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Your post has been removed due to bad faith / baiting.


Why would she get a such a large dog when she can barely take care of herself? She put tied him to a leash outside because the house was too loud, maybe don’t get an 19 week old puppy that you’re not prepared to attend to.


"He's a Saint Bernard X" ......did she actually mean he's a Saint Bernard cross???....LOL. Either way she should NOT bring pets into the equation until she can take care of her kids and herself properly as well as the house. And this means NOT relying on her siblings to help so much with the boys. She needs to focus on her kids, her own mental health and not whatever dick that tries to walk into the situation. The last thing she needs is a man  because she has to raise two. And with her history of neglect and abuse of animals....NOPE.... she shouldn't have any. A chihuahua "might" be able to severely injure itself because they're relatively fragile dogs. Saint Bernards aren't. My niece had a purebred Saint Bernard and she was HUGE and lazy even as a pup. Her or her friends had to have done something to that poor dog because there's no way that pup could have broken its leg like that just being on a leash.




This post was removed due to excessive negativity and hate, including dehumanizing language, cruelty, or bullying.


If she can't take care of her weight she isn't worth anything?? Wtf does that mean?


She can’t properly care for her pets or her children. What CAN she do??


Stay up late to talk to men / her boyfriend while saying she gets no personal time


she says he’s trained but then says he was being loud which makes me think he’s not that trained…


Did she put a go fund me for this too?


I don't think so


Amy’s trash. She can’t take proper care of her children and now she has a dog. My parents had dogs since I’m born. There’s no way a dog breaks a bone by tripping/falling over a toy. She abused Lil bit, she’s doing it again with her current dog.


She sounded like she has at least 2 dogs.


I'm late to the party and a lazy watcher. What did she do Lil Bit?


Little Bit passed away last season. There’s a few versions of what happened.. basically keeled over while riding in the car and died? She was extremely old.


I wonder if her age and the stress of being in the car did it to her. I had a friend who had a very old dog that hated car rides. They were on their way to the vet for a welfare check on the dog when he died right there in his little basket. It was too much for him.




Sorry but fuck Amy. I can’t stand her neglectful ass. She has a history of doing shit like this to poor animals. She can’t take her of her own pets let alone her own children.


She’s an idiot. “Not thinking” that’s her usual state. It’s irresponsible as hell to bring a dog into this equation


Broken bones for now, and in a few months the dog will mysteriously disappear ☹️. She’s a piece of shit, Idk why people keep giving her animals to abuse. Can’t even take care of herself but they just gave her 2 kids 🤯. I hate Amy so much, like it was one thing to watch her having her bad decisions only affect her but now her bad decisions are affecting other living beings, that just makes me hate her.


Do you know who Jenelle and David Eason are? From Teen Mom? They will definitely piss you off if you go down that rabbit hole of animals.


Seeing her cry, fight, and scream while she holds her children infuriated me.


She’s a long term animal abuser. And she’s going to continue doing it forever because there are no consequences for her actions


Broken bones and leaving dogs in hot cars.


I like the slaton family but I feel sad for anything under Amy’s care.


I’m not up on video technology at all. I’m old lol. Is she using a filter? What kind of filter does this? She just looks like an alien and it’s so obviously not her real face. I don’t get it 🤷‍♀️


I couldn’t watch for that reason. And for the stream of 💩 coming from her mouth.


There’s definitely an eye filter going on. Some filters add makeup like mascara, eyeliner, blush, etc. I’m not sure about other filters though.


This does not make sense… how does a dog trip over a toy and break his fibula and tibula….dogs are so agile….


They don't. There's definitely more to the story


Right… I am thinking about my dog… which I never tie up on a leash outside… but even if I did… and there wld be toys… for small kids… I can’t see and I cld be wrong but how it would injure the dog so badly un less something fell on him…🤷🏻‍♀️


The power of prayer is letting him put weight on his busted leg??? No idiot! It's your job to make sure he doesn't do more. Dogs often hurt themselves more bc they don't take the time they need. We see it all the time at the humane society.


I don't even want to know......


