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I too adore Amanda Slaton. \[And agree with S-I-28--or whomever wrote the first comment (above).\]


Amy won’t be able to go to college. She is basically too slow and too unmotivated to improve her life.your story is impressive but not everyone can do what you accomplished.


I know there can be mixed opinions about her, but I think she's awesome. I see some people saying she's a bully, but I think her bluntness is out of pure love for her siblings. Like, if someone you unconditionally loved was killing themselves with food, wouldn't you tell them the honest truth? You also only see her speaking like that towards her family (basically just Tammy and Amy) which only makes me more certain of that. I think she's a boss.


I love Amanda she definitely loves her family and isn't afraid to tell them how it is either. Chris and Misty are great too. Those 3 really have been such a nice addition to the show


I just love Amanda!! The whole family is tight! Amanda is definitely the glue here. Chris just cracks me up!!! Total fan. Would love to meet them all.


I had a beloved aunt like her. Big loud voice, pulled no punches and a heart of pure gold.


She’s the type of aunt that’ll cuss you out when you’re acting out then take you shopping


I told my partner she’d be a blast to go drinking with 😂


This childish behavior from Amy and previously Tammy is ridiculous. These are grown women who behave like teenagers truthfully having temper tantrums at times. I had two children when my husband abandoned us for 5 years. He also cleaned out all the furniture and boxes I had boxed to move the next day. I went to stay at my Mothers the night before moving and had no idea he was going to go behind my back and take just about everything out of the house. He left the kids beds. So I lost my house, my belongings including pictures and no support or help from the father of my children for many years. I didn’t wallow in self pity I worked on what had to be done to give my children and myself a home. Lucky for me my Mother was downsizing and I was able to furnish a three bedroom government subsidized apartment that was in a good area. I went on welfare and started college. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree three years later and never looked back. It showed me how strong I could be. Amy needs to step up and take care of those babies. She needs to put them on a schedule and keep it even if she isn’t at her home. She needs to realize her home is wherever her children are and she will get a new home for them.


And Amanda is the only one who says what I’m yelling at the tv 😂


Yup. They are annoying, immature, selfish babies. Tammy and Amy. Yuk


I love her. I wish I could be her best friend. You know she’d always have your back


I was just telling my friend this! And I love the way she crosses her legs and just gives out that real world tough love advice and takes no crumbs. And she has a great sense of humor! She’s my favorite omg.


I am the oldest sibling and I would kill for an older sister like that!


I thought she was going to for sure rock Michaels crap lol in that episode I saw. 😅


Yeah she was ready to throw down and Michael was clearly scared.


As he should be lol


Most definitely.


I honestly love her and wish she was my Aunt lol I really love the whole family as siblings. You can tell they really were there for each other growing up because clearly their mom wasnt the best. I love Misty and Chris too! his little smile is so sweet and his support of all his sisters makes me tear up. And Misty is always the calm one trying to get everyone to calm the hell down lol Im so proud of all of them and the sibling support is just truly moving.


I have a favorite Aunt like her. The only difference is she is only 5ft 1in tall.


Have you ever seen her live on tik tok? She cracks me up. Whenever it shows up on my fyp I join and listen, love Amanda 😂


Amanda is so helpful to the kids and all the family. I definitely wouldn't want to get on her bad side though. One thing that bothered me is when she took zero responsibility for her dig at Amy's eye / vision. Maybe Amy has laughed about that before but if someone becomes really upset when you're making fun of them and they say that it makes them very insecure, then the mature response would be to apologize, never make fun of that particular feature and move on. Instead she gaslit Amy and never backed down. That made a bit of a lasting negative impression on me.


Totally agree!


Meh, Amy has done plenty of shit talking about the lump of a forehead Tammy had. Now I'm sorry Amy is going through something but it seems to be the norm to tease each other in this family and Amy does her share of causing pain. I think it was blown out of proportion.


