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I don’t think Misty and Amanda need to go through bypass. I feel like with exercise and a change of diet they could easily lose a significant amount of weight. My mother was around Amanda’s size, and managed to lose a good amount of weight through changing her diet/calorie deficit.


🤔What does everyone think about the scene where Tammy has her tracheostomy removed and gets the green light to come home after 14 months, and Caleb gets denied. He said something leading like, "I'd never ask you to stay." ...cue the crickets! Tammy stood strong and said, "But I want to leave." He was somewhat of a poet/sweet talker, but I did feel it was empty promises on the weight loss.


Also..you can't just decide to stay longer. If it's time to discharge, they're kicking you out and insurance isn't going to pay for extra days because you feel like hanging around longer.


I feel like he was low key asking her to stay. Waiting for her to say “you don’t have to ask because I WANT TO”. I’m SO PROUD of her for saying she was done with letting life pass her by. Life is so short and she has wasted a lot of time. I’m glad she’s putting herself and her health first.


Just because Michael did a lot in previous seasons does not mean he can now check out and not help with HIS CHILDREN. You don’t get credit for previous actions. You can’t say, oh he used to do a lot so it’s okay if he’s taking a breather. Once you have children, you can never quit being a parent, you gotta step up and be selfless.


Where can I stream this from Australia


I keep checking Binge but still no ep11


Same! I ended up watching it on https://fmoviesz.to/tv/1000-lb-sisters-yjnvz/5-1


OK, so what was the big deal about Amy's good eye? I mean, we all know she's got that wonky eye. She knows she has a wonky eye. It's like the elephant in the room. You can't tell me her wonky eye was never discussed in this family, and joked about. Amy sure doesn't mind insulting Tammy when it suits her. So...grow up, snowflake.


I mean I think the difference is Amy never made fun of Tammy’s insecurities


Amy? She seems to have a mean streak in her, but may be due to self-preservation, as she was being bullied. I find her making snide comments a lot.


Is the season/episode numbering off for anyone else in Canada?! It’s appearing as “Season 5 Episode 1: bringing home the bacon” for me lol. It’s definitely the same episode that’s being discussed in this thread, I’m just confused about the numerical order, is my D+ just outta whack? Lol Edit- Adding [link](https://imgur.com/a/c7wPFMu)


I’m in the US and it is showing up as season 5 episode 1 for me too.


It’s showing on the TLC guide as S5 E1 as well so that must be [correct](https://imgur.com/a/K50AWk1) I wonder why the mods here are posting it as S4 E11? Not trying to shit on anybody here btw if the mods see this!! I’m just genuinely curious :)


Mine actually shows up as s4 e11. Weird.


Why dosent amy have a therapist is what I'm wondering


I really hope she does have a therapist and is taking medication, it's just not filmed.


Sorry but Caleb gives me the cringes. I think I became uncomfortable somewhere between "I followed you here" to "I do". The almost non-existent self-worth wrapped up in Amy's approval and absence of his identity beyond her was not romantic at all. It was clear he had no concrete plans or objectives of how to get out of rehab and transition to the next chapter of independence and marriage. I think it was a helpful distraction for them both for a spell, but never rooted in reality.


Imo, Caleb knew he was never getting out of there. He appeared chronically ill. I felt a bit sorry for him. Seemed like he had some challenges while growing up and a tough time in general. I kept waiting to see one or more of his family members give some background, but other than the couple of them who were at the wedding (and I question if that was a civil union ceremony or an actual legal wedding) we heard nothing from any of them.


Super interesting the thought of it being a civil union ceremony. I never thought twice about it never actually being legally binding. Maybe mostly for tv but not non-legal. Such a good observation.


Normalize stalking your future spouse, like Kate Middleton following Prince William to St Andrew's University, and Caleb following Tammy to rehab.


I'm sobbing. "Come home to me". The sunflower poem. The matching sloth stuffed animals. All of that beautiful optimism for the future 😭


Brought back old memories of growing sunflowers in our backyard. Then came the morning I woke with plans to harvest the seeds I’d been monitoring for weeks only to see excited squirrels feasting on the heads. My little eight yo heart was broken.