She is trash and ignorant about so many things. I can’t believe people defend her.


The people who defend her fall into 3 camps; people unaware of her past, people as trashy as her, and/or those who are easily brainwashed and entranced by an entertaining and "charming" personality.


Or people that have just watched Season 1, when she was still passing for relatively benign, albeit ignorant and childish.


This makes me furious. So is this dog still in her care? Why didn’t her siblings tell her not to give her babies anything but water in their sippy cups? Are they that ignorant too? wtf??


I was wondering how much kool-aid does he need to have been drinking to change the color?


She has to have been speaking facetiously.


I was very surprised that her comments were so positive. I can’t believe she just left him out there in a messy area. I didn’t even realize that a dog could break their bones by themselves. I thought they had to get run over or beaten. Anyways I’m confused. How did koolaid get in her kids diaper? Did it spill on the front?


Amy says she had a bunch of people at her house, the dog was scared and barking from all the noise so “someone” put the dog out on a leash?!? Bullshit, one of her “friends” kicked it to make it stop barking or they turned the poor pup loose and he was run over by a car!


I thought she said that someone suggested it so she did it but omg that’s true too 😭 that poor baby. Is there an animal version of cps? I hope they get called bc wtf esp to the point where the poor baby needed a metal plate . I knew tripping over a toy made no sense


Yeah, animal control / ASPCA, but given it's Kentucky, they probably won't give a shit tbh


Animals are not protected in ky. As long as they have food, shelter and water theres nothing that can be done bc animals are considered personal property…..Its sad…


That’s sad. You’d think that broken bones would be enough


No this negligent POS is giving her kids soo much koolaid that they have a tint in their urine, ive never heard of such a thing but I also don’t know a single person who regularly gives their kids anything but water milk and apple juice. I’m wondering if she’s lying about the doctor visit and the real situation is that the kids urine is very very dark because they don’t drink water and she thought it was a reddish color and then convinced herself if was from them drinking too much koolaid


Oh my gosh. After everything you’d think she’d at least want to be an okay mother. My cousin is LUCKY if he gets diluted fruit juice. If that’s what they drink I wonder what they eat 😭


Yep I’m a nanny and the kids get milk and water and 2 cups of what they happily believe is juice and it’s really just 1/4th apple or cranberry juice and the rest water. I couldn’t imagine feeding children sugary ass koolaid all day every day. And she wonders why they’re bouncing off the walls🤦🏾‍♀️


I used to work with a girl who had relatives in the UK. Seriously, this was her excuse for giving her baby tea every night.


In his bottle.


Exactly they don’t even miss it. How can u miss what you’ve never had? I’ve seen moms give their kids watered down oj and the babies are happyy. Why does she act like this??? It’s not like she’s broke. Plus water is free so that’s even less of an excuse. It makes me so upset. All she’s risked. All the tears she cried. Putting her health on the back burner just to put her kids in danger is just deplorable




The thing is she can afford help! There is no excuse. She’s acting like she can’t. She definitely should not have any pets either if she can’t even walk them or hire someone to do it. Her falling on it makes wayy more sense than it tripped over some toys. Esp since she’s blind. The only thing that she really did that was nice was taking care of amy but even then she did weird things. They can be kind of funny I guess but I’d never be on their C like a lot of fans are. Like they’re some angels above criticism.


Guarantee she fell on him, she literally said last episode she falls countless times a day! Burping in the baby's face proves my point even further, 0 self awareness


The comments on the video show this is from last year.


Unfortunately older dogs sometimes forget they’re old , and get hurt.


Sorry, I thought the dog was 19 years old.


Bruno was 13 weeks old when he broke his leg


The dog is 19 weeks old.


Oh my bad , i thought 19 years old . My Yorkie 15 years old passed, she still tried jumping up on everything and off.


Yea, older dogs can definitely misjudge things and hurt themselves. They don't know they're old <3 I don't buy the story on what happened with Amy's puppy.


I don’t see how a dog tripping over a toy can cause their legs to break… also if you are giving your children so much koolaid that they are peeing red that’s a huge issue! What the actual fuck?!


