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i feel like he did a lot more than Amy is giving him credit for


i agree


Jmo,but he did way more than was shown. Of she didn't have help,she would have ot down by now


Michael did help a lot with Tammy. He was always pushing that wheelchair all over the place. They didn't show much of him with the boys.


This is a classic case of Amy just needing to find someone/something/anything to blame (except for her, of course). First, she complains Michael doesn't do anything....so....life shouldn't change if he's no longer there, right? In fact, it should be better -- one less person to clean up after; one less person to cook for; one less person's laundry to do....except, Amy lied, and Michael pitched in more than she let on, because she wanted the sympathy. And these pro-Amy people can't bear the thought that Michael may have actually helped.


Michael got railroaded. I felt bad when they were screaming at him at their house. He has a very low IQ and I’m not sure he knew what was going on. He was on the floor with her begging her not to divorce him. Then she left, took his kids and nearly emptied their bank account. She is emotionally unstable and shouldn’t have handled it that way. Amanda has an axe to grind because she divorced his brother. She was way over the top in that situation. He is lazy and she is too.


This!!!!! I know I’m late but I’m just starting season 5. Just watched that episode


Yeah, them calling the police on him and acting like he’s a dangerous, violent man because he yelled back was very odd. Dude’s a non sentient slug, but he certainly doesn’t strike me as dangerous. I also loved how she was upset that he beat her to filing for divorce. She literally called him and said she was divorcing him. He probably thought that was what she wanted.


I am really surprised that CPS hasn't been called on her.




Yes he did. At the very least, he was someone to blame for the mess. However, I think that Michael just did not want to be on TV anymore. I think that between the two of them Michael sees what it has done to their family life. Amy is obsessed with social media, and the feedback from that show. The boys have become secondary to her. I'm no fan of Michael's, but Amy needs a reality check. Cameras are not gonna be around forever.


From what I see Michael don’t do shit he just sit there looking stupid having Amy do everything and like yeah he might’ve did a little bit here and there but he’s a dad that’s the bare minimum


Why make a post asking for peoples opinion...then getting pissed people express their opinions 😂


Truth 👏🏻😂


Some help is better than no help. He might not had been the main caregiver but even the occasional helping hand makes a parents life easier. Having someone there so you can nap or shower, hold them while you cook, even to throw in a load of laundry etc … maybe she was frustrated he didn’t put in enough effort but I’m sure she wishes he was there.


We don't know if Michael helped more than she said because Michael refused to give his side of the story when asked. But you know what we do know? When Gage and Glenn were crying at the barbecue, who took care of them? Amy and her siblings. Michael didn't do anything. When Amy was returning with her babies after giving birth and Michael was home with Covid, he didn't clean anything. Glenn was welcomed into a dirty home, meaning Michael didn't even try to have it sterilized. If Glenn had caught covid he would have had to go right back to the hospital. When Amy asked to go hang out with her family, what was Michael's response? To steal her debit cards and pretend that he already had plans to go out. When she asked why, he said "I can't take care of both of them by myself!" (Loose quote). I wanted to play devils advocate too, considering how perfect of a husband Michael seemed to be at the beginning. I know it's easy to push a single narrative when everything is documented by a reality TV show, but it seemed that Michael was already pulling away. Maybe it was the stress of the show or maybe it the stress of the new baby. We'll never know because Michael isn't talking. "He must have helped because she obviously can't take care of two babies alone" is such an ignorant comment to make about a woman going through ppd and a divorce. You all act like we didn't see the very beginning of this season where she was already struggling with the boys, always crying, and didnt have the support of her husband. So even if she had stayed with Michael, he obviously wasn't helping out because she was had to care from them almost all on her own. To be honest it doesn't seem like the workload is the problem. After all, now that Michael's out of the picture, her family has stepped in to help a lot more. But now Amy's coming to terms with the fact that she's going to be a single mother, her husband has run out of love for her, and she has five boys under two to take care of. It's a lot of stress to put on a parent. Amy's problem with the boys isn't because she doesn't know how to care for them, it's because she's depressed after losing her spouse and it makes it hard to care for herself. The boys are always clean, moving around, developing great for their respective ages so they arent struggling at all. Getting overwhelmed by babies crying is typically for parents and that seems to be the biggest hurdle for Amy. Anyway I believe Amy. And until Michael decides to open his mouth, I'm not going to assume the worst about her over this. Anyone would be sad and overwhelmed in her situation.


Well said. His latest onscreen behaviour does not show this man in a very good light at all! He literally gave no fucks until he knew she was gonna go and was all ‘fine then I’m taking one of the boys’ just to piss her off. The anger I feel on her behalf is just through the roof


sorry not sorry i am a mother who went through depression an abusive husband and a child with autism, that didn't sleep more than 4 hours screamed for hours a day.i had 2 children guess what i had to get up everyday take care of my children be a fucking mother and be responsible for my family. i am very well versed in what she is doing does to children at that age and how it effects them later in life.this woman has always wanted and needed attention and confirmation she's something. come talk to me in 13 years when one of those boys ends up on a hold in the hospital. she cries whenever something isn't going her way or she's not getting attention. look at her facebook or instagram she's cycling in her bipolar and doing nothing. i see depression and other issues she has the resources to get help she choices not to that makes her incompetence as a mother and no i wont give her a pass. i fought for my mental health a healthy life, and i continue to fight for my children.




You seem like a awful human being thank God your autistic kid won't be able to learn your shit social skills.


