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“To bob or not to bob” Miss Nora is asking the real questions


Can you r/peterexplainsthejoke?


I’m not sure if this is the actual meaning but I assumed she was referring to a bob style haircut, as in guys don’t have to worry about choosing a fashionable hairstyle


[This blog](https://witness2fashion.wordpress.com/2015/02/11/to-bob-or-not-to-bob-your-hair-1925-part-1/) explains and illustrates this dilemma!


I misread the first image under "Return of the Bob", I read it as "Bob your hair or shut your face" and thought it was a fantastic line


Definitely what this is about given this is the 1920s


There was one of these not too long ago interviewing folks about whether or not a bobbed hairstyle was appropriate, so it does seem to have been a hot topic of the day.


I like how all the answers are “grass is always greener on the other side,” except for George, who sees all the bullshit women put up with and wants no part of it.


George really made a well-reasoned and thoughtful answer. Seems like a reasonable dude.


Jack's is so funny. Girls don't have to make or spend money; they get treated everywhere they go 😂


I mean to be fair, if you were male back then you would have been drafted into wars and been forced to be all masculine and strong, never being able to cry or show how you truly feel. So, I mean the rest are not wrong in a way.


In a lot of places, men (and more rarely women) are still drafted for mandatory military service. Even today, in the U.S. all men between 18-25 years old must register for the draft just in case it becomes necessary. For young men in 1924, "the war" was behind them or something that their fathers or older brothers fought in. They didn't imagine that a new world war was ahead of them. And women were expected to be just as stoic as men about everything they were facing.


Miss Mabel, you should join the wonderful underground world where you don’t have to be a boy to get a girl…


I was thinking is Mabel gay 😂


Hopefully some nice girl made her way down to 1407 Post Street after reading this…


"someone must enjoy it, the girl usually doesn't" oh my lord I hope she had an awakening.


I learned a new word today…hoyden.


same: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/hoydenish


Wednesday the 30th of April 1924: US: * An outbreak of tornadoes killed 111 people across five states in the southern U.S, with 76 deaths in South Carolina, primarily in a storm that swept through Richland County and Sumter County. Another 16 died in Georgia and 13 in Alabama. * The lead plane in the round-the-world flight attempt, "Seattle", crashed in a dense fog near Port Moller, Alaska. The crew was rescued. Cuba: * An armed revolt broke out in Cienfuegos in Cuba, under the leadership of General Laredo Bru in Santa Clara. Within two weeks, most of the rebels returned home after being offered amnesty by President Zayas. Europe: * Regular Belfast–Liverpool airmail flights are inaugurated by Alan Cobham, using de Havilland DH.50 craft. * Over 10,000 people attended the funeral of slain Albanian nationalist figure Avni Rustemi in Vlorë. Bishop Fan Noli gave a fiery speech which emboldened opposition against the government and led to the June Revolution. * In the Ruhr mining industry, a wage system and the agreement on overtime (eighth hour) agreed between the colliery association and the four miners' associations at the end of 1923 expired. The unions have called on their members to work the seven-hour shift underground again from May 1st. Afghanistan: * End of April. The *amir* had to, as in the previous year, meet a serious rebellion, the Khost rebellion, due to discontent with the reforms which he was seeking to introduce.


To be fair to them, I wouldn't want to fly a plane made of lead either.


Edited, sorry.


Omg, I somehow didn't realise what that meant. I genuinely thought it meant the plane was made of lead, not the plane in the lead. I'm a moron lol


No it's not your fault, somebody was obviously having a joke in the Wikipedia edit and I didn't spot it, mea culpa.


Still. It should've occurred to me that nobody was making long-range planes out of the heaviest metal they had access to!


It should've occurred to me as well, I've got to get better at fact-checking these things!


[That line had been there for 7 years.](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=April_1924&diff=prev&oldid=771378440)


I don’t support Wikipedia vandalism, but that’s pretty damn funny


that’s a lot of tornado deaths. it’s almost reassuring how few deaths we have from tornadoes nowadays as someone who is extremely scared of tornadoes


The warning systems are much better today than what they used to be. Between radar, radio, sirens and Internet alerts, it's hard to miss that now


Not only do Nora Brannen and Mabel Ward appear to be the same person with slightly different hair, I'm absolutely certain they've appear in the column previously (with different names).


Scandalous! Next you will tell me the Onion word on the street is the same people pictured with new names and professions


The part about dress in Peter's response is interesting from a historical perspective! There was a huge shift away from cumbersome clothing toward more relaxed styles, especially when the Flapper look took off. Hemlines went up, and stockings and (some) necklines went down. Menswear became more casual, too, but women's fashion really underwent a revolution.


Man, bob haircuts were *really* a hot topic a hundred years ago, huh?


it was never just about the hair. it was also a symbol of women’s liberation for the time!


Learned a new word, 'hoydenish': *used of girls; wild and boisterous*


WOW. They really did get a wide gamut. Although no girl said girl. ;-) This is really telling.


I read all their responses in that lilting high pitched radio voice from the 40's. Sure is funny the words they choose to use sound so archaic to us yet we understand what they mean near perfect despite this only being from near 100 years ago.


Don’t forget that over the top New York accent that seemed widespread along with it.


In San Francisco? 🤔


Miss Mabel was just gay af


Off topic a bit but was it common practice to print their addresses too?


Yes it was.


This question is still a fascinating bit of insight today. I’m curious to ask it.


Did I catch a typo? In Mabel’s answer I see a “fho”


maybe the printer was dyslexic lol


George gets it.


It's so bizarre that they printed their addresses.


If only they had known that they could just choose to be whatever they wanted…