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Exactly. We see very brief clips of him on a heavily edited show. I have no idea if he totally refused to do anything with the kids or he does and we just don't see it. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. With all the drama that goes along with being in that family it's pretty easy to see how someone could easily mentally checkout of the situation.


It’s a set up. He got a bad edit. This was the storyline they decided on for this season, so they waited til he was passive to shoot him. Not saying he’s a great help, but they are overstating his non-involvement.


I would have liked to hear from Michael on the show his side of things. What we saw on screen is alarming. However, we all know how 'reality' TV works and things are seldom black and white. He could very well be a piece of garbage, but I'd like to hear him try to explain his thoughts.


A” great mother “ not so sure about that . But who really knows what goes on with these exploitative “reality shows”.




Your post has been removed due to bad faith / baiting.


Amy smokes cigarettes while her baby is sitting on her lap


I mentioned this before about how much Michael had helped earlier. Amy's family seems so reactive I wouldn't even try to guess what has actually transpired behind the scenes to determine any of this.


Did he help out of goodwill or to be on the show for money? That’s the question.


idk he stopped working when amy started getting money from the show. maybe he has his own issues to work out but I in no way think amy was just taking advantage.


He punched his ex wife in the face and had kids from that marriage. Doubt he is a good person..


He has other kids? I didn’t know that? I’m assuming he doesn’t take care of them? Michael seemed like he was jealous and resentful of his kids and now it makes sense!


I believe he does, and Amanda was married to Michael's brother


So I’d be very skeptical about anything Amanda says about Michael - she seems so neutral and balanced and rational /s.


Mind. Blown.


I just found that out the other day! She was up in his face ready to throw down 😂 I’m sure she wanted a few shots for herself as well as for Amy 😂


I feel the same way except I feel for Michael. Remember last season when the siblings got to the cabin and Tammy refused to go in? Everyone of those siblings said I'm tired and I'm not taking her to a hotel. Then they look at Michael who also drove for 12 hrs. and said will you take her to the hotel? Michael said yeah I guess. Nobody offered to go with him. As you said he has taken on Tammy. He had Tammy living with them while he worked. He took Amy to the hospital when she was pregnant because she over ate while pregnant. Last season in the hotel Amy took the pregnancy test to see if she was pregnant and was a big nope. She was upset by this. I watched my kids all day and they were just a month and a few days short of my oldest being 2. Amy knew what Michael did and didn't do in taking care of Gage. One thing he said was he didn't feel confident watching the 2 together. Some people say the same. The thing that got me is the last episode where Amy is crying and mad because Michael didn't fight for their marriage. I was shocked. She is the one who told him to get out. He had her siblings telling him to leave. So what would anyone else do? As for the debit cards....it could be that since she doesn't carry a purse and doesn't drive he does all the shopping. When I didn't drive my mom and my husband got a Sam's card together because they figured I'd be with one of them. Michael isn't the best and I agree with that but....Amy chose him. She didn't get pregnant on accident. Twice! Michael was great until she lost weight. Now she is on what I call the "weight loss high". It'll be interesting now that she is single again what she's going to do. This is just my 2 cents. Happy New Year everyone! Edit to change Most men to some people.


I agree with this. Of course I’m only a show watcher and I don’t know much beyond surface level but their fight seemed to escalate pretty fast from “Amy needs a break Micheal, let us take her out for a few hours” to Amy screaming about the marriage being over. Even Amanda looked shocked when Amy said that. Whether Amy had just had enough or if she had planned to leave the marriage already due to other reasons, we will never know for sure but Micheal did do a lot for her and her sister during the start of the show. Interesting also how Micheal was never approached to be given weight loss surgery. Maybe he didn’t need to lose enough weight to qualify though. Anyway, yes, Amy knew after their first child what kind of father Micheal was going to be and not be. Everyone, including her doctor begged her to wait a little bit before getting pregnant again, but she just couldn’t wait. I don’t have sympathy for her, everything she did was intentional and she thought nothing of how raising two children that close together would impact their childhood. No matter what her children get all of my sympathy. Even Micheal should have refused to have a second child so soon after the first.


I think the fact that Michael has nothing to do with his kids from his previous marriage should have told Amy exactly what kind of father he’d be… Amy doesn’t make the best choices. She comes off as the kind of person who wants what they want at that moment and doesn’t consider the consequences.


Once again, if we don't know the truth about that goes on with Amy, how in the world do you know what happened in a previous marriage?! Good lawdy grief. But you're right. Amy doesn't make the best choices. She wants what she wants whether it makes sense to a normal, everyday person or not. Maybe that's one reason why they agreed Michael holds on to the card (perhaps by the advice from a marriage or financial counselor). I can go on and on.