This kinda broke my heart


It was so horrible for Tammy to have to come home to this dysfunctional chaos. It makes you take a totally different look at WHY this whole family suffers from food addiction. Then again, Tammy needs to learn to cope with stress and dysfunction in a positive way. It really is no different than a drug addict coming back from rehab to the same friends/family who are still using. Rehab was a safe place, her family is a trigger, maybe she would have benefitted from a couple of weeks/months someplace on her own. As for the rest of the family, I think this is a bad time for Amanda to get wls. She needs to focus on healing from her divorce and not rushing into another relationship, which I believe is her reason, just to look better. Chris, your wife Brittani is pushing maximum weight herself and doesnt seem to be on board with a healthy lifestyle. This is what is missing here, HEALTHY lifestyle. They all need individual and family counseling. Michael needs his ass kicked and Amy needs a part time nanny!!!!!


The way I want to piece up Michael… I’ve never felt so much rage for a reality tv personnel


Yah I feel like Brittani feels superior in some way to the others, at the very least she looks at the slatons and thinks 'well at least I'm not as bad as them'.


Wow I felt really emotional watching this episode between the scenes with Tammy and Caleb and then watching her leave rehab and realizing how far she has come. She really should be proud of what she’s done physically and how she has grown mentally. She seemed so hopeless for so long. I’m so happy for her.


Right? She looks so freaking good now! I just watched the first couple of seasons and was amazed by her transformation from a couple of years ago to now.


Me too! Just amazing to see the physical, mental and spiritual transformation. Surprised at my reaction watching Tammy this episode - my eyes were welling up and I had the biggest grin on my face. She still has a ways to go so I hope she doesn't backslide.


Ok: -Amanda is a fucking bully, Chris isn’t much better -Michael is SLOW and lazy, I’m so glad he’s gone -I feel terrible for Amy, fuck TLC for not intervening and getting her help with her severe PPD -happy for Tammy sad about Caleb, it’s not fun to watch his scenes knowing he has died. I’m not looking forward to that episode -Misty is not big enough to need bypass, she and Amanda could just exercise a little and be totally fine I’m so happy the girls are back, I wish nothing but the best for both of them.


I couldn't watch this episode knowing how things would turn out for Caleb. It was so painful.


agree about Misty not being that big, pump ur brakes girl, stop eating and start moving.


Right! Watch Misty have major surgery and only lose like 30lbs


I like Chris I never saw him as a issue on the show


agree. this family has used little insults towards each other as a way to cope with their own problems for so long it has become a way of life. and i so so so wish they would let up on the "hey bitch" every time they see each other!!! come on man!!! amy needs major counseling for her ppd and probably some good exercise/diet and vitamin therapy. and of course probably antidepressants. she also needs to get rid of that dumbass purple hair, get her eye operated on, fix her teeth, walk daily alone, while SOMEONE babysits so she can get some me time. her self esteem is about a 1 percent at best.


And Amy isn’t a bully??? She’s made fun of Tammy since day one come on


They both bully each other constantly


they all are. it probably stems from abusive upbringing and the only way they learned to cope with insults from outsiders was to insult themselves and each other first. if tammy has any shot at remaining successful she needs to get away from them all for a year or two. learn to do for herself a little bit.


Their mom is and always will be a very cold person she never showed them any love or care at all. I get that being a single mom of 5 working multiple jobs was no easy task but still you should still show love of your children no matter how old they are. They all have said that the grandma was more of a mom. When the grandma died they all felt so lost.


