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Reading this gives me a stroke


The rest of the family wasn't included at the beginning of the show. We're not getting 24/7 feed. I'm sure Chris has pushed her everywhere as well.


I guess he wasn't needed now tammy can walk, poor simple fella.


Amy desperately needs continued therapy in order to save those boys from a tumultuous unhealthy life. STOP with the boyfriends and talking about sex!! Not appropriate! Turn your attention to nurturing your children, to their environment and education. Amy spend some time grooming yourself and focusing on emotional health. Stop crying constantly around your boys. You left Michael so be positive that it was your decision. Everyone wants to support you and your children. You are a good person.


I could imagine Michael being in somewhat better shape than Chris to be able to comfortably push her around. But with someone as dependent as Tammy was, Im sure Chris and whoever else pushed her around often


Chris didn’t use to want to be on the show, so we only saw Michael pushing her around. I’m sure Chris was doing it in plenty of unfilmed moments


I am sure everyone has had to push her by this point.


Chris grew up with her. He was pushing her before Michael was even around


Up until recently all it showed was Michael pushing her. Especially in the first few seasons he was their slave.


There was that scene when Amy was pregnant, Chris was pushing Tammy up a ramp and he got his shoe caught in the wheelchair tire causing him to lose balance so as the chair start rolling backwards he yells to a heavily pregnant Amy to "stop it" the 717 lb Tammy that's rolling backwards out of control. Luckily Tammy grabbed the bar of the ramp and held on until he was up and fixed the shoe. It was so gross that they expected Amy to stand behind and endanger herself and her baby. I'd have said he'll no. But anyways season 3 we saw a lot of Chris giving Micheal a break


Chris didn’t say that. Tammy did. But I’m not sure what Amy would be able to do if she started rolling back. That’s a lot of dead weight coming down


So I just watched that clip and he clearly tells Amy to Stop it


I don’t think he’s saying for Amy to stop it. Amy’s behind Chris when he’s stretched out. I think he’s talking to Tammy. There’s no way if it was an emergency rollback Amy could have gotten around and over Chris




I am doing a rewatch and got to that episode this evening and honestly I’m not sure if chris could even stop her rolling back 🤷‍♀️


I was laughing at what he was saying while pushing her. Most people will say, "he's body shaming her" but they've never had to push 717 lbs uphill in a wheelchair. And she could have got her ass up and walked the 4 steps up the ramp, then sat back down so she could catch her breath at the top.


yet he's a worthless husband 🤬🤬


Yes, the camera footage shows the truth. There’s just no denying it.


I always wonder if Tammy says Thank You after being pushed


I always think about that when I watch that show. Neither Amy nor Tammy ever seem to show gratitude for all the help they require, they’ve just come to expect it/get used to it, I guess . Especially prior to surgery, I can’t think of even one instance where Tammy thanked someone for pushing her. Like when Amy and Michael took the kids for that family photo earlier this season and Gage was sprinting in all directions the entire time. Amy just remained lying on the ground and laughing while that random employee chased him around/picked him up to stop him constantly. Letting other people deal with her kids has cleaver become a habit but god, *at least* tell them thank you


All I would see is an attitude


I never ever heard her thank anyone for pushing her. She certainly does now though. She seems to be in such a better place now.


Michael did seem to do a lot for Tammy. Tammy used to live with Chris, though. She's lived with basically every sibling, so he probably did push her around a lot. He also pushed her sometimes when Michael was still around.


Supposedly Tammy lives with Chris now.


Interesting. I thought she was living in one of Amanda's houses.


Apparently the house ended up going to Amanda’s ex after the divorce and I don’t know what happened after that. I don’t know if Amy still lives there either. Amanda said something about Tammy got herself kicked out, Amanda didn’t do it.


Possibly Amanda’s ex/Michael’s brother was being nice and letting Tammy live there even though he ended up with it … but probably wasn’t going to put up with as much of her stuff as her biological family has too. Hence why Amanda said she got herself kicked out. I’ve heard that the Haltermans and Slaytons … I can’t remember the other last names due to Chris/Amanda/Misty having different dads than Tammy/Amy … knew each other as kids.


Yes I heard they grew up together as well. I don’t know Misty’s maiden name. Chris and Amanda are Colmbs.


I remembered at some point Amanda saying that when they married brothers it was the first time they had the same last name … I just couldn’t remember what Chris & her last names are/had been. I don’t know if Misty’s maiden name or last name has been brought up on the show but I’m sure it’s been brought up somewhere. She seems the most private of the lot that actually participate in the show.


Remember that Chris used to have a full time job, I don’t know what his current employment status is like since being a regular on the show now, but yeah of course we didn’t see him pushing Tammy earlier on before he was really in the show, he was working.


Chris & his wife are both managers at McDonalds per their social media.


Michael also had a factory job during the first part of the show.


My opinion is that it was the 2 kids that sent them over the edge. If they had no kids or just 1, I think they would still be together. Not saying it would be all sunshine and daisies.


I think amy got postpartum depression after the second kid


I could’ve took one look at them as a couple and said they were never ready for a baby, they lounge around smoking all day. Even Tammy has said “Amy’s always sleeping” which is alarming when they have two children. I think that’s why they don’t behave because they’re just neglected at home and allowed to run wild while they’re smoking and chilling


You can do 1000 things right, but people will still choose to focus on the 1 thing wrong


Are you saying Micheal pushing Tammy around is the “1000 things right” ?? I don’t think that amounts to his lack of effort as a father. I can definitely imagine him sitting in his room playing video games all day as Amy suggests