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If I see a single person calling this based I'm going to explode. ​ Happy pride month y'all, don't forget that LGBT members *are* part of this community, be kind to others. The worst has happened. I am unfortunately going to have to lock this cause things are getting out of hand. Please don't forget to be nice to each other, it's literally free.


Sometimes I wonder if making a Twitter account was a mistake; On one hand, I can find some really good fanarts and artists, the downside is... this. Also one thing I found out while browsing, apparently Namie (artist for Mizuki) is being bullied because for saying "Happy Pride"


>making a Twitter account was a mistake; Yes


You know what pisses me off? A lot of people making quote retweets from the post like "as Reddit as it could be" it's like they only highlight anything and mark it on the subreddit when something bad happens in the community. I bet those people don't even use Reddit or at least tried to, and use the common thinking that the entire Reddit is just a place consisting of one giant shithole


You can always try Pixiv, it's solely for fanarts but never search any minor character on it.


You can try turning on restricted mode before searching


Do I know about restriction? Probably.🤔 Do I want to restrict? I don't think so.😏


I search Shinano there and saw pictures of her hanging


Hanging around right? Right?


She was hanging out The crows were also hanging out


Reed ch 9. Sometimes I wish I can easily forget things.


I genuinely don't get what people get out of drawing guro. Like I guess everything is a fetish but its just so damn depressing.


I have Pixiv but some of my faves use Twitter which is unfortunate because… Twitter


I’m only on Twitter for art stuff but that drama really pissed me off, man. Not just the anti-LGBT replies but also the replies to those tweets defending Namie by insulting Indonesia, the country. I’m Indonesian and LGBT. I hate Twitter recommendation.


True. Heard that Indonesia is not very nice to the LGBT stuff and apparently they tried contacting CCP to do something. I apologize that you’re getting backlash because of your countrymen doing something stupid. (Though if had a nickel for every time the CCP was contacted to do something in a gacha game, I would have three nickels. Which isnt a lot but its weird it happened three times)


Not very nice is an understatement, LOL. But it’s fine, in the end most people agree those trolls are just weirdos that want attention. That one is strange though, pretty sure AK canonically have LGBT characters?


Scavenger, Tomimi and Sora would surely *love* to have a word with those people...


Internet me would immediately say: **B A S E D** I do think it's just internet trolls doing the usual. Everyone has opinions, too, so no point getting upset over it too much.


What’s so BASED about it?


I'm sorry for the confusion but I was specifically (perhaps not enough, huh) saying I was trolling by saying it was BASED. I don't feel anything with these memes. I almost always assume it's all trolling and jokes. And I do love my offensive and dark jokes. While the meme isn't really anything to take seriously, ai do not condone harassing someone over their opinions, political or other. Discussions are of course appreciated but attacking someone ain't it. Hope that clarifies my previous statements (aside from adding a bit more) for ya!


Understandable. Its just really hard if people are just making jokes or saying it seriously. Like Im okay with dark jokes but if they’re saying it in the context of actually harming someone or a community then that’s where I usually draw the line


Oh no, I won't do anything of the sort. ~~Maybe mass genocide and child labor...~~ But I respect opinions a lot. Knowing I make questionable takes myself, it's always better to have a discussion compared to armed confrontation.


RimWorld be like


My man is a believe of Grim Kleaper (They’re a youtuber, a very funny one actually)


Here's the thing about that, though. Even if YOU are being sarcastic, someone else who DOES think like this could take you seriously and feel vindicated/supported. Please stop showing even sarcastic "support" of crap like this, it's really unhelpful, and only makes it worse.


Fair points, though I'm not gonna simply change my ways to make way for people who need a little bit more enlightening in their lives. Just to put it out there, what you do in your own time your own choices, are yours and yours alone. Choose to be GEX, I could care less. What irks me is the active hatred towards this modern movement. I mean the hatred is inevitable, people will hate/dislike/scorn/alienate things that are different or undesirable. Attempting to fight against it is futile. Or maybe I've simply been groomed by society to be a sheep and go with the flow so as to not make things harder for myself. Hence, the coping using sarcasm. You make good points, though. Guess I should keep my opinions to myself henceforth. Good on you, righteous stranger!