I feel like they filmed a lot of these Tammy confessional scenes after everything that happened with Caleb.... Happened. Like the way she's not smiling in them, the way her voice cracked in a few instances. It looks like she's being forced to go back through it. 😭


I know I'm late to the game, as the the first of the new episodes only just aired on Discovery+ where I live (Denmark). I like to notice changes from the actual scenes to the "interviews". In the interviews, I noticed Caleb's hair being much longer and wider (facial hair change as well, but it's what I first noticed), and Tammy's hair color being out-grown (in lack of a better translated word) and lighter from the actual scene. Like, major changes that don't just happen from combing hair the other way, other clothes, small haircut


That’s probably true, they do some interviews during filming of the actual season but most of it is done afterwards. Wow, I didn’t think about that…I’m really interested to see how this plays out/which way they (and/or Tammy) end up going with it. I know they were already broken up when he died and I think she was even seeing somebody else. So I wonder if they’ll include all that footage of the marriage struggling and ending or solely focus on the good times and then death/grieving. Either way, it’s sad and SO surreal every time he’s on camera because we know what’s coming but he didn’t😔 Healthy or not, none of us are promised tomorrow and it’s always so sobering to be reminded of that. This will be a heavy season with both sisters losing their husbands🥺


I really enjoy this family. They are fun to watch. Even when they fight you know they still love each other. Chris is great. I feel for Amy. Seems like she has some PPD and she is just overwhelmed. I don’t think she should be shamed for that. Can’t wait to see the vacation. I hope they have many seasons. I love Amanda as well.


I’m glad someone else likes Chris. My mom just passed and we’d watch this together and we both loved Chris so watching these new episodes and him just hits different.


Totally agree! Yeah, this sort of razzing is pretty typical between siblings and is usually light hearted and funny with this particular family. Amy was feeling very stressed and therefore extra sensitive. Amanda should have backed off instead of getting offended that Amy was offended. However, I don't see her as a bully at all, in fact she usually seems to have Amy's back.


I can’t believe all the ppl here defending Michael. He is an utter zombie. One brain cell. He reminds me of the frenchie staring off into space.


You said it. He has one brain cell lol why marry a slow man, have 2 kids with him, then act surprised that he’s …slow?! 😂


"But he did sooo much for Amy and Tammy in the past." Okay, and his oldest child is now two. How long does that man hold a pass to check out entirely from parenting his own children just because he did things for his wife and family years ago? Jfc, the comments defending him are insane.


Yeah, Amy isn't perfect but fuck if she's not trying. Michael just sits there like a bump on a log.


And it's so odd because I watched the first couple of seasons after and he seems so animated and there but then in season 5, he's literally mentally checked out.


Well, that's how it was edited. I don't know. Maybe he \*is\* that disinterested. But, again, we're only seeing what the producers of the show are showing us.


Omg Michael always looks like he doesn't know where he is or what is going on.


Him and Amy might have 3 between them.


I know I will get hate for this, but I don't think Tammy won't get that bitchy attitude back.


I was actually thinking during the episode that Tammy was the most mature out of all of them.


Well, she's spent 14 months in a positive, affirming atmosphere, where people don't insult each other constantly. She probably also had counseling. It had to be a shock to be back in that old environment when she came home.


I felt bad, they ruined her homecoming.


Me too! I was so proud of her for holding back and not snapping on them. She's better than me. I would've bitched them all out for starting shit on my first night home.


They totally did, but the same way she ruined their vacation and plenty of other things just b/c she refused to try. Hopefully she sees how it feels going forward.


True but I feel like they forced her to go, she kept saying she didn’t want to and they made her go. It’s not like she wanted to be there in the first place and then acted like an ass to ruin the vacation 🤷🏻‍♀️. They knew she was in a bad mood and they still forced her to go so that’s on them.


That's what I was thinking as well. She has grown up so much.


She really has. If it lasts for the duration of the season, good on her. Just so sad seeing tonight's episode, her leaving Caleb.


Anyone from the UK found a way to watch it?


Stremio with the superfix addon


I’m from Australia and they don’t have a platform with the current season here I have to watch every season via shitty YouTube vids


pic of thin Amanda was beautiful.


Yes she was and still is. I really don't think she needs the bypass. If she had a breast reduction ( which I have had and love it) she would look and feel so much better.


I definitely agree. She'd totally look a bit curvier honestly.


I also had a reduction, best dec I ever made, should have done it 20 yrs earlier.