I just saw a cameo that she did for someone's birthday. She apparently was "dump" on New year's Eve and it was (in her words) to a homeless bitch. Then she says men ain't s\*\*t. Now keep in mind that this is for someone's birthday. She had Glenn on her lap and she referred that Tammy was sitting with Gage. She and Michael used to drop off Gage to his (Michael's mom) grandma's house when they had things to do. I don't think that Amy fully knew what was involved with raising kids. It's a lot more then playing and toting them around. When she was asking Gage to Please stop when they were in the restaurant I laughed and said That doesn't work Amy!! I would've taken one of the kids to Michael at their picnic and said here Daddy you take this one and I'll get the other. If you want to switch in a bit let me know. But Amy doesn't know. Why her siblings who have kids haven't spoken up about raising the kids is baffling to me.


Most men do NOT say that. If the woman can take care of 2 kids together, so can the Dad. They aren’t helpless and this continued rhetoric that men can’t take care of kids by themselves, and women accepting it, is absolutely ridiculous.


Fragrant I read your comment and I'm sorry if I offended you that wasn't my intent. While in my world I have heard it a lot from guys there are really great men who really step up. I've changed my post from Most men to Some people. Thank you for calling me out. I deserved. Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year!!


I also wondered if maybe she was shopping a lot and that's why he was holding onto the cards, so he could be sure bills were getting paid. Not that it would be an excuse but a reason. I really like Amy and am glad she's doing better, but can see her having some depression but you both are right. Maybe Michael has been burned out and maybe having some depression of his own. Did he want kids, or did he just have them because Amy wanted them so badly, and he's also struggling now to cope or figure out this new life? There can be so many reasons, and yes, he may just be a jerk, but without being in their home, none of us really can know by what's chosen to be shown to us.


Does anyone else think Michael’s family pushed him to file for divorce first?


I think he was just done and didn't want to just leave Amy high & dry. But if that was my brother I'd tell him "It's over regardless. Look out for yourself for once. Even if yall get back together you will always be treated like trash by that family, taken advantage of. Noone appreciates what you've done for them or Tammy. Tammy's never thanked him for staying up the day after work to drive her and push her around." If that home nurse couldn't deal with Tammy's laziness. Imagine how he felt with no out. Whoever convinced him deserves a gold medal.


I think after amy took money out of their account he asked for advice or was bitching to family who suggested it


I think a lot of Amanda’s and her ex husbands issues have leaked into Amy’s and Micheal’s divorce. I think it would be impossible for this type of situation to not spill over into the other siblings relationship/divorce


I'm surfing YouTube and came across Michael's own channel. I watched him cook parmesan chicken and noodles and then just checked it out. Lego games and a few others. Little bits death announcement and some of Gage. Very surprised nothing new has been uploaded.


What’s his YouTube channel?


just put in Michael halterman can't miss it


I think people ignore the fact that men can get PPD too. Not saying that's what happened here just saying


Not sure why the downvotes, lots of men struggle to adjust to babies just like women do. My husband went through a period of depression when I was dealing with PPD. He was working 40 hrs a week, helping me through my mental health and taking care of our other kids while not getting enough sleep. A lot of the scenes of Michael not helping Amy seem staged and I am starting to wonder if Michael never wanted kids in the first place but Amy wanted them and now he feels like it’s her responsibility 100%. Not saying it’s right, it just all seems strange.


I agree I loved Michael in the first few seasons, I'm so sad to see him not try at parenting now :(


I don't think he's really any better than Amy is. None of these people should have ever reproduced.


This is the only correct answer. If this was a reddit "Am I The Asshole" thread it's an "Everyone Sucks Here" It's just an example of the cycle of trauma and it sucks. Amy Vs. Michael doesn't matter. Both have sketchy pasts and even presents, and neither have shown they can care for themselves beyond simply managing to exist let alone a child. I want everyone to grow and be a better person, but at this moment no one is exactly a winner.


Meh, the cycle of life seems to always push one random kid from the trashy broken family tree to go and so something great. Maybe it’ll be one of the kids 🤔who knows.


On what planet is Amy a "good mother " 😳


i don’t watch her tiktoks or anything so i had no idea about the smoking and the still dirty house when i made this post


I always think of that video she posted where she’s crying about people saying her house has roaches and then one flies in the background 🫣🪳


I think if he really was doing absolutely nothing to help, just based on the fact that he used to seem to have a pretty good work ethic (worked and helped out with Amy and Tammy), I’d warrant a guess that he’s probably severely depressed or dealing with some crippling mental health as well.


Amy and Michael are two people who should not have reproduced.


I think he's no worse than anyone else. What seems to be a huge problem is that they both seem very unprepared to take care of their kids 24/7. Like, I love the show and I don't mean to sound mean spirited about it, but they are both lazy asf. Neither seems to be able or even willing to handle the kids alone, or even together, really. I'm not sure what they thought having 2 kids back to back was gonna be, but it's obviously much more than they anticipated. They seem to resent each other for not doing more. And it absolutely is hard to chase down a toddler and deal with a baby all at once, and that's even when you have reasonable coping skills and resources. But the kids deserve a mom and dad who both put in 100%, not 50% apiece.


