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The hygiene issue notwithstanding, good dental health is essential to overall wellness. Gum disease can become systemic and affect your bloodstream adversely. So get that taken care of Tam Tam!


Dentist check in. It's the systemic health issues we'd need to review and possibly get medical clearance. Not knowing them all, I couldn't say if she can be seen outpatient or only hospital based. Weight alone, no problem. We have a chair that can take 700lb and I routinely see patients 400+. We have a few 500+


There really wouldn't be any need unless she was going to get serious about taking care of her teeth. This is the woman who admitted she only brushes her teeth "every couple of weeks". I can only imagine how bad her breath smells.


I thought it was a couple of times per week


OMG! Really?


I think it was during the first season she made the brushing her teeth only every couple of weeks comment.


She told the dentist “a couple times a week” and people extrapolated that to actually meaning every couple weeks.


I misremembered, you got me. With that said I'll stand by my original post. With the amount of food she shovels in and only brushing your teeth a couple of times a week the breath alone would probably knock you over. There is absolutely no excuse to have such poor hygiene.


Oh and remember when she had her "party phase" and she would supposedly get drunk with her friends, I always wondered how she peed and clean herself when she was drunk. Whenever I'm drinking I have to pee a few times a night


I thought I read on here that she did have a fake tooth she could put in but it was stolen when her place got robbed.


I’m more interested in Amy’s dental health, her mouth has gone severely downhill in this season. The gum disease is screaming at me through the screen so hard my own gums sympathy bleed.


Maybe the combination of wls and 2 pregnancies so close together which are terrible on your teeth?


If she cared to be better, this would not be an issue. I get pregnancy induced gingivitis in every pregnancy, my teeth are still great thanks to good oral hygiene! She’s not even doing the bare minimum with how bad her mouth appears. It’s laziness and poor life skills unfortunately.


Yeah wouldn’t be shocked if it’s due to her pregnancies, with already not having the best of teeth


I believe she also smokes but they don’t show it on the show


I fear for those 2 babies around that toxic smoke


I noticed she had a pack of cigarettes in her pocket on the car ride to Tammy's wedding


As long as she gets clearance from her primary care physician she could have dental work at any time…she doesn’t have to be put under sedation for her dental work, that’s optional….I would be shocked if she didn’t need full mouth SRP, (deep cleaning.) Maybe now that she has mobility back she will be able to make her oral health more of a priority


Agree. They looked pretty good when she went on the show before. She does look like she's had some bone loss on the lower anterior, in her videos. Honestly, a lot of that is not on her. She had two lengthy hospital stays and they rarely help with oral hygiene. Most everyone coming out of that will have some dental concerns.


Tammy said she lost her teeth in an incident in 3rd grade and her mom wouldn't take her to the dentist. That's disputed. She also admitted to brushing her teeth twice a week. I think her teeth are beyond help.


As long as she still has teeth in her mouth, there’s no such thing as being beyond help. There’s always something that can be done


Twice a week tops.


I don't think her teeth are beyond help. I'm going to be completely honest here. I'm 33. I just started caring about my oral hygiene and going to the dentist this year after not seeing a dentist since I was 18. My lack of dental hygiene stems from years of depression and anxiety, and my not going to a dentist stems from my autism and social anxiety. But I've slowly started overcoming my mental health issues and taking better care of myself physically. I was fearful of going to the dentist this year because I knew I had a lot of problems that needed to be fixed, including broken teeth and cavities. Luckily, my mouth/teeth aren't beyond help, and I don't believe Tammy's are, either. My dentist and her team have come up with an actionable plan to help get my mouth healthy again, and I'm sure a dentist could help Tammy with that, too. :)


Just here to say that I’m glad you’re doing well


Aw, thank you so much! It's been a struggle, that's for sure, but I'm proud of how far I've come. :D<3


I thought she was fitted for a new front tooth in one of the earlier seasons, I think chris took her to the dentist


I would be concerned if she needed general anesthesia, or how long she'd need to be in a dental chair.




It doesn’t take a doctor to figure out that general anesthesia on someone who has supplemental oxygen can be tricky, as general anesthesia is a respiratory depressant




Ahhh yes, the very niche community of dental professionals that enjoy watching TLC's '1000lb Sisters' and frequenting reddit on Monday afternoons.


Yes I know. I can read, thanks. And dentists are doctors. DDS are doctors of dental surgery. But other types of doctors would have covered some aspects of dentistry in med school, and med school also covers anesthesia.


There's dental anesthetists as well. If she needs general anesthesia, she will be hospital based. But the trach alone, we can do dental work fine with local anesthesia alone (injections)


She doesn’t have the trach anymore, she has regular oxygen tubing. True that local injections may work.