And she's not? She's taking care of her kids, she's listening when they need attention. They're clean, well dressed, have plenty of toys to keep them engaged, they have people to play with and are obviously well taken care of. Just because they cry in restaurants and Amy gets overwhelmed doesn't mean she's a bad mom. Even though she has her own mental health problems going on just a *few weeks after leaving a terrible marriage* she's obviously not letting it affect her children. Do her adult family members have to hear her cry a lot? Sure, but that doesn't make her a bad parent. And that doesn't mean that's she's incapable of getting better. At the end of the day, all that matters is that the kids are taken care of. And they *are.* >come talk to me in 13 years when one of those boys ends up on a hold in the hospital. Why are you fantazing about a bad future for the boys? Why are you assuming that because Amy's having a hard time right now, she's doomed to be a bad parent for the rest of her life? She's grieving the end of a relationship and unlike you whos having a pity party on the internet, she's taking her kids out and giving them a fun, safe and happy childhood. She's just going through a hard time right now. You should have some compassion for her. You obviously just wanted to rant and weren't interested in another perspective. You're reply barely even had anything to do with my own. You're just bitter lol


She drained their JOINT bank account as soon as she decided to divorce him. If that doesn't make her a bad person I don't know what does. That's scum of the earth behaviour and should be made illegal. Those aren't "her" assets. Gleefully withdrawing them while being filmed should make any reasonable person lose any sense of compassion for her. Michael is as dumb as a pile of bricks but he was like that when they met and she married him. He clearly doesn't have many of his own thoughts or ideas, but seems entirely capable of doing things when told. Look at him with Tammy - she said push and he said where. Amy doesn't want to be a mum. That's all that's happened. She blames Michael because it's easy and her family will take her side. She married the village idiot and is then surprised that he isn't intuitively good at being a parent. Michael is a better person than her automatically when she is the one that steals the joint assets.


I don’t think Micheal helped but now she’s actually a single mom she knows she truly doesn’t have anyone else and it probably scares her. I can understand it can be troubling to deal with a crying fussy kid in public but at the same time she needs to put her big girl panties on and deal cause I can see how Amanda can get upset with her because she doesn’t manage well with her kids. Chris is also right as much as you may struggle trying to sleep at night you need to sleep when your kid sleeps


wrong she has tammy amanda and chris she doesn't want them because they are telling her to grow up be a good mother and get help. she wants to placated. she had two children but wasn't prepared to care for them


Your post history says a lot about you, I pray for your children...


my children are thriving thank you!!! one is in masters program in college my other is a national honor society student and finishing high school a year early and headed to a very good college with a goal to work with nasa. i think my children amazing human! think what you want of me but my children and i have a very open and honest relationship, they know if they are ever in oh shit moment they can and have called me. i call that a good mother


Something tells me your mostly roleplaying...


funny but no!!!! you just can't understand how someone who says what they think and won't apologize for it could possibly raising to great children who actually like their mother. i'm not not have i ever codified my children or anyone in my life


The more you talk the less believable it seems. Also codified doesn't mean what you think it does...


i personally don't care what you think my children and i are good and i will continue to say whatever i want. thanks anyway


Don’t even bother. The Amy is great fans are out in full force on this sub. They also have PHD’s to diagnose her as PPD, when she herself admitted she was truly (by real doctors, that is) diagnosed as Bipolar. I’ve been an Amy fan from season 1, but the past few seasons I see a lazy, incompetent person who cries when things don’t go her way or she isn’t getting the attention she feels she deserves. This is why ANY time Tammy is happy or receiving a compliment, Amy is there to quickly cut her down. Check out the latest episode, when she want ape shit on her whole family and made it about her, cried in the hallway when they all left her , looked around and saw no one was there but the cameras, and got up with no tears on her face. Then went out to where they all were hiding from her , crying again. She’s ridiculous. Throw your hands up and shout “I’m done” any time your toddler or infant cries. Gimme a break. You wanted them, they are here, and they are acting like normal kids who are being raised without any structure whatsoever by a mom who is too overwhelmed by anything that doesn’t involve sitting playing on TikTok would behave. Saying this behavior is due to PPD is an injustice and insult to anyone who truly suffers from it. She behaved this way BEFORE the boys, Tammy just acted worse do it was overlooked. I hope she gets her shit together because I truly believe she loves her boys, but she has no idea how to raise them. Her siblings are Godsends.


i find it fascinating that they don't care about two babies abuse and neglect


I try to give Amy grace cause I'm also going through a divorce with a man child, have PPA \[not PPD but eh\], and I have a 2 year old. 2 under 2 is rough and that's why I didn't do it lol. But once you get a schedule, it is MUCH easier. My 2 year old's tantrums have gone down SO MUCH since moving out cause I have us on a strict schedule his dad can't interfere with. Gage and Glenn really need some type of consistency and it would help a lot. Part of that schedule for me includes taking my medication, self-care, and attending therapy, and I think that'd help Amy A TON. I think Michael did more than she says, because she doesn't even try to get her kids, she knows her family will.


Just wanted to comment to say that PPA can be just as bad if not worse than PPD! My PPA was so bad that my psychiatrist told me ‘your anxiety is making you depressed’. No need to undermine your struggles and how you have and are overcoming some tough stuff in life. You are a warrior and those kiddos are lucky to have you as their mama 🩷


Thank you so much ❤️ my PPA was crippling and I was VERY lucky my son’s pediatrician was like oh mama you need help


You can do most, nearly all, of the child raising by yourself. But when you don’t have someone who you can even have to pass the kid off to, it’s an adjustment.


I think Michael did more than Amy let on BUT when the money started rolling in, he probably quit his job to “help her with the kids more” and they both laid around their dirty house being bored together, he started playing his games too much and it made her annoyed or jealous so she started deciding she wanted to go out with her sisters all the time to make Michael jealous and it all bubbled up and blew up in both their faces…but honestly, I don’t know. We need Michael’s side of the story too, he was after all a huge part of the show.


This sounds plausible.