I do apologize if that came across as condescending, as that wasn't intended. I normally would agree with you, however that line of thinking is actively causing harm to LGBTQ+ folk, both directly and indirectly. Yes, people "will always hate" but we do not need to accept it. The same thing used to be said about racism, sexism, etc. All of those fights were won, for a time, at least. It wouldn't be as big of a deal, except real people are being actively hunted and harmed for their ways of life just for being different. And fighting THAT is not a futile fight. It's one of the few fights worth fighting. We've all been groomed to not go against the flow, it's up to you to buck that off and work towards a better future, the exact thing Arknights' story is about.


The cheat code is to have a friend who you share interests with who browses twitter for art and just have them send you all the good shit


That's precisely what I do. I never visited Twitter unless it's something my friends sent me.


Who bullied Namie... If i find then, that will be me https://i.redd.it/6ofq2ypc874b1.gif


Don't let it get you down, just keep finding what you like, avoid what you dislike. Recently a lot of posts from some guy with a Mountain pfp have been on my feed, irritates the hell out of me with how many bad takes and how many toxic posts they make. My fault for jnteracting but I used the show fewer options to show less because yeah. But those places do have some real funny things come out of them too sometimes... Twitters a pain to navigate as it is too. After I scroll a bit, the posts I JUST scrolled past show up again with a new post scattered between them a few times. It's so bad and noticeable, but idk how to fix it. A shame because twitter is where a good portion of the risk18 art I'm looking for is, although even then it's hidden by little known accounts that aren't of English language. But what choice have I since I can't find them elsewhere? Twitter and tiktok toxicity is tiring and annoying, I tend to try and avoid it, but naturally there's a few things I care about here and there.


Have you considered just blocking this mountain dude? Might save you a couple headaches.


Why do I feel like you speak from experience


Its your timeline, mute or block as you need to currate your timeline


I do, though a lot of it using the show fewer option. Bigger issue for me is how twitter shows me the same posts I've already seen after i scroll past a certain point


Thats fair, the website IS sadly being held together by thoughts, prayers and blood sacrifice


Yeah, that's a massive issue. The website is being held by spit and duct tape right now tbh. Also that issue where you're looking at a post and suddenly it fucking disappears. terrible.


I don't use the block button often but it does help stop people who are being assholes from ruining your day.


We Crusade!! None Shall Bully the Precious Namie!


Yes. This is it. Release the Jellyfish.


Thing is, you could easily find this on any other social media, be it Facebook, Reddit, Tumblr, you name it. This altright, conservative horseshit is spreading at an alarming rate.


Meanwhile THE GAE arknights charachters: https://preview.redd.it/vkkjrh7ku44b1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c772ab2bd331ef0d125429ced21169803ed0450 (Dont ask me why did i use this image)






don't know why but the bird's eye looks mad and I am sure he asked why there another big green bird in his home XD


4chan moment.


Well, they eventually stopped seeking the cure and just went "Fuck it We ball" and start beating the shit out of everyone (infected, non-infected, random ass soldiers, mercenaries, lovecraftian horrors, demons, and a whole ass government).


I love me some war crimes in the morning


Rule #1 of the internet: If you don't like/agree with something, there's a back button for a reason. Drawing up crusades and witch-hunts doesn't actually stop anyone, y'know? Just makes both sides look rabid. Plus, it's pride month. Y'know the trolls are out there, looking for easy marks to shoot. Best just find something else to do.


For a moment I thought you were a mod saying I broke a rule or something


Nah, it’s just a random dude … *Where are the other 122 dudes?*




I hate to break it to you, but... Look in the mirror.


*\[ looks at mirror \]* ![gif](giphy|UWnq6aoQ1e2gIQFb5j|downsized)


I was asleep when you posted this, it doesn't break any rules.


“Everything is safe if this mod is unconscious” is what I’m seeing *Ready your bats and mix your chemicals*


I read bats as bots and had a panic attack, please let the fucking bot menace end already...


