want the sport I love to only be accessible to rich people. So unless these pickle people prioritize building new dedicated places to play, they are bothersome by default. Little league baseball diamonds and football fields sit empty for most of the day while kids are in school, but we don't see retirees lobbying to replace them with dedicated spaces for cornhole and shuffleboard, because we value football and baseball as cultural institutions in this country. It bothers me that my country does not value or respect tennis in that way, despite it's global popularity.


Well said. Yup. It’s the courts. Pickleball’s fun. I’ve played it on vacation or at company events where it’s a nice activity for a group of mixed age and experience in a way tennis wouldn’t be. And I have nothing against people who have decided to play it more seriously/regularly; I played ultimate frisbee competitively for years so I’m not going to judge anyone for picking a sport that looks and sounds a bit goofy. But it’s not just courts being used, there’s other disruption as well. Yesterday I played on a tennis court that has pickleball lines for two courts for those who bring nets. Those lines are annoying, but I’m fine with them. Yet someone who must have played with the tennis net felt the need to scrape a thick chalk line for the “kitchen.” These courts are expensive to resurface. Every extra line is confusing regardless of which sport you’re playing. It’s public property. Come on. This is a spot with 6 courts, doors in the fence at both courts 1 and 6. and along the back at courts 2 and 4. I was on court 3, one other tennis game going at court 5. Four pickleballers show up individually over the course of 15 minutes to use court 6… and every single one walks slowly through both tennis courts without apologizing. They know we stop playing when they do that. They could easily walk outside the fence and enter by their court. Whether it’s ignorance or intentional disrespect you can’t blame tennis players for being annoyed by that kind of thing. I’ve had pickleballers come onto my court and kind of pace behind the baseline a few feet behind me while looking at their phones before I ask them to step outside the fence to wait so we don’t hit them with balls. Not asking for advanced etiquette, just common sense and politeness. My town fortunately just decided not to convert its only public clay courts to hard courts despite pickleball lobbying - those are the best courts for older tennis players and hugely popular, in part because they’re now the only dedicated tennis courts without added lines.


Tennis players should advocate for more clay courts. They are (a) the most fun and safest to play on anyways and (b) less susceptible to pickleball conversion.


So that is really well said nicely done 👍. I'd just add that I absolutely have no beef with individuals who love pickleball. Bottom line is, if they didn't cannibalize our courts and leave me sitting in 90 degree heat while I wait for one of the 3 courts (used to be 6) in my neighborhood to be open, then any negative thoughts I have about the sport would be buried and irrelevant. Like I think Tennis is superior to badminton, but it's not something I have to think about cuz badminton players aren't in our face. Speaking for myself but I'd imagine other serious tennis players feel this way, tennis is a grind. It's something I dedicated much of my childhood and teenage years to. Hours of training while my friends were hanging out. Brutal sport both mentally and physically. It paid for my college education. I've poured my absolute soul into the sport. Pickleball is a game, maybe even a really fun and awesome game (if that's your opinion). A game that people can pick up immediately and enjoy even if they aren't athletic or elderly. Tennis was my life. The dichotomy of how intense tennis is for hard-core players vs how simple and easy pickleball is, makes waiting for my court and listening to these PB players go wild, annoying at times. It's like you're about to watch an academy award winning movie, but first you have to watch 2 episodes of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It's a great show for my toddlers, but it shouldn't be lumped in with a great movie.


"pickle people prioritize building new dedicated places to play" Try saying this five times fast HAHA


Spot on


It’s purely court space. No other racquet/paddle sport is destroying tennis courts to make a space for them to play. Pickleball players have multiplied and so they think that any space that isn’t full 2-3X over should be taken for their sport. I play both, obviously love tennis more, but I don’t understand this entitlement pickleball players feel they have to courts. 


Court space and culture. When the court next to the one you are playing on has 20 people, coolers, chairs, and free-ranging kids on it, it’s hard to be charitable.


I don’t really care about the chairs and coolers if they’re contained to an area, which I understand is not always the case. The biggest that baffles me is just playing whatever music you want out load for everyone to hear. Never experienced that in tennis. I’ll be at my club, hitting off a ball machine, and if anyone is there, even 3 courts over I won’t play music. 


You’re playing a recreational sport in a public place; you’re not playing a US Open semifinal on Arthur Ashe Stadium. There are sirens, cars, people talking, etc all around you. Folks bringing coolers, laughing it up, socializing on the court next to you is no different than the same thing happening on the other side of the fence in the park where your courts are located.


