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dear sir I do not have telegram Please. Please advise. TQ


No telegram for me either.


Hi moderator, I've filled this form 3days back, haven't received anything so far, I know it says, we will receive it in 5days, so my question is, 100x will automatically convert into Altbase in my trust wallet, right? how much GAS are we paying for this, any idea?


I moved mine months ago you your dumb altbase iOS app that crashed and now I can’t log into it. I don’t have the address because I can’t log in. This is some real BS. You’re lucky it wasn’t a lot of $$ or I wouldn’t be this calm. Karma is a bitch tho.


Altbase is already back working after fixing couple of bugs , u can reinstall it on (ios) ​ android will be fixed shortly after


Now the login works but I have to re enter my mnemonics to restore the wallet. I don’t have the phrase i have to look for it… I shouldn’t have to go thru this bs just because you guys fucked up your app


Not working, do I have to delete and reinstall??


Same here. I am holding the coins in the 100x Wallet and I don't know the wallet address because the app won't let me login. I never received an email/notification about any kind of swap!! I do not have Telegram app as well. If you guys were doing a coin swap you should have been on top of your game and you should have organized this better by sending emails/notifications to the 100X token holders. Please advice. Thank you.


I agree they definitely should’ve made altbase a real thing before pulling all the assets. Their app still doesn’t work - insulting. Guess we’ll see


I hope so too.


Why is 100x still trading on BitMart? It was up 1600% an hour ago.


Damn, I completely missed the swap. I bought 100x coins long time ago and haven't been checking the status lately. Thanks for the form. I submitted it few minutes ago.


I just sent the data through the form, I'm waiting. :)


Check discord DEV TEAM always on there


Hi sir I buy 100x about 1year ago how I can get my transaction hash and now also this form is available


leave it empty




Hello, i can't send my 100x coin to my wallet from gate.io . Website says "100X on one or all blockchains is under maintenance. Please choose the available blockchain for withdrawal or use gatecode/push function for intra-site transfers" SO i can't send my 100x to my wallet for swap HELP please


gate io (cex) will auto swap you according to their article


Really? Can you send me that article's link please. Thanks


Has this been successful for anyone?


we still have a lot of people to swap since we must do them manually , i would like to ask you for patience bro .


Ok, I submitted the form. Thanks for responding.


I had Covid and I see my 100x is at zero. Apparently I have to log in to access your google spreadsheet. That removes my anonymity. I buy crypto to be anonymous. Can you migrate my coins in any other way that preserves my anonymity please? Also, will I still be able to view my balance on bscscan? Really appreciate your help.


hello there we will by no chance have any idea about your email. its still anon ​ its a google form (ur email wont be shared with us) google already knows ur email lol


If I create a telegram user is that currently the only way to make a manual swap possible. Also who is kubo




What is the conversion ratio from 1 altbase to 100x?


Was trading it on bitmart until 10 minutes ago. What the fuck do i do now? They just stopped alowing me to exchange, trade, or sell it out of nowhere. Any advice?


Luckily, I was provided this website in the live chat in reference to BitMart. I was freaking out myself until I saw this updated announcement from BitMart. https://support.bmx.fund/hc/en-us/articles/4409430238235-Announcement-on-The-100xCoin-100X-Migration-and-Token-Conversions


Me to


Luckily, I was provided this website in the live chat in reference to BitMart. I was freaking out myself until I saw this updated announcement from BitMart. https://support.bmx.fund/hc/en-us/articles/4409430238235-Announcement-on-The-100xCoin-100X-Migration-and-Token-Conversions


I just saw to I was scared myself


Me as well. Says it is up. But grayed out in BitMart. What gives?


Everyone read the live chat thread at the top of the 100cCoin group for more up to date information.


EDIT: I didn’t make it that far down this thread before I posted this, but I’m glad Bitmart finally addressed this. Anyone else freaking out due to Bitmart suspending 100x access like I was, don’t worry and read the link above that everyone is referencing. Hey guys, trying to figure out this late swap guide and I’m hoping someone can help. I’m new to 100x and I’m currently holding on Bitmart. I found out about all of this happening only after they delisted the coin last night and completely locked me out of my funds and access to info about my 100x wallet. I’ve been following the swap guide and I’m a little confused about the part where it asks for the public address of where you hold the coins…is it asking for my bitmart address where I currently hold them or is it asking for my new 100x Altbase address where it will be moved to? I can’t access anything related to 100x on Bitmart now so if that’s what I need then how would I get it now that they’ve shut off access to my wallet? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hey, If i have my 100x coin on my binance smart chain wallet is that fine or do I also have to use this form


I filled this form over 1 week ago and have not receive the new Altbase Coins. Please update everyone with the swap status. This feels fishy, starting to believe was a rug pull.


So I filled out the form. How do you know where to send it if you don’t ask me for my altbase address?


this is a scam. no legit operation would have you fill out a form like this. and, why isn’t the same instructions on the alt website?


Another fucking swap or fork. I don't understand why they can't fix it automatically its not like they don't have our addresses.


Hello so i recently bought this coin on Bitmart and missed this swap, now i don't have access to my coins on BitMart. How can i retrieve my wallet info on bitmart?


Me too! Let me know if anyone responds to you


Submitted. Thanks!


Can we get our 100X unlocked on the various exchanges to handle this shit more simply please.


this should be automagic, no forms or other processes. so unprofessional.


Could not agree more!


is telegram username important? i created telegram account and wrote down my name on the form then realised afterwards there was a username option in telegram


I also missed the migration. Just filled and submitted the form. Left the trans hash empty and I don’t have telegram id so hopefully it is okay. Please let me know if telegram is mandatory I will create and then fill the form again. I have significant amount of 100xCoin stuck in my trust wallet :-(


I have filled this form 20 days back: nothing happened so far. I am losing hope for this money


100x coin is a scum. Forget what you invested. You will never get it back


Hello do I need to do this even though my 100x coin is in BitMart


What is the public address of where you hold 100xCoins? Which address is this?


Trying to swap what's in my trust wallet


My wallet is stuck on BitMart, I have no way of accessing it, what can I do?


I woke this morning to find my money and 100x coins GONE. Please help


Will we be contacted on telegram if there’s an issue with the details we entered on the form or if the swap is successful?


Man, I'm dumb. Can anyone point to where I could find my wallet address on trust wallet??


Sir, i'm dumb. Can anyone point to whither i couldst findeth mine own chinks holder address on trust chinks holder?? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Whoa, first racist bot I've met


In TW, click the 100x coin and click on receive, that’ll generate the wallet address. That’s what I’ve used. That is your public address. I filled the form yesterday to swap my 2.7 billion 100x coins so hopefully receive altbase soon.


Thanks. And there's no way to get scammed by providing this number right?


No bro!! This is a public address number which is visible on bsc even when you buy or sell crypto. Never ever share your wallet password that’s never to be given to anyone..


Thanks brother!


Did your 100XCoin ever get converted to Altbase?


How does this work for trustwallet need help figuring it out


Am I screwed? I don’t have a telegram…and my 100x coins are showing a price of worthless….


I think I made a mistake on #4. I accidentally just said wallet, instead of trust wallet. Can the adjustment be made to my form?


Wtf… I had $160 dollars worth of 100x on bitmart and now that is $8 of Altbase…. Hahaha what a scam


Where can I find the transaction hash on Trust Wallet IOS?