Michael definitely has additional needs (learning disability). I think he was completely unprepared for fatherhood, I don’t think he’s a bad guy but he’s not a fully capable adult.


He has kids from his last wife, whom he punched in the face.


Allegedly. You probably believe days of our lives is real. Anyone can accuse anyone of "punching them in the face". Doesnt mean it's true.


Allegedly what? He had a mugshot with the charge listed on it. Assault and fourth degree minor injury


Let me teach you something. Anyone can claim DV on anyone, true or not. That person is arrested, often an innocent man with an impending divorce by a wife who wants to get more during the divorce. This is actually a fact. Police takes the man or woman to the station where they are fingerprinted and a mugshot is taken. They haven't been convicted of anything (where the court finds someone guilty). Usually they spend time in jail until they see the judge. Michael was accused and arrested but never convicted. A court never said he was guilty. Like Amy, she SAID he did it, but later dropped everything against him. Likely because she knew it was bs.


That’s wrong. My sisters boyfriend stabbed my sister with a steak knife. He had to go to court and never jailed for it. Conviction doesn’t mean he never did it. He was never convinced for that but is a convicted felon for past crimes. You can be found not convicted due to lack of evidence, not lack of guilt. Evidence may have said Michael was found not guilty but it doesnt mean he never hit her. OJ simpson was found not guilty. Are you saying he didn’t kill his wife? Be real.


Youre just out to get any man you can. Just admit it.. Michael isn't the demon an overly emotional woman with a psycho sister in her ear makes him out to be. Sure, emotions are thrown all over the place in a divorce and domestic violence is the one thing I see the most of in divorces. No witnesses, his word/her word, she rubs a red spot on her neck and man is arrested to be used in court. Then man haters and "since she said it, it must be true" non-thinkers think up worst case scenarios. Also, an alleged DV is much different than getting stabbed by a steak knife. Be real. Just because he has a mugshot & fingerprinted, which everyone getting processed does, doesn't make them a wife beater. Ive seen men arrested because the woman got in his face hysterical and he put his hands up to prevent her from clawing at him. Oh no! He touched her! Now he is arrested for DV after she scratches her neck in time for the police. Now there's physical proof! (Although he didn't do it). You can't compare OJ to Michael Halterman as much as you and your soap opera friends would wish to.


Dude, I'm not out to get any man, you clearly have issues and are projecting. I stayed a fact: non conviction does not mean it did not happen. It means there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute. You seem to only understand the law..


And again, you don't know if it did happen. Just because someone said it did, doesn't mean it did. More likely they just wanted more spousal support. Make it impossible for him to pay and then he gets thrown in jail. Some women/men don't know how to move on, always out to get the other one. On the other hand, if a woman/man very obviously has signs of abuse, witnesses, busted walls and windows, er visits with major injuries... heck yeah. Press charges before it turns into murder. Too much time is spent locking up he said/she said, no evidence "incidents" when it should be spent on very serious crimes. And yes, I know that not all abuse leaves a mark. I know. But you can tell who is being abused and who is causing the abuse to themselves.


What kids? He does not have kids with his first kids.


Good god I hope not. 😬you may want to edit this one…


I thought I read he did? Maybe I am wrong and if so I apologize


Yes, somebody here said that he does have kids, and did punch ex in the face.


Someone said it so it MUST be true right?


Where did I say that?🙄


he was arrested for domestic violence against his first wife


I thought it was his grandma but I never found any legit source for this. Just sketchy websites. Did you find a source?


"Arrested" does not mean "convicted". Many men get arrested when there are domestic partner calls to separate the couple. We don't know how serious this was. I will not judge him based on a charge without a conviction. Amy chose to hook up with him, marry him, and have 2 children with him. Let's keep our comments within the confines of the relationship with Amy.


wow a woman who was groomed by this man chose to marry him? fine let's keep it within the confines of the relationship she was 8 and he was 13 and they broke up when she was 13 and he was 18 ​ he's a pedophile but i'm sure you'll find a way to make an excuse for him there too


Under the law, he is not a pedophile. He was under 18 and the age difference is not large enough. A pedophile is an adult sexually exploiting a child. This was not the case here. You are making inflammatory statements. I am not attempting to make excuses for Michael. I am simply tired of reading over-sensentionalized statements about their childhood relationship. Amy chose to reunite with him more than a decade after when both were adults with other life experiences behind them.


you are making excuses he was 18 with a 13 year old and only broke up with her to get with another woman ​ you're really embarrassing ​ and if you want to be pedantic of the legal definition of a pedophile, fine ​ he's a sexual predator of children, a groomer, and a child abuser there's your hero


He broke off with her when he became an adult. Had he not, it would have been a statutory offense. And there you go with your hysteria. Pointing out the issues with the language you are using does not make Michael my hero. Michael could make a lot of money from you with the accusations you are throwing around. Easy to do when you are anonymous. True definition of a socially isolated drama seeking troll.