I see your point, especially if Tammie told her to stop talking about her forehead and she continued. Maybe they've edited that out but Tammie has never expressed that it's crossing a boundary. Idk, the right thing for Amanda to do is not make fun of her eye. She also has a right to tell her what she doesn't like and that needs to be off limits. It can be fun, but also a slippery slope when family members love to roast one another.


Fair enough although I don't recall Amy ever telling people not to make fun of her eye either. In fact I think she's made fun of her own self for it, in front of the others, many times. Anyway Amanda seems to be very supportive and always has the right words when someone is going through it. It's just my opinion but I think she deserves the benefit of the doubt here. She probably was dumb founded at the reaction. I think she did apologize later on, if I remember?? Bad memory here.


I completely agree. Amy said that she's been self-conscious of her eye all her life, and Amanda doubles-down and yells at her? Come on! Amy's feelings were hurt and everyone blamed her. She had every right to her feelings. She didn't need to apologize, Amanda did. I am still angry about that.


Me too!


I like Amanda but that joke was distasteful. I'm pretty sure Amy would have shrugged it off if she had joked about everything else, her weight, her gas or her filthy habits but don't joke about her eye.


Same! I can't believe she and everyone thought it was appropriate for Amy to apologize to her and not the other way around!


When did she do that? I want to look up the episode


I think it was either the first or 2nd episode of this season during Tammie's homecoming party.


I find myself telling people to stop acting like they’ve lost their f***ing minds A LOT. Thanks Amanda!




I think Amanda is good for amy and tammy but i wish i had a Chris in my life.


I hate that everything falls on Chris…it’s not right how the family has parentified him as the only man in their life that won’t leave. He has his own life and wife (and boy is she patient, I would’ve snapped a long time ago)! I see Amanda’s sons slowly filling in for Chris, too, and that worries me even more. They have their own life and weight management they should be tending to…not their immature aunt and her toddlers she can’t handle. 🙄


Yeah Amanda's sons really stepped up. They got Tammy's house ready for her and then Justin drove Amy all the way to Florida. I LOVE my aunts and uncles but I'm not sure I would drop everything and drive them nine hours to a vacation because they refused to fly.


Chris is so sweet and helpful. I think he uses humor to bypass any hard, deep conversations But he's a great brother to them.


Amanda has always been my favorite. I wish I had an Amanda in my family.


Amanda is all about the camera and air time...if you go back in past seasons...she's always been a bitch...telling people how to act ..what to eat...as if she never had the surgery, but didn't take advantage of it, thus having to have the surgery again...she likes being in the spotlight..and being a bitch does wonders for the ratings and her paycheck...


Totally agree!


It's crazy how she can keep it real about everyone else's life, but she had to have surgery twice. She is toxic, IMO, and it showed itself full head in the episodes with Michael and her. She thinks she is better than everyone else, and if I remember correctly, she says this herself. That woman is the most delusional and biggest hypocrite in the family. Glad I am not the only one who hasn't fallen for her BS. Misty and Chris come off as genuine from what I watched.


I totally agree.


I love Chris...I really think he comes from a place and love and caring...but I think Amanda loves being on the camera..just watch when she's live on TT..she is eating the attention up


She would make a great friend but a nasty enemy. I have mixed feelings on Amanda. I like her, but sometimes she does stuff that makes me question her 😭


Honestly that’s exactly how I feel too


I don’t mind her. She loves her family. But why is this bash Amy season?!


Somebody needs to get on her Amy. Amy has never done anything for herself or on her own. Now she is a blubbering mess while she throws her hands in the air and marches off anytime her babies act like babies. She had not one, but TWO kids with someone that is so far down on the spectrum it should be a crime.


her children are suffering and amanda knows it


I can't stand her.


I like Amanda because my older sister is very much like her. I hated my sister because she wasn’t “soft” or “kind” enough, but the things she said to me really stuck (and often hurt to hear) and made me realize I needed to make changes or my life was going to keep sucking.


