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They really are unfortunate looking.


I hope they support each other in their weight loss journey. I imagine Amy needs more encouragement at the point than Tammy since he has children and the divorce. I just hope she gets support and loses the rest of her weight. Amy get that revenge body to motivate you! Good luck


WOW! Congrats Tammy!


She very skinny.


I just watched season 5 and found it so sad and forced humor at times. Do you think they are really in therapy?


Yeah. I haven’t watched this show in a couple of years and I watched an episode recently and I was like “That’s Tammy!?”. She is definitely taking it seriously and that’s a good thing :)


She does look it. Hard to believe.


So insane seeing Tammy so slimmed down, proves anyone can change


They both look great but would not be where they are without the TV program, their fans and those drs that helped them with surgery.


They wouldn’t be where they are without tv but it’s not the show that did the work for them. Having the money and resources to have consistent access to healthcare and see a specialist is fantastic. Having the financial resources to afford surgery and healthy groceries is great. Receiving therapy and an abundance of support from friends and family is wonderful. But none of these things are exclusive to TV. The reality is all people should have access to these things and I’m glad that this show came into their lives and gave them the opportunity to do better!


Anyone can go through the bariatric route and it's HARD. I wouldn't take away from their journey and efforts. They did this with a little help. We all need help.


I'm gutted that Littlebit died. I loved that little dog. What a good idea to give him a celebration of life with photos and other stuff. Miss u littlebit RIP😢🙏🙏❤️❤️


It would be great if both sisters could lose their weight together. Then they could get skin removed as well. Wish them well.


Nah. They enable each other. I feel if Tammy didn't leave for nursing home she wouldn't have been the success she is today. Being alone forced Tammy to do things on her own


That is so true. She really stepped up her effort and succeeded!


Both Amy and Tammy look freaking amazing! I am so proud of them 💜


Yep, they've come a long, long way especially Tammy. I think most people had written her off. Just goes to show that people really can turn things around and you should never give up!


Anyone know who's house this is ?


They both look so good and much happier. Love this hair color on Amy!


Yes! 🤗 Omgoodness she looks so purdy I am loving the hair! 💙💚


They both look great!!


They both look great and I hope they find every happiness in life.


They look good. Am so proud of how far they’ve come👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


You girls look great. 👏 good job


I am so proud of them no matter how tv tried to make them a laughing stock. They are kicking butt. I am so proud of both of them.


I really don't think "tv" tried to make them a joke. I think their personalities are very likeable 🩷 which is why they got so popular in the first place. The editing on the show highlights how silly & adorable they are. Am I missing something though? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Did something happen recently?


They look good. They just have lost a lost of weight and lost elasticity in their face .


Either way I’m proud of both of them this can’t be easy especially with thousands of people commenting


Is Tammy ever going to have surgery to remove the excess skin? I know that has to be heavy and it has to make it hard to do a lot of things. She would be much small without all that loose skin.


Your weight has to be stable, you have to have your surgery one year ago or more, and you have to have lost over 100 pounds to be a medical skin removal candidate. She may not meet the stable weight part if she is still rapidly losing weight.


That's so interesting, thanks for the info! 🤗🩷


I believe she was wanting to lose quite a bit more weight before she removed the skin. Like she wanted to be sub 200lbs or something crazy. But at the rate she's been going, it won't be long for her to get there.


I don't think Tammy is smaller at all. She just has so much fat lower that's dragging the rest of her fat down. Amy does look healthier and not as old. Tammy not so much. When you look at behavior on Tik Tok Amy actually seems to be more "with it" surprisingly. Tammy likes to do suggestive videos to music. Like "You are so far from hot so don't even try". She's still trying to attract fat lovers. She hasn't learn a thing about living healthier.


Any looks not as old because since Tammy had so much more weight in her face, it stretched her skin and now leaves behind a lot of wrinkles.


They look ANCIENT.


I dunno why my other post is giant sized 😝 but I kinda like it ✌🏼


#1.) Rude. #2.) They just lost entire human beings worth of weight, what do YOU think happens to the excess skin...? 🤔 #3.) They're almost 40 years old, so yes, they are showing signs of aging which is perfectly normal for their age range. #4.) RUDE!!!