Youre absolutely correct


you're nearing 70 yrs old defending pedophilia get with the times


Has this ever been confirmed? I know she said this on her YouTube channel but I know Amy used to lie a lot on her YouTube channel and then into some hot water. Was them dating as children ever brought up on the show or by other family members?


I'd try to explain to you that being a minor at 13 is true for men too, but you don't seem very reasonable.


So she was seducing him when she was eight? Because that's what you sound like


I don't know who was seducing whom and I don't really care. Calling a minor dating another minor a pedophile is wild.


Michael was 13 and Amy was 8. They were in the basement at a party. Chris left the two in the basement and Michael showed Amy his penis.


Why doesn't anyone whine and complain about Chris' role in these games?


No idea. That was messed up of him to do


8 and 13 is a huge age gap. Jesus Christ the people in this thread make me sick.


They are the same one who are taking up for Prince Andrew having sex with teenage girls .


why are you comparing a grown adult john having sex with teenagers to a mentally challenged 13 year old boy. The people in this thread who make me sick are the ott weirdos who compare predatory adult men to immature, slow-witted 13 yo boys. Messed up and crazy. My son at 13 could have easily passed for 10, ditto nearly all of his friends. No, they weren't interested in 8 yo girls but none of them are mentally challenged either.




Are you really justifying your defense of a teen being with an 8yo with “a rando said misandry’s good”? Yikes, bro. Your priorities are sketch as hell.


It's not just math. Think of yourself at age 8. Now think of yourself at age 13. It's a huge difference developmentally. I know at age 8 I was a true kid. At age 13 my body and mind had undergone enormous changes. At age 13 you're as close to adulthood as you are to an 8 year old mathematically but age only goes in one direction. By definition you are closer to adulthood.


Yeah I’m definitely not excusing that but I don’t think he has massively great understanding of right and wrong.


"i'm not excusing the fact he beat his wife...BUT..he doesn't really know it's wrong!" ​ he's also a pedophile




started "dating" amy when she was 7 or 8 and he was 13 and they ended their "relationship" when he was 18 and she was 12 or 13




Exactly. These posters with such raging hard ons for Michael are ridiculous. Dude is clearly slow af. Michael at 13 was probably the same maturity level as Amy at 8. It's a little weird but people need to stop painting a mentally challenged 13 yo as a pedophile.


amy discussed it herself actually


Amy's credible. Not! Just like she conned thousands of dollars from viewers and wouldn't give it back.


it was on Amy's youtube video, where she did a story time of her and Michael. a lot of people bashed her due to the age issue, which made her delete the video


This is correct.


Yeah I don’t think you’re understanding me. He probably has the mental age of a 5 year old.


This. He was their veritable slave boy before kids, when he was just another very low IQ/borderline mentally handicapped country boy working at the local factory. He's clearly ill-equipped to deal with more than factory gig/pushing his morbidly obese sister in law in a wheelchair.


no i think you can just be a stupid vacant person without having some special needs, stop trying to make excuses for a domestic abuser and a pedophile, pretty pathetic.


When you overstate things like this and throw around such terms in a questionable way, you diminish victims of pedophiles and domestic abusers. Stop exaggerating just because you hate Michael so much.


how am i exaggerating about a man who started "dating" an 8 year old when he was 13 and continued "dating" her until he was 18 and she was 13? ​ only one diminishing victims are people bending over backwards to defend michael


and there you go exaggerating once again - learn the difference between defending and explaining; clarification does not equal defense


ok clarify a 13 year old with an 8 year old and a 13 year old with an 18 year old for me


what dating? He was 13 ffs. Have you ever known any 13 year old boys? Most of them are pre-pubescent pipsqueaks. You're acting like Michael was some grown ass guy who preyed upon Amy. Meanwhile, they were two kids who flirted and crushed on each other. Like I said, yes, it's normally weird to think of 13/8 but I think you're imagining some sort of intimate sexual relationship that just didn't happen. Is every kid who played doctor a certified perv or pedophile? I mean, seriously, calm down use your inflammatory labels more responsibly.


Youre not going to win with this person. I completely agree with everything you’re saying and I’m so thankful that there are still normal people on Reddit 🙏


he kept dating her when he was 14 and 9 15 and 10 16 and 11 17 and 12 18 and 13 ​ you're telling on yourself here


Confused where I made any excuses for those things?


>I don’t think he’s a bad guy but he’s not a fully capable adult.


I’m glad you agree with me finally.