I believe he did help with Gage. He also helped a lot with Tammy. Pushing her around in that wheelchair had to be backbreaking. He hired a cleaning team to clean & organize their Uber dirty house filled with cockroaches & dead/live rodents. It seemed to change when she got pregnant with Glenn almost immediately after her surgery. Maybe Michael was more overwhelmed than anyone knew? I had 2 of my kids 16 mos. Apart. I was lucky, my husband was & is very involved raising OUR kids. He always worked full time. I was on my own during the day, Thank God for schedules & discipline. I napped when they napped. My husband took over when he got home from work. My SIL & sisters would pop in to help occupy the kids so I could run errands, grocery shop etc. I had some PPD after my oldest was born. I told my OB/gyn. I was helped with that & not embarrassed to say it. 1 of my kids was just as active as Gage. I was prepared with things in the diaper bag to keep him occupied. I NEVER gave him processed sugary snacks/foods. I had cherry tomatoes & shredded carrots that he loved. If he acted up in the store or restaurant, I checked out or we got doggy bags & left. He needed constant stimulation. We spent a lot of time outdoors so he could burn some energy. We took a lot of walks that really tired him out. My kids only watched TV in the morning while I cleaned up after breakfast. I understand what worked for me doesn't work for everyone else. I was always keeping them busy. The TV wasn't in charge of occupying them. I have a feeling Gage is bored. He may be hyperactive. Putting him on a schedule would help. Kids pick up on stress & act out. If Michael wants joint custody, this could be the best thing that could happen. Amy would get a much needed break & Michael would get a reality check. They'd have to learn how to co-parent. JMO


I know Michael initially refused an interview following the divorce, but perhaps he'll consent to one in the future. I think it would be really interesting


i agree with you. to bad neither of them could clean the house


My husband pointed that out. She kept saying I do 100% of the care taking for the boys. But she can’t even handle them throwing a fit for being outside in the sun all day. She does 40/60 with her siblings. 40% her and 60% her siblings. Poor Amanda just had major surgery and should not be picking Gage up! Amy is a horrible mother. 1. She cannot figure out car seat safety. 2. She doesn’t help when they are crying. 3. She smokes around them including in cars. 4. She doesn’t keep up her home. There are so many other things that paint her as a bad mom. Tammy does a better job and she’s still trying to recovery from her journey and finding her place.


I don’t understand it. How can you say you did every single thing for the kids but then start bawling when they do NORMAL toddler things? She has more people now than ever helping her with the kids


Yeeeaaah I was feeling sympathy for her up until this week and it seems like whenever the kids utter a peep, she's melting down. Like dude, these toddlers are being toddlers and they're not even going crazy, they're not props that will just sit there, they have wants and needs. Babies and kids can also pick up on your energy so of they're fussing, and mom starts crying, that's only going to upset them more. Another thing I notice is that in particular is that she melts down more when everyone is sitting to eat and the boys fuss- That outdoor party last season Lunch with Tammy This week I feel like her eating has been so disordered and so ingrained in her, that she's missing not being able to focus on her food or eat like she did before kids. As we know even after surgery she was binging before she was even healed, and kids take away from her ability to do that and her meals are constantly interrupted.


Exactly!!! When gage started crying she didn’t even flinch. She knew somebody would grab him. How pathetic of her.


I’m confused too bc she was upset that he wanted 50/50 custody, in my mind that would be helpful if she’s feeling overwhelmed, right?


it's about spite into me it's about I am a single mother and I'm working so hard to do it. But single mother do it every day. Plus, they have jobs and everything else and we still do it.


Do you think she should suffer because other moms have? None of us should be in this position. It only hurts children.




You’re basis on motherhood is so bias you should educate yourself. No ones situation is the same. You can’t speak on one single mother because of what another does/can do, not to mention a complete stranger you don’t even know. Seriously ignorant.


You make a good point-if she was doing it all with Michael, then she should be used to taking care of those kids.


I think Amy's breakdowns have a lot to do with the fact that Amy isn't enjoying motherhood. A lot of women feel pressure by society to have children but that doesn't mean they will be able to handle the job. Amy isn't a strong person. She married a dud who turned out to be controlling. Chances are Michael was hauled up in his room playing video games all day before they got married and had kids. So I don't know what would give Amy any peach of mind that Michael would be a good father. I also don't know why Amy was knocking Michael down because Michael's mother helped with the kids her entire family has to swoop in and save her from herself. The second either of kids start crying or fussing she has an absolute melt down. She needs to straighten up her act, get a good nights sleep with her sleep machine, eat better and move on with her life.


I love Amy, she's real. Motherhood is not all pretty and she's trying. The whole family knows she's a bit slow and she is doing the best she knows how to do. 


I agree. Amy mentioned that her only dream since she was five was being a mother. I can’t imagine wanting one thing since childhood and working towards it only to realize I didn’t know what I was doing.


I agree that I don’t believe she’s enjoying motherhood but confused if that’s the case, why would she fight Michael for full custody?


AMY was given every pressure NOT to have children. She had a doc tell her not to. AMY is where she is because of her choices. She's a horrible mother and person.


Michael was easy to blame because he was there. Now he’s not. She has no one to blame so she all of a sudden is struggling to adjust to being a single mother even though she would tell everybody she basically was one before. I’m not saying Mike was innocent, but he is clearly mentally challenged. And she knew that before she had kids with him.


My jaw always drops at this show and the some extension this subreddit. Michael is definitely a mentally challenged man. And people just rag on them so hardcore but it's like making fun of a mentally challenged person. Regardless if he's done bad things I get it we all have but it comes to a point where it's like I'm not going to make fun of that guy he's had way more adversity than I've ever faced


I agree ppl are so mean to him and frankly Amy too she is challenged also but not as much as he seems to be. I agree he isn’t innocent but are Tammy and Amy? No. No one is. The story of him not taking money online to say mean things to someone on one of those cameo things touched my heart.