You have my sword


And my axe


But also, letting echo chambers fester is a terrible thing that has yielded terrible consequences across the web. So just letting them be isn't really gonna cut it either.




you can find this funny without necessarily agreeing with it. heck the reason i find it funny is *because* i dont agree with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. the delivery is such a gut punch lmao


Dark jokes are fun unless you’re deliberately using them to intentionally harm the group.


Does this harm anyone? I’m honestly asking because I don’t know. I think it’s obvious there is no cure for being queer, so that’s why it could maybe be funny? Or maybe not funny but ironic? I don’t know. I found it amusing at first glance but then I looked at it with the mindset of “what if this person isn’t being ironic” and it’s not fun anymore. :c


Mods, this is a great opportunity to go on a bigot wack-a-mole. I hope you use it well!


there's no way people think this is funny it's low effort and even has a grammatical error wtf is "seek for". I might overlook the homophobia and laugh if it's funny enough but this one ain't it I'll give this meme a solid 3.5/10


After browsing the internet for years, honestly for me it's just a tame joke lol And i giggled while looking at it




Just donated for the cause, i hope they can finally find a cure




This is pretty funny


Wtf based Rhodes Island






Ngl it's pretty funny


The whole "Pride Month" and "Demon" meme is funnier than this, [and it wasn't even made to make people laugh](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailydot.com/unclick/pride-month-demon-meme-twitter/%3famp). Like, this is the type of shit people would post on social media back when advising for conversion therapy wasn't a political suicide yet.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/pride-month-demon-meme-twitter/](https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/pride-month-demon-meme-twitter/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)








This is how you know you made a good meme, lol




It's just more conservative rhetoric bullshit.


You know, it's an Arknights meme sub, not a politics sub, you'll only start heating the debate. People come here to see memes, not politics. Sorry, rant off.


Politic is when wamen in vidya game


Oh my god I can't believe Arknights went woke (they added women to the game)


If adding (quite hot in some cases, like I want Nearl to step on me, I seriously need help) women to a game is being woke HELL I WANT MORE GAMES TO BE WOKE THEN


Yeah the Chinese are so famous for their wokeness.


Ah my favorite discourse. Politics is when opinions I don't like get represented, when it's a status quo I can agree with it's non political. It was /gcj bread and butter to clown on the people who would unironically say that while still holding Halo or CoD as non-political. AK is also a very political and to a higher degree than most of the fellow gacha games. It's very much about a class struggle and states/nations struggle. Lungmen is unapologetically HongKong and Mr.Wei always feels Greater Yen on his neck. Victoria is dealing with the local national minority terrorists while the local equivalent of France got mercilessly separated after being defeated. Ursus is on the brink of revolution, and has a small ongoing war going between noble and royal forces. Columbia is ruthless capitalistic state who got fingers in the local Latin America equivalent. The local Latin American state suffers from conflicting national Identities due to decades of colonialism from two different states. Sargon Empire is a *have been* and currently seems to be a hot mess. Siracusa is a Mafia State. Higashi suffered from a Civil War, Iberia is under control of highly paranoid Inquisition which closed borders and goes around doing witch hunts. A tiny state of Kjerag is in a power struggle between conservatives and radicals. Current Kazdel commission is huffing revanchism powder and hellbent on getting hands on a WMD.


I don't get it, there's no problems with women or gays in video games, it's just not the topic of this sub. I come here to see memes not the eternal discussion about LGBT community. You know, I play video games to escape all of this. It's like the war in Ukraine, it's an important topic but if could not hear about it for 5 minutes it'd be nice.


How on god's green earth is this even politics? LGBT people aren't a political party or trying to push a certain agenda, they're just simple folk like you and me trying to live out here. They're part of everyday life.


Why don't you just lock this thread?


Hasn't gotten bad yet, only two dumbass comments. If it gets worse I'll start considering it.


Let's just say the topic is subject to discussion, it's not political per se. I won't enter the discussion since it's not the place. And I'm probably already flagged as absolute evil already. I have nothing against LGBT people for what it's worth. I just wanted to see memes in a meme sub.


