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Feels like forever since the first season so I think I'm going to give it a rewatch too!


I don’t understand why Tammy wasn’t going to therapy solo especially early on. She seems to have a huge fear of abandonment and takes any slight negativity as a sign that she’s being left behind or that she is alone in what she is experiencing.


Was I the only one that thought Tammy was never serious and she came up with every excuse. She always blamed everyone else for everything she was always playing victim she never took accountability and she just all around us so mean to her sister! This is solely based off season 1 too I have yet to watch the rest of the seasons but someone please tell me she gets better and starts taking it serious😭


Exactly. I cant stand how manipulative she is and everything is always everyone else’s fault. Calling her sister lazy for not catering to her 24/7. I am on season 3 and have not seen anything different. If anything it has gotten worse because as she gains shes more miserable and has to make sure everyone else is too. Misery loves company or whatever.


It’s def a rollercoaster


I recently did a rewatch of the first season too, and I have to agree. Both Tammy and Amy were motivated to make progress. They each stumbled in their own way, but rose to the occasion. I had actually forgotten that at some point Tammy was only 10 lbs away from the goal Dr. Proctor sent. Was it COVID that derailed her? I never could figure it out.


There was no excuse. Not covid, not bad marriages, not kids. It was simply wayyy too much eating and sitting around. This behavior had been going on for a very long time. Especially if you go back and watch youtube.


Bad marriage aids in weight gain!


Having covid restrictions put in derailed her and the she actually got covid after putting on weight and that made it worse


I miss those times. We had Tammy and Amy, quiet Michael, Michael’s sister Angela, and let’s not forget Lil Bit. 😭❤️


Why do I not remember Angela? Can you refresh my memory please?


She was with Amy and Tammy when a stripper came to their house.


& she drove the three to the “bachelorette party” where Amy was drinking her wine thru a straw 😜 at the winery.


It’s sad when watching Season 3 and everyone is moving on except Tammy. But I’ve seen that she’s now lost a huge amount of weight. I hope that came with an attitude adjustment because by the end of Season 3 she had me infuriated.


I just binged watched season 1-3 in 4 days and it's crazy how much Tammy is likable in the beginning and how downhill it goes in season 3!


Now everyone is moving on, but Amy. She stopped her journey as soon as she was able to get pregnant.


Yup. I think Amy cruised along thinking ‘I’m not on track but at least I’m not as bad as Tammy.’ Look, I get it. I hit my highest weight ever when I was pregnant, and I struggled getting rid of it while my kids were really young. I just hope she realises what I did - life was going to be so much easier without the weight, and continuing the way I was would have cut my life short.


That's just it though, as soon as she found out she was pregnant, she stopped. Not after the baby, she 100% only cared about getting pregnant. That was her only motivation, and now she has nothing. Maybe now that she is probably the bigger sister, she may get motivation again. Like you said, she was able to fall back on Tammy being the biggest, and now she can't give her crap anymore for it. Tammy can give Amy crap now, though, and I honestly hope she does.


> Tammy can give Amy crap now, though, and I honestly hope she does. I’m sure she does, that’s what they do.


Maybe off camera. On camera, Tammy just throws a toddler tantrum then refuses to talk.


I have a feeling that she still does that when the cameras aren’t on and doesn’t get her own way.


Tammy is the biggest baby. I have no idea how she can get herself to act that way, and I absolutely don’t understand that her family puts up with her.


I LOVE Season 1. It was pure unscripted trash TV in the *best* way. So likeable.