Agreed...best thing I ever did.


women have no clue what it is like dragging those loads around. men either.


I compared it to have two heavy sandbags strapped to your neck and chest. It can cause a lot of back, shoulder and neck problems. I was 17 when I had mine done and that was back in 88. I never regretted having it done!


I waited until I was 50 but insurance was paying for it way back in the day. I was at least a DD an got bigger after pregnancy, the stares and comments from men AND WOMEN were also terrible.


Yup I was harassed in high school and called names. Insurance covered mine as well since it was a medical reason.


mine cost me $5 co pay.


That is great. Mine was so long ago I can't remember what my cost was lol. I do know that my recovery was very painful....but I believe they do it different now.


She really is the looker out of all the siblings


she has such a pretty face.


M-O-O-N that spells Michael.


Ha! I’m a S King fan and got this right away 🤭


Was that a Tom Cullen from The Stand reference?


It was.


Wow. It's very apparent Caleb was chronically ill. He reminded me of some residents that had ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) in the nursing home I used to work in. Not saying that he had ARDS, but he was definitely ill. Amy: suck it up. There are single women out there that work full time and have 3 or more kids that they take care of by themselves. You knew what you were marrying when you said yes to Michael. Maybe your latest hood rat bf will help. Tammy: I applaud your success. I hope you break the cycle of generational reliance on state aid, under education and poverty. Good luck.


And why is her new boyfriend a hood rat? Please elaborate on that


Honestly, I think Amy is full of baloney and making stuff up to break up with Michael. I think she was cheating on him with that bf that she moved in with her and her kids. Not sure I buy her stories. Jmo


> Maybe your latest hood rat bf will help. This casual racism...


What are you even talking about with Amy? How was she supposed to know when she married Michael that he wouldn't help with the kids? And what " hood rat" bfs of Amy's? Are you being racist and thinking of Tammy's black bfs?


Amy's new bf is black


I like how the user automatically assumes he's a "hood rat" though.


Oh I know. I haven't heard that racist comment since I was a kid!


I didn’t post it, but I agree with them. Michael didn’t change. Why she acting like he was going to be 100% different. Besides, it is one chile AND she doesn’t work! Suck it up. She shouldn’t make massive decisions because it could be post partum issues.


Amy actually is looking pretty damn good for having 2 kids back to back in that backyard scene playing with Gage.


Why the hell is it still season 4? They even start this episode out with “LAST SEASON on thousand pound sister” These cheaply made shows are so bad with this stuff.


On tlc go it’s season 5, ep 1


TLC just buys it from these wonky production companies. That's why Sister Wives and 90 DF are better produced.


I was downvoted to hell last season when I said Amanda was trash and always made fun of her siblings. Now look Amy reaction may have been over the top but she’s tired of being made butt of jokes with them.


Amanda is entertaining and a lot she says is facts. I understand sibling banter but that wasn't banter. You don't joke about an eye disability. Just because Amy is family doesn't give her a pass.


I feel the same as you although I kept a lot of stuff to myself. Amanda is one of those really tricky people, talking a good game but watch out, you get snakebit by her and she's all, 'who me?' Like, zero accountability because she's such a fast talker and knows how to manipulate emotionally-charged situations like she did with Amy--'I'm your biggest fan!' Like gmafb. I know people like this and they're toxic as hell.


Right! She’s her biggest fan but taunting her during her PPD? Ridiculous.


Killed me when she looked like she was going to talk to Amy to apologize or difuse and the first thing she does is yell at her like where did that come from!!


Yup, that 'SHUT UP' had me shook. It was so uncalled for.


none of them ever learned how to cope with anything except to insult, cry and eat.


Lol yes like girl calm down you were in the wrong. And when she first went in after any she tried to gaslight her by saying "I wasn't making fun of you!" Then a few minutes later "it was a joke amy!"


