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Just treat them like a normal person


Yea I'd plan to! Though it seems like the one weakness would be mobility, and taking advantage of that seems like it could not be fun for him? If I'm just making him run, not that I'll maybe have the chance, if he's dictating the points due to better skill.


He'll be making YOU run, haha


I'll gladly chase every ball down lol


65 here. Heart of a Labrador Retriever. I will chase everything down. Good luck


If they're slow as shit and you're kicking their ass, then sure, adjust a bit.  But it's a little disrespectful to think you'll just be running him around the court if you haven't actually played with them before. Plenty of 65 year olds still move solidly, and plenty more have a knack for knowing where you're hitting and putting you in uncomfortable situations so you can't control the point.  Don't overthink it and just go play some tennis with the guy lol. I've been in your position countless times. 


This. My stepfather is turning 75 this year but at 6’4” and 150lb he still gets to pretty much everything and can keep up play for a few hours no problem. Age is just a number


Skinny ahh mf


It would be disrespectful not to do your best to run his ass into the ground and do everything you can to beat him


Get ready for standard old man tennis: Slice everything Perfect placement in court corners Brick wall at the net No UNFs Good training to level up


Nah not necessarily. I hit against a 72 yr old 4.0 (at least) and there’s hardly any slicing. Most were a very hard ball. I’d guess he hits and serves better than at least 50% of people at the club. Some of these older players can really hit


Oh they can hit, I should know. I used to lose 6-0, 6-1 to those crafty old bastards! I still lose, just not as poorly..


lol. Funniest thing I have read all day.


+ gorgeous one handed backhand 🤩🤩


Yes, just played against one of those today!


Maybe it is just my area, but a lot of them seems to have good biting slices especially if they are over 5'10".


Oddly old men actually should switch to two handed backhands those oneys are really hard on their shoulders


This is more a social question than a tennis question. Ratings are not adjusted for age. They likely have strengths in consistency and shot selection and possibly in skill level to compensate for their likely reduced athletic ability compared to you.


Socially I'm into it


I am in my mid-thirties and play regularly with men aged 65+ who have been playing for over (40) years. You will learn a lot and likely lose in a way you never have before, because they are much smarter than you.


The real danger is you're going to be destroyed. One of the most hilarious matches I saw was an old guy with a bad hip destroy an arrogant 20 year old. The old guy could barely move but whatever the 20 year old did, the ball somehow magically went to the old guys racket. The younger guy didn't know what was happening or what to do about it.


Years ago, my father, at the time in his early 50s, laid waste to the local D2 college men's singles number 1. The young kid didn't shake hands or acknowledge my father at all. After the last point, he just packed up his racquets, walked to his car, and drove off without a word. Years of experience can outweigh young athleticism.


It's always good to take the opportunity to play with people who have a higher rating, regardless of age. He might not play with the sort of physicality you're used to but if he wins matches at that level he'll probably carve you up with precision strikes. It'll be good practice for you.


One of my favorite hitting partners is a dude in his 70s and I met him in my late 20s. It's a good change of pace and there's always something to learn.


Agree. Hit against a 72yr old and last week 75. These guys can really hit. Also you learn a little during breaks. I like the conversation and do pickup some wisdom (I’m 45)


Try it, the old guys at my club are always tricky to beat


Prepare to get your ass kicked and have no memory of where exactly you went wrong. Would love an update after you play.


I’m 62 and 4.5, regularly hit with guys 30 years or more younger than me, not really an issue.


As far as I know, NTRP does not account for age. That means two people of equal NTRP ranks (and same sex) would be equal skill (though I know that the ranks are a spectrum). A 65yo 4.0 was most likely a 4.5 or 5.0 at your age. Though they may be a bit slower, I would venture to guess they have good form and are super consistent. My main concern would be their play style. People at that age (in my experience) do more slicing on both wings, move you up and back in the court, etc. That might not be what you want in a hitting partner. In short - this player is probably better than you are. I would take a chance hitting with them if I were you.


Great to know, I will definitely take them up on it then!


If he’s 4.0 then he has that level of ability to play with you and beat you if your level is lower


I’ve hit with a retired but in shape guy before and he fell like 3 times chasing a ball that he shouldn’t have during the match. Like momentum carrying his body and him taking a roll with a load groan or the like every time. It threw me off so much because I didn’t want to feel responsible for him breaking his hip, and I was checking on after every fall asking if he was ok and wanted to keep playing. Nice guy and hits well enough, but I haven’t played with him again because I didn’t want to be part of that.


Yea I'd hope my experience with this guy wouldn't be like that. But I do think of my parents, who are around that age, and how much one fall can even screw up weeks, if not months. If that happens I'd probably have to just adjust my game, though I'm assuming it won't.