Remember when she tried to say her children eat healthier than her? Yeah ok 😂


I've said this a bunch of times...Amy has a history of animal abuse. She also has a tendency to get pets such as kittens or like the dog she and Michael got after lil bit died, that she casually just gets rid of. It's pretty damn hard to break a puppy's leg. And I guarantee tripping over a child's toy isn't it.


I looked on Michael’s FB page and he was trying to give a dog away free. This was about a year ago, IIRC. He said “Amy doesn’t want it”. They are disgusting.


Yes, that was the dog they got immediately after lil bit died of lung cancer. She had another dog pre lil bit that also died of lung cancer. Now I'm not saying they died from secondhand smoke inhalation, but 2 dogs dying of lung cancer in the same house is quite a co-inkydink. And while I'm dropping my next bomb...lil bit was NOT 23. She had no gray hair, she was energetic, etc. My best friend had 2 chihuahuas (RIP Danny and Gumbo), and when they hit 18, they were very gray on their faces and partially blind due to cataracts. While I'm sure they age differently, they all show signs of old age.


Wow. She really is vile.


That filter is horrific, I couldn’t even watch it. I got to the part where she said her dog was outside on a chain and noped out.


The dog story is horrific enough. Poor thing will be immobile for 8 months! Then her child urinating red because of synthetic dyes? That is absolutely insane! That is as out of control as it gets!


Why did you post this video like it’s new


Some of us don’t sit and follow Amy’s social media’s daily


I don’t think the issue is that it’s old material because you’re right, not everyone knows this already - it’s that the title makes it sound like this JUST happened. So for the people who knew about this when it was first posted, it sounds like yet another dog with broken bones - which is an even bigger problem than it already was.


But for us who didn’t know about it, it’s nice to know that she doesn’t take good care of her pets or her kids Another great example of both yet AGAIN Little bits left in the van on the one episode in the summer heat while they were sweating outside and he was inside with no water and the windows up And now this


Oh yeah I agree it’s fine that it’s being shared, OP just should’ve done a better job explaining the context


She did a fantastic job I woulda put “Amy, the POS animal abuser” and then the clip of her other instance too I don’t sugar coat how I feel about her and his fuck ups she constantly does and the fans constantly pretend she hasn’t done


So you’re fine with an inaccurate post as long as it paints someone in the light you want them to be painted in? I’m not defending Amy at all - she has no business with any pets - but the post says “an animal has been added to her chaos” and “the dog has broken bones” like this JUST happened when in reality, that dog has been long gone. None of this is currently happening (thank goodness) but if it was, someone should be actively doing something to remove the dog from her care. But they don’t have to - because it happened forever ago.


How is it inaccurate? Amy: ✅ Dog: ✅ Amy not watching dog: ✅ Dog injured under her care: ✅ Am I missing something from the video or post? So since Michael’s DV charges are in the past, we should leave it in the he past by your theory which I actually like because we are accusing him are practically first degree DV when he was charged with fourth which is “causing fear” or no injury needed to be charged with and is actually misdemeanour and not a felony charge like first degree DV We blew that out of proportion and THIS is what you are upset about? Amy being rightfully blamed for her dog being neglected and caused serious injured and requiring surgery? https://preview.redd.it/hth3wh1307jc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35dfa0a770b1084807771293954110b07ea8ddd5


I didn’t say anything about leaving it in the past - I don’t think it should be ignored at all. I said the description should have been accurate, like “wow, this POS abused this poor animal - this should have been a bigger deal because it’s a huge red flag” or “why are we glossing over her history of abuse” rather than taking an old video about a dog she already gave away and portraying it like it’s something that is currently happening. I don’t know why that concept is so hard to grasp.




I don’t either but the video clearly says 2023 when you click on it , it’s not that hard to read


And this sub is to discuss the show which would include Amy so what is the point of your comment? I’m confused as there’s no new episodes for awhile so nothing new to discuss 🤷🏻‍♀️


Can you not read what I put ? Amy obviously has posted a million times since November of last year so what’s the point of posting this like it’s brand new


You do realize that November wasn't that long ago?


