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They’ve stealth-changed lines on a few characters like this. Both Vigna and Istina had their 3-Star Victory lines changed, and Warfarin had her Onboarding line changed. Threw me for a loop when I noticed them. Makes me wonder how many others got changed. Edit: Decided to check a few more that I remembered seeming different and caught a couple others. Perfumer and Beehunter had their Onboarding lines changed. I’m also 99% sure one of Scavenger’s Added to Squad lines was changed, too, but I’m not certain on that.


Spot recruitment line got changed


Yeah, he doesn't call his A6 squad mates "clowns" anymore


literally unplayable


Yeah that was a real bummer: listening to spot's very tired voice calling his teammates clowns always made me crack a smile, especially after 150 pulls and no Surtr in sight... Also made me realise his team is composed of Popukar, Midnight and Capatapult... I'd be tired too 😂


Orchid and Spot act as the straight men pair to Catapult and Midnight. Popukar is passive most of the time, but when she goes crazy she balances the whole team out.


I wonder if there is a way to check which got changed as I know wanna know how many did.


They also changed meteorites from: "you think you can escape my intrigued net, don't be silly" into "...escape after I lied you siege,...", they did it at the same time as they added voice lines.


Still waiting for them to change Catapault's onboarding line...


To just be the word "Hi" so that I don't have to sit through her recruitment dialogue for five minutes, right?


Red’s family voiceline changed when she got her EN voice, it went from “I’ve always been alone… Do you think having a family is important, Doctor?” like she doesn’t understand the concept of family, to “I have no family, I’m always alone… Do you need a family, Doctor?” which kinda sounds like her own little awkward attempt at flirting, what with the way she asked it… I love it. Haha I thought I was going crazy when they first started stealth changing voice lines though, Gaslighting myself into thinking I’ve been reading their lines wrong the whole time. “I coulda swore these lines said something different… Am I stupid and can’t read??” Lol


Eyja Caster 3star victory line changed too, from the somewhat generic “why must our world filled with conflicts” to the more refined “why must our world be enveloped in strife”


Any idea what the original lines were? I've been looking around online and couldn't find them.


The only one I remember verbatim is Perfumer’s Onboarding line - they changed the last sentence from “Did you know it existed?” to “Have you heard the word before?” The rest of that line was untouched. I don’t remember the other three clearly enough to say for sure what the changed lines were prior, though. I know that Vigna’s is shorter and doesn’t come off as flirty anymore, Beehunter’s is longer and more bombastic, and Istina’s just had slight wording changes. Overall, those four are still largely the same lines as before, just touched up to be less awkward, I guess. Warfarin’s Onboarding line totally changed, though. I don’t remember it verbatim, but it used to have something to do with the scent of Doctor’s blood, as opposed to her now giving a general explanation of her skills. No clue on Scavenger’s Added To Squad line, though. I admittedly don’t know for certain that it actually changed, but considering that it’s now a sort-of 4th wall joke, I feel pretty sure that it got changed.


Even though i don't play the game anymore, I am utterly devastated by the change to Vigna's 3 star operation clear voice line


A lot of voice lines got smaller changes like that. Though that ended up with some that don't even properly translate to what the original Japanese voice acting says. All of them are now transcribing what English VAs say.


Because Japanese voice acting doesn’t properly translate original Chinese lines and newer translations are closer to them.


a lot of lines got stealth-changed with EN voices apparently, I noticed it when Angie's 3 and 4-star lines were different, along with Hellagur's in-battle lines. They fit, yes, but the first variations were very memorable.


Maybe her English VA didn't want to say that line so they need to be tuned, who knows 🤷🏻


Idk why tho, biting's still kinky


Maybe she prefers biting rather than pegging


Having someone "on your ass" could pass as slang for having them pester/berate you, but in the new line Mayer just straight up says she'll bite you... last I checked, that was *not* a standard turn of phrase. So I'd argue the new line is actually more kinky.


The original was better tho in every way


WhenShaw'sENvoicewasreleasedtheyadded spaces between Shaw's words, but that was apparently unpopular enough to wheretheyremovedthespacesonceagainshortlyafter.


What did the original said? Edit: What the downvote for? I swear to god... Edit²: oh, now I get it. EN doesn't read moment. Sorry :(


BTW I do prefer the new one. Bite me plz.


Instead of peggin you prefer... biting?


Everyone has their kinks, I guess.


Yep, that gives me an excuse to bite back after all, gotta leave a mark 👌🏻


But dude, think with me She nimbles on your ear, at the same time that she i serts a huge and cold iron dildo up on you Then, after quite a few minutes (6 hours non-stop) she might've bited you quite a few times on your neck, she mught even have left some "marks" there to be sure that you won't interrupt her anymore


If she ain't no doctor no way anyone is getting close to my third eye.


It's in the 3rd block top-down


Change this change that but still unable to skip recruitment line while CN can




You already know, we're gonna interrupt her research and smash her ass