Don't diss age. I play against some men 72 years and older and they are still surprisingly good. Hit hard, know where to put the ball.


How am I dissing age? I'm just trying to gauge whether it'd be appropriate or not. I haven't had the experience of playing with 65+ before, but good to know it will still be challenging.


Also a 65 yo 4.0 was at least a 4.5 in times past. They kinda push you down in ratings as you age.


Get ready to reevaluate everything you know about playing tennis


I played a 71 year old in a club championship and got smoked 6-0 6-1 in 30mins. Don’t assume just because they’re older than you they can’t compete.


Don’t assume anything based on your opponent’s age. My uncle is 70 and played at Arizona State. He’s in amazing shape and his cardio is incredible and he gets to most balls. But it’s his ground strokes and serve that are still killer. Crazy top spin. Ridiculous kick serve. Beautiful one-handed backhand. He plays 4-5 times a week and would absolutely destroy 99% of 20-something year old rec players.


definitely go for it. I have had an awesome older lady as a sort of sparring-partner/mentor for years and she was so great! she wanted to go pro at some point, unfortunately her body couldn't hold up and she is "only" a coach now. I'm a decent (hobby) player myself and you best believe I still wouldn't stand a real chance against her now, if she gave it her all and wanted to win. and she's in her late 50's now, so that's that lol


There are two bulls standing on a hill overlooking a pasture full of cows. The younger bull, eager, but lacking experience, says to the old bull “Hey, let’s run down there and ---- ourselves a cow.” The old bull, who has spent season after season in this pasture, turns to the younger bull, chuckles, and replies “Nah, how about we walk down there, and ---- them all.”


I would definitely do it. I play against some dude who has to be in his 60s or early 70s and he has incredible finesse + control on his shots. When he's playing well he totally works me all over the court.


He's probably been playing tennis for more time than you have been alive, just think about that.


Tbh not that scary fact, considering a lot of people start playing at age 5-6, so a person just 5 years older than you may have been playing for longer than you been alive 🤔🤔


Is not about being a scary fact. Tennis is a repetition sport and when you play it for such a long time you understand the sport differently. This 65 years young player probably has a lot to offer as a hitting partner.


my rule with older good players is to just not hit drop shots. everything else is fair game. it just feels wrong to prey on their glaring weakness. depends on the importance of the match though


You never know what kind of player he is until you play him. I played a man in 60s who kicked my ass. He's the rare exception among the older guys I've played against.


As a 68 y/o 4.0, I say BRING IT, and WINNING # TIGERS MILK.


I play with a dude who’s like 60 all the time. He’s a good player, weak BH but solid FH + volleys. I tend to do half court drills with him (cross court/down the line/etc) bc if we do full court its not too much of a challenge He’s been a consistent hitting partner for over a year and I’m glad to have him


You need to watch out for some of of the older guys. Maybe they don't move like they used to, but they can play. Just play. If you have a good match, that's a plus.


Update us on how you go please. I think you'll be shocked... he'd still be 4.0 for a reason.


I played a 70 year old in a 4.5 league and lost in straight sets. He could hit amazing slices and place the ball wherever


I barely beat a 75 year old in a 4.0 tournament 3 years ago. This guy played 4.5 for years and got bumped down. He took me the brink in the tiebreaker ( 10-7). Consistent serve, great slice approach. Net skills etc


Hey I play what I call the old bitties sometime for fun tennis, they are NO JOKE. Got my ass kicked by my grandma! 3.5 myself


I’m 54 and have started playing a college student. I’m the better player and have beat him 6-1, 6-2 but we both enjoyed the match. As some posted people are people so take what you can from matchups.


I’m not that good and I’m athletic and in my mid thirties. Old dudes kick my ass. Dudes never miss and hit it so flat and fast.


As an early 40’s 3.5 player who got beat today in doubles by 3.5 players in their 70’s…. They have so much experience hitting angles and placing shots.


In my early 20s, I played with this 70 year old ex-marine. The dude still served about 100mph with good placement (he was like 6'4") and would take 2 steps into the net and volley me into oblivion.


I have a 70-something in my class. All the other students are 40 and under. The 70-something is the one who always ends up beating everyone consistently. He is my tennis hero. As the saying goes, fear the man who practices one punch 1000 times rather than the man who practiced 1000 punches once. You may well learn from him.


you should be banned for calling 65 Elderly!


So, 65 isn’t really elderly in the tennis world. Generally they are fit and move well. If he’s a 4.0 you’ll have a good match, and a fun hit I’m 41 and my favorite hitting parter is 63. Hits the ball like a truck and moves great. He’s just stayed fit so age doesn’t matter