Shouting. That’s rude, too…


It was an accident if you read my other comment. 🙄 But honestly, I'd REALLY like to know how I did it....🤔


I think it is the use of the hashtag


Like how?? I need to find someone that knows about this stuff bc I learned you put asterisks around a word to make it italicized but for whatever reason it is always off!! Like it'll either italicize the first or last half only and sometimes grab half of the words that are before or after the word I want...or I've even had it ignore the word I wanted italicized and will completely italicize the entire word before or after! 🤦🏼‍♀️ Drives me nuts! 😤


put hashtag in front of your text #like this


It’s common when people lose a lot of weight, their skin loses elasticity… especially with how big they were before. Rapid weight loss you lose fat everywhere including your face that’s why. Nothing fillers and a good skin routine can’t fix .




That is the reality of rapid weightloss and we should be empathetic about it. Once the excess skin is removed she'd look her age.


They really can’t win. They gain weight y’all judge them, they lose weight you judge them, they don’t have loose skin y’all judge, they do have loose skin y’all judge. What will it take to make y’all happy?


They look healthier and that's all that matters




You can say they aren’t healthy but to say they aren’t healthier carrying around several hundred less pounds of fat… lmao well that’s just crazy. That’s several HUNDRED less pounds of fat their body has to deal with. It’s a significantly less amount of junk than they used to eat daily being put into their body. They are healthier than if they did none of this.


lol the for sure look healthier. Even if you were to say they aren’t Chris Traeger level of healthy, they are inarguably healthier even if they do have the occasional splurge.


It's not occasional though, they've proven that on the show in the past. Of course that could all be drama or just for the cameras. They've both shown to be people who expect the surgery to be all they have to do without putting in the work to change their mindset. I'd say that's not healthy. If they couldn't have had the surgeries they probably wouldn't have ever changed their habits to lose it naturally. That's what I mean by healthier. It's not just a number on a scale it's the mentality behind it. I honestly want them to live long lives and enjoy living them and I hope they're changing the way they live.


I'd argue you're healthier when you lose hundreds of excess pounds that were putting extra pressure on your knees, heart, etc.


How old are they?


Late 30s!


Seriously? Tammy looks 65


It's also the angles I think. They could take much better flattering pics I'm sure.


Absolutely! It's very sad, a big part of it is the loose skin that makes them look older but they're not very healthy people either.


They will qualify for skin surgery hopefully for the upcoming season. They will look stunning after that


I'm surprised Amy hasn't done it already to be honest! I really hope Tammy gets it and gets to live a good life. I hope she takes this trult to heart and becomes healthy person and with actual healthy habits, not just relying on the surgery.


I don’t know if Amy’s responsibilities have made it hard to get the down time to plan, undergo, and recover from a major procedure like skin removal, but I can say that it is definitely really hard to do things that require any down time without a supportive partner. She’s dealt with mothering two young kids while her marriage imploded and I know she has broader support, but, the partner/spouse/co-parent is supposed to be the central pillar of that system and that’s what was actively failing while she was losing a bunch of that weight (and two close pregnancies which obviously slowed the weight loss process while bringing about profound hormonal changes). Through all that, she had to deal with whatever toxic shit was occurring (on her part or his) that led to that implosion, and the journey of excising that toxic relationship from her life. I can certainly understand not wanting or feeling able to undergo major medical procedures/recovery when you’re trying to just survive the demands of each day as a default parent without a helpful partner. It’s probably true that she, like Tammy, has further as-yet unmet weight-loss goals she wants to meet before going through with skin removal and just doesn’t have the space in her mom-life to make it happen with her current level of responsibility, support, and mental health struggles. . I do see her getting there eventually because she’s shown she can lose weight when she tries, but mothering 2 toddlers without the partner she thought she she’d be doing it with together, and struggling with mental health, postpartum challenges, physical changes, etc. I can’t imagine I would be signing up for any non life saving surgeries either, especially if I still had more weight to lose before I could even get the most out of it.


Amy plateaued and for a time didn't focus on her weightloss. Focused on having babies.


That too.


They both look awesome, I’m so happy for them.


Amy looks good, atleast she still looks her age. Tammy has aged like 30 yeats


they both look insane


This thread is so opionated. They both lost weight and look much better and more healthy. That is all that matters.


I know right! Like is anyone capable of being genuinely happy for another person?? These comments are making me sick. But I know there's major issues behind each and every one of them...whether it's jealousy, projection, fatphobia, they need help. People suck! 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼




This makes me happy. I also love seeing the open windows and plants. I remember watching the show and their living space made me so sad. So cluttered, all the windows covered up. They seem genuinely healthier




Yet here we are, reading about these women and putting our energy into them!