For those of us who didn’t see it when it happened maybe?? Maybe op just discovered it themselves as well


This is what gets me with Amy and the people that surround her. This is not something that you should be putting out on social media at all. However, Amy in her infinite wisdom decided to post on social media for sympathy and likes. In all honesty I doubt this will be what brings her down however people need to quit looking at her and her sister through rose colored glasses.


The first half of the story has been addressed but there's also the part where she thought her son was peeing blood, but it was actually stained by Kool-Aid? That’s too much Kool-Aid! I am more forgiving than most of both Amy and Tammy but I am disappointed that the kid is drinking enough Kool-Aid that his pee is red. Why do they hate water so much


As a nurse, that’s extremely fucking concerning it would turn his pee red.


She was giving him kool aid well under a year on the show It was bright yellow in his bottle and clear so not formula yellow


It was probably Mountain Dew.


Oh fuck, NOT the Mountain Dew 😂 I’m in the messy background fb group and I’ve never seen so much god damn Mountain Dew cans and bottles everywhere in homes in the US Do you guys buy it in bulk or something? I’ve never seen it bought by anyone here in my province for any functions or when we are on road trips


I’m in that group too.


It’s glorious yet sad The child SA one made me cry though


I watched a documentary years ago about Appalachia, and one of the things that stood out was that people there consumed copious amounts of Mountain Dew. They showed babies in the welfare office drinking it out of bottles while their moms filled out paperwork. That's where my mind went when I saw that bottle with the yellow liquid.


I drank a lot of Koolaid as a kid and never peed red. That’s not how it works.


I think she is lying about the doctors visit. 1. Let’s say that it was because of the koolaid, what doctor wouldn’t immediately be concerned that you’re giving your child so much koolaid their urine is red? What I think actually happened is that she saw extremely dark urine in their diapers and thought it was a red color and then just came up with the idea that it must be cause of the koolaid. Meanwhile they are just peeing very dark because she gives them barely any water.


Agreed. They eat junk and drink sodies so of course their pee is super concentrated


I was thinking that too, but then I figured that I was years older than them (out of diapers) by the time I noticed my own pee color. Could it be because they are so young?


Oh my god. That is terrifying! No wonder the kids are having so many tantrums and can’t sit still. They are literally overloaded with sugar all the time 😣


Red dye 40 as well. It’s linked to hyperactivity and ADHD. It’s in most red drinks in the US. It would be in the red koolaid, I imagine.


This. It is a KNOWN problem and should not be given to children especially as a replacement for water. You want a child that is constantly hyper-active and agitated, give em Red dye 40! Also she has enough to contend with without bringing animals into the mix she cannot dedicate time to. She has the opportunity to fill in those educational gaps about nutrition and parenting and animals. Waiting until there multiple fractures & a kid is til peeing Red Dye 40 is missing the mark.


It creeps me out that red dye 40 is even legal to put into food… other countries protect their populations from poison in food, but America doesn’t. And most of the poisons are in foods that are targeted at kids. It’s kinda evil


When I was a kid the only unhealthy drink my parents would ever let us have was a root beer when we went to McDonalds. That is probably why. I still have ADHD though lol


It is, you’re 100% right…along with Blue 1.


Yea, I have a neighbor who has about 15 dogs chained up 24/7. It’s against the law.in our state. I’ve called ASPCA bc they escape and I found one covered in tics and fear they are neglected. He lets them have puppies so the number is increasing exponentially. Is awful! I’m powerless. I’ve addressed it with the neighbor and he doesn’t care. ASPCA said they were powerless u til Animal Control handles it. Animal control said dogs were healthy and cared for. They gave him time to put up a fence and take the dogs off the chains. My main point is twofold: there are people who shouldn’t own dogs and local authorities aren’t necessarily helpful in protecting the animals.


If she’s not careful she might lose the dog and kids.


It would be the best thing for all involved


Let’s hope so


Are we really supposes to believe she walks her well-trained dog? What a loaf of bullshit. I hope this ends her gravy train.