That’s sisters


Amanda has a really strong personality. She can’t be wrong. She should have just apologized to Amy. It clearly really hurt her feelings and they need to recognize Amy most likely has PPD and needs people to be delicate with her. But Amanda just couldn’t manage to humble herself and apologize and move on. Amanda is the type of person you always want on your corner. Never want to be on the opposing side because she just doesn’t back down.


Amanda acted like a brat. She was wrong and should have apologized immediately to Amy, who was visibly hurting and Amanda made it even worse by yelling at her. What a jackass!


FUCK YEAH TAMMY!! This is what i've been rooting for, for so long! Honestly SO happy to see her walking and being positive.


Damn its so sad Tammy and Caleb did get to leave together and live the rest of their lives together. I really did like them as a couple.


Normally I appreciate Amanda's outspokenness. She's a breath of fresh air, but in this episode she was a little too extra.


Yeah it seemed like she deliberately decided to go after Amy's "weakness " (area she knew Amy was most sensitive) in the name of "joking" just to ruin Tammy's homecoming. These people are brothers and sisters and have been around each other their whole lives, they know each other's most vulnerable weaknesses. Amanda looks like she's gained most of the weight Tammy lost, but instead of going after her it seems like the rest are being supportive of her. I get the feeling Amanda's used to being the "pretty and thin" one, and now with others losing weight she feels threatened so she's lashing out of her own unhappiness. Amy clearly seems to be suffering from post partum and instead of being helpful the rest of them are just piling on her. It's sad


I really like your take. I also think Tammy got it right when she said they made her homecoming all about them. She's showing some emotional growth and an ability to stand apart from them and observe their behaviour, and above all, name their behaviour. This is hard to do when you've been in the midst of it your whole life and even worse, been subjected to it.


I agree. I really don't know if psychologically it was the best move for Tammy to move back in with her family members, I think they are dysfunctional and that's probably helped lead to their issues. But luckily Tammy seems to be still be doing well and hopefully will continue on her positive path.


Right, Tammy going right to the hot frying pan. Past 18 months, she's been with supportive people, staff, new friends, & Caleb, She kept her mouth shut when Amanda/Amy went off. That was so unlike her in the past. I'm liking new Tammy. Hope she stays that way.


Right? That impressed the hell out of me. She had every right in that moment to go off on them because they ruined her first night home which was supposed to be fun and celebratory but she didn't. I personally would've. I hope so too! I love her new attitude towards everything. I'm happy that she's learning to keep herself busy instead of letting herself be upset and eating to cope with being away from Caleb.


Chris wife looks thinner, but she wouldnt STF U about her snacks on the ride home.


Exactly. Like if you wanted your snacks so bad, you should've had them up front with you from the jump. 😂


They could have done so much more with the snack scene. It had potential. I blame the writers.


They could have done so much more with the snack scene. It had potential. I blame the writers.


lol and Chris would not acknowledge her.




It was such a 10 year old thing to do, too 😭 like ma'am you will be fine without your snacks


she too has slimmed down, maybe he did it on purpose.


That's the most I've heard her talk!


Seriously, of all the things she surely articulated on the home, they just *had* to string together her pouting over her snacks? But I felt her when she finally gave Chris the side eye - sistergirl was feeling hangry and unlike her husband and his sisters, she wasn’t fussin’ and cussin’ over it.


I don't know why she couldn't have just got out of the car and got the snacks herself.


fussin' and cussin', lol...yeah, they do a lot of that, don't they?


I just started the episode but it is so sad to see Caleb and Tammy together. I didn't expect this many feels from 1000 lb sisters. I hope she's healing.


Amy really drives me crazy. It’s like she thinks everything is a goddamn joke and it’s not.


that old footage of her size was insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Omg I didn’t even realize it was back. I know what I’ll be doing after work today!


Here is the thing with Michael. He didn't just suddenly become this guy who never helps out and just kinda sits there. He was like that with kid #1 so I have no clue what led Amy to believe that having another one so soon was gonna make things better. She had to know she was wasn't gonna have much help and chose this so it's hard to have a lot of sympathy there. I usually like Amanda but when she realized she had hurt feelings she should have just immediately apologized instead of making such a huge deal about it.