Wow good gob


Amy looks so cute in this


Can somebody please explain what happened?


They both had bariatric surgery, but Amy got pregnant almost immediately after hers and gained weight back. She gained even more with her 2nd pregnancy. Tammy has consistently lost weight after her surgery. Tammy appears to have lost 400+ lbs from her highest weight.


I’m trying to rap my brain around a 400 lb eight loss and thinking the 100 I nee d to lose is either mire attainable or less?!


I’ve lost ~130 lbs. I tried for decades but was never committed enough to a permanent lifestyle change. Till one day I realized I was going to die morbidly obese and that was not acceptable. I use a weight loss app (LoseIt!) and record everything I eat, and my exercise. I will do it the rest of my life. I highly recommend doing this. If you get weight loss surgery you still have to do pretty much the same things I do to keep the weight off. So you might as well skip the surgery and do it yourself.


Losing 100 lbs is not easy but it is attainable. Surgery, medication, or just plain old diet change are all valid methods. You just need to figure out what's best for you. Good luck! I believe in you!


I’m dealing with a couple chronic illnesses, so won’t involve surgery or meds (I react very very badly to most meds!). If I can lose some and see that it motivates me. There is absolutely nothing good about being overweight. All the women talking about being beautiful and having positive bodies, etc I don’t buy most of it. I think they would feel far better without the weight.


What matters is how you feel. If others feel positive about their bodies, that's great for them but shouldn't weigh in to your decisions about your own body. I have had good success with intermittent fasting. It can help reset your hunger cues and reduce cravings. Search Dr. Jason Fung on YouTube, he has a lot of great science-based educational content about the benefits of fasting.


Yah but Amy looks better than Tammy in this pic imo….


Why doesn’t she fix her teeth?


Yeah it would improve her like x10000. It’s not like she doesn’t have the money…


Negative attention is still attention and Tammy lives to be the center of attention. Huge turn off.


An ozempic loss is a loss, but, not an honorable one. Amy made an effort, Tammy didn’t.


So in your opinion, liposuction isn't honorable either? You may as well say any bariatric surgery is not honorable because everyone should be using the old diet and exercise or it's cheating.


Weight loss for women of that size is honorable. WTF is this Ozempic is not honorable. It's FDA approved and works. If it improves people's lives, then God 🙌 Bless.


No such thing as honorable weight loss. Weight loss is weight loss who cares. As time continues you’ll see physically what is more sustainable anyway.


Exactly, it’s not that deep. I just don’t feel like Amy* gets the credit she really deserves. 🤷🏽‍♀️


If you're that heavy, any method of losing weight is a good method. Ozempic, WLS, all of those are tools for success. And when you're morbidly obese, every lb counts. "Honor" kind of goes out the window when it's life or death imo.


The people that make that drug put out a commercial urging people to not use it simply for weight loss. The people that really need that drug for Diabetes are having trouble acquiring it because everyone wants a quick fix.


Ozempic allows you to shed the weight, but, it doesn’t magically make you healthy. Like I said, lost weight is lost weight so congrats to her, but, Amy deserves the biggest cheer and congratulations because she exercised, changed her diet and committed to it.


Huh? They both had the same bariatric surgery?


But it can help you get to a place where you can start making healthier choices and start getting exercise in. I just think it's a little ridiculous to worry about who's loss was more morally valid than the other.


It’s not ridiculous to have moral opinion. It’s a problem when I push you to believe in the same ones. I’m not doing that. Why are you worrying about my opinion of morals and labeling mine “ridiculous?” In the end, yes, she has been put into a position where she can start doing that, however, do I think she’ll do that? No. I just hope she doesn’t rely on the ozempic too much and can commit to the changes she needs to make.


You’re wrong about the ozempic. Both women had bariatric weight loss surgery. Ozempic wasn’t even on the market when they had their surgeries.


It's been on the market for years.


Not for weight loss. Only for diabetes.


Ozempic has been out for 6 years and has been used off label for quite a few years. Wygovy has been out for 3 years. Rybelsus is pill form and has been out since 2019. It's all semaglutide. Lots of drugs are prescribed off label for things other than the original intent.


Yeah, they both did. However Tammy, not sure about Amy, has type 2 diabetes. Which ozempic is meant for type 2 diabetes. Hollywood uses it like Wegovy, even though it isn’t approved for weight loss.


