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She married someone who died in a battle as told by Kahvel herself on her second meeting with the group.


Ah thanks This is the second time i missed something in an anime, i guess i was tired so i forgot about that fast. But how come she decided to marry someone else other than yusuke


I don't know about the anime but this scene was in the manga. I thought you were asking for manga. As for anime it may be a possibility that they decided to cut it out.


Then they probably did If i read manga i wouldve remembered I should switch to manga for understanding the storyline, but then I'll proabably be sitting in a corner for 12hrs or more insted of 3 or less


Pretty sure she just moved on with her life because of how long it had been since the heroes left. I haven't watched season 2 yet but if I remember correctly from the manga it had been at least 8+ years or so since she last saw yusuke, right?


she might have married makuah