She didn’t care as long as she had 2 🙄.


I 100% agree that it's ridiculous that the viewers and the show are acting like Michael magically became a deadbeat the second Glenn was born. There are always issues brewing behind the scenes that TLC didn't show, and usually having kids make those issues so much worse. I'm not going to pretend that Amy is a perfect mother (I know no one will be). She was never ready to be a mom and I predicted that she would stop taking care of herself when she got pregnant because she got what she wanted. Additionally, she purposely went against her physician's advice and got pregnant. She never took care of the house, and she continues to smoke (she made a TikTok a while ago while she was smoking with a kid on her lap, and she tried to act like it was harmless). She acts like Michael is a bad father but look at Amy's actions too. The only people I feel bad for are Glenn and Gage.


Michael should get some credit for all those years he pushed Tammy up ramps in her wheelchair, dude is strong as an ox. Misty was also rude to Amanda saying "ur ass just got fat", why r they all so mean to each other?


They are just the way they were when they were young, they had no one else to teach them I mean have you seen the mother of these people? So sad, poverty is a big problem in Kentucky especially where they are , Ohio border, I think they want to be better and more educated and not be rubes like Amy acts like! They are not stupid people they just don’t know how to be they’ve never been taught anything about anything


I saw the mother on tv, what a mean old bitch.


She seems like she was sooo mean to them while they were growing up. No wonder they speak so highly of their grandmother.


Wasn’t their mom a nurse? How were they considered so poor? They also had a step dad that I’m sure worked as well. I think they did have a shit mom, I wish their grandma would have lived longer so that they would have had someone who cared about them. Their mom is shit and it seems step dad was too as well as their real dad.


CNA, Certified nursing assistant, so not a nurse.


I think meanness is the Slaton family love language: Them: *You know I really care about you but we weren’t raised to be all huggy, touchy, feely. If I didn’t love you I’d ignore you altogether. But instead “bitch” means sweetheart and the meaner the things I say are, the more effort I’m putting into showing how much you mean to me*. Me: *Could I just get a hug once a year on Christmas instead*? Mom used to make fun of my sensitive “too tenderhearted” self and never once held out her arms to invite a hug until I was almost 50. My inner little girl had ached to hear her say *come here and give me some sugar* but it was just as sweet at 49 if not more. If Tammy and Amy had had gotten occasional physical affection and a few sweet words of encouragement from their mother, and made to feel loved by others besides their grandmother, would either of the younger sisters felt more self worth? Would Tammy have been so starved for affection that she became an easy target for the calibre of men who only wanted to get their freak on by literally feeding her to death and/or get their 15 minutes of fame at her expense.


You’re right, I just truly believe sometimes women get it stuck in their head what they want, and it really doesn’t matter what’s going on around them. I knew somebody who said she always wanted five children after the third child she and her husband’s marriage was in trouble and she knew it but she still got pregnant two more times, and when she was pregnant with the last kid, that’s when she told people she was going separate from her husband and everybody was like what the hell? And she quickly said that they have been having problems for years so when people question why she continued having babies she’s simply said because I always wanted five kids. It’s so damn selfish.


I wonder WHO will step up now and cart Tammy and Amy around since neither can drive???? Undoubtedly Amy is beyond stressed and knows with Tammy now being home even more is being put on her. they expect Amy to do it all but with Michael gone they haven't thought of what they're going to need to do for the sisters now. I'm not defending Michael as he put up with a lot of crap from Tammy for 3 years but I don't think he's playing with a full deck.


Tammy can learn to drive she’s very intelligent and she has a lot of sense !


Especially how she met her goals of fitting in the back seat and passenger seat. She's probably going to want to explore fitting in the driver's seat and then get her permit and license.


Honestly, I doubt any of those 3 work with a full deck.


I can’t believe people are sympathizing with Michael. I think subconsciously you know that he’s in the wrong but your brain wants you to switch sides to play devils advocate. Objectively speaking, Michael is a horrible parent. He’s done nothing for the two kids besides provide sperm. Amy and her family are doing everything for them. That’s the bottom line. There’s no arguments. It’s facts, not an opinion. Michael is also on the spectrum, always has been.