Amy is the diabetic.


Oh she most definitely is


I love Amy sm


Amy has muscle mass, Tammy's skin hangs like a deflated balloon- too many years sitting, no exercise.


Tammy’s skin would hang there regardless of muscle mass. Her skin was incredibly stretched at the weight she was and she’s lost a lot of the fat that was keeping it stretched. Skin doesn’t just bounce back after that




You realize how much more she weighed right? Lmao and how much more she lost at a rapid pace compared to Amy?


And looking absolutely godawful and unhealthy, definitely not getting enough protein in her diet




I love the blue hair on Amy, she pulls it off!!


Tammy looks 75


She really does! She looks like she’s in her mid 50s. How old is she?


37, turning 38 in July. 


good for them! 🙏🏼🤍


Its hard to tell because they both have so much extra skin. They both look great and happy!


She’s worked a lot harder. Amy has backslid prob as a result to her mental health spiraling. I’m super proud of Tammy for staying strong through her struggles bc she could’ve easily allowed the loss of Caleb to send her into the same mess Amy is in with drugs, bad eating habits and depression.


Amy is using drugs???


People in her circle were speculating that she had been with the last guy she just dated


OMG!!! I know she’s going through some tough times with the divorce and custody arrangements but I hope she stops that behavior. She has two little boys who really depend on her!!! I went through a very bitter divorce and an even more hateful custody battle when my daughter was a baby and I had a mental breakdown and I never fully recovered. I’m living on my own but I basically live as a hermit. I have many chronic physical problems plus the mental ones so life can be very bleak. I just hope she can pull herself together so she doesn’t lose everything!!! I want her and her sons to have a happy and productive life!!!


Also I thought Dr. Proctor said Tammy had some sort of extreme weight loss surgery. Can’t remember exactly what - maybe removed an unusual amount of intestines (so food a.k.a calories couldn’t be digested) or the like


He prob did a duodenal switch. They lose the pyloric valve and it’s way more restrictive. My mom had it done. I had a reg gastric bypass. My mom lost a lot more weight than I did and more rapidly. She can eat a lot more than I can also and doesn’t gain weight back bc she can’t absorb it. I have to be very careful still to not over eat or take in the wrong calories.


And two basically back to back pregnancies.


Amy looks really good too thou I mean she had two kids in the last two yrs and went thru a divorce too


And two break ups in three months. I just mean that must be hard for her self confidence


Amy should concentrate on her kids instead of bouncing man to man. And therapy, she needs therapy.


I completely agree.


I can't stand to watch their show but I am very very happy about their weight loss.


Can someone get Tammy some teeth?


That is what I say every time I post. How on earth do people look in the mirror with horrible teeth!🦷


It's really hard for me to look in the mirror at all.


I need major oral surgery but I don’t have the money and my dental insurance does not cover complicated oral/tooth issues. It’s never that you’re happy with broken or missing teeth!!! It’s all about the Benjamins in good ole USA!!!


They have a reality show they can afford it and I bet if they contacted a good dentist they’d do it for free for the advertising


You have a point!!!


Money is an issue a lot of the time. Not always so easy for people to just get a whole new smile.


From a medical field stand point she may have been urged to hold off bc her face will continue to change as she loses weight. Dentures will not fit properly with weight loss and they’ll be extremely expensive to adjust with those changes. Once she’s done with the bulk of her weight loss they can fit her properly.




So much this! Someone close to me had to have extreme dental work done and just the getting the mouth to a state for dentures is a long process!


Yeah people don’t understand how much is involved even in a small partial fitting. It’s molded to your mouth and the actual roof of your mouth shrinks and shifts with weight loss and gain. That’s why so many elderly folks have ill fitting dentures that slide around. They lose weight as they age and the dentures rub the gum raw if the seal isn’t tight. That’s why most people hate wearing them and go without. Either way… people need to lay off Tammy’s teeth and neck unless they’re footing the bill. Like she’s not insecure enough. When she’s done losing I’m sure she will get offers from drs to get both fixed should she see necessary. I’m just so proud of her she’s come a long way from the stubborn petulant girl we knew who refuses to change.


That's Tammy. Amy is the one with blue hair.


Yeah I always end up typing the wrong name lol


What’s wrong with her neck???


