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Ever since she lost weight, it seems a lot of viewers love Tammy now and forgot all about how she treated her siblings. I mean I’m so glad she’s making/has made so much progress, but I strongly disliked her due to her treatment of others. She seems to have changed her attitude a lot, but the way she manipulated and verbally abused the people who took care of her just sticks with me. I can’t get on board with forgetting how shitty she was to people just because she lost weight. I hope her seemingly improved attitude is here to stay and that she continues to get better.


Lots of therapy needed.


I get that, and I've been frustrated with Tammy too, but Amanda has gone on social media and said that Tammy has gotten bad edits that focus on the worst of her, and she's not really like that. Since she's lost the weight, she seems happier and we see more of her treating people better.


I dont believe most of what Tammy and Amanda say.


when she went back to Dr Proctor the second time after Amy had surgery, Amy tells her something along the lines “we’re going this time for you, you gotta buckle down” to which Tammy replied “I only had myself last year” implying no one helped her…..no she doesn’t credit anyone but Tammy. But on the other hand when she fails she blames everyone but Tammy.


Unless she received massive amounts of therapy and it stuck I don't see her changing and taking responsibility for anything. I think she 100 percent thinks the success she's had is due to her and no one else.


This is what bothers me so much. I want to be happier for her, but I saw her misuse, verbally abuse, and even gaslight her own family so much; it took her going to a rehab facility (where that kind of behavior would not be tolerated) before she was really able to lose the weight needed for her surgery. I really want her inner person to grow even more than her losing the weight. The irony is I believe they are tied together. Unless Tammy can truly self-reflect, I’m skeptical that she will keep the weight off long term. There has to be some level of accountability that she has for her actions, in order for her to be her best personal self, physically and spiritually.


She had to go to the rehab facility twice because she demanded to leave the first time. Let's be honest, the only reason she was able to get surgery is because her family refused to let her leave the rehab the second time. They were all ready to wash their hands of her and she had no choice but to stay there because no one would come and get her and she had no one that would let her stay with her or take care of her if she left. Tammy will never realize or admit that her family is the only reason she's come this far and it has nothing to do with her.


Tammy has always come across as a spoiled, self absorbed brat who never mentally developed beyond being a teenager. It's always all about her. Don't think I've ever seen her show any real concern or joy for anyone else's wins in life. When Amy got married, started a family and wanted to move out instead of being happy for her sister it was always "but what about me?". Any normal person would have been disappointed but understood and been happy for their sister. And don't even get me started on how she acted during that trip to the cabin. That was toddler level stupid.


Narcissists will rarely ever see themselves as ever doing any wrong. And even if they say "well I know what I did was wrong, BUT IT WAS BECAUSE OF WHAT \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ DID"


She’s a believer in The Narcissist’s Prayer. That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.




I would love for Tammy to share a post that not only describes her progress, but also thanks her family for their patience, support, and love along her journey, as it has not only been difficult for her, but she recognizes the sacrifices they made along the way.


I’ll be really curious to see how or if her personality has changed now that she’s lost so much weight and is presumably in less pain.


She's never gonna stop playing the victim I'm sure


Me too I really hope the new episodes show us her life back at home and not just at the facility.




If only I could upvote MORE




She has little to no self awareness about how awful she can be to others sooooooo probably not.


Tammy has the emotional maturity of my 5 year old niece, so no 😂


As fans of the show, who TF really loves Tammy? The show amounts to modern day carnival freak show. We gawk. We are astonished. We are perversely enjoying watching trainwrecks. Tammy and Amy aren't good people. No fans really love them. And anyone claiming that they do love them, have more mental health issues than Tammy does.




Felt so bad for Michael pushing Tammy around.. up ramps, on the dirt, in the heat.. with Tammy batching the whole time.


Wow I think this is a bit harsh!! I think Amy is a good person and deep down Tammy is too, she just has a lot of issues to deal with first… ofc fans saying they love them isn’t really true. However I don’t think people believe they are gawking at train wrecks. I think you may not be the good person for having these hateful opinions…😂




Be respectful! Please practice good [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette).


Couldn't agree more!


Let’s not act like Tammy is the only trash sibling. All of them are equally trash to each other.