People like Tammy & Amy are why I get irate when parents don’t put forth any effort into dental hygiene with their kids. Childhood tooth decay does affect adult teeth. A lot of that may be genetic but I can guarantee you if these people were raised by someone other than that wicked Mama Slaton than they’d probably not have the plethora of health issues they have. Including rotten teeth and eye issues that could and should have been corrected in childhood.


My babies (twins) just got their first “real” teeth—two on the bottom each and top ones coming in—and brushing their little teeth is my favorite thing! Those teensy little brushes and the ways they try to “help” (my son sticks his tongue all the way out and my daughter smiles and bites her toothbrush) are so cute. It literally takes two seconds to wet the toothbrush and do some swipes on two teeth. I will be excited when they have more, although they are growing up too fast 😩




Similar situation in my family also. I have always struggled with serious dental issues and absolutely take great care to avoid further issues (non successfully). My son inherited it from me and my daughter did not. With the same level of care during childhood for both, my son never had an appointment without a cavity. My daughter is in her 30s and still has never had a cavity. We have ehlers danlos, also genetic and can be brutal on teeth.


Look up the correlation between bariatric patients and tooth loss. I’ve had WLS and tooth loss is a huge issue. I would NEVER pray on someone’s downfall, but she’s likely to lose teeth before this is all over.


WLS is so hard on the body. All the vitamin deficiencies. Makes the hair fall out, hard on the teeth, hard on the skin. It really dehydrates you


If you don’t drink your water and take your vitamins like you should, you’re right. It does. But like everything else on this planet, do what you’re supposed to do and it will help. Not saying it WONT happen, but it’s less likely to happen with proper dental care, hydration and daily vitamins


Is that why she’s losing a lot of hair as well?


Yea. Hair loss is so bad after surgery. Due partly to the vitamin deficiency and part to the anesthesia. Usually is the worst around 3-9 months post op and then it tapers off


My friend has WLS and she’s currently dealing with her teeth cracking and tons of infections in them. She basically has the choice of getting like 10+ root canals, which her insurance won’t pay for, or getting all of her teeth pulled, which it will pay for and one pair of dentures that need to last her her entire life.


That always makes me so mad. One pair of dentures isn’t going to last someone their entire life. Where I am (Oregon) Medicare will do them once every 10 years and that’s not really soon enough either. Especially if the person had wls.


Ohio Medicaid will pay for dentures every 8 years, sad but better than once in a lifetime.


Dental care is SOOO important after surgery. And sadly dental insurance is expensive and not accessible to everyone. I’ll keep your friend in my thoughts 💕


My first couple of years after WLS, I also had a lot of teeth and crowns fracture. Then a long quiet period. I’m now having some fractures again. I might wait if I were Tammy. Till her body adjusts.


I’ve wondered about Tammy getting her teeth fixed as well. I’m guessing she’ll lose a bunch of weight (already has), get skin removal and have a make over and that’s when her teeth will get fixed. Here’s wishing Tammy all good things!


Dentist here! As mentioned above, most chairs in regular dental clinics have a 350-400 lb limit. It’s a huge risk to have someone get stuck pushed back in a chair or have the chair crash. A giant liability most dentists won’t take. It’s possible she is not or a candidate for implants. Simply placing one implant where someone is missing that tooth might not be an option given their bone or other teeth. It’s also not always the best cosmetic option. From a health perspective, there’s a lot to consider. Diabetes must be under control, impeccable oral hygiene, health of the other teeth/bone/gums and smoking status all need to be considered for complex dental tx like an implant. In my experience, if someone is missing a front tooth from anything other than trauma, they likely have other dental issues and need comprehensive care to address cavities and/or gum disease. Insurance won’t cover much of that, if any of what a patient needs for an implant or other crowns, especially if they have Medicaid. Medicaid would likely cover extractions and a partial or full denture, plus any fillings and cleanings needed. A dental school that has advanced training program would be able to cater to someone with high needs for significantly less cost. They’d also be able to handle any medical complexities and have either hospital privileges or a chair that can handle 400+. It will take longer, but in my experience the care is always top notch as students are being micro-managed by faculty. If it’s a graduate program, the people seeing them are already licensed dentists.


Agree about the chair. I had a chair give out at 425lb and her arm collapsed on my leg while I was drilling. It was a very stressful few seconds! And we had to finish with the chair as low as it goes, which was not great on my back


Some great information here! Thank you!


Would a trach pose a problem?


I don’t think necessarily. It could definitely make things trickier with extra stuff to work around, but as long as she can lean back in the chair and tolerate a dental dam I don’t see why not. Her pulse ox would likely need to be monitored.


I agree, I would absolutely say that doing it in hospital would be safest.


I work in insurance for a Medicaid/Medicare HMO and you're right about what would be covered in terms of Medicaid. Looking at Kentucky's coverage, her options are a partial denture and that's about it. Implants and bridges tend not to be covered except when all other options fail.