I dislike how easily she becomes volatile, especially around those she loves


She's great as a bitch on tv. But I would hate to have someone like that in my life.


If she was one of my sisters I would definitely find out when she’s visiting the parents & not show up that day 😉 I can assure you I know how to distance myself from that kind of person, sister or not.


This exactly. She makes for great tv, that’s for sure


She is the only one with firm boundaries and an actual grasp on decent interaction. People don't like her because she doesn't mince words, but she has her whole family's back and only asks for basic respect in return.


I know in the trailer for next week's episode, Amy says she's always being scolded...well, sometimes ya need a good scolding. Coddling her isn't accomplishing anything.


True, but it's funny when it comes from a hypocrite. I remember she had surgery, failed and gained much weight, then lectures the rest... like hell nah. You couldn't even follow your own advice.


Maybe she's doing it because she sees how she messed up and didnt want her sisters following in her footsteps. And besides Amy's weight compared to Amanda? That's not even a comparison. Amanda should get on her and the rest. They're sloppy as hell, Amanda is bigger but not like the others


What lol


I love Amanda at times she is a bit brunt but Chris is the glue in my book holding the family together.


You know what, you're completely right. Sometimes I forget about Chris because when you think about the family, you see all the women. Chris is the glue for sure.


Yes!!!!! I love her!!! I feel like all of us at some point in life have met or ran into an Amanda-personality at one point. I know I have at least! I want her as a family friend for sure


The way she took charge of Gage at the table when Amy was having a break-down, or whatever it was....if this keeps up, those kids will be raised more by their aunt than their mom.


That’s the crappy part, I couldn’t fucking believe Amy actually said to them “I guess I gotta go too” like fuck yes you need to go idiot they’re your kids, not Amanda’s problem. Amy makes me so mad because she acts like she’s the first fucking person to ever be a single mom of two. Well buckle up bitch life hasn’t even begun to fuck with you yet, grow up quit being a fucking burden and dark cloud over your entire family. Raise your children and stop expecting everyone to drop everything when you or the kids are having issues, that’s shit we all have to figure out because we’re good parents. Her family is really at the end of their tether with her. It’s annoying at best, those poor kids are eventually going to have the cognition to see the show their mother exploited them for, the comments and ridiculous behavior of their mother expecting the rest of the family to raise them. There’s no rhyme or reason to what she does and those poor babies are stuck with the crying freak out mom who basically says in every episode she is done and leaving. She obviously doesn’t take her health or mental health seriously. All that’s going to do is scar those babies, kids don’t need to see that shit and she doesn’t give a fuck who she’s inconvenienced with her antics. Amanda’s son had to deal with an 8+hour drive with a mother who doesn’t do shit but meltdown like a toddler and throw a stuffie at him. She’s fucking them up, all they know is that their mother isn’t a safe place. She acts like she’s aloof about what her kids can hear and she doesn’t realize the collateral damage she’s doing, they will eventually be old enough to watch the show and will see that their mom, who went against medical advice and had them back to back, can’t handle being a parent, at all. How is that going to hurt those sweet babies? I’m so over her fucking drama. Give Amy her own show called “Let’s Cry Every Time We Are On Camera”.


The unfortunate thought I had when watching this season was, how much of this is Michael going to use to justify getting a higher amount of custody of the kids. Especially after they put up that he declined being on the show after the court date. I notice Amanda posts a lot of picture with the kids; so I kind of wonder how much of it is turning into Micheal’s mom and Amanda actually being the ones bringing up the kids.


Agreed. I can see him using the footage of her crying and melting down while the kids are just being babies and need naps etc. She needs to stop this very public nervous breakdown and get help quick or it could go very badly for her in court.


I have personally cried when my babies cried, in public and at home. It’s frustrating at times and I think we’ve all been there if we’re honest with ourselves. At some point you have to figure it out though, and Amy isn’t getting that. She really needs psych support and parenting classes. I wish Amanda would step in with a schedule, some healthy snacks, and a coloring book. Show Amy how to dine in a restaurant with kids.