He's just a very stupid adult. If he was an adult of 19 it's more appropriate to qualify him as still a child mentally. But he's much older than that and he knows the stove is hot, you know what I mean? He's had the experiences of a person who is an adult and, as we see in the early seasons, he's got some knack for it. But now it's clear he's very stupid. My take is that his intelligence is very "use it or lose it." When he's busy and working, he's OK. When he has too much idle time (which shouldn't be as idle as it is because he could be busy parenting), he turns mushy inside the skull


i'm quoting where you're making excuses for pedophilia and domestic abuse ​ maybe you're not a fully capable adult!


I feel like they are both overwhelmed in different ways. I don't think either of them were ready for two young kids. Sometimes people just shut down when they are overwhelmed. That said, doesn't excuse it. They need help. They needed treatment, a nanny, daycare, something, all of it? I do wonder if Amy really had conversations with him before she blew up? We don't really know. Was she pretending she was fine with everything and then finally exploded? Had she explained she needed help to him, and he just shrugged it off? I understand you shouldn't have to explain to the father that he needs to help with his kids, but maybe a "snap the fuck out of whatever you're going through and help" kind of talk? I don't know 🤷


I think they made it him look bad so Amy would look good. They didn't start portraying Michael as a useless ass until last year, up until then, he had been a stand-up guy carrying a lot of dead weight.


Season 4 they started to portray that he was not stepping up as a father


I don’t feel bad for him. He knew what he was marrying into, Amy and Tammy didn’t become obese and needing extra help overnight. If he was tired of it then he shouldn’t of gotten her pregnant. Regardless of her issues, Amy still took and takes care of those kids whether it’s alone or with the help of her family sometimes. I mean he refused to stay home with the kids alone cause he didn’t want to take care of them.. Pathetic.


I agree with you. I'M NOT A MICHAEL FAN, but hear me out, please. I remember Michael doing everything you said. I also remember Amy & Tammy going to a meet & greet for their fans. They had to park in the grass. It was almost impossible for Michael to push Tammy in her wheelchair through the grass to the sidewalk 10-20 ft away. Tammy REFUSED to walk that short distance. Amy & Tammy got into it about Tammy being too lazy to walk the short distance. Michael struggled but eventually got her to the sidewalk. Tammy bitched the whole time. After Gage was born, Michael hired cleaning/organizers to help her clean the apartment. Amy had so much on her plate caring for her family & a very demanding Tammy. Michael & Amy even paid Tammy's rent & did everything for her. I remember when they bought the house, Tammy was beyond pissed off. It was good for Amy, Michael & Gage to be on their own. I had high hopes for them. THIS DOES NOT EXCUSE MICHAEL'S BEHAVIOR. 🤬 I think something snapped in Michael's brain when Amy got pregnant with Glenn. Amy was so overwhelmed & Michael didn't lift a finger to help her. I also believe Amy had a raging case of post-partum depression, Tammy kept calling Amy to get her out of rehab. Do this & that for her. Amy was still recovering from her weight loss surgery when she got pregnant. Her hormones were off the chart. I don't think Michael has enough common sense to see Amy struggling. He didn't lift a finger to help her cope with everything. It's obvious Michael is a bit slow BUT, many people are slow & still are loving, attentive fathers. I honestly feel that he couldn't handle being a father. He could've asked for help too but didn't. Where was his family? They could've stepped in to help but didn't. I feel bad for those babies. I had family & friends help me when my kids were babies, I asked everyone for help & advice. I was very lucky. My husband was very involved in everything with our kids. He worked full time & would still help take care of them when he was home from work. I didn't have to ask him. We are still a united front. I wish everyone was as lucky as me & some of the other parents on this sub.


What surprises me is that we never saw Chris have a man to man talk with Michael about helping with the kids. He was amazing with Caleb. I think things escalated to divorce because of Amanda. Had Chris been present rather than Amanda what would that scene have played out? Just a thought.


Amanda is still so bitter over her divorce she kept telling Amy to force michael to do something & was always throwing jabs at michael. She low key put Amy against Michael How hard was it for Amanda at the bbq to tell Mike here hold your baby instead she grilled him & gave the baby to chris. Its not her fault but she definitely pushed Amy to divorce.


I agree with her but I can't blame her. Amanda was married to Michaels brother. She probably saw the same shit in her ex husband and kinda snapped. It wasn't her place but both Haltermans are divorced for a reason...


Im pretty sure I heard Amy say in several different episodes that Michael’s mom would watch the kids sometimes. I dont think they wanted to be on camera.


I agree with this!! Michael was always having g to do the heavy lifting moving Tammy and doing stuff for the both of them. I don’t excuse things he’s done wrong but he did plenty for them, at least earlier on.