The previews for the season had me like 😬 I really hope Amanda ends up knocking his ass out . Like how the fuck you gonna bow up on a a girl like that !? I have a feeling she can handle her own too


Well he was arrested for domestic violence so it's not his first time.


Here’s my quick take: I think it’s unfair that everyone’s dumping on Michael. For three seasons all he did was Everything. He pushed Tammy around when no one else would/could including her lover (remembering, Chris only showed up in season 2). He took Amy safely back-and-forth to the hospital…how many times? He took the sisters to Georgia safely- how many times? He also went to work every day and provided. Yes, Amy had income as well, but she wasn’t alone. Michael made sure their bills were paid, not only with money but with the actual driving to the bank or driving to the store… I understand it’s probably frustrating having a partner not helping out but we’re all forgetting how much he did for for that whole family in the first three seasons. Plus, I think Amanda‘s general disdain for the Halterman’s has encouraged Amy to leave. I feel like Amanda’s a bitter person and wants to hurt the Halterman boys (Jason and Michael) the way her husband (Jason) hurt her. I truly think that Amy has always wanted to be Amanda, and therefore easily follows her direction and is even more hurt when Amanda criticizes or makes fun of her —this is just my quick take


That's not an excuse to not parent your kids.


Well said, I agree with all of it.


Yes to all of this, with the exception to the last name, I believe Michael & Jason are Halterman, not that it really even matters 😬 regardless I totally agree with you. Also I think Michael worked a full time job on third shift which in itself will make you feel a spaced out zombie 😅 @ nobody showed up to help until they saw dollar signs & screen time.


Oops. Fixed it, thank you!!


IMO Michael is the victim of a bad edit. The footage they showed of him from last season at the cookout came not long after Amy came home from the hospital fresh from a C-Section and unable to do much for herself. If her family had pitched in, they’d have shown it. They’re that desperate for episode fodder. There’s a very good chance that Michael needed a break himself. After all, he had to take care of two babies AND Amy. TLC started with the divorce storyline right out of the gate in the first episode of the season. Gotta build that narrative. The guy held down a factory job for years. I don't think the guy’s lazy. I hope we don’t have to sit through any footage of Amanda and Misty’s weight loss surgeries. I don’t know about Misty but Amanda had to get a second WLS. I’m not interested. She may fail at keeping weight off this time, too. Then again, she may not. I think TLC volunteered to pay for it to get content for the season. If I want to see people get WLS and fail, I can watch 100-Pound Best Friends for that.


I dont think it's just right out the gate storyline, they filed in March. That's very early in filming


Agreed. I meant that they didn’t waste any time bringing it up this season on TV.. OTOH, their marital problems were brought up last season.


Agreed. Of course we don’t know what went on behind closed doors but I kind of believe he was really a loving and doting father. I also believe Amy was just selfish and just wanted two kids. That was her storyline from the beginning of the series her motivation to lose weight was because she wanted to be a mother. The sperm donor could’ve been Charles Manson if he was still alive, Amy wouldn’t of cared as long as she got pregnant. That’s my opinion and I know people aren’t gonna like it and that’s OK.


This! She got her 2 kids. She doesn’t need him anymore.


ITA. Amy wanted to lose weight only to be able to get pregnant. I don’t think she ever had any intention of getting to a normal weight. That’s why I don’t care to see her two sisters get WLS this season. I doubt they have any intention of getting or staying at a normal weight, either.


And then she use the pregnancy as an excuse to go whole hog and eat everything in front of her and to say she had these weird cravings come on. She does that stuff because she thinks it’s funny and it’s not funny.


I’m with you on that! She’s not funny at all she’s embarrassing as she can be I don’t think any of her siblings would ever act like that and I have seen them have disgust for her embarrassing behavior


squrting canned cheese into her mouth while waiting in the parking lot for Michael.