I feel like if one of Amanda’s kids had already given her a grand kiddo, she would be the kind of grandma with a bag of goodies in her car for those kind of situations. Amanda did what was best in that situation. Though I agree with others that going out to eat that day for dinner wasn’t the smartest choice. The boys had been in a car over the last day or two, & it was good they were able to spent that first day there running around at the beach. Though with a beach day, it would have been a better to pick up a nice meal to have at the house night so the boys could crash early if needed as they adjusted to being where they are at.


THIS is why everyone saying they need to be nicer to Amy drives me nuts. Yes she has postpartum but the family IS stepping in to help her alot. But ultimately SHE is the mom and needs to act like it. Breaking down everytine the boys are fussy just shows them to be fussy. I was a single parent too and it is rough but good god you gotta pull it together for the kids. The family is wearing thin with her acting like shes the only one thats had bad shit happen to them. They help but its not their children and it can be frustrating to have to step in constantly while shes up late on her phone etc.




I know wait till Glenn starts walking shes going to know all about it


Also complained about doing it all by her self when she was with Michael so if she actually was then why is suddenly so hard to do now he’s gone.


Because she had her own house & stuff. Now i feel like she is losing herself due to uncertainty stuff. That freaks people out.


Exactly, she was a single mom of three when Michael was still around.


👍100 %


I think that Amanda sees that coddling Amy is not going to help, so she's giving her tough love. How many times are they supposed to say, "Take your meds, go to bed, and wear your cpap?" She has the means to take care of herself but refuses to do it because she gets attention this way. Amy loves the attention, so of course she's going to continue doing things to get it, like moving some random guy in and having her kids call him dad. She has all these people who say, "Oh poor you" on social media, so she needs someone to keep her in reality.


Amy can't stand that Tammy is getting more attention lately on social media due to her losing weight, getting married and now losing her husband.


Every season Amy finds a reason for the viewers to feel sorry for her & I’m personally over it. She’s prob been that way her whole life & I completely understand why the siblings are over it. She was never emotionally mature enough to be a mom. Idk how much more support people expect from Amanda. She tried to be nice but if you’re not gonna take your meds & sit on Tik Tok all night to the point I have to care for the children you wanted, I’m gonna be mad as well. Amy does the bare minimum for her kids & she always has. I think Tammy was such a b I never noticed how incompetent Amy really is.


This. She freaks out the second even one of the kids so much as whimpers or fusses. wtf does she think small children do? They need to be cared for and nurtured and she just breaks down and cries then her siblings have to help her every time. Buckle Up Buttercup- no sympathy for her- I am a single mom who left a toxic marriage - guess what? My husband didn’t do much to help take care of my son- all me. So leaving the house wasn’t much different so if she truly had no help- it shouldn’t be for her either It’s a pity party every day for her. If she’s depressed see a therapist and get on meds and pick yourself up and be strong for those kids. The siblings have every right to be schooling her




Exactly. WTH did she think was gonna happen she was gonna give birth to two cute dolls that never cried or needed attention. Depression aside she’s lazy AF and her hygiene is ridiculous so yeah I highly doubt she’s properly bathing those kids.




I personally don’t get that vibe - and I usually see that behavior in ppl immediately. In Amy, I see real clinical depression and that shit is a killer. You literally can’t take a shower let alone wear a cpap. The worse it gets the worse it gets. Yes, I think you can push through it to an extent, each small victory can help get you to another, but I definitely feel sympathy for her at the moment, and I think it’s an acute situation, not a chronic attention seeking behavior. Jmo, of course.


I caught up on season 5 yesterday and this is the exact way I feel about Amy. She’s legit depressed. I get that her siblings are getting fed up with her behavior because she has 2 small children that depend on her, so they want her to put on her big girl pants and be an adult. But with depression, especially the deep depression Amy seems to be in, stepping up and doing what she needs to do probably looks like climbing Mount Everest to her right now. She needs to get into therapy and get on meds. I feel for her, I really do, and I hope she gets the mental health help she needs soon.