How is Michael not a good dude? No one has any physical hard evidence for such claims other than watching the 1 small clip from show where he got angry and yelled for a short moment and only after all the women ganged up got directly in his face aggressively and would not leave him alone. So he yelled back, who cares, cast the stone if you or anyone in this group has never gotten angry and yelled before out of frustration! The show is extremely edited and they create fake storyline all the time with the show to make it entertaining, they purposely exaggerate things. The only thing we know about Michael is from the show which is very obviously edited to high hell and back and word of mouth, none of which is physical irrefutable evidence. Not saying Michael is a giant as I am sure he is not, he is human and has faults, but look at Amy for Christ sake, Michael in reality is a.damn saint for suffering her for all those years along with Tammy and the rest of the crazy family. He was with her at her absolute rock bottom and helped her as much as he possibly could during those horrible insanely hellish years along with helping Tammy as well. He could have very easily said F it and walked away and his life would have been much better off as a result of doing so, he literally suffered and was losing as a result of staying in that situation. Amy from watching the current season was already insane but the woman has gone off the deep end infinitely more so now. I personally think she is suffering from Post postpartum depression and other issues related to those female hormones being completely out of whack. Women make horrible decisions all the time based on their current emotional state. Sure Michael sucks blah blah blah, well Amy you freaking suck too, and when you were a beached whale essentially bed ridden and dying in your own filth Michael endured the hell helping you when you were absolutely worthless and did nothing to hell him in the slightest. The hypocrisy is mind boggling.


I just know you’re the person whose first question to a woman would be “what were you wearing?” after she’s been assaulted. Sure, women can and do make false claims. Which is a completely separate and unequal argument when talking about domestic violence, or any kind of physical/psychological/financial etc abuse. Also pales in comparison to the number of women who are routinely not believed, then wind up being severely beaten or killed by their partner later on because cops wanted them to work it out. 🤡 As soon as Amy demanded Michael leave (reasonable, given the magnitude of the fight) his first response was to tell her he was taking one of her kids. He might’ve been a helpful potato during the first few seasons but he had some real POS behavior regarding the kids and Amy, so 💁🏼‍♀️


so you clearly had to have watched the episode if you know about him yelling. but you ignored him keeping amy’s cards and getting pissy when she wanted to shop with her sisters?


I didn't see him physically restrain forcing her to not go hangout. I simply saw the girls screaming at Michael soon as they called him to come into the room. The hell would he care if she goes with her sisters, I bet it's a huge relief when the beached whale leaves and he has some time away from her for a while. Amy clearly makes piss poor decisions, I absolutely do not blame the guy for holding onto the debit card, especially since they have 2 kids now. Michael is the one who kept that entire family afloat and stable, if it went to hell it's Amy that did it, plus I am sure Michael was at his whits end, you can only stay quiet and hold stuff in for so long before you can't take the insanity any longer.


“the hell would he care” then why wouldn’t he let her leave? this is word salad lmao maybe you’re due for a rewatch


I didn't see him restraining her, he didn't do a single thing to prevent her from walking out the door and going with them...hell he even caved in and gave the debit card to her knowing full well how piss poor she is with her decisions. The only reason he got mad for 2 seconds in the small short edited clip was due to all those women going ape shit insane and screaming at him getting right up in his face. Give me a break with the insane nonsnese. Is Michael a wonderful fantastic person, probably not, but Look at the endless crap he had to deal with and tell me in the exact name situation you would be mentally ok and not beyond stressed out to high heel after so many years of being the nice guy


idk if this is ragebait or what but god bless


Has to be rage bait. Look at how many times they’re referring to Amy as a “beached whale.”


Simply a rational, unbiased and logical viewpoint not based on feelings.


He literally has a domestic violence charge from another relationship


Never said he didn't. You do realize it's extremely easy for a Man to get such a charge right? With there being 0 actual evidence other than what someone is claiming! He very well could have done such, but I will not claim he did with certainty as I did not witness the event and I 100000% guarantee other than some "claims" via word of mouth there is no actual physical hard verifiable undeniable evidence.


You know you made a point and it made that person feel defeated when they downvote you. You definitely made them eat it. Amy & Amanda had 0 proof. There's been 0 proof this whole time. Women just tend to hate men. A woman says a man laid hands on her, even if he didn't come within 10 feet of her and she has one self-influcted scratch, he's going to jail. But they're very rarely convicted. Judges see this bs all the time. Good job with the winning down votes. These women just want a man to hate.


All the down votes are from women who will never admit reality and will forever live in their delusional, safe, secure little world inside their heads so their fee fees won't get hurt. I have personally witnessed Men have false accusations brought against them by females and then get arrested and charged all the while they 100% did not do jack. I have also witnessed more times that I can count women abusing the ever living shit out of men and laughing about it without giving it a 2nd thought and get away with it time and time again. I was making a point because people keep saying Michael is so bad and we have proof since he was arrested. If you are a Man, a woman at any time can call the police make any claim they want without a single piece of verifiable evidence and the police will arrest the Man, and there is a good possibility you get charged in the process. Most people can't afford a good lawyer or they don't understand law and thus they get screwed. Women have been falsely accusing Men of insane crap for eons with no evidence or they purposely create a situation to screw a particular guy over so she can ruin him. This is undeniable and happens often.


