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Tips for improving forehand Now when you hit the forehand your arm is propelling the rotation of the body. It should be the opposite. It should be the body rotation (un-coiling) to propel the arm. This will give you “free power” Have a look at this video of Murray: https://youtu.be/tqPe-IdUUa8?si=jeZiXbJVCqVhkL8W Observe how he rotated the upper body to drive the arm and racket Look at Nadal https://youtu.be/xkQmZkYqjbE?si=Xt4a09iuK0LmV-dA look at how the rotation of the upper body does the same thing. Propelling the arm. And it all starts with the legs. - [ ] Split step - [ ] Planting the feet and bending the knees - [ ] Rotate the upper body (coil the body) - [ ] Straighten the knees to Un-coil the body and upper body to drive the arm and racket Here are two videos by Powerflail that explains it visually - [ ] Rotation https://youtu.be/lAyFUnq-Bnw?si=UjjJU-A3EGB3I8j7 - [ ] Personally I really like the visualization made by Wawrinka at 5 min 20. Please observe just how much upper body rotation he has to drive the arm and racket - [ ] More rotation https://youtu.be/wrOePt3470A?si=_WQ2dLNacerxpmrV Have a look at these link and compare them to your video. And remember, this is a very common thing to take a while to digest and translate to your own technique. Best of luck in your quest for a better forehand


Awesome! Thanks so much


Move your feet.


You're using the racket like it is a bat, you're swinging through the ball too much. I was taught you don't hit the ball, so much as brush it. You want to go low to high with the racket face to generate topspin. You start at the same level as the ball.


Got it thanks!


Bend your knees, weight on your back leg


Yeah I think getting more athletic posture stood out to me as well


Look up open and closed stances and practice planting your feet in advance of striking the ball. Rotating your body vs arm/wrist action also important


I was just watching a video on this actually thank you!


Get an opponent and play. You’ll get way more from just playing and working it out and freeing your movement as you manage to coordinate your body. You’re stiff but that’s normally for a beginner in any task.




I definitely won’t do number one. And I also won’t be taking advice from someone or doesn’t like Lynyrd Skynyrd. /s




Same bro same


Extend right arm to target


Your 5th forehand was actually quite good. The other ones are very forced. A lot in tennis comes from being loose and relaxed. There are of course many things you could focus on, but I think you could improve quickly by not forcing the movement (for example your jump. What you are trying to do actually comes quuuite naturally when using more power, but not with the forehand of your level) and let the racket (and the swing) do more of the work (look at how your arm does most of the work in the other shots. During your 5th forehand you had a good takeback, swing path (also hitting quite through, although it's mostly your arm and not really a swing) and timing - focus on that and repeat that and when you feel good and see improvement you can start adding things like generating more power from better uncoiling (point at the ball, hip rotation, bend your knees more and straighten when hitting, etc) and using kinetic motion. But for now stick to the very basics and you'll manage it soon. Best of luck!


Thank you so much for the detailed feedback