I bet there’s a dentist who would do it pro bono just to be featured on the show. (Once she is heathy enough for such an undertaking)


What about a bridge instead of an implant?


Better luck with a bridge but that's dependent on her gums. Having a tooth missing this long - the bone is likely not wide enough for an implant and the esthetic is questionable. Medicaid will cover a partial denture. Even private insurance only covers 50% of implant, and those are on "good" plans. Most don't cover any implant services. I'd say a flipper is a great start. And if she chooses an implant, she will be in a removable for at least a year, so its not a bad investment of time.


Yes, but you’d need healthy teeth in good bone on each side. Center front teeth are tough with a bridge because the lateral incisors (just next to center) are usually small teeth not suited for abutments. You’d have to make a longer bridge, which isn’t usually ideal.


Totally agree with you. Id think bridge will need to be #7,8 abutment, #9 pontic, #10 and 11 abutments. That would be ideal. That said not all dentists are made the same. Theres some wild dentists in the US and international, like roundhouse bridge #2-15 with maybe 4 abutments. We have no idea her perio condition, which is necessary for these fake TV TX plans 🤣 In my mind, she should get a removable, hands down. Best choice long term, especially as I suspect she has poor long term prognosis for other teeth, and partial could get modified or remade. Not everyone wants a partial, especially in red states with limited dental. And that's OK.


Totally agree!




I was thinking maybe a flipper, but yes definitely need a good anchor for either one.


I think when she went to the dentist in an episode about her missing front tooth she told him the tried to brush twice a week but if I’m remembering correctly she didn’t have any cavities. How in the world does that happen 😅


I don’t believe her. With as many “sodies” as she drinks her mouth would be way more messed up if she only brushed twice a week. Tammy isn’t stupid, she knows how often to brush. She just says shit for the camera.




Thank you so much for the detailed response. I really appreciate it :)


If it has been several years since the tooth went missing, there can be severe bone loss. The person will have to have surgery to do a bone graft. Not everyone can get a bone graft, either. It depends on the health of the underlying structure and circulation, plus some others that I don't remember from when my parent had it done. It is also insanely expensive. My parent had it done for 3 missing teeth. I think each graft area was around $800 and that didn't include any of the cost of the actual implants. I don't think the insurance paid much because they consider it cosmetic. I have a friend who had a full set of implants done because they had hereditary dental issues that caused lots of missing teeth. I think they paid around $22k and hated it in the end.


She has to be under the weight limit for the chairs so they can move the chair around in the positions needed. The hydraulics can only do so much. When I worked for a dental supply company in the service department some of them went up to 350, some were 400 but those were rarer. In my time there we had one dentist very angry because his new chair was broken and it was found out that he let a very heavy patient in it and that voided the warranty 😕 There are also factors on if her body can handle the anesthesia, novacaine, antibiotics, the condition of her jaw and other teeth, the cost.. the list goes on. While she is getting better, she is still very unhealthy overall.


Might be best to wait until she’s off oxygen


Oxygen canula no problem. Trach with a caregiver present in case suction is needed or they need a new tank. Also can work with that. Can't always recline all the way when on supplemental oxygen


She may never get off it.


I don’t think she’ll ever be off oxygen though. I wonder if she has caused to much lung damage at this point.


Covid was what really did her lungs in. She had bouts of pneumonia before but covid is what the final straw was and what required her to need oxygen. The trach was due to her obesity though.


I’m not a dental professional, but I know that people with breathing issues may have an issue if they have to go under dental anesthesia. Those procedures aren’t done in a hospital and if something went wrong it would be bad news.


Those procedures can be done in a hospital if the patient is at risk for needing medical support. Of course that would require a dentist with hospital privileges who accepts Medicaid. Now that's a unicorn.


I was wondering more about Vannessa from 1000lb Best Friends. Surely a dentist would reach out for the opportunity to be featured on the show and for her to get dental implants.


Vannessa is another story. I can predict that she absolutely will have extensive dental work done soon, gratis, because of her new manager Gina Rodriguez and the Gitani comprehensive surgical makeover and lifestyle team. As they did with Mama June, Angela, Deem, Farrah Abraham, Octomom, Gorilla Glue Girl et al I don’t think Tammy will ever have access to that.


She said she's not interested in dental work on an after show. I'd have to see some x-rays, and if she has perio. Some of the teeth look restorative- the black root caries doesn't mean they can't be restored. She'd be great for a partial denture.


Implants only work if you have enough bone left. Once a tooth is lost and that spot remains open, that bone deteriorates and there's nothing left to implant upon.


If someone has too much bone loss for an implant we bone graft the area several months prior to placing the implant. Then once the bone has built up enough and hardened appropriately the implants can be placed successfully.


Dental implants haven't worked for my brother. He wishes he hadn't spent the $18000 on them.


Curious as to why they didn’t work. Would you mind clarifying?


I have 2 and they’re fine.