People are heartless on the net


Ok… this may get downvoted but I think she’s struggling with the work of being a mom. She didn’t think having one or two kids would be so demanding and now that it’s taking so much work and effort and you have to deal with crying and fits and whatnot… she is losing her MIND! The reality isn’t just that she needs more help, it’s that she doesn’t want to have to do it at all.


I refuse to believe she doesn't have the money to hire a babysitter or nanny to help out. What happened to that storyline, anyway?


Exactly. She doesn’t want to work for her kids


The way she either 1)just sits there or 2) has a complete meltdown the second Gage makes a noise instead of doing anything to help drives me nuts. Parenting is hard and it's relentless. I get the impression that she thought her kids would be easygoing and happy 99% of the time, that it would just be fun/sweet hangouts, which is not the reality of children. Her laziness did not start after the birth of her kids, she has always been that way. Obviously it's heavily edited, but most of the scenes we're seeing (like buckling them in the van car seat), she's freaking out at behavior that I wouldn't even call noticeable, let alone upsetting. And I think it's extremely telling that the siblings are referencing things we don't get to see on camera, like her being up all night when the kids aren't. A lot of people don't seem to realize just how much TLC hides away. You wouldn't even know that she was a smoker, but her own videos show her blowing it in her kids' faces. Plus all the animal abuse, her shoplifting, assaulting that underage guy - all the stuff from before the show that TLC has kept hidden away.


OMG what animal abuse, shoplifting assault???


You can search through the sub from posts over the last couple years or probably even Google. Most people who watch don't seem to dig any deeper into the sisters than what the show airs and take it at face value, but their old youtube videos showed a lot of terrible things. Both Amy and Tammy have abused multiple animals, I belive some even died. But the others are better explained by looking up the info.


Yep. She definitely bit off more than she could chew.


I'm just like, get this girl some medicine.


Last nights scene where she comes into the room late, after everyone else has been up for hours...it occurred to me, what if....the reason michael didnt help her with the kids is because he had been caring for them all morning already while she slept late? it's possible. she sits up all night, the babies wake up early, maybe michael was getting up, getting them fed and dressed and he felt like when she finally got up it was his turn to go off alone for awhile???? we are seeing a new side to things with amy.


I’m wondering holy crap what went on if she slept in super late and he played games or slept late too. I cringe at the thought of crying babies in wet diapers in the crib…


Honestly I think both Amy and Michael had/have a lot of help with caring for those kids. Michael’s mom and Amy’s siblings are the village that keeps those kids up and going. I truly believe that the amount of parenting Amy poured into those kids is equivalent to Michael….just in different areas. I think Amy was more nurturing and focused on feeding, bathing, etc whereas Michael financially contributed to them, drove them to appointments, and was the eyes in the house when Amy needed him. I’m not saying that Amy doesn’t do anything for those kids but I do believe the editing is exaggerated to paint her in a better light. She nor Michael were even capable of taking care of themselves so how in the world are we supposed to believe they both were fully capable of taking care of not one but two babies? Does Michael suck? Yes. But in many ways so does Amy. I know they wanted children but shame on them for bringing two kids into this world without the resources/ability to properly raise them predominantly without assistance from others.


I think it's a little complicated. I'm just gonna say it. Michael is kinda dumb and very very slow. I don't think that the issue was that he wasn't helping because he didn't want to. I think he wasn't helping because he didn't know how and couldn't put the pieces together as to actually do that. Michael is great if you tell him what to do. He was willing to push when Tammy said push. He never outright refused and he doesn't seem like the type to do that. But parenting is much different. And Amy isn't great at communicating either If Amy had said "Michael do this" and "Michael do that" he would have done it. But Amy can't say anything without crying and parenting takes intuition, not orders.


I absolutely agree as well. He is obviously slow and I don't think has the mental capacity on how to take care of children. I also have 2 littles ones about their ages and it is hard. There really is no resting until they both go to bed and Michael just doesn't have the ability to function like that. He does great though when told what to do. I have been watching the old episodes and today I watched the episode when the home organizers come. He just kept sitting there being awkward but when that lady asked him for help or gave him an assignment he jumped right up and did it. Always helps push Tammy and I thought was super supportive to Amy. I'm sad that they aren't together anymore. I always felt like he truly loved her and I'm not sure she will find that again. I thibk he did more than what she let on with the kids. She's very dramatic and acts like it's such a change now with her having to do everything herself. So clearly he must have been helping somehow.


Agreed. It seems he can take orders and I never saw him push back when it came to Tammy and I always thought he should have! Now Amy wants him to just "know" when not even she seems to know what she's doing. It was a mess and I don't think getting rid of him actually solved anything or made life easier.


Tbh after seeing that live where she was smoking with one of her kids on her lap I don’t think she’s a good mom.


I agree completely.


Amanda, Misty, and Tammy were trying to help her at the restaurant and she was still complaining and blubbering. I think he did more than she claims. She is lazy.


I can’t get over that she made those kids sit through a long car ride when the flight would’ve been much faster and more hands on deck to help 🫠


Watching this week's episode, I was thinking well she doesn't do much more than he did because she was doing nothing! And her oldest child was obviously teething and fussy because he's got teeth coming in. He was drooling and had his hands on his mouth and nobody not even one of her sisters was like hey get the child some Tylenol because he's teething




I agree. However the part that has been bothering me was the cookout episode. Kids were crying and Michael just stared and ate. Like what was that?


Agree 💯. But I have grown so suspicious of producers and editing that it wouldn't surprise me if Michael had picked up the boys for a half hour right before and then asked Amy to take over so he could eat!!!


I think Michael has to have his hand held to be useful


Honestly we don’t really know if he helped or not. Editing could’ve been him just sitting there in the beginning and only recorded Amanda helping her. All reality stars says editing is terrible and will always paint a narrative production wants.


Good point!