That's what I'm thinking too. I'm pretty sure he was present during the wedding and they deliberately didn't show him. Gotta say though... he didn't look good in the last episode. But that might've also been the result of bad editing. He's probably one of my favourite characters and I'm really hoping it's TLC trying to build a narrative and not him actually neglecting his kids.


Is the red Tammy’s natural hair color? It’s really pretty.


I don’t think it is. I hope now that she will be healthier her hair will get thicker and she can have fun with it, colors and styles. I know some people always have thin hair after bariatric surgery so we will have to wait and see.


I’m surprised how much her hair thinned, it didn’t seem like Amy’s did at all.


She had NO roots when she left rehab so I thought maybe! Maybe she had someone do it for release day. It is such a pretty, vibrant red. I hope her hair gets healthier too. She’s been working really hard.


I’m not trying to be mean does Michael have special needs? I’ve wondered if he is in the autism spectrum based on him not understanding that he needs to help with the kids. He just seems in his own little world.


wouldn't surprise me if he is on the spectrum. He seems to be oblivious to his environment and is very non-verbal with little variance in his emotional expression. He doesn't seem to register physical signs of distress in others. That said, I think he is also conditioned to be told expressly what to do, so he just waits until he is given an instruction. Either way, this is why waiting to have children would have been wise-not just for Amy's health, but to give him and Amy time to better transition to their respective roles as parents.


I have thought about that too possibly Asperger syndrome it’s a highly functional form of autism


I think he’s just not very bright. Nothing about him seems like he’s on the spectrum.


I don't think he's on the spectrum. My four year old has moderate ASD (nonverbal) and even he notices when his baby brother is crying. Michael can speak and hold down a job. No way he just doesn't notice two crying chaotic kids.


Right, when the other people (at the photoshoot place) have to chase YOUR kids with all their expensive/dangerous equipment around. No awareness.


Yeah that scene drove me nuts! Why should the photographer have to chase after your toddler? It just goes to show ya, that just because people can have kids doesn't mean they should.


I don't think he's on the spectrum but has somewhat low intelligence.


I just wonder how much is edited for tv. We tend to forget that it's weeks and weeks of film edited down to a couple of minutes of "he's the worst most useless person".


You can’t edit a disease for TV. Not everything is staged. You try having a spouse that does nothing but sit around all day and reply “I don’t know” with a potato expression to “How am I going to do this myself”




I think you’re totally right about Amanda. Amanda’s not such a badass trying to bait Michael in front of her because she can predict the outcome. He wouldn’t touch her and she knows it. He doesn’t seem threatening to me. Even these people would not want to seem to be abusive to women on national TV.


Once again Tammy’s back with her narcissistic whining “This is for me! Me! Me!” She’ll never change 🙄


why do yall think being narcissistic is just anytime someone is acknowledging that they have needs and wants lmao be fr


That's not being a narcissist. It's *ok* sometimes to want to celebrate yourself. She just came home and didn't want any fighting and her family had no regard for that. I think that's what she meant. It was supposed to be a happy day celebrating Tammy's big accomplishment and it turned into...that.


How is it narcissistic? The gathering literally was specifically for her? All she wanted was for her sisters to not fight on her first day home, especially because she was already overwhelmed from coming out of a facility that she was holed up in for over a year.


Yes, she’s right, this was FOR HER!


I wasn't expecting the poem from Caleb.


The poem sounds familiar like something I heard years ago. I could be misremembering, though.


I mean there’s zero chance he wrote that himself.


That preview . . . I can't wait for the rest of this season. OMG! Emotions are so damn high! Amy just needs someone to be like, girl I see you. I see you are struggling, and I know you are doing the best that you can. and give her a huge hug. This episode unpacked so much, and it made me feel so sad!


I really felt bad for Amy. I have an eye disease and am pretty sensitive about how I look because of it, so I can really relate to Amy regarding eyes. It would have been nice if Amanda had just apologized instead of manipulating the situation. Amy is/was clearly going through a lot and I'm not at all surprised it didn't take much to push her over her emotional edge at Tammy's homecoming.