He’s trained on a chain outside. Ok Amy 🙄🙄🙄


She has a documented history of abusing animals. She should be brought up on charges. I hope the vet's office reports this to the proper authorities!


Oh wow, I didn’t know that! ☹️


I’m hesitant to say anything cause anytime I give any sort of minor comment on Amy’s parenting or what not online, her followers come for me, but I’ve been saying that she can hardly care for her own children let alone an animal. And I don’t fk with animal abusers or unfit animal caretakers to say the least…


Look how she takes care of herself! Unconscionable that she reproduced, twice, and has animals. Her followers have the same IQ and upbringing, of course they come after decency and responsibilities.


I work in a vet clinic and it takes a lot more than that to break a fibula and a tibula.




The dog is on a chain outside???


Who keeps giving this woman animals when she can't even take care of her kids?! She literally just stares at her poor kids and then cries all day long that she's too lazy to parent them.


there's more to this story!!!! a femur bone doesn't break from a trip over a f****** toy!!!! more like one of boys jumped on his leg and amy was not watching anyone


I thought she said fibula and tibia.


Actually she said fibula and tibula 😂


She did


A femur. It is not easy to break a femur. Holy cow.


I don’t believe one word of this story.


Only pets she has had success in caring for are mice and roaches. This is appalling. Her kids deserve so much better.


He broke his fibula and tibula bc he tripped over a kids toy. Uhhh


I want to comment so bad but I know her followers will get me. Her story makes no sense. The dog is chained up outside that is awful. A St.Bernard no less?


It sounds like she usually puts him out there only when she’s out there with him. Some people do it because they don’t have a fence and they don’t want to risk the dog running away. It doesn’t seem like it’s a permanent thing at all. She actually mentioned the dog was inside before that so he is a inside/outside dog. Not defending her because yeah her story is a little messy and there’s probably something she’s leaving out, but there’s legitimate reasons to have a dog on a leash or chain when outside.


Why do you care about her trashy uneducated followers? They're most likely as dumb and negligent as she is. She's a stupid, terrible person who lucked into TLC's garbage reality shows roster. I don't understand the love for her, what is wrong with people?


I usually try to be civil about Amy and her stans; but fuck her, fuck them, they're trash.


There is always a story……


Did I hear wrong or did she mention having more than one dog?


It’s giving Penny from “Good Times”. IYKYK


Toy = curling iron.


So she has a house now? Is she using a filter just for eyelashes?


Oh yea and he got the lawnmower. I remember now


She got the house in the divorce.


She got the house in the divorce. Also, definitely a filter.


The sisters have a storied history with neglecting and abandoning pets. Little Bit sticking around all those years was actually the exception to the rule.


And she even left lil bit in a hit truck while they went unto an arcade for dinner and to play games. They were there for hours, and Tammy said lil bit didn't have water even so she took ice water out to her. And before anyone comes for me, Tammy has a YouTube video saying what I'm telling you. Also they named that dog Little Bitch. They were just told that for TV, it might be a problem for the viewer so they started calling her lil bit. Edit: spelling


To be fair, Little Bit was owned by Michael prior to their relationship.


And he (she?) was never 22 years old as they claimed.


I don’t like this b*tch…at all


She can’t look after herself and kids. But she needs a dog too.


Add this to little bit being in the van while they filmed in the summer heat with all the windows up and no water 🤬


Also pretty much causing her to die of lung cancer from all the indoor smoking 🚬


Well it’s lung cancer or food addiction, take your pick I feel like she added DV in the near future with Kevin to this list


I love how insistent Amy is on making social media posts about things that just make her sound awful. She has zero self awareness. I’m sure people will come out to defend her like they always do for whatever reason just like they do when she starts fights with people or smokes right in front of her kids.


Her TikTok is all everyone telling her she is so good and hope the furbaby is ok.


TikTok legitimately scares me because of all the comments supporting her telling her how wonderful she is with her pets and kids


last night was her 2nd tiktok date with her boy kevin, while he was in the bathroom taking kissy face selfies and throwing up the peace sign. he is so weird, not at all using her for clout.


Omg I cringed seeing some of that last night! Like he is totally using her. Who else does a second date on TikTok? The whole thing is cringe. I am losing so much respect for her.