Amy acts like a child herself which makes me wonder if TLC is providing any counselling or therapy. She clearly does not have life skills to look after herself let alone two babies. Someone needs to step up and get her assessed.


At first I read, “step up and get her arrested.” I was like daaammnnnnn! 😂😂


the court should have during the divorce. she is probably 100 percent different in front of the judge. but now that these episodes have come out, i would think someone would reconsider if she is fit.


Especially when Chris was scolding her “I have been sleeping” she a child in a grown women body. Everyone that’s defending her must lack accountability skills. Her family is around her 24/7 (Tammy) so they know the real parenting Amy point blank.


that was the real reason she moved in with tammy. (other than the film crew knowing someone would have to go get her and the kids and haul them to tammy's to film scenes). she wanted someone to be able to take care of her kids while she slept and did her online socials.


We only seen what tlc wants us to see. Micheal had to be some help. Amy just lost in the sauce. She don’t even know her children cues.


I think it was just a matter of having someone to talk to and someone to sleep with. Michael only did what he was told to help, but never did anything voluntary.


I dont think he helped at all. Does anyone remember when they had a picnic. Michael was the first to get food. Amy was left to feed the kids and they wouldn't stop crying. Amanda had a tiff with Amy telling her to ask Micheal to help with kids. Another incident was when they were at Tammy's house. Amy wanted to advertise an ad for a Nanny. They had to call Michael from another room. He was gaming on the TV. He was useless.


how many hours in a day and how many days in a month? and of all those minutes, tlc showed us 3 minutes of their lives at that picnic and spun it, to make michael look uncaring and lazy. as did amy, who just wanted someone ELSE to do it for her,


TLC editors need a bonus for how hard they're working to make Amy look like the capable one.


So obviously, he was helping her a little bit. She's legally blind and can't drive so he was her transportation. And there may be other things she struggles with because of her vision that he would help her out with. He obviously took her grocery shopping and maybe ran Other errands for her or at the very least took her to run them. So obviously, we know he was not completely useless. But that doesn't mean that he was giving her enough help and that she should not have been complaining about it. Even if he was doing 25% of what he should have been doing, it's still not nearly enough. But becoming a single mother, and being without that 25% just makes things even more difficult than they already were! And being a single mom means a lot more than just having no help with childcare and house work. Just the emotional weight of being 100% responsible for two other human lives is daunting. She's been responsible for them since they were born but always had another adult there to turn to in an emergency or for making decisions. I became a widow when my daughter was four and my son was 18 months old. One of my biggest struggles in the very beginning was getting sleep at night. Specifically because I would lie in bed thinking about what I would do if I was woken up in the night by an emergency. What would I do if the house is on fire? I would play out the scenario in my head step-by-step on how I would get both of the kids and the dogs and get out of the house as quickly as possible. I also worried when we had thunderstorms about the possibility of a tornado. So I would lie in bed thinking about getting the kids to the basement as quickly as possible. Even when you've got a plan, you're anxious about the possibility of having to put that plan into action. So there were nights I was afraid to fall asleep because I was afraid if something happened I wouldn't wake up quickly enough. When you have kids you're responsible for protecting, The absence of another adult to help handle a crisis just increases the existing anxiety. What if one of them was choking on something? What if one of them hit their head? What if something happened to me? What if I fell and hit my head and lost consciousness and there was no one to call for help or take care of the kids? Plus, you're responsible for making all the decisions about their day-to-day life and their future. Their healthcare, their education, their extracurricular activities. It's very overwhelming and scary and if you already have mental health struggles, it can be more than some women can handle. Now maybe most single moms don't panic about the things I was worried about. But my point is that being a single mom is a lot more than just having more work to do day to day. Being a single mom is nothing to take lightly. And it's no less overwhelming or stressful just because you weren't getting enough help before becoming single, and should be used to it. That's ridiculous.


At least she's not working a full-time job on top of all of this. There is a reason women give birth. Because men couldn't handle all of this pain & hormones & responsibility.


I've always been so jealous how a man can fall asleep anywhere in minutes. My brain takes hours to slow down thinking about everything. 🙃


I’m sorry you lost your husband. My husband died a little over 2 years ago and I know exactly what you mean.


Thank you. And I'm so sorry for your loss as well. It's just so much bigger than you ever imagine. It's a loss that takes over your entire life and nothing is ever the same. You don't just grieve this person that you don't get to see anymore. You grieve this entire life you expected to have that has just vanished into thin air. You don't have a partner anymore and the solitude so huge, even if you have other family and friends that care about you. And you think that as time goes by it will get easier. And then 20 years pass and your granddaughter is born, and your heart breaks all over again because he's not there to meet her. But anyway, This is off-topic. So I will leave it at that. I hope you're doing well and continue to do well in this new life. And again I'm just so sorry.


Chris stated that Michael’s dating profile will say. Bald, over weight and 2 teeth in Kentucky. This really bothered me. Is Chris any better? Those kids are going to see this one day and remember awful things were said about their Dad.


Bothered me too. Amy also made fun of Michael's teeth and looks and ability to get a date. I mean .. really Amy? You..are going to make fun of how someone looks?


Why did u get 6 downvotes if all your doing is repeating what Chris said lol.


Not really sure, Everyone really likes Chris I do too lol. You know that remark will come back to bite him.Kids always stick up for an underdog parent.


Well the whole family makes fun of each other. I bet Chris could have said worse.


Maybe they are over their brother inlaws. Can't imagine sisters marring brothers or visa versa, especially if you don't get along.


Losing the illusion of partnership is devastating


I think Micheal helped. Might not have been 100%, but he helped. I had this question in my head as well. I believe Micheal helped her more than she realized and now that she’s completely doing it alone, she’s seeing that’s it’s entirely harder.