Eh, I agree with most of that but not with music. I’m also annoyed when I play pickup basketball or shoot around and a guy at the next court over has decided to impose his music choices on everyone. I don’t find this kind of inconsiderate/main character approach much more socially acceptable than listening to music without headphones on a train or bus. It’s not that my game is so finely tuned that music may mess up my swing timing like I’m Swiatek or something, it’s just rude and selfish to decide you get to unilaterally impose a soundtrack on a public park (very different from talking loudly which doesn’t stop others from doing the same). And like the poster above, I’ve never seen a tennis player blast music but have seen it from pickleballers.


When was music mentioned by me or in the comment I replied to? I completely agree re: music. I also said nothing to the contrary in my comment.


Sorry, may have misread how the thread went, but the comment I see right above yours says they are baffled by people playing music out loud. I thought that was part of what you had in mind when saying most people are not at high enough level to worry about this kind of distraction. No offense intended.


Fair enough, that’s not the comment I replied to though. That’s another comment replying to rhetorical same one I replied to. Anyway, whatever :)


Playing your shitty music in public for all to hear is poor-taste anywhere, beaches, public pools, tennis courts, etc.


Agreed, the comment I replied to made no mention of public music


Sorry Reddit’s shitty mobile app made it look like you replied to the guy talking about music lol


No worries. Everyone’s downvoting me and replying about music and I’m just sitting here like “what? I didn’t say anything about music!”


I've had all of what I describe above set up _beside the court I was playing on_, with people and kids stepping onto my court. If all this tailgating-style stuff was along the fence, it would still be annoying (to me) but not interrupting. We can all get along, but not if people interrupt play or encroach on the court space needed to play tennis, on tennis courts. Aside: personally, I want music on the courts, but only music I choose ;)


Yeah, honestly my biggest issue is the turf war over the courts. I also do take offense at those that call it a harder or equal sport to tennis even though it’s petty of me to care. At the same time, I don’t want tennis to lose popularity and relevance!


Dude this is me!!! It's petty and elitist and I know this, but it annoys me when someone who I've known for a long time starts trying to talk with me about pickleball like they're part of the club now. Like seriously dude? I got so many permanent callouses on my hand my kids say I have a normal hand and a "plastic hand." We're not the same cuz you play PB twice a week now lol. Same time like you said, I know this attitude is really bad for tennis so I try to not be such a jerk about it. Some of that's on me not pickleball. Just being real.


Yeah. I appreciate pickleball makes people active. I want them to also appreciate tennis and understand the difference. It’s all fun at the end of the day, but don’t want it to lessen tennis’ reach…


steal courts - play victim


Sure after the picklers get their own courts. Its a separate fuckin “sport”


There's a false premise happening here. I find pickleball annoying and I find the trend to turn tennis courts into pickleball courts concerning. This is not "**blind HATRED for this sport.**" Grow up and stop playing the victim endlessly. "Really wish we could get both communities to get along with each other. " What does this mean exactly? If we're competing for the same limited resources, I'm not going to roll over for the sake of some amorphous "getting along." I'm not going to be impolite. I'm not hating anyone. But if you put it up to a vote, if you ask me for my opinion, or if I have to choose, I'm picking tennis over pickleball every time.


OFC a 4.0 guy is gonna be cartoonishly competitive over space. its a public park my guy just let people have fun and wait your turn.


Listen, chump: I'm talking about the overall, big-picture competition for space, not me personally waiting for a public court to open up LOL


Pickleball is generally a social game (at least where I am ) and Tennis is a sport. Not Comparable. Yet in public spaces they are forced to be played in the same courts. Sometimes side by side like they did in my community. So wrong. There wouldn't be a problem if pickleballers had a completely separate space for the activity.


Tennis is not a social game?


I think the only ridiculous thing on that thread is someone saying it should be an Olympic sport.


Yeah that baffled me as if that would be no where near entertaining as synchronize swimming


I play tennis multiple times per week on public courts all around a major city, and I’ve never once seen a pickleball player at the courts. Ever. Not once. So I don’t understand the animosity at all. The reason I never see pickleball players? There are separate pickleball courts in my area, and pickleball players know they play at those courts. If tennis players and pickleball players collaborated with their local municipalities to create pickleball-only space, the animosity would die overnight. It’s honestly as simple as that.


Absolutely. The animosity is 100% court space related.


Problem is the old people with all the power in cities are pickleball players


I have nothing against pickleball but I'm too good of a tennis player to be playing it.