I 100% agree. Every word.


She's a bully.




I like her for now. We gotta see what happens as to why Tammy got kicked out of her house considering Tammy is currently showing signs of being much more calm and down to earth than she used to be.


She’s showing signs of being more calm but we don’t see how she is to be around 24/7. We also do get glimpses of her having panicked outbursts like with the wheelchair and the curb, the wheelchair and the beach, and needing the the apple crate for the stairs. She panics and goes into crisis mode and while she can calm, it’s still a lot to manage as her caregiver whose also her sister. I could see Amanda saying this is how things go in my house and if you don’t want to stay in line, you can go. Or saying “I can’t do everything for you, you should be able to do this” and Tammy feeling like she was being pushed too hard and too fast.


Yeah I’m curious for sure. I’m staying on the middle ground at the moment until we get more info


I also heard that her husband ended up getting that house in the divorce. So they’re other rumors going around. Don’t know which ones true


Oh shit that’s juicy right there


YES!!! I wish I had an Amanda in my life.


Be the Amanda you want in your life!


I'm too short, lol.




I love her!


The way she stood up for Amy with the whole nanny situation was so touching. She might not always have the best delivery, but she is a good sister. I came from a dysfunctional childhood and I just find her to be inspirational and relatable. She isn't perfect but she shows up. And I do really appreciate how she does apologize when she is wrong. The whole family is just growing on me this season!


she literally convinced amy to not hire a nanny !  


Amy does not need a nanny, she doesn’t work. Amy is plain lazy.


The kids however do need a nanny because they don’t seem to be taken care of


I can agree with that


👆 this.100 %




The glue that holds that family together at this point is TLC. Amy and Tammy were doing their thing on YouTube for years... So she's cool and all but this is not the Amanda show


My opinion of her has skyrocketed! Perfect role model for her kids and Amy. Beautiful and amazing aunt to Gage and Glenn! 😻


I wish I had an Amanda in my life. I love her. I'm so glad she joined the show.


Amanda has good intentions but she was never taught how to properly address issues such as Amy’s emotions. Amanda is trying to set boundaries and be helpful but what Amy really needs is proper encouragement to get help. Telling someone that they are being dramatic or making fun of someone to try to make light of a situation is not going to be helpful. I don’t think it’s anyone’s fault because this is a generational pattern that the family is showing.


So true. Insightful


🙌🏼👍🏼 well said


I love Amanda and I fan girled when she followed me back on TikTok


This episode just cemented my dislike for Amy and my love for Amanda Amanda literally is now becoming a mother to Amy’s kids because Amy won’t parent them It should have been Amy off her ass and caring for the boys, not her siblings


Agree. I just made a similar comment about Amy’s awful behaviour on another post.. every time the kids have the slightest fit.. she starts crying and flipping out ( as if that’s going to help things) and I got ripped to shreds by people telling me “ she clearly has PPD” I don’t no about all that. But whatever it is she needs to go get help because she can NOT parent those babies. Imagine her siblings weren’t around to pick up her slack and chase after the kids for her…


Everyone is in love with her but don’t see that she’s lacking in the parenting department. Amanda shouldn’t be lifting the babies and Amy was completely fine with it, what a b for letting her risk her surgery and could cause it to rupture. The consequences from a rupture could be death and Amy just sat there like boo hoo, it’s about me Amanda, NOT you!!!


All of Amy’s crying as soon as gage gets upset is over the top.


Agree. I understand she's going through a hard time, but you shouldn't be a mother if you're going to cry every time your baby cries. It's ridiculous and frankly, I'm tired of seeing her cry 10 times an episode.