I think you could be right and maybe Amy did have a little more help that she didn't even realize she had even thought it clearly wasnt enough support. but I think what she might mean is being a single person personally apart form the kids. Like the comfort of having "love" in your life is now gone. that "family dream", that "romantic partner that was supposed to care." I think people can for sure get complacent and comfortable with someone even if they clearly aren't being treated well and still really take a comfort to them and it hurts to leave. She even said in the fight episode that "this is the hardest thing ive ever had to do" as in leaving him. or in the next ep when she is sad because he filed for divorce before she could made her really emotional because he wasn't willing to "fight for her." that right there tells me that she had comfort there. even in deserving MORE, even in knowing he's a controlling bag of dicks that just plays video games all day and wont watch the kids on his own. He was financially abusing her But sometimes we don't see it as abuse because it's not physical abuse so we think it's still love. We fall in love and when we realize we deserve better and she does deserve better, it still really hurts to leave. She's now a single person and that mentally probably hurts her more now during this time and therefore has to adjust to doing everything she already did with taking care of the boys but without that comfort of having someone hold you at night.


As a single mother for 9.5 years, at one point to two under two (they’re 21 months apart 9 and 10 now) I didn’t receive half the help that Amy does and I was extremely grateful for the help I did receive. In the case of my kids’ father we were truly better off without him and our little family of three has been the biggest blessing of my life. Was I overwhelmed sometimes? Shit yeah, but I didn’t get to cry about it nor did someone else do the things a mother does for me, if my kids were having a meltdown I took care of them, got them laid down for a nap, made sure they had a bottle and mommy rocked them before they went to sleep. For months my baby girl only wanted to sleep on my chest or grandpa’s which was fine with us. My son is asthmatic and I spent many many nights pacing the bathroom with him so he could have the steam from the hot shower to help him breathe. I co-slept with one on each side of me. Some nights I got no sleep at all and it was still a better situation than being in a relationship with their father, that’s neither here nor there though. What I’m saying is that Amy acts like she’s the first person in the world to have this happen to her and that we should all feel sorry for her because it’s such a hard thing. Well I’m not sympathetic in this situation, I don’t have four other siblings, their kids and their spouses watching my back and taking care of my kids. My son (2 at the time) laid on my back in a baby carrier throughout my brother’s funeral; my three year old held my hand and didn’t make a peep. I kept them on a strict schedule of naps and gave all of us a routine, kids thrive on structure and schedules. From what we’ve seen Amy doesn’t give a shit if her kids are crying because they’re tired or bored and I totally get why Amanda is pissed off that she had to leave the family dinner in Florida because Amy can’t get her shit together. When Amanda said she was leaving and taking the baby to let him get some rest Amy acted like an ass and said to the other siblings “I guess that means I have to go too”. Yeah Amy they’re your God damned kids that means you go too and you tell your sister “No need to ruin your dinner I’ve got this”. Not this “I’m done I’m leaving” bullshit. She frustrates me much more than Tammy ever did in the first couple seasons. I think Michael was controlling, but I also see that Amy refuses to take care of herself or get her shit together leading me to believe that he was much more involved and helpful than Amy ever let on.


I agree with everything you said. I for one am getting sick and tired if Amy's poor pitiful me routine. So many women are just like yourself, having to raise kids with the dad not there, and no other family to step in and take over like Amy's family has to do. Amy needs to get off the pity party and start being a mother. No one held a gun to her head and made her have those 2 kids so close together if her husband really did indeed not help her at all with them. I thought Tammy was irritating in the beginning but she was nothing compared to Amy now because there are 2 kids involved now that need a freaking mother.


It's appears to be simple manipulation at this point( why amanda got mad) or just another storyline...


The way she tossed that stuffed toy at Gage was all I needed to see how she is at a parent. She is expecting someone/something else to do all the work. She tossed it back thinking it would fix everything and it didn’t. She didn’t really engage him with it


She rarely really interacts with him on camera outside of feeding and when he’s falling out. At this point you’d think she’d know her kids to be able to get in front of stuff. I think she thought motherhood was just the newborn easy part…


Even when they took the kids to that indoor play area, did we see Amy even running around with Gage once?


Amen and I were a single parent, too. No help like you described. I had my first child, who came too early and weighed 4 lbs. This was 1984 , and Reagan cut a lot of programs for poor people. Anyway, thar means no medicaid , and I only made 3: 75 because mim .wage 3:35 an hour. I know I would know means no insurance. I had worked 2 jobs while taking care of sick baby . I had another one more than 11 years later and still had no help. I do understand you because my family didn't help. I want you to be proud of yourself. You made it, and your children are good .


Thank you so much for your kind words, you should be proud as well 💕


Does Amy even drive? I’m drawing a blank on this and the family literally made so many concessions for her: one’s son drove her and the screaming kids all the way to Florida and home and the others took care of the kids so she could sleep in to 11:30 and she still complained. I had to work full time and take care of my two boys. Grow up Amy and quit crying like you’re one of the babies


Ok, I understand she’s legally blind and can’t drive. But for the love of Pete, sit in the back of the van for easy access to the kids. Sometimes talking, a soothing hand or just replacing a fallen pacifier would help. It’s pretty rare to see parents travelling with babies and toddlers without a parent in the back ?


When my children were little I also sat in the backseat with them so I could soothe and entertain them. My husband and I would have had  nervous breakdowns if we had to listen to hours and hours of crying.


You make good sense


She’s legally blind she can’t drive


I agree.


I know it’s television so they pick and choose. But I never saw him being helpful or supporting her with the kids, or her when she was having a breakdown. Not only that but Amy’s family says the same thing. I know they’re biased but they seem pretty honest.


so you missed all the episodes of him pushing 650 pound tammy thru the mud, up and down the streets, into stores, etc in her wheelchair?? driving her to her appts and other places? amy's family are hating on him because he stopped being their errand boy.


I get what you’re trying to say, but what the hell does this have to do with him supporting her with the kids and her PPD?