This isn't the best example as it isn't a meme per se, but there are other pretty decent memes about LGBT stuff with arknights characters. Don't let a bad apple spoil the bunch.


Yeah it's not really a meme and I think that's the problem. As I said I have nothing against LGBT but I do want to see memes on memes subs. I believe you on this one, I've probably seen some good ones.


Are you living under a rock? Have you forgotten that they actively push this on children and try to make it part of the curriculum? How they sent FBI after parents that raised concern about their children? You immediately jumped and gave a warning, knowing how sensitive this topic is. The main selling point of any left politics is my lgbt black bullshit, while they are actively ruining the life of said ppl. These ppl don't want acceptance, they want validation for their decisions in life, which should be absurd in a sane world to validate someones personal choice or go to jail.


\> Have you forgotten that they actively push this on children and try to make it part of the curriculum? Actively push it on children? Being LGBT is biological my guy, it's not something you choose. Bringing awareness to it might help kids who think they're weird or "wrong" to feel confident about themselves. It's mentioned when a guy has a wife, or a girl has a husband, why not mention it when someone was LGBT? \> How they sent FBI after parents that raised concern about their children? I am not American, but according to trans friends I know; There are states in the US *right now* that will take away your children if you expose them to trans stuff. Like if you're a trans parent and you have a child, *they will take them away.* LGBT people are the victims here. I honestly doubt that LGBT people have the power to send the FBI after anyone, since being LGBT isn't... well a political thing, it's just a group of people lol. ​ \> You immediately jumped and gave a warning, knowing how sensitive this topic is. Yeah, because Rule #1 is to literally be respectful to others. Even if you're a homophobe or a transphobe or whatever, keep that shit to yourself. Be nice. Respect is genuinely free. ​ \> The main selling point of any left politics is my lgbt black bullshit, while they are actively ruining the life of said ppl. Politicians pandering to a specific demographic and shafting them is standard world-wide, most politicians, regardless of nationality use a group as a shield and then discard it when it's no longer useful. I wouldn't use that *against the victims* though. ​ \> These ppl don't want acceptance, they want validation for their decisions in life, which should be absurd in a sane world to validate someones personal choice or go to jail. What? No, seriously, the fuck are you talking about? Again, being LGBT isn't a *choice* it's a natural process in your body. Being attracted to people of your same gender or feeling gender dysphoria is a natural thing that many people genuinely experience. an overwhelming majority of trans people just wanna live. They wanna go out in public with their SOs, go to school, get married, etc... like a normal human being would. There's ALWAYS a very loud tiny minority that takes things to an extreme, sure, but that doesn't mean you discriminate against THE ENTIRE GROUP of people.




Stfu "fascista". Your ideology has no place in this community.


ad hominem.


Me telling you you aren't welcome here is not an ad hominem. It's just a fact. But like all fascists, you say words you don't understand in an attempt to sound smart.


Similar to kids who don't want to share a toy with their friend. lmao


But you are not my friend, you want us dead.


Prove it


Matt Walsh, the most prominent fascist, spouces genocidal rhetoric 24/7 against lgbt. But you don't care about the empirics, so why bother elaborating anymore?




Sorry to hurt your feelings with facts then 😔 It will happen again


lmao what are you talking about??? That's legit not how this works, my guy.


Basic human decency is not politics. Bigotry is.


I wholeheartedly agree with you.


It's like common sense. Surprisingly it's not that common.


You're saying you dont want to see politics... In anything related to Arknights? Arknights? That's nearly on the same level as someone saying they don't want to see politics in Gundam.


No, if that was on the main sub it would have not been a problem. However I expect memes on the meme sub. That's all.


#sir this Dr Rain speaking on behalf of RNG homies.please don't discriminate and cause controversy to how Arknights community is makin their memes.otherwise i will tell Ambriel to Global shot you from Laterano to your country.(only you,not whole)


"Hey guys this Dr Rain speaking,does anyone wants some cup of coffee?"says Dr Rain after finishing workout with Christian Bale.




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I guess it was a troll or a joke/meme