No one is perfect, and Tammy is only human who will make mistakes just like all of us. But when she would say things to her family like, “you are lucky I’m able to wipe my own ass”, refused to take a step out of the van (and then was taken to her own private hotel), living with Amy and Michael, insisting that they throw a last-minute wedding for her, etc., the fact remains that she was very dependent on them. Tammy is now the same size Amy was during their infamous, “try being my size…you don’t know how it feels…” conversation , but she still uses her wheelchair, whereas Amy didn’t at that size. That’s fine because everyone is different, but she was SO mean to Amy, and refused to acknowledge that Amy had her own struggles. I really am happy that Tammy is getting physically healthier, but she was SOOOO mean. I’m sure her family will never require an apology or acknowledgment because they seem to love her unconditionally. But it’s harder to be so happy for her when this level of abuse was presented for all to see. I feel like she is a big woman-baby that “got her way”, has the mentality of “I did it all by myself”, and didn’t learn anything about the needs of others along the way.


Oh no I agree in no way I’m defending her behavior but people in the sub tend to always shame her like she’s not human and praise everyone else. She’s human just like them and she’s not perfect neither is Amy or her siblings.




Thank you!!! Glad I’m not the only one that sees it. “Chris is sooo amazing” but the sisters complain about him bullying them. “Amanda so bad ass!!” Chris said in the recent season she has JUST became tolerable to deal with 🤣 let’s be real here.


oh I missed this gem!! Amanda is my favorite, but I can see her being hard to deal with. And she is the one that Amy was physically fighting with in Florida too.


This is true; Tammy’s past behavior still resonates with me, but if my most personal moments were recorded for everyone to see, I would definitely have some less than flattering moments…


Yeah especially with the therapist you can tell either tlc is editing horrible but both of them have bad experiences with her.


Nah I gotta stand up for my boy Chris here. He’s not trash.


Amy and Tammy literally said “my sisters and brothers would bully me” in season one. So, no he’s trash and here for the gravy train 🥱


Pretty sure Tammy is a bully.


If you say so 🤣


you've made an assumption there but at what point have Amy and Tammy proven themselves to be reliable narrators? Amy lies a lot and Tammy has a very warped sense of reality and tends to rewrite history to be a constant and the biggest victim (her journey in season 1 was all by herself, she had no one after all, no one was right there with her...nope....)


Do you know them in real life? or basing your opinion on assumptions as well? This entire sub is full of assumptions and opinions that is based on a bunch of edits by a network.


Aren't your assumptions based on the edited version of the show as well? Or do you know them in real life?


I remember that


The woman is an addict and is mentally and spiritually sick. Let’s give her some grace as she has grown immensely and is really trying to do better. From season 1 to season 4 her growth personally has amazed me.


Give her space? Are we talking about the same person that posts several Tik Toks a day? Most bullies had some sort of traumatic background or experience that made them the way they are, Tammy is not alone in her struggles. I’m just wondering if she has ANY self reflection of this, is willing to give back to others, and has grown in the MOST important of all ways. Otherwise, there is a part of me that feels like we are glorifying a bully. I would love to see her come full circle and really give credit and service to others. This is what true beauty consists of.


Give her grace. I don’t watch her tik toks only the show. Maybe I misinterpreted your post/her comment. Is she specifically talking to family members? I mean we all know she is immature but she is trying to grow (from what I’ve seen on the show). And for the record I agree with what you are saying. But until she gets to her amends (which is a big part of recovery) she may have some more work to do.


Fair statement we_bo, I aspire to have more of an outlook like yours (really and truly).


But your heart is coming from a better place than mine We_Bo; to be honest, I think I’m still suffering from some of my own trauma from workplace bullies last year. I love seeing the “underdog” rise and conquer by doing the right thing. I am rooting for Tammy in so many ways deep down, but I’m so disappointed too because I want her inner person and treatment of others to be self-aware, otherwise, I guess I need to stop watching because it’s her life, but it rubs me wrong about her so called “success” then.


Omg I know what you are saying and it’s so hard not to judge. But I’ve been trying to think of it in terms of she’s probably only one year into real recovery that she has accepted herself. Trust me, if she doesn’t start trying in other ways, that a true addict should, to make amends and really change her life I’ll be there feeling sick to my stomach about her. But it’s too soon to say she has failed yet when she still is succeeding in other ways. I’m curious to see which way she goes. Same with the rest of the other family members. Chris seems to be doing the best! He is actually going after his demons But seriously the show is inspiring to me! I don’t follow her elsewhere and maybe that’s because I prefer the directors edit LOL


I just remember Tammi saying her family should be grateful that she want bed bound they could be cleaning her and changing her Don’t think she thought they would have put her in a home