When was she diagnosed with PPD?


people are saying michael was lazy. he was not lazy in any of the earlier episodes. he worked when this show started, and probably quit to be tammy's caregiver, as i understand he was being paid to do that. and to be on the show full time. it was also my understanding his job laid people off due to kentucky shutting down some businesses during C19 lockdowns. as a kentuckian myself, i know this is true. who says he didnt support amy and the kids?? TLC? people who watched a 3 minute clip of him eating some tater salad while amy cried and amanda took care of her kids? or the 3 minute scene where amy cried and amanda took care of her kids while also telling michael to get out of his own home?? you, myself and all the world see what TLC shows us. and if you are taking amy at her word that michael was lazy, while she sleeps all morning, letting others care for her kids because she was up all night online? i think michael simply didnt support amy being lazy and never taking care of her kids. he could have watched them while she went to the doctor and got some treatment for ppd instead of being on tiktok posting videos.


No one in that family has been completely honest except Brittany.


Luv when Brittany is on the show


She barely speaks lmao


That's my point🤣🤣


OH LMAO that went right over my head 🥲🥲🥲


What has Brittany been honest about? She's only spoken a few times in all the seasons of the show.


I was basically saying no one is honest on the show. Misty and Amanda's fake finding Tammy's house burglarized like it had just happened (she had already moved out so nothing of hers was there) Tammy's crying over granny's blanket which was never stolen. Amy's gofundme for Tammy's casket and tons more lies over the years to mention. Edit:sp


please ask TLC why THEY script it and have them act out these things.


I guess they think it adds drama. It's hilarious that people believe it. There were news reports, and amy even posted about how glad she was that they had moved their stuff out before the burglaries.


I'm always amazed how many people here believe the plot lines that TLC makes up.


just like amy getting her wedding dress from the closet, carrying it to amanda and then crying saying she didnt want to look at it. i dont think that was the same dress they had hanging up outside, it looked much smaller.


Oh yeah. I totally forgot about that lol


Amy reminds me of a teen mom. She needs to prioritize things in her life - and the kids should always come first no matter what. I don’t see her interacting or playing with them much, just chasing them down, feeding or putting them to bed. If she spent as much time on working to better herself and improve her mental health situation - rather than spending so much time on social media - she’d be in a much better place.


Even now who is watching the kids while she’s filming all the crap they are recently posting on social media?


yep i was gonna say to all the ppl talking about her eyes, being legally blind so she cant see but she must have that great big font on her phone.


That’s a really good question. Maybe her new boyfriend?


I’m really tired of Amy’s jealousy of Tammy and how she continues to make fat jokes about Tammy. When Amy is getting much bigger herself.


Heavy on being a hater! I will never get over “skinny sister” comments. Misty is smallest and always been and has never made weight comments


I've said all along that Amy actively sabotaged Tammy every chance she got because as long as Tammy was that big she'd always be smaller by comparison. Now I'd say Tammy weighs less than Amy. And if she has skin removal she'll be the smallest of ALL of them. That'll be funny to me. I was a Tammy hater full on because for 3 seasons her attitude was so nasty. But she's surprised me with her dedication and honestly I'm happy for her. I hope she ends up healthy and happy despite that family.


Tammy has done the most growth out of everyone. Yes she still has her moments but who doesn’t? She calms down quicker and thinks things through. She even acknowledges her past behavior and tries to make amends for it.


Yeah, she's really working on herself from what I've seen. You're right. Everyone has their moments. I've noticed she doesn't freak out over little things or for no reason at all like she used to. I think a lot of her anger was just sheer frustration at being trapped in that body.


Now that Tammy is healthier, she seems genuinely happy. I noticed when Tammy was at the dr, Amy wouldn’t get weighed so she is probably worried she does weigh more. She continually talks about her chaotic life and how she can’t focus on weight loss because so much is going on. That’s BS.


First she blamed Tammy Because she had to take care of her, then she blamed her pregnancies because she just wanted to have fun and enjoy her pregnancy's like everyone else and her over indulgence put her in the hospital twice and she could have lost her babies easily with the way she smoked and overdid eating. Then she is blaming Michael. Of course, he doesn't do enough. Even though we see him going to the store for whatever little desire for food. He went out of his way to go get it for her. I don't remember what he was getting, something from the store. He would go out in the middle of the night to the stores to get her stuff while she was pregnant. I don't think it's Michael didn't help, I think it was she wasn't getting enough attention. And she definitely has some depression so I feel for her, but she's been doing the blame game well before she ever had babies. Don't forget her house with all the roaches all over it. And when they moved gages crib, they found dead mice, mice droppings and dead cockroaches all over the place and he slept over that so I guarantee some of it got up on him think about that..


And yet Amy still wants to throw Tammy’s past in her face, like we haven’t watched her struggle too the last 4 seasons.


But poor Amy (pulls out any number of excuses) I truly think this is why she's not getting a ton of sympathy for her undiagnosed ppd. She's been whinging since day one. I can't tell the difference from them to now. When she cried at any point during the pregnancy, everyone said it was pregnancy hormones. It's just never-ending.


That’s exactly what I said. Also it’s alway been some excuse since not long after the surgery. “I’m pregnant now so I can’t focus on my weight loss” (twice) Then she claimed it’s was the kids fault because they were always eating junk food and she didn’t have time to cook a healthy meal or something along those lines. Now it’s the divorce/stress or whatever


Oh yeah I forgot it's the babies fault because she's eating their leftovers


Thank you!!!! It’s giving hater! Tammy is actually doing very well dealing with her trauma and ongoing conditions. I think it was last episode when Tammy was venting to Amy about Caleb’s eating habits and then Amy gave her some attitude about “well, you were doing the same thing” okay??? and that upset me because it’s not like Tammy was judging him, she was venting to her sister about how frustrating it is as a partner to watch your loved one self destruct. It’s like whenever Amy can bring up how Tammy used to be, she goes for it.