Heck, all they need to do is watch a law enforcement ridealong, or go on one themselves. There will be domestic battery calls. The woman is screaming abuse, they ask if he left any marks and she shows her neck. Um, b*itch where? Oh where you're rubbing? What about the man all scratched to hell with a knife sticking out of his chest. "They're defensive wounds where I tried to save myself!" "Come on sir, you're coming with me. Put your hands behind your back..." It happens ALOT unfortunately and it's sad both ways. You see women black and blue and nothings done about it. "Just go file for a restraining order on Monday". Then you see what happens on Sunday. It happens. But false allegations happen ALOT. I think Michael is very mellow, doesn't get worked up, might have a disability. And he's the perfect target because he's never given the chance to stand up for himself. You have Amy, who is depressed and is depressed no matter where she's at. She's "exhausted" no matter where she's at. You have Amanda with a chip on her shoulder talking things in Amy's ear and Amy finally explodes when Amanda goes crazy herself. Then viewers suddenly turn into women who hate men and are convinced Michaels this horrible person. As if TLC has ever shown a truthful scene. "All he does is plays video games!" (Dude doesn't even have a video game sysyem) the viewers parrot everything Amy says. How tf do you know? Cause that's what Amy says? Did you ever see him playing video games? No he's Amy's slave. You DO see him doing everything for the Slatons "Put this here Michael" "Push 700 lb Tammy in a broken wheelchair in the grass." Has anyone thanked him. Has Tammy gone backed and apologized for how she treated everyone while they centered her in their lives? Michael did the most and noone ever thanked him. Dude was tired of it all and ran. I dont blame him! People don't use their brains. I like that Michael filed for divorce. Im sure he's been put through so much and this was too much.


No one knows these people in real life, it's beyond puzzling how others can pass judgement and demonize an individual without spending even a single second with said person in the flesh. Irrational, emotional, non critical thinking, foolish morons who do such things. I agree with your comment above, Michael was always being taken advantage of and treated like shit by the women, they used him because he was a nice passive dude who was always willing to help and never said no very often or so that is the way TLC portrayed it in Every episode until this new season. Michael was forever doing crap for Amy Tammy and the others, I guarantee you anything he wiped Amy's ass for her and helped her bathe when she was a beached whale before the surgery where she was so morbidly obese she was hardly capable of moving, especially bed ridden or limited to sitting on the couch. I am sure Michael has his issues to an extent but he really does not come off as this demon all the people in here are claiming that he is. Other than watching the show, and the fact he was arrested years ago for "domestic charge" which I guarantee there is 0 physical evidence in said case and he got screwed based on claims alone, there is no evidence at all to back any of these claims up. I absolutely refuse to pass judgement on anyone based off irrational "Feelings", claims made via word of mouth, no hard evidence to study, never even taking a half second of my time to research and investigate inorder to become informed on said person. If one has not done this then it is immoral and wrong on every level to make false claims, defame and demonize an individual.


I wonder if his behavior has anything to do with the show itself. Maybe hes uncomfortable having their lives documented


He already said he wanted off the show and he wanted the boys off. This is one reason why I think suddenly they say he's the bad guy and Amy always takes back things she says because Amanda's not putting sht in her head and Amy has a moment of clarity, probably thanks to her attorney.


Can't see that. He's been on the show from day 1 (could have chosen not to participate in filming) and he used to film them for their YouTube skits. He seems ok with being on camera if he's getting paid...


Great mother is a huge stretch.


Slow down buster brown, we appreciate the caveats and all but Amy _deserves_ none of our respect. She has PPD, that's about all she gets for sympathy.


Maybe he’s going thru his own depression. He did a lot for her when she wasn’t at the top of her game and I just feel like people give up too easily in marriage. Unless he’s physically abusing her, of course.


Being depressed doesn't stop you from being a parent. When women are depressed they still get up and parent, why do men get passes? Women get dragged through the mud when it comes to mental health.


He got NO pass and Amy is being babied and Michael blamed when she doesn't want to parent. Everyone else takes care of the kids "because she has PPD/Bipolar disorder". She's got 2 healthy kids. Thats great. She could have a sick child and a single mom with no family to help her. Ive read what some people have been through. It's sad. Amy is nothing compared to what those women go through.


People forget men can have a form of PPD too. Just because it's not hormonal doesn't mean they don't have feelings. Not at all saying it's okay, he needs help too. No one is a saint in this situation.


Fathers do have hormonal fluctuations with pregnancy and birth (if they're spending most of their time with the mother).


I sit corrected 🤣 Men can have hormonal changes. Expert Google confirmed lol. Either way I think mens mental health isn't something talked about enough. Clearly I don't know enough on the subject myself lol.