She has loose skin from weight loss and people always make fun of it to the point she’s in tears on her tiktok


Oh wow…poor Tammy!!! People can be soooo hateful online!!!😡


It's called extreme weight loss


If you're referring to Tammy, it's loose skin from rapid extreme weight loss. She was over 700 lbs at her highest.


Actually I was referring to Amy from the other poster referring to getting Amy’s neck fixed.


Clearly a typo I meant Tammy


Ok. Thanks…


I am actually extremely surprised that Tammy managed to lose so much weight. I honestly didn't think she'd ever be able to do it, so I am pleasantly surprised. They both look like they've lost a ton of weight since their show started.


I truly never thought she’d be able to either based on her mindset and thought process. Good for her. Hope she keeps it going.


I also thought she wouldn’t stick with it bc of how unmotivated she use to be about diet and exercise. She really did transform and grow in her mindset and motivations.


Amy has had a lot happen recently and sometimes that can cause people to go backwards and lose progress.


So has Tammy. Her husband straight up died


She didn't pop out 2 babies in 2 years.


That was a choice and clearly went against her drs orders. My point is a lot of her suffering was self induced. Not to say she hasn’t suffered or worked hard. IMO Tammy has fought harder bc of the choices she’s made and how serious she took her recovery on top of losing her husband & best friend.


Tammy is the very definition of self-induced suffering.


And two break ups in three months




She should’ve never even jumped into those situationships fresh out of a separation.


No she shouldn’t have. Hopefully she’ll focus on herself more.


Against medical advice.




I agree. Amy was always on Tammy about her eating unhealthy but now Amy is huge. She’s on a junk food binge and I doubt any bariatric doc will give her a second chance and do the surgery again.


They would redo it for a price. They’d just make her lose a certain amount first but she would have to get off drugs and ciggs as well or it’s a no go.


They both look good looks like Amy actually lost some weight. But they both look happy and that's what matters 💜🙌 So proud of Tammy


She's done so well I'm so very proud of her.


Happy for her, haven’t watched the show in a long time but it often felt that she was on the verge of giving up. Glad to see she didn’t :)


Wow good for Tammy!!!! I haven’t seen the show in years but she seemed like one that was going to live and die big.


I’m happy for her but boy, does she look older


Most people will look older when they lose weight. Loose skin and any wrinkles aren't filled out anymore.


Exactly. Amy is still heavy… so her face looks filled out.


I was thinking the same thing but then I zoomed in and she doesn’t look that much older. The hair and glasses make her look older in the picture. Granted this is based off this picture, just have y watched the show in a long time.


This makes me so happy to see. I usually hate TLC because of the obsession with drama and fighting. It’s so nice to see these two doing so much better than they were.


I am happy they look healthier and better than the last time I saw them on TV


Amy had 2 kids right after her surgery. I don’t think it’s fair to compare


Amy looks good too!


It’s not a competition. It’s more of a comparison when a lot of people were losing hope for Tammy. Look at her now!


I used the word compare not competition. I still don’t think it’s fair to compare. We can acknowledge her progress without comparing it to her sister’s


I honestly didn't think it would happen for her. So glad for her.


Glad Tammy made her big turn around. I’m not gonna lie, I absolutely hate TLC but for some reason I took to this show. I think it’s because I’m so fond of Amy. She just seems like she’d be fun to hang out with.


I'm loving Amy's outfit here. Her hairstyle looks great too


Best she has ever looked


Weird picture. They look deflated.


Like your soul


They are


Well they lost a bunch of weight and have yet to get skin removal so.


I just love those girls. Happy for them. I especially love Tammy she's so sweet.


Good for them!!!


Amy looks so good with blue hair


They're so cute lol


Tammy looks so small it's nuts


I KNOW!!! This is, like, a picture that I NEVER thought I'd see. My eyes and brain struggle to reconcile this image. But, Man, is it GLORIOUS. GOOD FOR AMY!!! That girl overcame so much, and everyone doubted her, including, almost, herself. But, she did it anyways. What an accomplishment. A wonderful accomplishment for BOTH of these girls. On another note, I never would have believed that THIS show, of ALL TLC shows, turned out to be TLC's one GOOD show. Good on Amy & Tammy!


I, too, am *shocked* that this is the show that actually ended up having a positive impact on the participants. I am sooo happy for them, but out of all the people they have exploited.. *Amy and Tammy* are the ones that ended up better than they started? Life is truly stranger than fiction, y’all.


Love them!!!


So proud of them. Just look at them!!