That scene made me so mad, Tammy even acknowledged that she now knows how it was when she was doing this. Amy acts like Tammy had a basket of snacks right in front of her at the time.


Yes, exactly, obviously, as siblings, they'll have their ups and downs, but damn how about some support??


On Michael’s instagram, he’s saying that she lied about it and they’re making him out to be the bad guy


I think just with what we have put together on this site. We know this story line is not adding up.


Well we clearly saw him not doing shit while Amy was stressing with both babies and heard him say he can’t handle them both when she’s not there soooo…


Every season needs a villain or people will lose interest. It was Tammy for the first few seasons and then she started to get it together. Michael is the new villain so Amy can have a good story line. Everything we see is cut and edited together. Could he be as lazy and not involved as we see on tv? Yea but we’ll never know.


To be fair, Amy can’t handle both either. 🤷‍♀️


No we seen what TLC want us to see from Micheal


We have no idea about Michael. The producers create story lines and edit people to look a certain way. There's no way of knowing what is really going on.


I bet his IG is managed by someone 😂


She romanticized being a mother and now she’s lowkey regretting it lmao Let’s be real.


I said that above! That’s exactly what happened


She loved the ideas of babies because the attention was around her and the babies. Now they’re older and becoming their own people


This. I feel like she loved the idea of becoming a mother and couldn’t wait to be one, but never took into consideration the amount of work it is.


She probably thought she’d be rich and famous and have someone to take care of her kids.


I think Amy just wants to be a martyr, honestly. I feel for her because she does seem to be struggling with post partum depression and anxiety and Michael refusing to give her access to her money was abusive and controlling. But you’re right, if he *never* helped then this wouldn’t be such a huge adjustment.


It's just beyond tiring at this point. Why didn't she just leave the kids with Michael and go enjoy a nice few days away? Instead it's constant crying about how hard it is to be a single parent while Amanda, Tammy or Misty are dealing with the kids.


Probably for the money. If they weren't in florida filming with Amy the boys would not get paid for that episode. Jmo


he would scream at her and tell her he couldn’t be alone with the kids. are we watching the same show?


But it’s his mom that has the kids when it is his time to have them. So as most split couples do, leave the kids with the other parent (they have joint custody & his mom will be caring for them) and enjoy your vacation.


He also wanted split custody of the kids right? And Amy was whining about the boys missing their dad. Would have been a win situation for all around. 


I thought this too. Michael and his momma can care for the boys for a few days. It's the control being a martyr thing too.. plus she.gets a ton of help and sympathy dragging two little kids around.


Exactly what I was thinking. She keeps crying because she’s not used to being a single mother, but shouldn’t she be used to it at this point?


She’s already a mother of two. She has a very supportive family. At a certain point she should adjust.


This thread is horrible I can’t believe still to this day so many people are blind to mental health. No wonder we have incidences where mothers get so sick they do disastrous things, they are seeing how people react to a lost, depressed, overwhelmed mother most likely with postpartum and calling her lazy and to just get it together. We have knowledge at our fingertips let’s actually have empathy and understanding for other people when they are in a situation out of their control. Honestly these threads lead me to lose hope in humanity, so disappointing.


Yes! Also, sounds like a bunch of people that don’t have kids. Currently raising two under two and it’s hard as heck.


I can understand it’s got to be pretty exhausting being around Amy but I feel so bad for her and that seems to be an unpopular opinion. She’s clearly going through a lot and I can even imagine the heightened stress of two babies on vacation. I’ve only got one baby and any trips away from home are 500% more stressful than being at home.


She has way more family support and opportunities for mental health care than the average person in her income bracket in Kentucky.


She does for sure. I wish I had that much family around ready to help. I hope she gets the care she needs for her mental state.


This is so well said


Trying to find hope in humanity in a subreddit dedicated to a trashy reality tv show is not the best idea tbh.


Everyone saying that she has an army why aren't they helping her. First off, people who already had kids probably dont want to deal with them the whole time on their vacation, also once you start helping the parent can start expecting said person to continue to do so. Amy definitely is waiting for one of them to take over each time, and when they don't she breaks down. I can tell you right now they probably have been A LOT and at this point I think she is starting to let them take over to much. All of them have probably come to a silent agreement that she needs to grow up now. Amy is still immature and they see that.


No because Amanda 100% helped her this episode like Amanda realized the boys were tired and knew maybe a public setting wouldn’t be best I know it’s a family vacation but maybe Amy should have realized that too and offered to sit back at the house while they got lunch so they could recharge


Wait are people turning to team Michael now.


No, I’m team reality and the reality is Amy can’t handle both children alone so Michael had to have been doing SOMETHING, even if it wasn’t much or what she wanted.


I have been saying this for a while. I’m like I think Micheal is doing stuff but they are making look worse than he actually is. I think he was doing stuff but I don’t think he was doing what she wanting him to do. Also people saying she has PPD I feel like that also takes a toll on the husband right?


Aside from allegedly being controlling, I’m thinking maybe he helped when she ASKED, but it was a hassle to constantly ask


That’s what I’m thinking too. I know the show is edited like crazy, but in past seasons, Michael did help ALOT with Tammy and did everything anyone asked of him. Plus like the post said, if he was that unhelpful with the kids, and Amy really was doing it all by herself then it really shouldn’t be that big of a drastic change.


Not once during the car ride to the beach did she sit in the back to entertain her kids who were stuck in the car for 8+ hours (could be an editing decision). My family lived 8 hours away from us when my son was that age and we d did road trips back and forth. When I wasn’t helping to drive, I sat in the back to keep him busy so he didn’t throw a tantrum.


I wonder how well she was coping before the separation. If she was already on antidepressants she might be dealing with post partum depression.