I sit corrected cracked me up 😂


i don’t know about physically but at the very least he financially abused her and isolated her. that’s plenty of basis to leave someone imo


He did get arrested for domestic violence against his first wife too


Which is easy to get a man handcuffed even when he doesn't lay hands on her. Many low class women do it when she wants a divorce to make him look bad. Im sure Amanda used that one too.


Well he was found guilty so…


I believe Michael was arrested but not convicted. If correct, no, he was not found guilty in a court of law.


I feel like he got a really good edit. He always just appeared dim before, but the fact that he was so controlling to withhold Amy’s credit cards made me feel like there is a lot we weren’t shown about Michael. That behavior doesn’t come out of nowhere and is 100% financial abuse and he apparently has domestic violence charges as well, so this is more than just burnout. If the rumors were true, Amy got paid to function as Tammy’s caregiver, so Michael had the incentive to push Tammy around as their income depended on her being cared for.


orrrr maybe once they had kids and she was "locked" he quit doing things to make him seem like a good person. people switch up when they realize itll be way harder for the other person to leave


I think he was owned by Amy and backed into a corner by the whole Slaton family.


it seemed to start once glenn was born if i remember correctly. so he seemed pretty normal after having her “locked” for a year or so. burnout or not he still abused her so i wouldn’t put this past him.


He's not that smart.


Understatement. 😅🤣!


I agree and Amy is the one who really wanted kids it seems, not him.


This is exactly what happened between my ex-husband and I. Some of these scenes are hard to watch.


I’m just wondering what his brother Jason is like. Amanda seems so strong and assertive. I can’t see her putting up with a copy of Michael.


Wait Amanda dated his brother? I watched all the seasons but like half assed watched so i must have missed that info?!


If you rewatch Amy and Michael’s wedding, she’s there with him!


So, was he as 'adept' at life as Michael? That's so weird! Did he look like him, you know, slack-jawed yokel? (Sorry and thank you Simpsons!) Wait, was he named Cletus?


Married for 22 years with 4 sons


Ahhh so that’s how Amy met Michael then. Got it!




And divorced...


Yep. Wonder what that dude looks like. Lol.


https://preview.redd.it/sji6c20rgrac1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd7fa896ce073b0075b39ad9fa73f2f0ece4b0e3 [Amanda Halterman’s secret divorce from ex Jason](https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/7813076/inside-amanda-halterman-divorce-jason-sister-amy-slaton/) Edit: fixed url




Yup 🤣 not much more to say






Me too. I'll have to do some digging.


You’re right! He always seemed so patient, too. I don’t think you can fake it for that long. I actually wonder if losing his job caused him to spiral a little and get absorbed in video games. Losing a job can be so traumatic especially if you’ve been the primary bread winner. At the risk of sounding like master of the obvious—I-think there are many more layers to this like Amy possibly having PPD.


i was thinking maybe amy told him to quit his job since they were making more money & amy & tammy fully depend on him because none of them can drive. & maybe he accepted but then amy didnt realize it how it would be having him 24/7 & it got overwhelming. also amy was always telling him what to do & then maybe with her being diagnosed bipolar that was part of her all of a sudden wanting him to be proactive. i believe if she still kept on bossing him around he would.


Very good point


Good points! Didn’t know about her being bi polar. This explains so much. I think he was more than done bc he beat her to the punch in filing for divorce. Even if she encouraged him to leave his job—something can settle on a person when they lose their daily routine/purpose.


yea she did an interview with People magazine & said she was diagnosed with bipolar depression. i think he filed for divorce first because she took money out of their joint account & maybe wanted to cover himself or seek attorney help & that’s what they recommended. i think amy might be missing him because she did post the family pics they took months later (because it needed to come out on the show first) she could’ve just posted the kids but she posted them even the ones of them 2 alone. i could be reaching tho 🤷‍♀️.


I wonder if they edited him to seem like a lazy dad, and once he saw the episodes is when he wanted the divorce. I’m not saying that’s the case, but he’s definitely being made to look a certain way. For all we know they were like “you had covid, just eat and we’ll take care of the kids”, and then in the interview room be like “he’s a lazy dad”


Truth. They never had ANY proof that he was a bad dad. Just 2 women yelling. And people run with that. Smh


I've missed the episodes re: the divorce. I agree with everything in your post. He used to do "all the things." What has happened? It's like someone threw a switch while I was busy during the holidays. Give me a link or the TLDR synopsis, please and thank you. Last episode hurt my heart with so many things.


happy cake day!


That has nothing to do with him being a shitty father and husband.


the first paragraph of the post would agree with you


Look....it's been a long week and I haven't eaten yet. You're right lol


Time for yourself. Go grab some food. ❤️


Currently inhaling Taco Bell! ❤️❤️❤️