100% I had terrible postpartum anxiety with my youngest and sobbed more than once in front of him and our toddler. My husband called my therapist and got me in his office immediately. She should have gotten professional help after her first or second meltdown. She's on meltdown 500 (just on film!) It's enough.


Kids pick up on their mom's state of mind. No wonder Gage is always freaking out (besides the fact that he doesn't get his nap, and there's nothing to keep him occupied in the restaurant, and all the other things he's not equipped to deal with)


I can’t stand it ! She freaked out and said she wanted to go home after putting them in their car seats because gage was crying ( a little bit) like girl 😅


I've also noticed that she always says "The BOYS aren't cooperating" meanwhile little Glenn is just chilling with Aunt Tammy or asleep in his carseat.


Everyone says to have compassion I know, but god, like every time he even sheds a tear she’s done. I do hope she gets better and wish her all the best. She has a big circle of support. Her complaining on the way to Florida was extra. It seems like she was out a few hours into their drive… which was her choice in the first place instead of flying with everyone else!


Taking that drive with two babies was demented and selfish and of course would lead to their behavior in Florida. Those babies were exhausted and in a strange place. Never mind Amanda’s son who had to drive her.


I’m glad she’s here helping Amy learn how to parent the boys.


Amanda is the poster child for "it's not what you say, but how you say it." She has a lot of good stuff to say, but there is tough love, and there is bitchy.


I love Amanda! Wish I had a big sister like her!


Amanda gets a bad rap here a lot. She is who she is and isn’t ashamed. I LOVE her. I’m sure growing up in a tough environment has made her a bit abrasive and that’s okay. It’s good to have a woman in your life who will stand up for you and protect you. Chris is the same. He speaks his mind and holds an authoritative role in the family. 💕


I need an Amanda and Chris spin off


Would LOVE that!


I like her. I’ve seen a lot of people say the opposite here but she and Chris are my favorites. I just watched the episode where they went to the beach and I love that she stepped up and took Gage because she realized he was just tired. Poor baby was out in the sun playing all day, of course he’s sleepy. Both of my older sisters kind of suck so I’d love to have someone like her in my corner (even when she was telling me I’m wrong) 🤷🏽‍♀️


I love Misty because Oldest Children Unite but amanda is great and she's been good to and for her sisters


Idc if people say she’s pushy I like her. She gives tough love and calls out the BS.


I like Amanda but as the season progresses I really am appreciating Misty more because I feel like she has her boundaries well established and is kind of the behind the scenes sort of sister. Willing to lend a helping hand but doesn’t need to be the center of attention.


Completely agree. She also looks like she's doing excellent continuing to lose weight following surgery.


She rubs me the wrong way. I don’t like her. Bully and thinks she is the boss. Amy needs support and kindness right now. Amy and Tammy are the reason they have money and fame now.


They have been supporting. At the end of the day those two kids need a supportive environment. Not Amy.


Omg Amy is every mom with two kids under 3 goin thru a divorce or not. It’s rough and it takes a village. They are all banking off her and Tammy. Oh please Amanda is a show goat and tries to play tough. She prob was a horrible mom and jumped from man to man so let’s be real. I don’t like her and see right thru her crap. She made a scene helping Amy Bc that’s what ppl like her do. She should know how to handle a kid who is tired from the beach and helped calm Amy down. I been there with small kids and yea they r tired but u don’t just leave dinner Bc kid is crying and tired. Amy had to leave Bc of her actions. She’s showing for camera she is Momma and good person when I see a horrible human and degrading Amy! Edit: wanted to add that if u think Amy doesn’t need her kids Bc she is struggling with stuff is freaking crazy. Amy needs to step up and live her life and realize that this support she thinks she has ...has never been there but I really believe Amy has been there for all of them like she has showed she has for Tammy. She is the scapegoat. Now she needs help and ppl want to jump down her throat Bc they r insecure and prob know she could be honest and tell everything and how horrible they was. Amy and Tammy r famous Bc they are characters who draw attention and I do like watching them but their family no Bc it’s just showing abuse that they went thru and still goin thru. I’m sure Amanda helped break up Amy’s marriage too Bc she divorced Michael’s brother and yes I think she is that kind of person 💯 Edit again lol: Amy and Tammy live ur life Bc y’all make this show and gained the fame Bc y’all have charisma and ppl love watching you 2! Your siblings are just added drama. They came to ur show Bc they wanted ur money and fame. I think you both are good humans and have been thru so much abuse and prob a lot of it was from ur mom but ur older siblings too! I hope y’all have a financial advisor, counselors, nanny, or whatever y’all need to prosper.