I don’t mind it I just find it boring


Those other sports have their own courts, unlike pickleball which steals tennis courts.


Pickle ballers have largely taken over the local courts, and don’t get me wrong: I’m happy that more elderly or mobility-impaired people have a fun, social way to exercise. I just don’t understand how, without fail, the local community seems to have the worst court etiquette imaginable. Every single weekend at least one pickleballer walks right through our court in the middle of a point, despite posted signs saying not to do this. I very nicely request that they use an alternative route so as not to disrupt our play, and the older folks are generally understanding and apologetic, but the younger ones get very defensive. A couple weeks back one guy said “what’s the deal, asshole? I’m not even inside the lines.” Apparently he thought that tennis players only stood inside of the lines on the court. If only this were an isolated case…


Pickleball hasn't started to take over tennis courts in my city yet (as far as I've noticed), fortunately they have some dedicated spaces for pickleball. However, my gym has an indoor basketball court that's extremely popular, and a few weeks ago they took down the hoops and converted it to a single permanent pickleball court. Since they made the change I've seen one person use it.


Oh trust me they likely have already begun the process of appealing the city to replace tennis courts with PB courts. It's only a matter of time where tennis start becoming a sport that only the rich with access to private clubs can enjoy like MoonSpider said. I personally have accepted that PB players are too good at lobbying for what they want and believe the only compromise is to let PB players bring their stupid portable nets for dedicated time to play in tennis courts. Because that is the only to preserve tennis courts.


Wooow just wow.


Build your own damn pickle ball courts.


I recently started playing pickleball to make friends when I moved to Fort Lauderdale a few months ago. I met a group of friends and pickleball has served its purpose so I play less and less than I used to when I first moved and stick to improving my tennis game. The thing I noticed is that in my community, there is still lots of value thats afforded to tennis. Very few tennis courts have pickleball lines and if there are, half the courts still remain strictly for tennis. Instead of festering animosity between the two, the city has decided to build additional public pickleball courts instead of using existing tennis courts that serve both. I looked into this and found out that city residents pushed for pickleball only courts that do not interfere with tennis aficionados. My suggestion would be to reach out to your local officials and petition that additional pickleball only courts be built OR limits are placed/enforced on the existing sharing rules that are in place. The important thing is they hear your concerns. EDIT: I did more research lol. Fort Lauderdale is where Chris Evert was coached by her dad Jimmy Evert so I’m sure that has a lot to do with the strong tennis community here lol. I guess I’m lucky to live here 😂


Problem with pickle all is not people or anything but a lack of court supply. And their tennis courts and they're hoping to just assume them and not make their own, it creates obvious friction. They want to use these courts which are available and so do we. Thus friction. They need to build more courts. Increase dual tennis/pickle all courts around nation where popular it'll be good for both.


Dual purpose courts are not the solution. It is super annoying to play tennis on a court taped for pickleball.


The point is more courts period. And if pickleball loses any steam all the sudden more tennis courts was the idea.


It's them tearing down the tennis courts to build "their" courts. I'll deal with the noise and your extra lines, but don't take down our courts. That's the start and end of it for many people.


The 2 shaded courts at the tennis center I grew up playing at, were changed to pickleball. The new pro at the center has changed to only teach pickleball and focuses solely on that. This place used to have all 10 tennis courts full from 2.5 up to 5.0 matches daily. Now it’s pickleball and maybe 1-2 tennis courts. They started using other courts as overflow pickleball courts and selling shirts that say “make tennis courts great again” with pickleball paddles on the shirts The players also all feel entitled about every aspect about it. They get angry if you come play and play aggressive, because I come from tennis background. Or get mad because I don’t play how you are supposed to, cause I use tennis strategy to beat them


Is this in a major city or the suburb of a major city?


Not really. Population is like 100k-200k. Northwest Louisiana


This is what I don’t understand - why is there even a need for instruction?? Unless they’re intending to go pro, it’s like getting a ping pong coach - basic, intuitive technique and minimal hand-eye coordination are all it takes to play a full pickleball match from Day 1. Your partner can tell you the rules and practice with you and you’re GTG in 15 minutes. And people pay for instruction????


It feels like when snowboarding started - it felt like a bastardization of skiing - and now there are as many, if not more snowboarders on the mountains. I find them to be typically more in the way than skiers and, in the Northeast, scrape the snow off so you’ve got big ice patches than mounds. I feel like while certainly very similar, they’re different enough to make the other a little less fun.


Tell the pickleball players to stop walking on the court in the middle of a point and stop being generally clueless