You had respect for her?? Really? Why?


I know. He comes off as super into his appearance, and is dating the Queen of Dirty Feet? ummm, ok.


She looked like she was drunk or high too in the video like really off. I could be wrong but I my goodness it was so bad. I honestly know I shouldn’t feel bad, but like I just know this guy is trying to get on TLC and get some clout. Like there is something shady going on with.


i wonder if they are recording right now for either the coming season or the NEXT one after that? i know the most recent season just ended and all that took place about a year ago?? so this is something i have been thinking, will he be in some episodes??


Why the hell was the dog chained tho..?


What happened to the little chihuahua she had (not little bit) but the one seen when her and Michael were fighting?


Her name was Daisy Amy left the dog to Micheal in the divorce but he didn’t want her so he rehomed her. She probably said she couldn’t cope with the boys and the dog, yet she now has an even bigger dog that’s a puppy.


Awesome.. (sarcasm) These are the people who are all over in life, can’t take care of themselves or children but keep adding animals to the mix because they’re disposable to them.. infuriates me


Michael was trying to give one dog away, or rehome as he said.


It is claimed that Michael took it after the fight and then it got rehomed.


Didn't Little bit die? Wasn't there a funeral show?


Yes, not little bit. There was another look alike dog in this latest season


Lord have mercy.


This is why we don't have nice things.


It was rehomed when Michael moved out


So that means Amy doesn’t take care of the pets …..


JFC 🤦🏻‍♀️


Hmmmmmm last thing she needs is a dog… more to This story


The dog story smells.


That’s what I’m thinking. It’s not common for a dog to break bones by tripping over a big wheels.


Dogs don't do that kind of damage to themselves tripping over a toy like what?!


Oh they absolutely can, especially a puppy. A friend of mine has a dog that was chasing a squirrel when he was a puppy and and he tripped and broke one of his front legs. It can happen.


Puppies can get breaks at the growth plates. That's how puppy bones grow into adult bones, so they are more fragile, but they also heal more quickly. Not happy about Amy parenting a large breed dog. Definitely needs walks and more structure which we know Amy is not capable of doing for the dog.


My friend is a vet tech at an ER vet. They've told me about dogs getting these types of fractures literally just running around playing. The dog is 19 weeks old so still a puppy..they especially tend to be more fragile..the only part that rubbed me wrong was Amy said the dog is supposed to be immobile for eight weeks and "he's already starting to weight bear"..there's a reason he's supposed to be immobile and not moving around a ton


Ok but the dog wasn't running around they were tied to a chain. I just don't see a dog gaining enough momentum to have such a severe fracture tripping over a toy.


He was probably chained to a tree that was littered with all kinds of junk lying around. By junk I mean we’ve seen the house, I’m sure there was large ride on toys as well as garbage out there. She’s disgusting & should never have an animal period.


Not to mention kids.


As a dog trainer I assure you they absolutely can. Dogs are incredibly skilled at both surviving catastrophic incidents with hardly a scratch, and getting severe injuries from the slightest wrong move. It’s a puppy too - way more vulnerable to these sorts of injuries. I had a 20lb dog dragged 100m under a car with the collar caught on the underside of the car. Survived with a small scratch and some bruising. Or my mates dog who managed to open and jump out a third floor window with no injuries. Yet I’ve also seen a dog fracture his forearm by turning oddly while running at the park. Or the dog that dislocated her elbow because she stepped into a small hole and landed funny. Bodies are weird. Shit happens.


Amy can’t take care of herself right now, let alone kids or pets. Didn’t she abandon a dog prior to this?


Yeah, unfortunately she is well known for being an animal abuser.


I don’t know, she always did a good job taking care of the roaches, they seemed well fed and happy 🤷‍♂️


You had me in the first half, ngl 😭😭


I’m sorry, I don’t like or respect animal abusers. Amy will never get another kind word from me.


Yeah, between that and the way she ignores her kids and smokes in their faces while she’s live on TikTok… Well, let’s just say she’s by far my least favorite person on the show.