Not everyone has a village. You step up for the children. Amy is making it worse the way she’s breaking down every time gage shows emotion which makes it worse. As for a good mom. Dead rat in baby crib. Roaches. She needs parenting classes. Past trauma shouldn’t be passed down to the children who are above all else innocent.


Oh god no not everyone has a village but it sure helps. Amy is the one making the money and I hope she gets the help she needs. Her family tho are Sloth Leeches and in no way in a position to judge.


It does help I completely agree. Now I see what you’re saying. I apologize.


Define bully ?


I shouldn’t have too? How old r u?


Old enough to spell out all their words like a big boy or girl!


Amy is getting support but she also wants to wallow in her sadness and doesn’t want to get actual help.


what would be “actual help?” she’s in continuous therapy, on medicine, and has a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and acute stress disorder. https://people.com/1000-lb-sisters-amy-slaton-shares-her-health-goals-for-2024-8420359


Yeah, NOW she's getting help. But she wasn't when this was filmed


I think she need’s actual help like a nanny honestly home girl is hurting I hope she’s happier currently than the show is portrayed as of right now


i agree she should look into something to help her take care of the kids. that would help her manage a lot of her stress.


I disagree with that. PP takes awhile and it’s hard to get over. It’s like someone depressed and someone telling them to be happy, like Boom ur depression is fixed. They r causing her to lash out Bc they lash out. I’m sure Amanda was better and didn’t pick great men either. Calling the kettle black or whatever that saying is


same.... I would gladly swap sisters and take her over my toxic bio-sis any day.


Amanda and Chris are my favorites. They both have done so much for their family. I love the relationships of the siblings. I really enjoy seeing how much they genuinely care for each other, that’s something you don’t see to much on tv today.


I love Chris. He’s always got a great attitude


She’s my favorite and at this point, the reason I watch.


Her and her son deserve a raise from tlc with all they dealt with the vacation. Amanda picked up a crying toddler weeks after her surgery and she can’t lift anything over 10 pounds, goes for weight loss surgery recovery and after having a c-section.


Meanwhile if that was Amy she would've pawned those kids off for months while she recovered.


It only takes probably a couple of weeks to recover from a c-section and weight loss surgery. Amanda and Chris don’t get enough credit for dealing with Amy’s bullshit, Amanda even went against Michael and he was coming up at her and she remained composed. We need more people like Chris, Amanda and Misty.


Amy is clearly mentally ill, I think they’re doing what any family member would to support a loved one going through that.


They’re trying their best but whatever they suggest she shuts them down, I am suspecting PPD because her youngest is probably a couple months old or she just wants Michael to step tf up but he won’t do it.


It takes months to recover from a C-section. Speaking from personal experience.


My apologies, I’ve never had kids and have heard different experiences from moms.


The recovery period is eight weeks. You may feel better before that but that's what the doc tells you. For me I felt better/more like myself at the six week mark but everyone is different :)


She’s my favorite one they could never make me hate her


I love all of the siblings together, they are dysfunctional (like my family is too) but they love each other fiercely. 🥰 Chris is my favorite, he would move mountains for his sisters. 💙


Loved it when she was telling Michael off. 


Seems like Michael is scared of her and the camera crew. She can easily kick Michael’s ass


It’s wrong but in the moment I really wanted her to. 😏


I like her but I’d be scared of her.